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Team Fortress 2 |OT3| - Murder-based Hat Simulator


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Kuro, tell me how you felt when you saw my glorious revenge crit rocket speeding towards your face on Upward. I was so confident that I started my taunt when it was halfway there, so I know you got a full on L on forehead shot. Come on, post the screen, I know you took one. I had an arrow in my arm.


Yeef said:
When you miss you still hit yourself (18 damage), but it doesn't cause bleed. Which means you can do awesome jumps without getting rid of all your health.

I love the basher and basher jumping, but the penalty for jumping was way too high for me to ever consider doing it during a serious match. If I only take 40~ damage from a full jump I'll definitely start using it a lot more.

It'd be like a more risky version of the Atomizer, with higher jumps but more self damage.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Cloudius12 said:
wasn't worth the screenshot when it was imprinted in your memory :p

Sniper, Spy, Demo -> GET UP CLOSE AND BODYSHOT THEM! Why the hell would you want to keep them at midrange where they can fight you more effectively or run away?

Player with his back turned -> GET UP CLOSE AND BODYSHOT THEM! You can kill pretty much everything with 2-3 meatshots (assuming no overheal).

Soldier facing you straight on -> Engage if they suck or hit them with small shots and back off. You shouldn't be facing Sollys unless you've flanked them from the sides or behind.

Pyros - try to engage at mid to long range. I kept seeing you burn when you should be far enough away to force them to switch to shotgun (to your advantage). Reason for this is fire is such a bullshit weapon and the hit detection to catch on fire is BS. Mid-long range allows you to get in some shots with a lucky crit AND give you enough space in case you get caught on fire and need to retreat to get health. Get caught on fire? Retreat.

Other than that, good job on not jumping when fighting other players (jumping to get around is fine of course, just be careful there's not somebody around who can zero in on where you'll land. Just work on flanking and thinking like a spy (don't give yourself away by taking a crap shot at midrange when you can do tons of dmg at backstab range).


Yeah, every Pyro has a different flamethrower range. Queen seems to have a relatively small one, while Sixghost can hit me from miles away and around corners. I wish Sixghost would listen and tell me his TF2 conditions, so I could replicate his wizardry! After all, one must always test their theory before publishing it.

As always, my biggest problem is aim. I don't know how I mess up meatshots so often, but I do. Once I have consistent aim I think I'll be twice as good as I am now. Just got to practice more: soon it'll be less focus and more instinct, which'll help during long nights.

So many times I'll sneak up behind someone into backstab range, screw up the meatshot dealing 20 damage, and instantly explode as they 180 and rocket/nade/tomislav/crit me to death.
Kuro Madoushi said:

Sniper, Spy, Demo -> GET UP CLOSE AND BODYSHOT THEM! Why the hell would you want to keep them at midrange where they can fight you more effectively or run away?

Player with his back turned -> GET UP CLOSE AND BODYSHOT THEM! You can kill pretty much everything with 2-3 meatshots (assuming no overheal).

Soldier facing you straight on -> Engage if they suck or hit them with small shots and back off. You shouldn't be facing Sollys unless you've flanked them from the sides or behind.

Pyros - try to engage at mid to long range. I kept seeing you burn when you should be far enough away to force them to switch to shotgun (to your advantage). Reason for this is fire is such a bullshit weapon and the hit detection to catch on fire is BS. Mid-long range allows you to get in some shots with a lucky crit AND give you enough space in case you get caught on fire and need to retreat to get health. Get caught on fire? Retreat.

Other than that, good job on not jumping when fighting other players (jumping to get around is fine of course, just be careful there's not somebody around who can zero in on where you'll land. Just work on flanking and thinking like a spy (don't give yourself away by taking a crap shot at midrange when you can do tons of dmg at backstab range).
For some reason, I'm lot more afraid of being up close to a Sniper if he already seen me because of ping. Melee range is bs, getting hit from like 5 feet away.

Demoman scares me as well. I have to work on positioning and reacting so I can evasively move away from the explosion.

Spy....ummm....I'll work on that, getting up close. on Valve servers, I tend to chase DR better since they are more predicable.

Pyro, as you said, i know I out of range sometimes, but the forward momentum of M1+W seems to be bs. I saw a video on that, and my ping, I would need psychic reaction or just really fast reaction and stay the hell away.

Soldier, I think I need to remember to back the hell away and do not approach if they know I'm there in small corridors.

Heavy, for the most part, I think I got it. Just need to get closer.

Medic, when seen healing someone, most times I try to kill the medic first.



