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Teen driver arrested after live-streaming crash that killed her sister.


Seat belts ultimately don't save them from what an apathetic narcacist she is. If it wasn't crashing a car, who knows what else would of ruined or taken the life of her sister for that one possible viral hit.


Felium Defensor
there's a subreddit with over a 100,000 subscribers that is nothing but videos of people dying. The comment sections are filled with typical shitty reddit "jokes". The videos are sorted in categories such as beheadings or children. Something for every taste, you see
Disgusting. To categorize and even joke about shit like this....


Don't watch the video. Its very gruesome.

This fucking girl is a fucking psycho. I hope she is jailed for life.

What is scarier is these asshole teens can cause you and I get in a tragic accident. Fucking hell man.
I was so close to buying a motorcycle a few months ago. I've been in 4 accidents in my truck tho, 3/4 weren't my fault, got rear ended 3 times and twice I was completely stopped at the light and the idiots behind me were texting as they coast into me. If I was on a motorcycle I'd be dead. Driving motorcycles has gotten so exponentially dangerous with people always on their phones.... I couldn't bring myself to do it. Just drive around south Florida and look through people's windows. It feels like 1/4 drivers are messing with their phones. Shit is horrible.

I fell asleep after a long day of work with no rest on the fourth one and totaled her, 100% my fault on that. PSA: never drive tired, pullover and take a nap.


Before I watched the video I sympathized. Obviously it was her fault for being distracted, but she would have already had to live with the guilt of killing her sister. But Christ, that video... not only was she barely looking at the road at all the entire fucking time, but the way she was recording and the inflection of her voice after the crash... I thought maybe they both got injured and in her shock her first instinct was just to think out loud maybe, but no man, that shit is chilling. She legit just stops the car and is talking like it's nothing.


I know that I'm old man yelling at the clouds on this, but self driving automobiles can't get here fast enough.

I had a discussion with my wife the other day that we are too busy, too ADHD, too distracted, and we have a generation of kids in love with the attention they get on social media, to even operate a vehicle safely anymore.

Even adults, so damn busy with their lives, sometimes leave their little ones locked into hot vehicles only to smother in the summer heat.

Kids and adults both just have way too many distractions and way too much going on. You can't multi-task and operate a vehicle safely.

But you also can't put this genie back in the bottle. Self driving autos need to get here, need to get affordable, and need to get mainstream because that's going to be the only solution.
The gore in the video is not whats shocking, it is the absolute stupidity of the girl on display. Like her sisters face is basically smashed in and she is sitting their live streaming it, shaking her head, and just telling her to wake up? What a fucking moron and total embarrassment to humanity.


The gore in the video is not whats shocking, it is the absolute stupidity of the girl on display. Like her sisters face is basically smashed in and she is sitting their live streaming it, shaking her head, and just telling her to wake up? What a fucking moron and total embarrassment to humanity.

She is on drugs. Probably a point that should be mentioned in the op.

Edit: It's mentioned but for whatever reason people think as if she is in her full mental faculties.


Watching I was so mad she kept shaking her sisters body. If her sister had had a chance to survive the crash she could very easily have done fatal damage with the extra trauma. As it was the whole situation makes me sick. I feel so awful for the father, no idea how he reconciles this.

I now feel conflicted about the audio and video streaming the giant bomb guys do every year on their way to E3. On one hand I trust them to be good drivers and to go silent if they need to concentrate but on the other hand maybe they should just stop so as not to encourage others.


Subete no aware
I now feel conflicted about the audio and video streaming the giant bomb guys do every year on their way to E3. On one hand I trust them to be good drivers and to go silent if they need to concentrate but on the other hand maybe they should just stop so as not to encourage others.
At least that's just audio streaming if nothing else. Although they say having a conversation is as distracting as anything else.
Innocent lives lost cause of this shithead's obsession with social media and the need to livestream yourself driving. A colossal fuck up like this beyond repair is one needed lesson she'll take with her to her grave.
R.I.P to the victims.

