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Television Displays and Technology Thread: This is a fantasy based on OLED


I try to pop back in this thread, especially with LG's new line coming out, to report back in on my experience with the 2016 models. Nearing a year owning a B6, and I am noticing the ABL more and more.

Movies i almost rarely do - games are the culprit. Specifically it's open world games.

I noticed it most last year with GTA V. Now I'm noticing it in MGS V ($8 on the humble store, how could I resist?). It's generally easy to let slide in the daytime but at night it is actually hindering my gameplay. I'll sneak up on an outpost at night at an angle and everything is pretty ok, bright enough to see. Then I move my camera to face the camp that has a campfire and BAM - instantly the shadows (and my character) are crushed dark. It's really jarring. Transitions from indoors to outdoors are similarly extreme and no less forgiveable in a stealth game like this.

I so wish there was a way to override this. If it was just a service menu fix like ABSL then I'd be over it immediately. Basically every time I move the right stick I can guarantee a brightness shift.
That sucks. Sounds like an immersion killer.

I read in this very thread that the 2017 LG OLED models have the option to adjust ABL limit in the service menu but that requires another remote.
I'm afraid to google what that converts to in USD!
That sucks. Sounds like an immersion killer.

I read in this very thread that the 2017 LG OLED models have the option to adjust ABL limit in the service menu but that requires another remote.

I'm glad that 2017 owners have the option to limit it at the very least, good to see LG improving. Too bad the 2016s lack that. I'll try tinkering with settings tonight to see if anything lessens the effect.
You can't adjust ABL on the 2017 sets either, you can only disable ASBL in the service menu, same as the 2016 sets.
Of course the 2017 LG OLED sets have the advantage of having an ABL that's less aggressive. Not that ABL really bothers me on an E6 OLED.


You can't adjust ABL on the 2017 sets either, you can only disable ASBL in the service menu, same as the 2016 sets.
Of course the 2017 LG OLED sets have the advantage of having an ABL that's less aggressive. Not that ABL really bothers me on an E6 OLED.

Source? Not doubting you because I think most would do more harm than good by raising the ABL, but I read that both options were there (ABL and ASBL) this year. I wish I could find it in this thread but it was maybe a month or two ago and I don't think it's worth searching for.


Man I'm having a such a hard time trying to decide between the Sony 900e and the 930e to replace my JS8500. The price and FALD of the 900e is very attractive and the set looks good in stores, but then you have the 930e which can get much brighter for HDR and has the better processor which will allow the set to eventually get DV. However the set is a grand more than the 900e. :-/ Decisions, decisions.


Despite not being FALD, the X93E has significantly more zones, is brighter, thinner and has a better processor. It's the better of the two sets. Now the X94E and Z9D are of course in a different category altogether but also in price.

e: Also only the X93E and higher in Sony's range will be getting Dolby Vision.


You can't adjust ABL on the 2017 sets either, you can only disable ASBL in the service menu, same as the 2016 sets.
Of course the 2017 LG OLED sets have the advantage of having an ABL that's less aggressive. Not that ABL really bothers me on an E6 OLED.

Source? Not doubting you because I think most would do more harm than good by raising the ABL, but I read that both options were there (ABL and ASBL) this year. I wish I could find it in this thread but it was maybe a month or two ago and I don't think it's worth searching for.

You can disable ABL on the 2017's. You have to set oled light to 35 or lower and contrast at or below 85.

I informed Rtings of this and they updated their review informing of this, it is also in the messages in the bottom of the review.

Also the service menu I have gone into and it indeed allows you to adjust when ABL kicks in, it is under the Oled option in the service menu, and is labeled APL ( average picture light ) stock setting is 48.


Despite not being FALD, the X93E has significantly more zones, is brighter, thinner and has a better processor. It's the better of the two sets. Now the X94E and Z9D are of course in a different category altogether but also in price.

e: Also only the X93E and higher in Sony's range will be getting Dolby Vision.

Right. The X93E is better, it's just a matter if it's $1000 better. Knowing me and how I'm all about being as future proof as possible, I will probably end up with the X93E just because of the better processor which in theory should allow for more updates in the future (DV, HLG, maybe even HFR support and HDR10+)


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Was there anything significant in the b 6 4.31.10 update?

I think I was able to gather it finally rolled out HDR game mode to Europe?

I couldn't find any change notes.
You can disable ABL on the 2017's. You have to set oled light to 35 or lower and contrast at or below 85.

