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Technomancer - Review Thread


I haven't paid any attention to this game, but all these Alpha Protocol comparisons have me interested. I feel like I need a Quick Look of this with Vinny at the controls.

FYI a quicklook is no way shape or form going to show you even a 50th of the title, or how the systems work and revolve around the gameplay, or even the first true area.

Mr. Tibbs

4/5 from We Got This Covered.

The Technomancer is actually a very accomplished game that does well to fight for place among some truly exceptional action RPGs. It has A-list ambitions with a B-list budget, but more often than not it feels more akin to the former than the latter. The fluid combat system gives more than enough cause to play and replay the adventure, and a simple but effective story is well-supplemented by a rich world and solid RPG progression techniques. The trials of Zachariah Mancer are fraught with peril and danger, but his unique skills and a band of companions mean that he is more than up to the challenge. Above all else, The Technomancer is a tremendously fun adventure that more than deserves your attention and, perhaps, a spot at the top table of action RPG titles.

5/10 from PC Invasion.
The Technomancer is something I found as charming as it was irritating. With a runtime of about 20 hours it didn’t really outstay its welcome, but it’s also a game that’s difficult to outright recommend. I don’t think I’ve ever played a Spiders RPG before so I don’t know how common this is, but it’s a game with a lot of ideas that don’t quite pan out (time of day, say, and a few actual urgent quests) and everything from the voice acting to the quest design ranges from “surprisingly good” to “surprisingly annoying.” It’s a little over-ambitious, a little truncated, and it never really hits the lofty goals it aims for, but a few unexpected successes and an interesting premise make it a generally entertaining little experience nonetheless. If nothing else, I think I’m now a cult fan of this sort of B-grade RPG.


Man the reviews are split down the middle for this,hmmm I'll wait on brave Gafers opinions before getting this

So far 4 of us have liked it lol. Though I am sure when the hated East awakes we will be filled with dire warnings of wasted dollars lol. jk


man the gameplay in IGN's video is hilarious ... looks like the player have no idea what he is doing :-D no surprise the trashed the combat when the reviewer is incompetent


Its a AA RPG, not sure what people expected. Looks fine for what it offers, will most likely grab it eventually down the line to fill up my RPG library.


I liked Mars: War Logs and Bound By Flame a lot. Maybe I just have a soft spot for Spiders.

Critics are rating AA games like AAA wannabee, and then complain that AA games are dying.

Such critics probably gave 5/10 to God Hand previously.
What a shame. I was really hoping that this was an improvement on their past games, but it doesn't sound like it at all.

I really want there to be more mid-tier RPGs.


man the gameplay in IGN's video is hilarious ... looks like the player have no idea what he is doing :-D no surprise the trashed the combat when the reviewer is incompetent

Wow less than 3 1/2 minutes long, doesn't mention sound or music at all and is actually factually wrong about combat in at least 2 places...how the heck does a major site get away with that.


Wow less than 3 1/2 minutes long, doesn't mention sound or music at all and is actually factually wrong about combat in at least 2 places...how the heck does a major site get away with that.

It's a budget review, you see. It's an AA review with AAA ambitions.

Anyway, the reviews seem to be positive enough about this game. It's a ambitious project with limited budget. I'm still interested and might pick it up during a sale.


Here is my review. Ended up giving it a 5.7 but I did enjoy my time with it. It is pure Eurojank so it is unpolished but there is an endearing quality to it. Was surprised how some of the side quests actually had some later impact in a meaningful way. Combat was really fun but the constant drudge to go back and forth between locations and fighting the same enemies gets tiresome quickly. If it was on sale I would say jump in but for now hold off. Not worth it at current asking price.


It's a budget review, you see. It's an AA review with AAA ambitions.

Edit. Ah who cares. If thats their idea of a review. Whatever.

It's a budget review, you see. It's an AA review with AAA ambitions.

Anyway, the reviews seem to be positive enough about this game. It's a ambitious project with limited budget. I'm still interested and might pick it up during a sale.

Ya luckily others are at the very least detailing whats good and bad and why in their coverage so people can get a general idea. and score seems to be rising.