NSQuote said:
Yeah, every Pyro has a different flamethrower range. Queen seems to have a relatively small one, while Sixghost can hit me from miles away and around corners. I wish Sixghost would listen and tell me his TF2 conditions, so I could replicate his wizardry! After all, one must always test their theory before publishing it.
Watch the demos and turn tf_debug_flamethrower on. It should show you the actual flame particles (which are completely unrelated to the visual flames).


Yeah, except watching the demos where he's actually playing against the pyros he mentions (sixghost and queen) will show him why he's getting hit by one and not the other. I'd guess it's likely a latency issue.


Cloudius12 said:
this is the video i watched, should be similar to what Yeef is trying to show you Quotes.
I've been looking for somthing like this, thanks!

I noticed that even when aiming straight ahead while strafing it goes an awfully large way off to the side, and same when moving foward and back.

That's a good idea, Yeef. I should have a free night tonight, so I'll test that out tommorow. I know sometimes I'll be really close and don't get hit, and be far away and get ignited/be under continuous fire. It might just be movement style affecting the hit boxes, or it could be a latency issue. We'll find out soon enough!

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Cloudius12 said:
1. For some reason, I'm lot more afraid of being up close to a Sniper if he already seen me because of ping. Melee range is bs, getting hit from like 5 feet away.

2. Demoman scares me as well. I have to work on positioning and reacting so I can evasively move away from the explosion.

3. Spy....ummm....I'll work on that, getting up close. on Valve servers, I tend to chase DR better since they are more predicable.

4. Pyro, as you said, i know I out of range sometimes, but the forward momentum of M1+W seems to be bs. I saw a video on that, and my ping, I would need psychic reaction or just really fast reaction and stay the hell away.

5. Soldier, I think I need to remember to back the hell away and do not approach if they know I'm there in small corridors.

6. Heavy, for the most part, I think I got it. Just need to get closer.

7. Medic, when seen healing someone, most times I try to kill the medic first.

1. If he sees you and you're running across a field to get to him, work on zigzagging. Up close, the fight is strongly in your favour. Hell, I use SMG and it's still hard to take others down. Just realize they have to rely on melee to kill you so close the distance and force a close-mid range fight.

2. Again, get up close to them. There are some who have excellent sticky placement, but still, if you see a demoman out in the open with no support on the sides, you need to close the distance and force him to use his pills. It's not IMPOSSIBLE for a demoman to pill you, but it's not easy. Scout should usually win on those battles if you force close range.

3. Yeah, I remember yelling at you to chase Meta down cause he was so obviously using DR. Don't listen to Yeef and let him go. Your mobility and high dmg at close range means you should almost always win. I know there are times they use that bullshit gun, but unless he gets a lucky shot, you have the advantage.

4. Play more conservatively. Become aware of your surroundings and force that mid-long range battle. There's a reason I kill Queen the most; she keeps forgetting to switch to shotty and instead keeps running after me with the flame, which only works if you catch someone off guard.

5. On Upward, ExMachina, who is a surprisingly good Solly (I keep underestimating her), was facing you between point 2 and 3. Best option was to retreat, swing around the side and harass her from the side and back. Reason? The rest of us were behind you and this would force her to choose fighting from two sides. Even getting far behind her and taking potshots would've worked. If she's facing a group in front, you can get in free shots far from behind. If she turns, she's got a whole group that can get in free shots...my God this all sounds so dirty when I refer to the player as a female :p

6. Fail heavies like Kirby, you can get in one good shot and jump to the other side and repeat since they have slow reaction times. I have NEVER done this to Scizzy though. And be sure to watch if they have the Tomislav. Nerf or not, it's still OP atm.

7. It depends. Experienced and knows how to retreat? (Wagosto) Don't bother unless you can get them by surprise or you're outnumbered with no escape and you can sacrifice yourself to kill him. His pocket is experienced (wartime/Sciz) Don't bother because they'll put themselves between you and the medic and you're toast since you can't do enough damage to negate the overheal buff (LOLOLOLOL QUICK SHITS!). Battle medic (Javaman) you NEED to try to attack since he's leaving himself open and presenting the opportunity.

You have to play more conservatively than I would normally recommend because of your pro ping. 100 with scout is difficult to play. I struggle with 30-60 at times because of the lag compensation screwing up my body shots.

It's MUCH MUCH easier to snipe when your ping is extremely low like 5 (there are some Toronto servers I go on where I can get 5), and when I get a headshot, I KNOW GET A DAMN HEADSHOT.
Good demomen don't rely on stickies so your advice there is flawed unless he's fighting bad demomen exclusively.

