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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?


Scaley member
So... Is the GAF community in this game dead? I had to reformat my SSD a few days back, and I'm out of bandwidth (stupid low Canadian caps), so I can't download anything for the next 6 days. ;__;


So... Is the GAF community in this game dead? I had to reformat my SSD a few days back, and I'm out of bandwidth (stupid low Canadian caps), so I can't download anything for the next 6 days. ;__;
The guild is now dead. GM quit and everybody has pretty much moved on to other guilds.


Well, the guild is still there, but you'll just be alone whenever you're logged in. lol

But yeah, I miss it too. It looked great.


I didn't end up transferring to MT in the end, they make you pay in EMP to do it and I wasn't about to do that!

I've not touched any games in about three weeks, I can't muster up the enthusiasm to log in at the moment. Still not ruled it out to pop in and see what alliance looks like though!


I didn't end up transferring to MT in the end, they make you pay in EMP to do it and I wasn't about to do that!

I've not touched any games in about three weeks, I can't muster up the enthusiasm to log in at the moment. Still not ruled it out to pop in and see what alliance looks like though!
Do drop by and say hi sometime!

Two days till Alliance, hopefully it's not lousy. I think that how fun it is will depend on how you approach it. Doing it solo will probably not be the same as going out in a raid with your guild.

I'm also interested in trying the vault, which is where vits can drop. But for that you need 1000 rep points with the faction, so I imagine it'll take a while to grind that.

We shall see.


I logged in to see the guild faire. Said hi and what not.

Realized that I'm not interested in coming back after all. Guild is Battle ready for however wants to declare on it lol.


I logged in to see the guild faire. Said hi and what not.

Realized that I'm not interested in coming back after all. Guild is Battle ready for however wants to declare on it lol.
I saw that you declared against Taco and Burrito and had a good laugh.

Sadly, no one logs on anymore, so we won't know who the superior guild is.


Scaley member
I'll be redownloading the game tomorrow when my bandwidth resets. I'm not looking forward to an empty guild, though. :(


I've been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and I'm enjoying the storylines but I'm getting annoyed with the restrictions. It's making me want to try Tera again. I played it for a month when it came out and loved the combat and the sexy. If only we could have an MMO with the stories of swtor and the combat/art of Tera.


I've been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and I'm enjoying the storylines but I'm getting annoyed with the restrictions. It's making me want to try Tera again. I played it for a month when it came out and loved the combat and the sexy. If only we could have an MMO with the stories of swtor and the combat/art of Tera.



Quit Tera. Deleted my characters.

It was just a bad addiction and I need to do something more productive with my life. What pushed me to finally take the decision was the absolute shittiness of the Alliance patch.... I mean, words can't even describe how pointless and worthless a timesink it is. Imagine the time you waste hunting world bosses for vanarchy, but for the entire server, with no reward of any sort--gold, MES or alk. In fact, it's nothing but a goldsink, since every time you get killed in the instanced PVP, you lose charms and stamina. When you have 200 people on the screen you're essentially dying every thirty seconds to some invisible AOE that never loaded. The main goal of the alliance battles is to save or kill the tax guy, which is ridiculous, because a) the taxes belong to the exarch, not you, meaning you're essentially wasting your time for someone else, and b) killing him only nets you a profit of a couple hundred gold, despite the hours of your life you just wasted trying to zerg the single door to their base, which is an AOE chokepoint. I mean, is this the best incentive they could come up with? I don't even get more than 230 or so gold from spending 2 hours doing all the daily quests. And the winners were already all determined via huge score gaps on the first day of competition. Screw that.

So yeah. On to better games. Tera had infinite potential, but it was wasted due to a developer that has very few actual good ideas.

Ardour, when you read this, send me a message to add me on Steam. Not sure what your GAF username is.


relies on auto-aim
So that's it huh? I played in Beta and now it's dead.

Luckily PSO2 is mostly in English and is pretty solid and I've heard good things about FFXIV.
At least some people got cute avatars out of it


So that's it huh? I played in Beta and now it's dead.

Luckily PSO2 is mostly in English and is pretty solid and I've heard good things about FFXIV.
At least some people got cute avatars out of it
I will not make the mistake of getting sucked into another MMO. lol. I yearn for freedom, and the ability to enjoy my 200 unplayed Steam titles.