These reviews actually put me at ease a bit. Seems to be reviewing much better than BbF and I liked that game for what it was.
Played it for about an hour so far, it feels like Spiders best game from first impressions. Combat isn't bad if a little floaty feeling, visuals aren't too bad either though it feels like a PS4 launch game. The characters world and setting all seem pretty solid, I quite like the voice acting personally. Enjoying it a lot more than reviews led on I would but maybe it gets much worse the further I go?


Neo Member
I hope that some of the characters from Mars War Logs return in some capacity in this game. I am really looking forward to checking this game out.

Edit: I also wanted to add that despite some of these reviews stating how janky the game seems and giving a low score, I personally thought that their prior games (Mars War Logs and Bound by Flame) helped to really scratch my RPG game itch. They told some pretty interesting stories and so I am really excited to see what the lads at Spider have managed to cook up this time.
Here is my review for SAGamer (also my first published review so yay on that). Ended up giving it a 5.7 but I did enjoy my time with it. It is pure Eurojank so it is unpolished but there is an endearing quality to it. Was surprised how some of the side quests actually had some later impact in a meaningful way. Combat was really fun but the constant drudge to go back and forth between locations and fighting the same enemies gets tiresome quickly. If it was on sale I would say jump in but for now hold off. Not worth it at current asking price.

Off topic. Holy shit, I didn't expect to see someone from SAGamer on here.

Raru for life. I use them almost exclusively now. Those guys are great!

Anyway, I like Eurojank, so I'll give this one a try when it's on sale.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Yup its a Spiders game alright.

At least I assume it is.


The combat looks even worse than the Witcher 3's :S

Kinda unfair comparing a small budget RPG to the best game of last year, maybe even best in a decade.

This game is on my wishlist but will wait for a sale. So much stuff to buy (in best case scenario even to play) before it.
ACG's and Gamersyde's reviews gives me hope for the game. Sounds like a lot of fun actually. And i was one of the people that really enjoyed games like Risen 1 despite some really really bad stuff in that game. Janky animations and such really won't turn me away. Are the quests fun and interesting in this one?
Game looks like it might be worth a play if it wasn't you know 60 bucks on consoles. I'll wait before I get it unless the game is magically 40 bucks or less on digital ps4 tomorrow.


Something irks me in that first review about the phrase "It's not a horrible game" followed immediately by "I really wanted to like it."

It's very poorly written. Not talking about the content or the score or anything, it just reads like something written by a middle school student.


I'm just a few hours in but I really like it so far. I am hooked.

These review scores were to be expected. If you enjoyed Mars: War Logs then this game is for you. The world is really interesting. I am eager to learn more.


My hands-on at E3 felt pretty rough and at times, directionless despite having a number of icons to go explore on the minimap (with no indication if they were below me or whatever). The combat was decent, but not enough to keep me interested for more than the 25 minutes I played.

Edit: I'd say it's deserving of a 6/10 if I ever reviewed the full game. It's endearing like Mars: War Logs but there's just something about it that makes the whole experience feel like an off-brand cola.


How's the writing compared to Mars: War Logs? Because the writing in that game was so bad I couldn't keep playing it. If Technomancer's writing is improved I'd be very interested in giving it a try, but the couple of reviews I read don't really talk about it much.
I was somewhat interested in this but the combat looks like ass based on some of this gameplay footage. 120% dealbreaker for me.
Critics are rating AA games like AAA wannabee, and then complain that AA games are dying.

Such critics probably gave 5/10 to God Hand previously.
If the game is AA quality then it should not be sold at AAA prices if t doesn't want to be compared to AAA games. When I look at Dark Souls 3 for $60 and then this for $60 I think it's reasonable to expect a certain level of quality
The more I played this game, the more I disliked it. Do you like Mars setting? Well you won't get much of it here. Instead your mostly stuck in city after city, doing backtracking consistently, and this last throughout. Don't let the starting few hours fool you, which was the best moments of the game I saw. I gave up after 16 hours in, I couldnt take yet another revisit of an area Ive been to a million timse before, deal with more boring companions, and the combat, which is decent enough turned into a frustrating mess as enemies continued to provide a beating, even on easy mode. I was super interested and walked away super dissapointed.I liked Bound By Flame, Risen games, etc.... but this felt extremely padded for content. Sure it's their best game mechanically and polish wise but everything else is sort of a step back. Writing, missions, backtracking, no fast travel. At 20 or 30 it's debatable. At 60? Nope, nope, nope.
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