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LA Noire DLC News Coming Next Week, Including Deets on the Rockstar Pass
Written Saturday, May 28, 2011 by Dan Webb
Rockstar Games has announced via its Facebook page that details on the previously exclusive pre-order cases and content will be coming next week and that theyll also reveal details on new DLC and the Rockstar Pass.
Next week, look out for new info on downloadable content for L.A. Noire, including the release of all the retail exclusive pre-order cases and content, along with details on new cases and the Rockstar Pass, says the Facebook post.
The retail exclusive pre-order DLC that the post mentions are of course the cases: A Slip of the Tongue and The Naked City, which each carry a 100 achievement points with them. This ultimately means that anyone wanting to get the initial 1,200 Gamerscore will be able to sooner rather than later
Oh, and well hear about the illusive Rockstar Pass and some new DLC too. Cant be bad!
If youve still not picked up LA Noire, then youve obviously not read our sister site's review!
So details on how we can get the retail exclusive DLC AND new DLC is going to be unveiled next week (I can't believe talk of new DLC is happening so soon but if they cut out two entire desks from the game I assume they have alot of content at the ready). I'm pretty excited. Oh, and this was taken from ps3trophies.org so of course they talk about trophies/achievement points in their posts.