I do think the death of this game is inevitable. Alliance was supposed to breathe fresh life into the game, but I honestly believe that in two weeks no one will be doing it since it just has NO personal rewards. I can earn more money in a 6-minute Kelsaik trio run than I can in two hours of grinding the alliance zones. I mean, they introduced new gear with this update, which requires activities in these areas, but the gear is weaker than that which already exists in the game--making it pointless even before the patch hit, since people were already grinding for the stronger gear to be ready for the PVP aspect of this. It's just one among countless design choices that I can't grasp.

Looking back, my experience with this game was probably 80% tedium/20% fun. It's just that you're held hostage by your addiction.


Also, a fundamental problem in this game is simply that EME has no power to do absolutely anything. Any complaint or suggestion we send their way falls on deaf ears since the Koreans either don't give a shit what EME has to say, or are several patches ahead of us.

But on top of that, EME is simply incompetent. Here's an example. Alliance went live and they said there'd be two weeks to farm points before the first exarch was announced. So what happened about 36 hours after the patch went live? An exarch suddenly got announced, and everyone who didn't have the 1000 contribution points they thought they had two weeks to farm is suddenly locked out of content until the next exarch takes over in two weeks.

Now here's the funny thing, this is what the producer had to say:

As you have noticed, the Alliance race to Exarch was decided yesterday around midnight pacific time. This was not intended and we are looking into why this happened. Right now we either have a choice of rolling back or continuing on as is. While rolling back may seem nice, it also resets the progress everyone has made in all other aspects of Tera which rules this out as an option. It is also extremely messy. Going forward with how things currently are offers the best outcome for all even though it does interrupt the plans made by some. We will also investigate what the current state of Exarch rule is, when the next reset actually will be, and communicate that back to you.
My theory is the following. EME said they got the build of the game on the 26th. That's roughly two weeks from when it happened. So I feel that BHS told them "Exarch goes live in two weeks" as soon as they sent them the build. lol

On top of everything, EME has released no information about how a lot of the mechanics in exarchy work. There's an Alliance Enchanter that apparently uses policy points to improve enchanting, but nothing is mentioned about how much higher the chance is. No information is given about how pp are earned, but word of mouth has it that it's from the quests we peons turn in. New gear stats are not divulged publicly and the crafting recipes do not display any information about the stats either. EME producer says this is for "mystery" and that things wouldn't be any "fun" otherwise. Meanwhile, the KTera website about Alliance prior to its release over there featured screenshots of all the new gear and their stats.

I mean... fuck this shit. Their forum is littered with threads complaining about things or making suggestions, and there's never even an acknowledgment, because they simply can't do anything about it. This is what is killing this game.

If you guys ever play any other MMOs, please make sure it's one where it's the actual developers listening to the feedback, and not a publisher with no power. This was a huge source of frustration with this game for me, and pretty much everyone else who has already quit.


relies on auto-aim
I will not make the mistake of getting sucked into another MMO. lol. I yearn for freedom, and the ability to enjoy my 200 unplayed Steam titles.

Looking back, my experience with this game was probably 80% tedium/20% fun. It's just that you're held hostage by your addiction.
I haven't committed to an MMO since MapleStory. I got that out of my system early and actively avoided WoW. I just binge betas (6-10 hours a day) then quit.
It helps I get tired of mechanics by then. PSO2 has been one I come back to in bursts, same for Vindictus.

I've played Blade and Soul a bit ago and the combat isn't nearly as good. It's too repetitive. Looks super nice and being able to wall run and wind run is super awesome though.
In the end, that's what really matters, right?

Plus I picked up some awesome Elin figures in real life, so it's not all bad.
That and
FP art


So I was just told that EME mentioned in a stream that the Magician's update with the new dungeons and gear hits in September.

Well... it's a good thing I deleted my characters, else I can assure I'd be reinstalling right now.


So I was just told that EME mentioned in a stream that the Magician's update with the new dungeons and gear hits in September.

Well... it's a good thing I deleted my characters, else I can assure I'd be reinstalling right now.

Wait, what? >_>


Stefan™;76772655 said:
Wait, what? >_>
I've uninstalled the game twice before, and both times came back. I just couldn't keep it out of my mind and ended up giving in.

This gives some finality to it. Since I have no self-control, I just had to gather up the willpower to do it once. Last night was the night I was able to do it. XD Hell, I feel like I'm going through withdrawal now, but I just couldn't keep playing this game. It was sucking up my life.

Edit: By the way, as an anecdote, I once met a guy in Velika who was asking for gold to take a pegasus. He had quit the game and apparently sold ALL his equipment and gold down to the bronze, in an attempt to quit...and yet months later found himself playing again. That helped in my decision to delete everything. lol


I've uninstalled the game twice before, and both times came back. I just couldn't keep it out of my mind and ended up giving in.

