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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases


What the flying fuck @ first Vice case

So I went to Merlon Ottie after seeing the popcorn seller. After he runs away you get to interrogate him. So I did, but all my answers were wrong to his only question. I looked it up on the LA Noire wikia and the only way to get a correct answer is to FIRST drop by an other character (Jermaine) He will then give you the evidence that you can use to perform a Lie combo on Merlon. Otherwise, EVERY answer is wrong, cause you don't have that info yet.

So, basically the game punishes me for going to one suspect before another. But how would you know? You can visit both dudes whenever. So the game makes you feel stupid for something you could've never possibly known. Anyone else have this?

Man, I'm so bummed. This game started out really great, but for some reason all the negatives are now clouding my eyes. Fuck.


Finished Slip of the Tongue earlier. It was absolutely chock full of interrogations, even more than most story cases, which was great. Missed half of the trophies somehow, despite 5-starring, so there's some replayability as well. Not sure why they cut this case and Consul's from traffic, maybe it was because the story case intro hooks have more pizazz (
suspected murder!, hit and run!, drunk driving over a cliff!
two stolen cars
), but the desk is definitely better with them. After all the DLC cases are released, each detective desk will have a similar numbers of cases, which has got to be their original intent.

Dries said:
What the flying fuck @ first Vice case
Well, that was probably the most flagrant example, but there are quite a few instances where depending on the order in which you investigate locations, you might not have the right information in an interrogation. Sucks, but what can you do.
Finished Slip of the Tongue. I liked it, it was a refreshing Traffic case, all the Traffic cases are good because they aren't part of some overarching conspiracy. One of the car conversations had another nice foreshadowing tidbit for later events:
Cole admits he likes blondes.

Started working on finding all the film reels, but got through about 10 using a guide before I got bored. It's fun exploring the city, but man. I feel the need to 100% this since I love it so much, so I'll probably slowly make my way through it and the cars. Five-starring every case will be a pain in the ass, but it'll be fun to replay everything and maybe catch little things that I missed the first time.


Incendiary said:
One of the car conversations had another nice foreshadowing tidbit for later events:
Cole admits he likes blondes.
Yeah, I liked that bit as well. Fired up the intro again just to make sure
his wife was a brunette
. :lol
Just finished the game.

Yes, it has its flaws and is everything but perfect but man, that writing was insane. It's kinda hard to keep all the diffent stories in mind but if you do and at the end everything comes together and starts to make sense.... priceless. Best story i've experianced for a very long time now.

Really hope this IP continues.

Overall I'd give the game a solid 8/10.

Nelo Ice

well just traded this into gs since theyre having another 50% trade in promo

beat the game but didnt like it enough to keep it and get 100% or pick up the rockstar pass
with promo+power up card i got $44 so i pretty much rented it from gs for $16 or so
Just beat The Black Ceaser, that was my favorite case so far. The game really does feel like its in James Ellroy's universe (not as well written naturally). It's cool seeing a different take from his Black Dahlia too. And the actor who plays Mickey Cohen plays Ellis Lowe in the Black Dahlia move, pretty weird. Too very different characters from the same time period. Still really enjoying the game can't wait to see where it goes next.


SuperSonic1305 said:
Since I bought the Rockstar Pass I won't be needing the Naked City/Badge Pursuit code for PS3. First to quote gets it. North American code btw.
ill take it if its american :)



And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Did I miss something in the Black Caesar case, since I'm not sure why the victims
had the keys to the two distributors' stashes in their wallets. Did they work for them too, or just buy from the food stand?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
One small but nagging complaint I have with the game is that the siren is controlled by L3. I accidentally switch it on and off so many times while doing sharp turns. It's really obnoxious, and there's no good reason for it to not be a different button. Most of them aren't in use during driving sections.
I have finished the game now.

I went through patches of not enjoying the game because some of the mechanics and logic behind a few of the investigations were really stupid, and I was yearning for an over-arching plot. While the former problems are never really resolved, I did enjoy the narrative by the end.

I liked that the structure of the game felt almost episodic. I think Team Bondi definitely should have made this more of a selling point of the game, like Siren or Alan Wake did, as it would have dispelled some of people's expectations regarding the plot. I ended up viewing each desk almost like a season of CSI - perhaps this was their intention, perhaps not, but I felt that the different chapters of Cole's life as a detective were nicely book-ended in a similar way to a TV show. Each desk presented its own little story, the Homicide and Arson desks being the most gripping, and they interlink in subtle yet satisfactory ways. By the last few cases, the game became crystal clear as to what it was trying to achieve, and the end result of that was solid. Some might think it felt too conservative, but I thought it was more believable for it.

