So I fell victim to a quirk that is probably intentional but is really rather annoying. When showing items to the guide to work out what you can craft them to, if you hit ESC to close the dialogue the item appears as a lose item in the game world.
This is fine, unless it is day time and the items you were looking at are those fallen star items.
It's even less amusing when you have 20 or 30 of them
Aside from that, my little world has come along nicely. The nurse, guide, demo-man and merchant have moved in with me. I'm no longer a naked man instead I'm running around in some kind of armour and have some gold items. This games' pacing is immaculate. Just as I was petering out with copper everywhere but nothing exciting to do with it, I happened upon a sky island with gold everywhere (and a lucky horseshoe) and some caverns down beneath (lava too, with some mineral I couldn't mine with a gold pickaxe) and suddenly it was like an all new game
Great stuff.