I informed Rtings of this and they updated their review informing of this, it is also in the messages in the bottom of the review.

Also the service menu I have gone into and it indeed allows you to adjust when ABL kicks in, it is under the Oled option in the service menu, and is labeled APL ( average picture light ) stock setting is 48.

OLED light below 35 is a bit too dark for me. I do like some light in the room when TV is on... What's average picture light? Is it basically % of screen that has to be white?


Right. The X93E is better, it's just a matter if it's $1000 better. Knowing me and how I'm all about being as future proof as possible, I will probably end up with the X93E just because of the better processor which in theory should allow for more updates in the future (DV, HLG, maybe even HFR support and HDR10+)

Best Buy here in the states, just dropped the price of the X930E set by $300. I purchased the X900E and replaced it with the X930E a week later. At the time, I thought it was worth it but that gap in price should be closing as the price drops. Great TV. Light cannon and low input lag. I love it.


Is the B6 still the best bang for the buck oled right now?

I am returning my Ks8000 (I couldn't stand the flashlighting, made watching ANY dark movie/show absolutely terrible since it changed the colors along the entire bottom of my screen and right side) and looking to go to an Oled (wish I did that in the first place).


Is the B6 still the best bang for the buck oled right now?

I am returning my Ks8000 (I couldn't stand the flashlighting, made watching ANY dark movie/show absolutely terrible since it changed the colors along the entire bottom of my screen and right side) and looking to go to an Oled (wish I did that in the first place).

Yes but getting unicorn status, unless you buy used.
Anyone picking up the new Visio M Series? Waiting to hear some reviews on the 50". Probably gonna be between that and hopefully the new TCL P series gets solid reviews. Although the 50" of that isn't supposed to come out till like the end of the year for some reason.


If it was in vivid mode or something similar, that would explain it. In my experience so far, it's not overbearing at all in use for games or videos, it just stands out on any static content. There also seems to be a period of adjustment, though. Coming from my LED P series (which uses PWM), the effect is far less jarring.

Got mine in. The flicker is nowhere near like the one I played with in store. This A1E is legit. Can't wait to calibrate it after some hours on it. This set is so much brighter than my EF9500 its crazy. OLEDs brightness certainly get exponentially brighter with smaller nit increases as opposed to LEDs. I can't imagine what a Z9 would be like as I found this thing way too bright for my tastes and turned it way down.



Well least it proves that I'm not just making it up how good it is! Weird choice of content for the side by side though.

Holygeesus should watch it:0

My set arrives this week, paid £1898 for the 65DX902 bundled with the UB300 Player at Richer Sounds so it also has a 6 year warranty.

Can you recommend any decent 3D glasses? Are Samsung glasses better on this set or Panasonic?
My set arrives this week, paid £1898 for the 65DX902 bundled with the UB300 Player at Richer Sounds so it also has a 6 year warranty.

Can you recommend any decent 3D glasses? Are Samsung glasses better on this set or Panasonic?

I use my old Sony active ones and they are fine.

This guy also got rid of his B6 for the DX.


Right. The X93E is better, it's just a matter if it's $1000 better. Knowing me and how I'm all about being as future proof as possible, I will probably end up with the X93E just because of the better processor which in theory should allow for more updates in the future (DV, HLG, maybe even HFR support and HDR10+)
I don't know. I don't tend to consider value for money as a factor when making these kinds of purchasing decisions. In the first place that tends to not scale well at all. Just buy the best TV you are happy to pay for* and be happy until you want to replace it.
My LG 55" C7 arrives today. I'm replacing a 2009 1080p Samsung 52" LCD, so I'm expecting to be blown away completely. Crossing my fingers that one of my long HDMI options handles a 4K HDR signal well.
If I plan on having my PS4 Pro and Xbox One S (Scorpio soon) hooked up to my aged 4k tv with only 1 hdmi port dedicated to 4k@60 what is my best option besides physically switching inputs? I know there are switches. Is there a very good brand, less hassle free, maybe? I figured I would ask the experts in here before somewhere else. Thanks in advance!
Great thread but it seems like they have different model names for different region . I cant find any of those on rtings in Singapore and vice visa .Any one know if there is a international version alternative?


Hmm its only seems to be with Sony as other brands can be found.....


Really curious on what will be shown at this years IFA expo, which is in August.

Maby/hopefully some of the advancements in panel tech, that will be avalible for consumers next year.


Really curious on what will be shown at this years IFA expo, which is in August.