One thing I do wish they made more obvious were the importance of the newspapers - they are arguably the most valuable 'audio diary' that I have encountered in any game, so much so that I would consider them mandatory viewing to understand all the intricacies of the plot. I personally got 12/13 of them, but my concern is that some people might have missed more, and hence didn't receive their full benefit as storytelling devices. I think they should have been elevated to the same level as the Marine flashbacks (which themselves were effective in building the relationship between Phelps and his company, particularly Kelso).

In terms of character development, I felt that it was handled pretty well. Certainly a lot less heavy handed than R*'s previous games in which everyone you meet seems to die or flee the country. I can't really talk about Cole on account of spoilers, but what I can say is that I enjoyed his twisting and turning relationship with the LAPD. I liked that his partners always came out their shells as the desk progressed, for better and sometimes for worse. By the end of the game, everyone seemed like they became a lot more human compared to how cold it started out.

In terms of game mechanics, they need a lot of polish if there are ever future instalments of LA Noire. It's been mentioned time and time again, but they really need to re-think the accessibility of the interrogations. It's simply too hard to tell the difference between lie and doubt (and sometimes even the truth) which often completely breaks the flow. The facial expressions are awesome, jaw-dropping at times, but they are not so good that they should have the entire interrogation sequences built on them. You always end up just sort of fumbling in the dark until you get somewhere, and even if you don't the game throws you a bone anyway. Presenting evidence has the exact same logical flaws that the Phoenix Wright games have - surely if I present a piece of evidence that is not quite the exact one needed, but along the right line of thinking, the game can do some of the leg-work for me? It's not 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' for fuck sake. There are also some continuity issues like Phelps responding as if he is batshit crazy, and in cutscenes being congratulated after previously botching an investigation.

Apart from that, the actual crime scene probing was neat and I enjoyed manipulating objects. I would have preferred it though if it didn't hold your hand quite so often and in return gave you a much much better hint system (I won't lie, sometimes I was utterly lost, but in general it was too obvious). Gunplay and car handling are as polished as you would expect from a R* game.

A lot of praise needs to be bestowed upon Team Bondi for the game's presentation. Surround sound was excellent, particularly the car crash and gun effects (dat BAR). The original score was superb, very rousing when the game needed to be more dramatic, and the licensed tracks appropriately filled in the gaps within the game world. Voice acting, or should I even say the performances, were top notch - I can't say I expected any different from R*. The entire world of 40s LA felt realistic, and all the locations you visit were pleasantly individualised. It has to be said that this game is really closing the gap between macro and micro level world detail - Team Bondi barely had to model all of LA, as it could have gotten by with Heavy Rain-style 'sets', but lo and behold there it all is, and the tiniest of haunts are just as impressive as the bigger picture.

Overall, it's quite a flawed game, but enjoyable if you can put up with some of its trial and error bullshit and appreciate a story which isn't meant to be as grandiose as stopping an alien invasion. It also shows a ton of promise in future DLC and sequels. Play their cards right, and R* could have a major new franchise under their belt.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
It sucks that we never really got the chance to
bring in the Mob dude and have a full on interrogation sequence with him.

Angry Fork

Credits songs are awesome. Great game but it did get tedious at times. The part where
You take control of Jack
is when things start to heat up again and get really interesting. But the Vice/Arson stuff got pretty boring at times and I had to take breaks after every case. I wish they had more over-arching story type stuff like later in the game, where it feels like your investigation pertains to the overall story, but a huge chunk of the game was just piece to piece stuff. If there were more dynamics in the investigation process this could've been more fun but once you experience the stuff in Traffic/Homicide nothing really changes. I could definitely see this being improved for a sequel.

I actually liked Homicide the best, but apparently most liked it the least. I like chasing after people and looking for multiple clues across buildings etc. and i'm just more fascinated by murders in general, even though the murders were done in the same way, the clues left behind and all that were different every time. I found it most interesting.

The ending was pretty abrupt also. I wish
they had some more time in the underwater cut scene, cole manages to get the lady up and Jack up within like 30 seconds lol they should've milked that out a little more but that sequence where Cole gets washed away happens pretty quickly and makes it feel odd.
not having some kind of post-funeral sequence
was a bit weird imo.