Also pyros are bullshit in every way. When you play pyro, your range feels shorter than melee, and when you fight a pyro, they might as well be sniping you from across the map. It's a good thing they're so easy to kill and don't do a lot of damage if you actually see them coming.

EDIT: ahahaha tomislav "OP"


I get an average of 60-70 ping on the GAF server, so this might have something to do with my erratic meatshots. I don't know why I mess up so often; it seems like such an easy thing to do. Walk up really close to them, center the crosshair on them, and press m1. I guess I'll get used to it eventually.

It's really embarassing when they are completely unaware, you go in for the kill... and you peck them with a 20 damage meatshot. :p

EDIT: According to the server my average is 97. Huh, I guess that could be it. Not much I can do other than get used to the jank, I guess. I rarely play on other servers anyways, haha. :p

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Togglesworlh said:
Good demomen don't rely on stickies so your advice there is flawed unless he's fighting bad demomen exclusively.

Also pyros are bullshit in every way. When you play pyro, your range feels shorter than melee, and when you fight a pyro, they might as well be sniping you from across the map. It's a good thing they're so easy to kill and don't do a lot of damage if you actually see them coming.

EDIT: ahahaha tomislav "OP"
What are you Twiggy's alt?

A demo relying on pills at close range better have some goddamn good aim. Otherwise, who the hell have YOU played with? I play with comp demos who don't pill at close range; they use stickies.

tomislav is still better than the other guns.
Thanks for the info. Since I live in Hawaii, the lowest ping server I can refer to are the ones on the West Coast which is around 80~. When i think of my ping on GAF, which averages around 120-140, I think of the other players who are playing as well. My ping is about 3-4 times higher than the average player on Gaf server.

When I heard you say, "Good going, but remember to shoot", before I die, on my screen, I tend to get a good shot off, but in reality, it registered too late, and the time in order for it to get register is about 2-3 time longer on the server.

But that can't be helped. I just gotta adapt and play alot more safely.


Kuro Madoushi said:
What are you Twiggy's alt?

A demo relying on pills at close range better have some goddamn good aim. Otherwise, who the hell have YOU played with? I play with comp demos who don't pill at close range; they use stickies.

tomislav is still better than the other guns.
Heavies are the worst class in the game.

Tomislav heavies are no threat whatsoever.


Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Clydefrog said:
blah blah blah blah

just keep playing, you'll get better.
More to this game than good aim and time played.

I med well because I asked more experienced players (rar/pet) what to do in certain circumstances...though you wouldn't understand seeing as how you only cuntsman.

I know master n0b hates the tomislav, but he hates all the changes to tf2. In a hvy vs. hvy straight up fight, the tomi will lose to sascha and brass (unless the other hvy is kirby). I like it because it works well getting the jump on people (fast spin up), gives more mobility (smaller movement while firing penalty), and it's silent so I can be hiding around a corner ready to shoot whilst enemies won't be prepared.


Has problems recognising girls
Kuro Madoushi said:
A demo relying on pills at close range better have some goddamn good aim. Otherwise, who the hell have YOU played with? I play with comp demos who don't pill at close range; they use stickies.
I find it depends on the situation. In a closed corridor they are great for reactionary purposes, the only issue being that you are likely to suffer self-damage on the first plob. Most smart people will run at you in those scenarios to cover the distance and try to melee while you desperately look at your feet and plant stickies. Other Demos will smartly take out the bottle or pan and go gung-ho for freedom.

Though I suppose it depends on how comfortable the player feels at that moment in time. There are days when I feel like I can hit anything, even Scouts buzzing around my head. And there are days when I feel like I can only hit adversaries from long-range with the tube. I call it the Oolong Tea effect.


Kuro Madoushi said:
More to this game than good aim and time played.

I med well because I asked more experienced players (rar/pet) what to do in certain circumstances...though you wouldn't understand seeing as how you only cuntsman.

I only play huntsman because I've mastered all the other classes and it's the only one that still amuses me.
Actually stickies are good at close range if you're confident you can blast and jump away while also doing damage, because then you can switch to the inherently superior pipes mid-flight and ROCK SOME SHIT like a boss.

speedpop said:
I find it depends on the situation. In a closed corridor they are great for reactionary purposes, the only issue being that you are likely to suffer self-damage on the first plob. Most smart people will run at you in those scenarios to cover the distance and try to melee while you desperately look at your feet and plant stickies. Other Demos will smartly take out the bottle or pan and go gung-ho for freedom.