Maby/hopefully some of the advancements in panel tech, that will be avalible for consumers next year.

I wonder if LG held back a little with the panels they sold to others. Their's have significantly less ABL, with less power consumption.

I just want my HDR10+ update 😋
Got mine in. The flicker is nowhere near like the one I played with in store. This A1E is legit. Can't wait to calibrate it after some hours on it. This set is so much brighter than my EF9500 its crazy. OLEDs brightness certainly get exponentially brighter with smaller nit increases as opposed to LEDs. I can't imagine what a Z9 would be like as I found this thing way too bright for my tastes and turned it way down.


Problem is, it blows out highlights. It has a horrible tone mapping algorithm.


So I'm about to swap my Panny Plasma for a new TV and really having a hard time deciding.

1. LG b6 OLED 65
2. Samsumg KS8000
3. Sony x900E

I have a ps4/xbone/Windows HTPC. Getting ready for Scorpio and its been a tough pick between the 3.

I'm worried about the IR in the OLED because of my HTPC and I play a ton of Destiny, the bars seem to be the demise of my Plasma.



So who's the winner? Haven't had time to watch it all.

The results are subjective. The A1E follows the EOTF curve most accurately so it will allow the image to look brightest but sacrificing details. LG looks dimmest but shows the most detail and Panasonic is somewhere in between. He also claimed to have the images inaccurate to get across his point but idk how that helps.

In this video comparison the opposite can be seen where the LG is blowing out details in both bright and dark areas while Sony is able to maintain the shadow and cloud details better.

This is how he personally ranked them: Panasonic > LG > Sony


Panny, LG, Sony. In that order.

Maybe Sony can improve it with an update. Basically the work around is to lower contrast but that is no good.

^^re: pics. That can't be something they missed. They must have thought it was worth it to bump up APL at the cost of clipping highs to look more bright.


It's all trade offs in that case and his reasoning for using these less than ideal settings was to show a 'worse case scenario' of sorts where correct tonemapping is important But you can see how none of the three sets actually displays these images correctly. Sony's approach of clipping above the peak and tracking the EOTF curve accurately is actually more typical of mastering monitors than TVs where this is the desired behaviour.

Sony actually chooses something closer to the LG approach on the ZD9 though Sony's justification there is they wanted the ZD9 to be a 'consumer version' studios can use to understand how a TV might tonemap content that is mapped to a TV.

It also is important to note here that peak brightness does indeed matter and all of these displays lose detail in some way or look inaccurate. For LG it's expanding dynamic range on the low end to keep distinct steps on the higher levels hence why it is dimmer.


Detail is completely lost on the A1 on the left, lots of white clipping. C7 (while darker) looks the best here imo.

I disagree. I actually think the C7 looks the worst here. Although it retains the most detail, it completely flops at actually conveying the intent of the scene. The character is supposed to be blinded by a bright light. On the C7, he looks like he is in shadow. The Sony looks the most similar to what something like this would actually look like to the naked eye, although the Panasonic probably does the best job of both conveying the intent of the scene while also providing details.

I have never been a fan of the compressed type of tone mapping LG is doing here, going back to when people started using it in HDR photography. It just does not look natural. Clipping the peaks is more like what the eye actually does when confronted with very bright scenes (e.g. snowblindness). He even mentioned in the video that he had to decrease the exposure on the camera to pick up the differences. It seems like an example of AV geeks getting hung up on some technical detail and losing sight of the big picture (no pun intended).


The results are subjective. The A1E follows the EOTF curve most accurately so it will allow the image to look brightest but sacrificing details. LG looks dimmest but shows the most detail and Panasonic is somewhere in between. He also claimed to have the images inaccurate to get across his point but idk how that helps.

In this video comparison the opposite can be seen where the LG is blowing out details in both bright and dark areas while Sony is able to maintain the shadow and cloud details better.

This is how he personally ranked them: Panasonic > LG > Sony

Yeah just seen the vid and while Sony is more "accurate" but it's like a pick your poison kind of deal. Think I'd rather go with a darkened image since it's easier to recover midtones through other settings.

BTW for LG they have an Active HDR mode (turn on DC low) and it raises the APL but keeps the highlights. I assume he didn't activate that in the vid. I'm guessing the LG would close the distance with the Panny with it on.

This tone mapping video proves just how badly OLED's in general need to hit that base of 1000 nits....

DV is the big fix. Sony seems to be an outlier among the rest though.
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