The visuals are soooo good in terms of the feel of 40s LA. I wish I could go back to that time to see it myself with my own eyes. However I can't help but feel a little disappointed when comparing it to the first 2005 CGI teaser trailer. That trailer felt VERRRRY different than what we got (aesthetically speaking), even though what we got was awesome I wish there was an option to play the game in that style.

It wasn't exactly black and white but it wasn't full blown color either. There were things that had color but they were in a brownish hue or something, i don't know how to explain it here's the trailer though.


I wish the lighting was as awesome as this trailer also. The lighting from the headlights, street lamps etc. feel so warm, there's so many nice shadows and it just feels so noir-like. The black and white mode in the game is cool but I would've liked this colorization also. btw this game has the best main menu ever, the music is amazing, the back alleyway feel etc. I wish that image on the main menu made it's way into the game. There weren't really any seedy foggy back alleyway stuff in the game which I love. Even though I love noir at the end of the day it feels like it's something that you have to look at through images or film, but when actually playing it it feels weird/different.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Blergh. Went back to replay an early case. During an interrogation I somehow earned The Hunch trophy while still only getting 3/4 questions correct. This makes absolutely no sense.


Dan said:
Blergh. Went back to replay an early case. During an interrogation I somehow earned The Hunch trophy while still only getting 3/4 questions correct. This makes absolutely no sense.
That's weird. :p
Are you sure there weren't more questions?
The achievement's for using 4 intuition points and getting the correct answers. Technically you can use 4 points, get 4 correct answers and still miss a 5th question.

If it was indeed 4 questions and the result as 3/4, then you were lucky. So be happy. :p
Just finished this tonight. I'll be honest. At first I really hated this game, but by the end I really enjoyed it. My biggest complaint is it's far too long and the over arching narative takes way too long to develop. I can only imagine how many people fell asleep at Tribecca.

Certain desks should have been streamlined. I ultimately liked where the narrative went, but it took far too long to get there. Each desk, ESPECIALLY homicide, should have had less cases.

The exception is Vice. Honestly, the story doesn't get interesting until you hit Vice, yet there's only like three cases. Also, I'm probably the only person on the planet who liked the Getaway.
Playing as Kelso was awesome. Would have loved if the game was split between by the books Cole and shoot you in the knee cap Kelso

In the end, it seemed like an ambitious attempt with a lack of focus. I actually liked the ending too. Just way too much shit to get there.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
fernoca said:
That's weird. :p
Are you sure there weren't more questions?
The achievement's for using 4 intuition points and getting the correct answers. Technically you can use 4 points, get 4 correct answers and still miss a 5th question.

If it was indeed 4 questions and the result as 3/4, then you were lucky. So be happy. :p
Positive. The trophy came up first, then I was told the results were 3/4 questions correct. It was baffling. Based on the FAQs, there are only four questions possible (the genuine interrogation in The Red Lipstick Murder).

It's fine that I got the trophy, whatever, don't have to get it again. The game just gives so many mixed messages about the right and wrong lines of questioning, and this was another example of it in my case. It's frustrating. I want to like this game waaay more than I actually can after digging into the mechanics.
WAT? I just finished the game. Dat ending! : /

I knew that the ending
apparently sucked and that Cole dies,
but I thought people might be overreacting at how bad it is.

I was wrong...it really was terrible. The scene when
he dies was done so poorly, and I actually chuckled when he said “goodbye”. I mean was I really supposed to care about him?

Cole was just so forgettable and bland.
Eh, overall it’s not a bad game, certainly not a good game though. It was all just passable. I gotta say I’m kinda glad it’s over to be honest.
Revolutionary said:
Pretty disappointed with these DLC cases so far. Not because they're bad (they're not), but because they were very clearly cut from the game for no apparent reason but to sell it separately at a later date.

They were cut out because there was no room on the Xbox discs for anything but key story cases. The original game was around 50GBs. There's almost as much stuff cut from the game as there was included (actually almost certainly more was cut than included, for example only a quarter of the street crimes made it to the game).
Blader5489 said:
How long is this game? Especially compared to GTAIV or RDR.

I did about half the street crimes, got half the cars, half the landmarks, and completed the story, I clocked in at 21 hours. I also didn't use fast travel once (other than the one time it forces it) and played every action scene. It's a meaty game, no doubt.
So I just watched
Cole’s death
again on YouTube. The way the scene is edited is atrocious. I don’t mind what they wanted to do......but the execution just sucks.