Fuck the ME-generation and their dumbass obsession with live-streaming every fucking thing.

Addiction to social media is a serious problem (as exemplified here), but acting like it's 100% the kids' fault is stupid. Let's not act like parents don't much rather give their shitty kid a tablet to shut them up than actually spend time with them. Blaming kids for their education being shit is unfair. If anything their parents are the ones I'd call the "ME-generation" since they blame their kids for their own shitty parenting.


i think shock made her record the video. it's 2017 people live online and post without a second thought. that's not the worst part of the story to me. she was under the influence and driving while holding a phone. that's the issue.


This is chilling to me. Me and my brother were nearly killed because some guy tried to pass a Semi on a two way road. I nearly avoided it by driving off the road at the last second. Car doing the passing, Semi in front, and the one tailgating me all wrecked. I have never been so scared in my life. If I was live streaming, I would be dead. Why put yourself in this danger?
Fucked up situation all around, how is your first thought after looking at your sister dying to pick up the phone and start recording? I really can't anymore, this shit is disgusting.


Felium Defensor
Addiction to social media is a serious problem (as exemplified here), but acting like it's 100% the kids' fault is stupid. Let's not act like parents don't much rather give their shitty kid a tablet to shut them up than actually spend time with them. Blaming kids for their education being shit is unfair. If anything their parents are the ones I'd call the "ME-generation" since they blame their kids for their own shitty parenting.
What are going on about? And education? wat?
I didn't and don't blame the kids solely nor label them soley as the "ME-generation." Of course parenting comes huge into play, that much is quite obvious.


Jealous Bastard
obviously this is the teen's fault, but it does help me hate facebook some more. and makes me continue to question the human value of livestreaming every second of your life (or death).


Looking at the video, she was driving in a long deserted road. How the fuck do you crash in that situation?

Those roads have alot of semis going through them and are generally still busy at times considering the area seems to be Los Banos. No freeways or much near that area so alot of it consists of those small backroads. Plus The roads there are straight shit and never fet worked on, so it's potholes galore
there's a subreddit with over a 100,000 subscribers that is nothing but videos of people dying. The comment sections are filled with typical shitty reddit "jokes". The videos are sorted in categories such as beheadings or children. Something for every taste, you see

Morbid curiosity is not necessarily a bad thing, the tasteless jokes are though.
no argument but there are thousands of crashes every day with and without seat belts as well as fairly powerful ads people have shared that explain the benefits.

The whole point (I think) of this topic is live-streaming death, social media use among youth and tech companies wading into it without thinking of the consequences like live streamed assassinations, suicides and murders.

Perhaps some people live in a state where seat belt use is not pervasive? but most people here I suspect live in cities where seat belt use is 99%. Most new cars chime annoyingly and endlessly if you don't use them which helps.

Well, we had a thread a while back with an OP who thought it was weird to wear seatbelts in the backseat, so apparently the concept that you are a dumb fucking idiot who is going to die if you don't put them on has yet to fully permeate.
Stupidity of her driving aside, her reaction after the crash to is just so bizarre and fucked up to me. First of all why are you recording yourself in a moment like that? She keeps moving her head around and saying things like "I'm sorry I killed you" in the most casual way imaginable. I don't get much semblance of remorse from her.
Regardless of any influence, people usually freak the fuck out if they just killed a sibling.
I really don't know if this is true. It's fucking disturbing reading about this, I refuse to watch vids like this. But she's on something that fucks with your emotions, who the fuck is the average joe to say how someone normally reacts in this situation? She wasn't in her right mind, her reaction isn't supposed to be predictable. You can only process so much when shit like that happens and add drugs.... Everyone's gonna handle something like that differently in those circumstances I'd think. The judging in here is disturbing since the fact that she was high is in the OP, judge her for DUIing not for having a weird reaction to trauma while on antidepressants...
Thank you for doing your part, seriously. I wish more people were as aware or caring.
100%! Have one friend who actively avoids wearing one cause it's "uncomfortable" and I don't let him ride in my car and give him shit on a constant basis when driving is involved. It just boggles my mind.