This gives some finality to it. Since I have no self-control, I just had to gather up the willpower to do it once. Last night was the night I was able to do it. XD Hell, I feel like I'm going through withdrawal now, but I just couldn't keep playing this game. It was sucking up my life.

Not like this. ;__;

Well then, goodbye. ;__;


Stefan™;76773411 said:
Not like this. ;__;

Well then, goodbye. ;__;
Well... I don't know. Ugh. It's all over 90 days of playtime.

I talked to support and I'm going to do something else instead. My characters are on a 24-hour "deletion confirmation" timer. Tomorrow when they're all gone, I'm gonna have them restore them, and then they will just disable the account. The only way for me to play again will be to contact support.

So I'll quit the game and have a safeguard measure against reinstalling, but maybe someday I'll come back, at least to check out the new content. That way it's not 90 days of my life all thrown out like this.

Add me on Steam, anyway! Send me your username.
In the end, that's what really matters, right?

Plus I picked up some awesome Elin figures in real life, so it's not all bad.

I will always remember my days as an Elin playing with hundreds of other Elins. I still have some friends I made in Tera, of which a few are with me in FFXIV.

The way Bluehole squandered the potential that Tera should be a criminal offense.


Looking for meaning in GAF
There's new gear coming out? I'm starting to play again here and there and I'm still sitting on Abyss stuff. I don't even know what's good anymore.

It's kind of funny because I haven't kept up with new content at all, so there's still a lot left for me to mess around with. Hell, I haven't even done Manaya's Core.


Stefan said:
Not like this. ;__;

Well then, goodbye. ;__;

Well... I don't know. Ugh. It's all over 90 days of playtime.

Add me on Steam, anyway! Send me your username.

I have Kam on Steam so you can hit me up too, Stefan!

I've had almost 0 time for games recently :( ... I'm getting tempted by XCOM Enemy Unknown and a couple of other things TERA kept me from playing last year.

I don't think I'm ready for another MMO yet. Still disappointed about how TERA turned out - not through any of you guys, who to a person were all awesome, but how dumb the design decisions and updates were handled, especially the gear progression.


I felt some withdrawal during the first day, but now, honestly, I don't even miss the game. In fact, I look through the official forums and see the petty things people have to complain about, EME ignoring every last forum post, and BHS's incompetence, and I don't even feel like going back to it. For example, on the first day of Alliance we all complained about the absence of trade brokers on the HQ bases... did you know BHS barely added them to KTera like four months after Alliance went live there? I mean, if this is how long it takes them to add in a two-minute fix in their own region, what can we realistically ever expect here?

I feel relief, honestly. The other night was the first night I had a dinner at home that wasn't in front of the computer. lol. Damn game was holding me hostage. :p


Hello (i hope the thread is not dead D:) i am now downloading Tera and i am so lost lol, i want to make an amani or human lancer. I have been playing WoW for too long as feral druid and i really want to try something different.

Would be nice to find someone to play with i know i will be very confused at the start but i already started some nerdy research lol.

Also i heard that the game is unstable, i have an i7920 and an ATI5970 and 8gb of ram i hope that is enough D:

PD: the download takes forever


I downloaded the game today but every time I click on a server it says "server isn't up yet." I adjusted my firewall settings but I'm still getting the same message. There's no server maintenance scheduled today... What's the deal?


I downloaded the game today but every time I click on a server it says "server isn't up yet." I adjusted my firewall settings but I'm still getting the same message. There's no server maintenance scheduled today... What's the deal?
There was an emergency maintenance, the servers just went back up a few minutes ago.

This must be a good first impression for you! Enjoy the game :)


So what's top class on PVE and PVP minus healers?

Man, SSD spoiled me so much. Tera is kinda painful on loading. Couldn't fit it on my SSD.


Don't know if you're playing priest or mystic, but levelling a priest gets alot quicker as soon as you get big blue burst of death (can't remember its name). You should play priest as a mixed melee/ranged class. In close for the bursts and then use your escapes to dole out the ranged damage.

Priest is probably my favourite class in the game. Solo combat gets superdynamic.


Don't know if you're playing priest or mystic, but levelling a priest gets alot quicker as soon as you get big blue burst of death (can't remember its name). You should play priest as a mixed melee/ranged class. In close for the bursts and then use your escapes to dole out the ranged damage.

Priest is probably my favourite class in the game. Solo combat gets superdynamic.
Shocking implosion. Sooooo good!
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