Though I suppose it depends on how comfortable the player feels at that moment in time. There are days when I feel like I can hit anything, even Scouts buzzing around my head. And there are days when I feel like I can only hit adversaries from long-range with the tube. I call it the Oolong Tea effect.
It's true. Those off days can be extremely disheartening, but for some reason I feel the need to plod on, anyway, as if I have some warped and broken pride that I must repair.

There was a time, during and after the TF2 beta, when I could launch pipes from all over the place and hit anything. That time has long since passed, as I've taken too many long breaks, and demoman is no longer the only class I ever play, as it was back then.

Sometimes I miss those days. ):

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
speedpop said:
I find it depends on the situation. In a closed corridor they are great for reactionary purposes, the only issue being that you are likely to suffer self-damage on the first plob. Most smart people will run at you in those scenarios to cover the distance and try to melee while you desperately look at your feet and plant stickies. Other Demos will smartly take out the bottle or pan and go gung-ho for freedom.

Though I suppose it depends on how comfortable the player feels at that moment in time. There are days when I feel like I can hit anything, even Scouts buzzing around my head. And there are days when I feel like I can only hit adversaries from long-range with the tube. I call it the Oolong Tea effect.

You guys are all idiots. My advice was to Cloudius on how to handle demos. He's been practicing scout. A demo should not be using pills, unless he has really fucking good aim, against a scout at close to mid range. I'm talking about a specific situation, NOT general play, which of course you should be using pills.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Unless you're screwing around or trying to improve your aim, use stickies against scouts for sure. those bunnies will kill themselves while trying to dodge your stickies.
Togglesworlh said:
There was a time, during and after the TF2 beta, when I could launch pipes from all over the place and hit anything.
Yeah I miss 6 grenades and having grenades that would detonate on impact even after a bounce. Meant I could actually hit stuff with them. :lol


Hey so I'm new to TF2 and I've been playing it for the past few weeks, so far I've been doing great with Spy, Engineer and Heavy the most and have been on the middle ground with them, sometimes I'm getting a lot of kills other times not so much.

Any tips of what I should do when I'm these classes? Or just in general? :U

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
JazzmanZ said:
Hey so I'm new to TF2 and I've been playing it for the past few weeks, so far I've been doing great with Spy, Engineer and Heavy the most and have been on the middle ground with them, sometimes I'm getting a lot of kills other times not so much.

Any tips of what I should do when I'm these classes? Or just in general? :U
go medic.


pop uber before you die or when you need to take out a sentry.

watch others play.


try other classes.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Clydefrog said:
I only play huntsman because I've mastered all the other classes and it's the only one that still amuses me.

382 hrs as sniper
less than 50 as solly
23 as scout
22 as pyro
15.6 as spy
15.3 as medic
12.9 as demo
9.9 as engie
8.8 as heavy

yup...mastered alright!


JazzmanZ said:
Hey so I'm new to TF2 and I've been playing it for the past few weeks, so far I've been doing great with Spy, Engineer and Heavy the most and have been on the middle ground with them, sometimes I'm getting a lot of kills other times not so much.

Any tips of what I should do when I'm these classes? Or just in general? :U

I would help you with Spy a bit if you want. Also don't listen to Kuro. Might as well listen to a drunken fool ramble about TF2 than take him seriously.

Edit: Might as well watch this vid to learn about Spy.


Kuro Madoushi said:

382 hrs as sniper
less than 50 as solly
23 as scout
22 as pyro
15.6 as spy
15.3 as medic
12.9 as demo
9.9 as engie
8.8 as heavy

yup...mastered alright!

Where are you getting these numbers from? I have over 940 hours played (no, I don't idle)

I've reset my stats once.. I guess that could be it.


Kuro Madoushi said:

382 hrs as sniper
less than 50 as solly
23 as scout
22 as pyro
15.6 as spy
15.3 as medic
12.9 as demo
9.9 as engie
8.8 as heavy

yup...mastered alright!
That's more than enough time to master heavy. :)


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
I still have a 1 pixel wide bar of Spy time played. Poopsocking soldier until it disappears completely.


