John Harker
Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Zeliard said:"I honestly re-loaded several times while investigating, cause I kept screwing up Rooney"
This is the issue with telling you which questions you got right and wrong.
You don't have to reload anything. The story moves on no matter what you do. If you really want to get everything 'right' you may as well just use a guide.
I don't mind getting the occasional question wrong, but If I really screw something up I'll re-do it. I just want to get the complete picture, if you read a suspect wrong you can really mess up a whole train of questions and evidence (and sometimes, well, I just want to see where Cole is going with something. In this particular case, I WANTED he option to charge Rooney, but there you're wrong: if you get too many questions wrong, you can't even charge him to continue down that path. So, I feel slightly justified in re-starting the line of questions, heh