Holy fuck i just had the most retarded team ever.
So, we were playing on Viaduct, a 7 vs 7 king of the hill match. My teamm is blue, the other is red. We're holding the point, and with about a count of 1:30 seconds left, I go off to the sides just to check for spies an engies and the sort... you know that giant column just to the left of the point? There was an engie with a fully upgraded sentry, dispenser, and teleport behind it. I'm a soldier and I quickly get killed by the sentry.
While respawning I tell my team "To the left of the control point, behind the white column, is an engie with fully upgraded teleport, dispenser, and sentry. Take it out".
I reach the point and continue defending, and at about 30 seconds left, nd I notice enemeis still coming out from behind the column. At no point in the previous minute did I hear the beeping of a sentry so I assumed someone took it out. Well, I go to take out the teleporter and the engie/dispenser if they were still there.... turns out everything was still up and running, and I wasn't hearing any sentry fire because NO ONE WAS TRYING TO TAKE IT OUT.
Meanwhile, the clock reaches 0, and we hit overtime. The other team recaptures during overtime. Their clock is at 2:30 when they capture. I'm taking out enemies, and we go back and forth with the other team for the next 45 seconds or so, getting about halfway to recapture, getting blocked, killing, resuming attempts at recapture, you know the drill. It's not like one or two individuals were doing this, no, we had 3 or 4 guys on the point when we were trying to capture. Well, same shit happens as before. No sentry gun fire, I see players coming from the column, and go to take it out. Bam, dead. There's about a minute left now, and I decide to go spy and take it out myself. I'm yelling at my team while waiting to respawn though.
I get behind the buildings and sap all 3 of them with about 15 seconds to spare. red team members take me out, engie saves the sentry but not the dispenser r teleport, and red team's clock reaches 0, and they win. Holy fucking shit.
everyone, including red, is goign "How the hell did red win?" in the chat. And I'm raging "It's because no one on my team fucking listened. I said there was a sentry, dispenser, and teleporter right behind that column well before blue's clock expired, and no one went for it. I decided to go to spy too late"
Guy on red: "we won because of teamwork"
I'm an extremely terrible player. A good round for me is ~5 points. I top out at 8-12 points, in every class, so I shouldn't have the right to say this. but holy shit was my team bad. I don't know if they just weren't paying attention or they thought we could just hold it out and ignore the onslaught of enemies with a teleport and dispenser right next to the control point, but at no point did I see anyone even attempt to take it out, in any class, except me. And by the time I decided to go spy, it was too late.