So she isn't arrested for the live-streaming, right? Just the DUI and reckless driving.
Well, we need to force everyone with self-driving cars, which is going to be really next-to-impossible to make happen.
Self-driving cars will also help reduce carbon emissions, so it's also for environmental reasons.
Of course, but my point is that idiots like this will still find ways to hit the self destruct button even in a world where you can't operate cars anymore.
I'm of the opinion that social media use and interaction is something that needs to be tackled in schools from a young age now. I don't know how exactly, but something needs to be done whereby these kids are taught that social media is not real life and it is not important. The shit I see/read about is just unbelievable.
I know it's verging on some "old man yells at cloud" level of shit but the reality is, these kids are carrying a lot of this heinous stuff into adulthood and in a lot of cases it gets worse as they gain more freedom/responsibility as an adult. I know kids will be kids, and we all did stupid shit when we were young but "They will grow out of it" does not seem apply here.