Allright, well, my obvious mastery of the game aside:

I’m having trouble remembering a map I played a long time ago. CP map.. here’s a crude, top-down drawing from my memory:

The spawns are highlighted accordingly. The capture points are the little ovals. You start by capping the first point and go all the way to cap #5 near the enemies spawn. The capture point in the middle (#3) was on a hill. Usually loaded with sentries and demomen. I’m missing some of the details like boxes, little perches, etc… anyone? I think this was one of the first maps I played in TF2 :O


Will QA for food.
Clydefrog said:
Allright, well, my obvious mastery of the game aside:

I’m having trouble remembering a map I played a long time ago. CP map.. here’s a crude, top-down drawing from my memory:

The spawns are highlighted accordingly. The capture points are the little ovals. You start by capping the first point and go all the way to cap #5 near the enemies spawn. The capture point in the middle (#3) was on a hill. Usually loaded with sentries and demomen. I’m missing some of the details like boxes, little perches, etc… anyone? I think this was one of the first maps I played in TF2 :O

Warpath. ?


Iadien said:
I believe you are thinking of lazytown.

THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!! :D thanks man

gaf can we play it
gaf can we play it
gaf can we play it
gaf can we play it

though looking at some youtube videos, it's changed a bit since i've last played it.
oh my god lazytown

that map is so bad but it might be fun to play for shits and giggles

Rickenslacker said:
Yeah I miss 6 grenades and having grenades that would detonate on impact even after a bounce. Meant I could actually hit stuff with them. :lol
TBH, I actually completely forgot about that.

I used to nail scouts midair well over half the time I tried. Even accounting for their double-jump's change in direction. It's weird. I was much better at predicting erratic movement back then. I'm so out of practice with the pipes these days. ):

I will forever be a proponent of pipes over stickies, though. Stickies should be the backup, not the primary weapon, absolutely. Of course, as with most things in TF2, it's mostly situational.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
That's the worst drawing of Lazytown I've ever seen, not even close. It's also one of the worst maps ever made. And I'm saying this as someone who loves it. I used to spend hours on one round trying to cap one point, it wasn't uncommon to see people with 1000+ points. Artemis only like it because stupid snipers can cover the first 2 points right outside the spawn door, or have huge sightlines to the center point from the garage.


Blizzard said:
Demomangun is useless because it is ugly

I don't think any of the demo guns are ugly. I would think after all these years you would know me, but no. /me cries at Blizzard's betrayal

Kuro Madoushi said:
I know master n0b hates the tomislav, but he hates all the changes to tf2. In a hvy vs. hvy straight up fight, the tomi will lose to sascha and brass (unless the other hvy is kirby). I like it because it works well getting the jump on people (fast spin up), gives more mobility (smaller movement while firing penalty), and it's silent so I can be hiding around a corner ready to shoot whilst enemies won't be prepared.
1. I don't hate every change to tf2. Kritzkrieg was one of the most interesting updates to the game dynamic ever because it is such a perfect tradeoff with normal ubers. Huntsman is the most refreshing way to play sniper because of the ability to make snap shots once you get into the flow of things. The GRU, despite making me sick to look at, makes the slowness of heavy so much more bearable. Full-on demoknight is the most fun I've had in years in the game.

The only changes I hate are the ones that encourage bad play (sandviches, wranglers, scottish resistance, natascha, brass beasts, l'etranger), things that ruin game flow and bring the game to a screeching halt (payload maps), and things that completely ruin my playstyle (backburner airblasts, the extremely old nerf to engineer build speed. (which has now been "corrected" by mini sentries and jag, which are still nowhere near as good as old engi)

2. First of all, heavy vs heavy fights are much simpler: whoever spins up first wins. Second, getting the jump on people has nothing to do with spin up time and everything to do with positioning. Spin up time is only a factor when you get caught with your pants down, and if you are getting caught when you don't want to be then you have bad positioning and game awareness. Movement speed while spun up doesn't matter (except for brass beast because its too slow to count as movement) because you should never be spun up until you are ready to engage the enemy. If you aren't in a big fight you should have your shotgun out because it doesn't affect movement at all and allows for instant reaction.

3. I don't think tomislav is BAD, I just think its bad for a heavy that actually knows what they are doing. Its like baby's first minigun. Shorter spin up and faster move speed helps with your positioning mistakes, no sound lets people who aren't used to listening for audio cues hear spies, sentries and other characters more easily as well as help them learn the timing for jumping in on people without all of the risks.

4. Heavy is not the actual weakest class, but is very low down on the list. They are slightly better in pub games because they have more control over large engagements, but still, the fact is, if everyone gangs up, they die. At equal skill levels, soldiers, demos, spies, and snipers should all handle them easily. Scouts and Pyros have a tough battle but they still have a fighting chance. Engies will lose on their own and win with their sentries. Heavies NEED medics, because they are weak without that extra health and constant healing. The only time they are scary is when they have a medic, and pretty much EVERY class is scary with a medic.
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