And I’m sorry, but I actually LOL’d more than I did the first time when
Cole says “goodbye” and gets swept away.
Surely I’m not the only one that finds it funny?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
beat this late this week... thoughts (non-spoiler) on the ending

traffic desk - 4/5
homicide desk - 5/5
vice desk - 3/5
arson desk - first part 2/5, second part 4/5

was reasonably enjoying the game up to the end of vice beginning of arson when the game got.... just stupid IMHO. But partway through arson (you guys that are there know where) the game picked up pretty well again. I was fine with the ending scenes of the game, but agree with many that the actual ending was really tacked on. Team Bondi didn't know how to wrap everything up, so they just cheaped out with the modern noir shock ending.

overall I have to give the game a very begrudging 4/5. 60-70% of the game is easily worth 4/5.. maybe even 5/5 overall. but that 30-40% of the game (part of arson and part of vice) is just really bad. still, the industry and the genre are the better for having this game, and I already bought the Rockstar pass and plan on playing through all of the DLC.

I'm in the boat of not wanting a sequel to Red Dead Redemption. I think Undead Nightmare served all the extra we needed in that incredible world. Here though.... I really want a sequel. If only because this just fell short of the masterpiece it should have been... but I strongly feel that Rockstar and Team Bondi have that masterpiece in them for this world. Get a more solid story together and some more strong police desks and I would buy that in a heartbeat.

oh, if you could also give us a GTA1947, that would be awesome as well :D

edit - oh, how can I get the 4 intuition point trophy now that I'm done with the game and only have 1 point stored up? Did I permanently miss it?


borghe said:
edit - oh, how can I get the 4 intuition point trophy now that I'm done with the game and only have 1 point stored up? Did I permanently miss it?

If you replay any case you should start it with 5 points.
So I'm at the Secretary Murder case and something is awfully off.

I've got two suspects at Central, need to go check the bowling for the second time: the first time, the guy I was supposed to find wasn't there: or I couldn't trigger the talk for some reason.

Back at station: can't trigger anything.

Back at bowling: can't open the doors...

I'm stuck doing shit outside and I just realise, it's been 30+ minutes of exploration and I didn't have any street crime triggered.

Game just seems not able to trigger events anymore. Restart case ?
Yeah I'd restart the case, I've had things not trigger for me and restarting was the only thing to fix it.

I've got to $47,000 worth of damage and I've got my platinum trophy. You'd think causing a ton of damage and chaos would be fun- not with this game. It feels like a chore and while attempting it once I had maybe 20 minutes or so of just driving around and destroying shit. My partner jumps out and I run him over- causing me to miss out on all of that time and damage I've done.

What. The. Fuck.


Strummerjones said:
They were cut out because there was no room on the Xbox discs for anything but key story cases. The original game was around 50GBs. There's almost as much stuff cut from the game as there was included (actually almost certainly more was cut than included, for example only a quarter of the street crimes made it to the game).
Actually, from what I remember the cases were cut from the PS3 version (which used the full 25GB of a single layer Bluray), which was then ported to the Xbox 360.

Seeing also how that the cases take 667MB on Xbox 360, vs. 2GB on PS3; so there was no room on a single-layer Bluray..while they could technically squeeze those under 700MB on the 3 Xbox 360 discs.
Tricky I Shadow said:
So I just watched
Cole’s death
again on YouTube. The way the scene is edited is atrocious. I don’t mind what they wanted to do......but the execution just sucks.

And I’m sorry, but I actually LOL’d more than I did the first time when
Cole says “goodbye” and gets swept away.
Surely I’m not the only one that finds it funny?
I found it damn near hysterical, it almost redeemed itself through hilarity....almost. And yes the whole scene comes across as very rushed.
Anyone else find Jack Kelso and MUCH more interesting fella than Cole?

Bring on L.A. Noire 2 with Kelso. Just..listen to all the issues people are having with it and implement and more "noir" feel to it please! I had fun with it but as I said- the boredom kicked in once I hit the Vice cases.


Tricky I Shadow said:
So I just watched
Cole’s death
again on YouTube. The way the scene is edited is atrocious. I don’t mind what they wanted to do......but the execution just sucks.

And I’m sorry, but I actually LOL’d more than I did the first time when
Cole says “goodbye” and gets swept away.
Surely I’m not the only one that finds it funny?
I laughed too.
Dude doesn't even get "good-" out before he's just swept away. What kind of storyteller kills the main character like that?
fernoca said:
Actually, from what I remember the cases were cut from the PS3 version (which used the full 25GB of a single layer Bluray), which was then ported to the Xbox 360.

