Thanks again Yeoz and Yeef, but unfortunately none of this has fixed my absurd ping in this game.
Extremely discouraging.
Worse yet, I still can't get sprays to work with any consistency. I'm confident I'm doing everything correctly, but when I have a spray loaded and I go in to a map the spray doesn't work 9 times out of 10, and when I go to settings to change up the spray I'm presented with an empty box instead of the spray I wanted. In addition, it doesn't let me change up the spray as the dropdown menu displays no text and won't let me browse my sprays. It remains this way til I close down the game and open it again, at which point the cycle repeats.
Oh well, at least I can alt+tab out of the game without the game freezing now. That's something.
OK I fixed everything right after I said that and I don't understand how.
I don't care either!
*Edit 2*
OK the sprays are working very inconsistently, and that problem I had with the spray not working and the dropdown menu disappearing is still there. Has anyone had any similar problems? It's not the end of the world, but it'd be nice to know.