Ugh, that would be just...I don't even wanna think about this.
I love that my car constantly beeps when a seat belt isn't used. Finally got my wife to start wearing it when she uses it.


She sounds like an absolute psychopath in the video.

"I love you, rest in peace, sweetie."

With no emotion in her voice whatsoever. Who the fuck talks like that?
Technology, or more specifically social media, is a major contributing factor to this. Can you believe that today an uneducated young girl can stream live from her phone camera with such ease and understanding? To be frank, an idiot can Livestream to her social media following. The fact we've reached this point where livestreaming has reached this level of convenience is an achievement. But, damn, this video is a reality check of what is going to happen because of this feature.

And yeah, she's a wannabe thug with stupid taste in hip-hop/rap. A product of her environment, I'm sure.


You can tell the older sister is a piece of shit just by looking at her facebook page. Her profile pic is her pointing a gun at the camera looking like a suburban gangsta.


Horrid. Driving privileges should be revoked forever at the very LEAST. If she was indeed intoxicated, she absolutely deserves jail time as well.


I showed this video to my sister, she's 17 and recently started driving on her own. She is irresponsible and reckless as it is, and frankly I do not wish for her to drive. I'll chauffeur her around if I have to, unfortunately my parent just bought her a car. It frustrates me so much that they do not see her as I do. For fuck's sake she has already been pulled over for not turning on her lights at night! & what did she get? a slap on the wrist. I swear if I ever find out she sneaks out without permission, i'm low key hinting the cops.
sharing videos of the death and pain of others just to satisfy morbid curiosity of others and get views and likes is gross.

Well it's a reality of life that ain't going away. People die all the time and it's filmed or photographed occasionally. There's literally cultures where the dead are paraded down the street to be seen. I don't agree with how Reddit does it, but I fully understand the desire to want to see the underside of life that we try to not think about.


I hope Facebook introduces more regulation to help fight this. Absolutely horrifying and heartbreaking story. Do not watch the video.


there's a subreddit with over a 100,000 subscribers that is nothing but videos of people dying. The comment sections are filled with typical shitty reddit "jokes". The videos are sorted in categories such as beheadings or children. Something for every taste, you see
It's my honest belief that it should be illegal to enjoy watching this sort of shit like it is to watch child porn.
I hope Facebook introduces more regulation to help fight this. Absolutely horrifying and heartbreaking story. Do not watch the video.

Not Facebook's fault she was careless and put everyone in danger. It's stupid, reckless behavior from a driver with no respect of the dangers posed by driving a 3klb machine at 70mph.


She is on drugs. Probably a point that should be mentioned in the op.

Edit: It's mentioned but for whatever reason people think as if she is in her full mental faculties.

Quoting so I hopefully some people get a clue when trying to demonize her. Don't get me wrong, what she did was really messed up, but there is an understandable reason she is reacting the way she is.

It is a sad that this could of been easily prevented by not letting her drive or wearing seatbelts. It is always important to recognize when a driver should not be driving.

She only cared about herself saying how she was going to jail. It makes me sick.

Eh, I highly doubt this and is not what I took away from the video, not to mention she is not in the right state of mind 2 fold.
WTF. What an idot and poor sister for having to die because of her incompetent sister who's too busy trying to get likes on facebook live while driving on drugs.

Terrible decisions all around in that car. Driver is DUI driving (DUI /= alcohol only), two passengers in the back not buckling up. Man... I really wish people would never think they're too cool for the safe belt.


The narcissism generation is a thing.

or rather,

Ease of access for narcissists to mass media tools has "normalized" narcissists.
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