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Teen driver arrested after live-streaming crash that killed her sister.


Quoting so I hopefully some people get a clue when trying to demonize her. Don't get me wrong, what she did was really messed up, but there is an understandable reason she is reacting the way she is.

It is a sad that this could of been easily prevented by not letting her drive or wearing seatbelts. It is always important to recognize when a driver should not be driving.

Okay, yes people she was on some drugs, it hasn't been clarified though how much, what kind or even if it was a prescription. Here's the thing though, Xanax (if that is the drug) doesn't make everyone who takes it pick up their phone after an accident and immediately start filming their sisters death. Its not an excuse, it doesn't put thoughts or actions that are foreign to you in your head. She is responsible for her actions, period, no excuses or need to reason it out. Every decision leading up to this event was hers.


Junior Member
I didn't watch the video but if she popped some Xanax, it could easy account for her being calm and unemotional.


Seeing this type of gross negligence doesn't surprise me. Even whipping the phone back out to record the death wasn't even surprising to me. People and their narcissism in this day and age just doesn't effect me like it used to. The callousness bothered me and aftermath really shocked me. I wasn't expecting to see that on Youtube.

I had a lady almost slam into the side of car up against the guard rail of a bridge because she was trying to change lanes while looking at her phone at the same time.

I didn't honk my horn because I knew that some like this would probably freak out and even cause a greater accident, so I just hit the brakes hard. Luckily the person behind me already slowed down because of seeing what was about to happen. She never even knew that she was about to hit me because she never looked over. The only time they looked up was to make sure they were in the lane. I'm not gonna lie. I was pretty damn heated. I calmed down and the first chance I got, I passed the person and distanced myself far enough that they were not behind me.

Hell I've even seen police officers here in Southern California making left at intersections while being on their phone.


This was so over the top when I saw it a few days ago that I thought it was fake as hell. Holy shit this is real?!?!?!? Put the god damned phone away.


I'm so glad my state (Washington) put in new distracted driving law making illegal to hold your phone, coffee, make up etc. last Sunday. Should be national tbh


Teens are bags of hormones and do some fucked up shit; but this is on another level.

Streaming and looking into your phone camera instead of calling 911 or giving first aid? WTF.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Yeah that "report inappropriate content" solution Silicon Valley has is working just great.
How is Silicon Valley's fault that people just lack common sense? Sometimes these tools do good too like live reporting injustices.
Good God, it gets worst. She was apparently filming her self swerving into cars and obviously scared her sister ( The one who died ). Video is on Buzzfeed.



I'm really getting sick of social media and how everyone thinks they are celebrities. She had 5000 followers. People are blind sheep.
Jesus Christ. Hope she goes to prison the rest of her life.
Didn't expect to see the sister's head. Very unsettling. I felt like I watched that tape from the Ring or something. Please don't watch it.
How is Silicon Valley's fault that people just lack common sense? Sometimes these tools do good too like live reporting injustices.

Since these companies agree that inappropriate content (such as, I don't know, ISIS beheadings, hard core porn, murder etc) exist and should not be shown, they apparently feel that putting a link below live content to report it is not appropriate is a solution. It isn't a solution.

Perhaps they should think more carefully about obtusely (mindfully) adding incomplete new features rather than just aiming for views and revenue while pretending they are not responsible for user generated content?


Video shows the girls head split open from top to bridge of nose and one of her eyes bulging. Incredibly graphic, would not recommend watching.

I was expecting just blood.


If Pokemon Go can make it so that you can't play while driving, why can't we do the same about using social media while driving :\
That girl was gone out her mind on bars, she thought slapping her sister around like she was asleep and not gone dead should tell you something. It's really a weird time to see witness of death realize that this shit is and does happen.


If her reaction afterwards was different, she actually showed regret etc, the trauma, a lot years in jail and a lifetime ban on operating any kind of vehicle would be enough punishment. But that reaction is the most despicable shit.
I don't even know what should be done with people like this. Does jailing this girl solve anything?
Yes. Keep this piece of shit as far away from society for as long as possible.

Oh, are you asking if it solves anything for her? I don't care. Why should I?


Seeing this type of gross negligence doesn't surprise me. Even whipping the phone back out to record the death wasn't even surprising to me. People and their narcissism in this day and age just doesn't effect me like it used to. The callousness bothered me and aftermath really shocked me. I wasn't expecting to see that on Youtube.

I had a lady almost slam into the side of car up against the guard rail of a bridge because she was trying to change lanes while looking at her phone at the same time.

I didn't honk my horn because I knew that some like this would probably freak out and even cause a greater accident, so I just hit the brakes hard. Luckily the person behind me already slowed down because of seeing what was about to happen. She never even knew that she was about to hit me because she never looked over. The only time they looked up was to make sure they were in the lane. I'm not gonna lie. I was pretty damn heated. I calmed down and the first chance I got, I passed the person and distanced myself far enough that they were not behind me.

Hell I've even seen police officers here in Southern California making left at intersections while being on their phone.

I once had to literally jump out of the way of an SUV as a woman on her phone came to a hard stop in the crosswalk while straddling both lanes. I could see her on her phone as it all happened and after she came to a stop she looked over at me, rolled down her window, laughed and said, "oops. that was silly of me wasn't it."

You know, the sort of silly where you almost kill a person but it's not big deal because you had a text message to read. I think she only saw the latter part of my reaction as I regained composure and picked myself up and wasn't even aware how close she came to me.
I was watching the video of it as it happened and honestly the most disturbing thing is she kept fucking streaming everything well after the crash. She was sitting beside her dying sister still streaming. Put the fucking phone away already and stop broadcasting that to the entire world. Why would you stream your sibling dying?