Seeing also how that the cases take 667MB on Xbox 360, vs. 2GB on PS3; so there was no room on a single-layer Bluray..while they could technically squeeze those under 700MB on the 3 Xbox 360 discs.

No, the game filled up a dual layer blu ray disc. There was a lot more than just cases cut from the game
like the Okinawa map


y'all should be ashamed
Phonomezer said:
Halfway through Homicide, not sure if I like the game enough to continue.
Same thing for me. Didn't continue.

I accidentally highlighted a spoiler in this thread that told me the ending...it's weird that I feel completely unaffected by it. I had the ending of RDR spoiled to me also and I felt more angry about that. But man, I didn't realize how disconnected to the game I was until then.

Hopefully I can finish the game sometime later. Won't be trading it in until I do!


Strummerjones said:
No, the game filled up a dual layer blu ray disc. There was a lot more than just cases cut from the game
like the Okinawa map
Yep and other desks too.
"It took a lot of effort to get down to three discs - I think we were on four or five or six at one point - and to get it onto one Blu-ray [for the PS3 version].
So they didn't cut content only to fit the 3 discs of the Xbox, but also to have it one 1 (single layer it seems) PS3 disc. Not saying that it was the only reasoning, but as they also stated; they were too ambitious and could've shipped a game on 6 discs with the amount of content they had planned and in a few way actually made; but the Xbox 360 DVD limit (which has been a pain in the ass to many developers in any case) was not the sole reason of the cuts.

Then again, seeing how many found the game and some desks dragging too long; it was probably also a decision to make the game-pace faster as the content was cut during development though the years and not only because of the DVD-size limit of 360-discs.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I actually liked the first part of Arson, all of Traffic and the beginning of Homicide the most. I liked solving unique, interesting cases. The conspiracy and serial killer cases all got so samey and boring.

The less said about Vice the better.


Nork unification denier
Square Triangle said:
Anyone else find Jack Kelso and MUCH more interesting fella than Cole?

Bring on L.A. Noire 2 with Kelso. Just..listen to all the issues people are having with it and implement and more "noir" feel to it please! I had fun with it but as I said- the boredom kicked in once I hit the Vice cases.

Not imo. I actually hated playing as Kelso since he's basically godlike and perfect. Cole made for a better noir-ish protagonist since he's a
pretty flawed individual who knows he's flawed. I liked his death too. No happy endings in noir. Only thing I really didn't like about the story was that it needed more development of Cole's family life and the affair with Elsa
Dries said:
What the flying fuck @ first Vice case

So I went to Merlon Ottie after seeing the popcorn seller. After he runs away you get to interrogate him. So I did, but all my answers were wrong to his only question. I looked it up on the LA Noire wikia and the only way to get a correct answer is to FIRST drop by an other character (Jermaine) He will then give you the evidence that you can use to perform a Lie combo on Merlon. Otherwise, EVERY answer is wrong, cause you don't have that info yet.

So, basically the game punishes me for going to one suspect before another. But how would you know? You can visit both dudes whenever. So the game makes you feel stupid for something you could've never possibly known. Anyone else have this?

Man, I'm so bummed. This game started out really great, but for some reason all the negatives are now clouding my eyes. Fuck.

All my friends at work complained about this, I think it was the only case I ended up getting 1 star (might've been down to me causing a lot of damage while doing street crimes tho)
Nocturnowl said:
I found it damn near hysterical, it almost redeemed itself through hilarity....almost. And yes the whole scene comes across as very rushed.

tiff said:
I laughed too.
Dude doesn't even get "good-" out before he's just swept away. What kind of storyteller kills the main character like that?

Is there anything else i must do in the walk in elysian fields case where im investigating the scene with the burned family? I talked the neighbor and nothings else happens.


Does not have twelve inches...
Kung Fu Grip said:
Is there anything else i must do in the walk in elysian fields case where im investigating the scene with the burned family? I talked the neighbor and nothings else happens.
You need all the evidence to ask him all the questions.
Kung Fu Grip said:
Is there anything else i must do in the walk in elysian fields case where im investigating the scene with the burned family? I talked the neighbor and nothings else happens.

Your partner should come over to you with a flyer when the conversation with the neighbour is over, make sure you see the footprints and cigarette butts on the floor in the neighbours front garden
kyo_daikun said:
Your partner should come over to you with a flyer when the conversation with the neighbour is over, make sure you see the footprints and cigarette butts on the floor in the neighbours front garden
I knew i was missing something. I'll check that. Thanks.
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