This is something straight out of a found-footage horror movie that became popular after [REC], Blair Witch, and Paranormal Activity. It doesn't even feel justified in fiction, in real life it's sociopathic.

"I don't give a fuck...Imma hold it down." Fucking dolt, try calling authorities or administering first aid instead of "keeping it real" for your followers.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Not watching the video. The whole situation is gross.

I have started to use my phone less and less in my car, but I wish others did, too.


At a viewing of a dead child last year, a young in-law pulled out her phone and started taking pictures. Her father in law put a quick stop to that but it was an unthinkable action in an already traumatic situation. What the fuck is wrong with people.


I was watching the video of it as it happened and honestly the most disturbing thing is she kept fucking streaming everything well after the crash. She was sitting beside her dying sister still streaming. Put the fucking phone away already and stop broadcasting that to the entire world. Why would you stream your sibling dying?
It's just an insane addiction and dependency to operate through social media. It's insane and these kids who've had social media all their life are just starting to grow up.
Good God, it gets worst. She was apparently filming her self swerving into cars and obviously scared her sister ( The one who died ). Video is on Buzzfeed.



I'm really getting sick of social media and how everyone thinks they are celebrities. She had 5000 followers. People are blind sheep.
"Oh but it was just all the drugs in her system, who are we to judge"
Fuck that, and fuck this evil person.


Neo Member
The driver is the prime example of why I dislike young people these days, the world revolves around you and you only, shit is gross.

I am also surprised that youtube allows videos of split open heads with brains hanging out.


It's just an insane addiction and dependency to operate through social media. It's insane and these kids who've had social media all their life are just starting to grow up.

It's crazy. I've seen an intern get fired for phone addiction / dependency.

Like, the boss told her - put the phone away or you're fired. This was after multiple infractions. And she teared up and was all like "I'm so sorry, I'll put it away." And she was clearly upset and put the phone in her bag. And then she just naturally took her phone out of her bag to post about what had just happened, clearly not even thinking about what she was doing... It was like asking her to stop was like asking her to stop breathing.

It was so bizarre. If you were in a room with her she would not make eye contact, anything that distracted her from the social media on her screen was clearly a massive pain to her - not that she would be angry or upset with you - she was a nice person - just that she'd be fidgety and anxious to return to her screen. And I don't think she's some super rarity these days. I think a lot of young people have this problem.

That said, I think the girl in the OP is probably some kind of sociopath or psychopath.

Rest in peace to an innocent child murdered by a sister who didn't even care about her and treated her still-warm body with revoltingly callous disregard. Being born with bad family members can be the greatest curse of all.


Since these companies agree that inappropriate content (such as, I don't know, ISIS beheadings, hard core porn, murder etc) exist and should not be shown, they apparently feel that putting a link below live content to report it is not appropriate is a solution. It isn't a solution.

Perhaps they should think more carefully about obtusely (mindfully) adding incomplete new features rather than just aiming for views and revenue while pretending they are not responsible for user generated content?
What's your solution? Just not allow videos at all?


If her reaction afterwards was different, she actually showed regret etc, the trauma, a lot years in jail and a lifetime ban on operating any kind of vehicle would be enough punishment. But that reaction is the most despicable shit.

Yes. Keep this piece of shit as far away from society for as long as possible.

Oh, are you asking if it solves anything for her? I don't care. Why should I?

One positive thing she could do which would honor her sister's memory is to travel the country as an advocate against social media addiction and using phones while driving.


I didn't watch the video but if she popped some Xanax, it could easy account for her being calm and unemotional.

Watch the censored video. It's not that she was calm, it's that she continues live streaming like she's making a vlog, while moving her dead Sisters lifeless body back and forth, while looking into the camera. It legit looks like something out of a horror flick.

What's your solution? Just not allow videos at all?

Well for starters, how about permanently banning users, FB pages, etc... that post disgusting shit? Everyday on my FB feed, people post horrific pictures and videos, then write "type Amen below". When I first got FB, one of the first things I saw, was people sharing a post of a dude cut in half from an auto accident. I was like "yea, F this." Once people start losing their accounts, you'll see some hesitation on sharing this types of things.


The uncensored video is quite something.

I've watched a LOT of fucked up shit, but this is one of the worst things I've watched. Literally kissing her sister's split-open skull and using a hand to squeeze it together. It's not very gruesome as much as it's disturbing considering the behaviour shown.


It's my honest belief that it should be illegal to enjoy watching this sort of shit like it is to watch child porn.

I feel the same. I can understand certain newsworthy vids being acceptable - like 9/11 or war videos, but videos of murder or manslaughter should not be legal to share. Just as child abuse imagery re-victimises the victim and their family I believe that these videos have the potential to re-victimise the family of the deceased. I don't see how the principles aren't the same for both.

Seeing this kind of thing - the brutal death of a 14 year old child - shared casually online makes me as uneasy for our shared social ethical values as the reaction of the older sister does.

The fact that we can see a kid's head split open and her brain hanging out - a revolting desecration of her memory, really - but an image of a topless girl of the same age would produce pages and pages of outrage and legal charges - that is horrifically fucked up to me. And to be clear I'm not asking to normalise sexualised images of kids, just putting things in perspective.


The uncensored video is quite something.

Why even type that shit here man?

Gad damn what is the point of these threads? Mods should lock these up, I am sure there are plenty of places for people to get their fill of child gore on the I ternet.


Why even type that shit here man?

Gad damn what is the point of these threads? Mods should lock these up, I am sure there are plenty of places for people to get their fill of child gore on the I ternet.

At least quote my entire post. Sorry if it offends anyone.

But yeah, I've seen shit worse than that in real life but that vid is really disturbing. She must've been very high on something otherwise idk.
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