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Terraria |OT2| The Hallowed Land Of Corruption

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Good set of rules and though they sound strict, remember that we use Large worlds (which are the equivalent of 5 miles wide) so there's LOTS of space. Last server we had stuff built up at the oceans, around the tower, and then sporadically around the surface.

I would like to add that we will have a larger Tutorial Town in the next patch; across the wooden bridge that we have now will be a 'mining town' with a few NPCs, some more help signs, and a simple shaft leading underground. The reason for this is to give new players an area that isn't overwhelming and isn't completely dug out; we're planning to refresh the area under this area so that new players can always dig down and find minerals.

There will be a bed there so people don't have to restart from the tutorial, but it will be build protected. I would expect just two little wooden structures with a merchant and nurse. The idea is, brand new Terraria players can hop on the GAF server and not be completely buried with new stuff that they don't know how to interact with and can start digging right away without slipping down a hell shaft and splattering 20 seconds into the game.

... all of which I need to build, so.... let me get on that =)


Retro said:
Good set of rules and though they sound strict, remember that we use Large worlds (which are the equivalent of 5 miles wide) so there's LOTS of space. Last server we had stuff built up at the oceans, around the tower, and then sporadically around the surface.

I would like to add that we will have a larger Tutorial Town in the next patch; across the wooden bridge that we have now will be a 'mining town' with a few NPCs, some more help signs, and a simple shaft leading underground. The reason for this is to give new players an area that isn't overwhelming and isn't completely dug out; we're planning to refresh the area under this area so that new players can always dig down and find minerals.

There will be a bed there so people don't have to restart from the tutorial, but it will be build protected. I would expect just two little wooden structures with a merchant and nurse. The idea is, brand new Terraria players can hop on the GAF server and not be completely buried with new stuff that they don't know how to interact with and can start digging right away without slipping down a hell shaft and splattering 20 seconds into the game.

... all of which I need to build, so.... let me get on that =)

You got some people here that can lend you a hand =)


confuziz said:
You got some people here that can lend you a hand =)

Well, the tutorial section is done, and like I said; the actual 'mining town' will only be a building or two at the most (planning to go with wood too, so the materials aren't hard to find or anything). I did send a schematic to Harlan a few weeks ago for our 'mineshaft entrance' in the tutorial town, so really all I have to do is slap together some buildings.

I do appreciate the offer though. We've never had so many new players as we have over the last two weeks. I'm really looking forward to all the old players who haven't been on in a while and the new people who have just started getting on and building a huge world.

Don't let Harlan's description throw you either; there will be plenty of open territory to build craziness.


Trees: REPLANT TREES. If push comes to shove, I’ll completely lock out certain forests so no one can touch them. I don’t want to resort to that, so please, if you chop down trees, but you’re not planning on building anything in that area, REPLANT TREES.

Thank god for this rule. Currently on the server as is, someone decided that chopping down half the trees on my floating islands and leaving stumps behind was a good idea.

On that note, feel free to take anything from the chests in my house now. Someone already decided to take stuff, and I might as well give it away given it's gonna disappear with the server.
HaRyu said:
WARNING! The following is just speculation on my part. As far as I know, there's no indication this will actually be in the game.

Sooooo. Getting bored, keep checking twitter to see if we got any new info. I noticed that Tiy (the artist) changed the background on his Twitter page.




I'll be on tonight to register before it's too late!


From the Terraria Forums:
Redigit said:
I'm going to be doing a lot of balance runs over the weekend to make sure there is nothing else that needs to get changed, number wise. So it will be mostly ready on Monday, but I think we might take a few more days for some additional bug testing.

So early next week, but probably not Monday. But they're trying to get it out as early as possible.

Marrshu said:
Thank god for this rule. Currently on the server as is, someone decided that chopping down half the trees on my floating islands and leaving stumps behind was a good idea.

What the Fuck?! That's like the most completely ass-backwards way to get lumber on that server. For starters, the tree farm is RIGHT THERE, just on the other side of the Tutorial Town. But instead, somebody climbed up to the top of the tower and hacked down trees there?

Whether vandalism or ignorance, that's just stupid.

As for forests... I think when the new patch hits, we should find a nice grove and protect it as a sacred forest. Preferably one with a lake inside just for aesthetics.

HaRyu said:

It's an eyeless cthulu, of course...

Redigit said:
It is a concept that we were playing around with. I can't say right now if it will happen or not, but it definitely won't be the next boss.


Unconfirmed Member
Rygar 8 Bit said:
seems you have a old god problem

I notice the filename is "cathy".

Cathy the Cthulu.

Dammit, I really want to fight it now. I hope that's an actual boss.
HaRyu said:
WARNING! The following is just speculation on my part. As far as I know, there's no indication this will actually be in the game.

Sooooo. Getting bored, keep checking twitter to see if we got any new info. I noticed that Tiy (the artist) changed the background on his Twitter page.


Oh my. My water boss speculation became true!

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
VandalD said:
I noticed on the server that at least one level of the tree farm is basically an above ground jungle. Wouldn't that be best option for a tree farm, or do trees not auto grow fast enough?

Reminds me of Kraid.

you insult the god of madness? not wise


Unconfirmed Member
VandalD said:
I noticed on the server that at least one level of the tree farm is basically an above ground jungle. Wouldn't that be best option for a tree farm, or do trees not auto grow fast enough?

Its not efficient. The only advantage of the jungle trees is that they just grow automatically on jungle grass, no need to plant acorns.

The problem is, jungle trees pop up randomly. Sometimes they're not even spaced close enough to get the maximum amount of trees in a plot of land. At least w/ regular trees, you can maximize how many trees you can grow.

It all really boils down to how much actual work you want to do. Personally, I prefer growing regular trees (I have tree farms on my personal world).


Rygar 8 Bit said:
you insult the god of madness? not wise
It's just that I could see him throwing spikes and tentacles at you that you have to jump on, and then when you hurt him enough he comes completely out of the water and onto the beach, at which point you have to climb more tentacles - or maybe those chains! - and throw dynamite in his mouth.

I dunno. Maybe it's just that he's green and I have Metroid on my mind.

HaRyu said:
The problem is...
I see. Makes sense. I've only just now started experimenting with a jungle tree farm in my own world.


VandalD said:
I see. Makes sense. I've only just now started experimenting with a jungle tree farm in my own world.

On my world, I go to the Jungle to clear-cut whenever I need to restock my lumber supply. If I just need a little wood for a small project, I tend to skip over my giant stockpile and hit up my tree farm. It's worked out amazingly well for me, keeping a big reserve for major projects and a farm for day-to-day needs.


HaRyu said:
WARNING! The following is just speculation on my part. As far as I know, there's no indication this will actually be in the game.

Sooooo. Getting bored, keep checking twitter to see if we got any new info. I noticed that Tiy (the artist) changed the background on his Twitter page.



Cthulu! But where's the lower half of him?

Would be awesome if it made it into the game.


Unconfirmed Member





Unconfirmed Member
ATTN: Server mod was updated. If there seems to be any strange issues on the server, please let me know.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, either possible glitch, or I just dont have settings right:

Apparently, PICKING UP EXPLOSIVES will kick you off the server. Not ban you, but kick you off. I'm looking into it, but in the meantime, please be aware that the simple act of just picking if up will kick you off.

I repeat, it will only KICK you off the server, it will not BAN you (despite the message it gives).


Unconfirmed Member
And the trickle of information (and agonizing wait) continues:


Redigit killed a few more bugs this morning, now hes on to adding a few more decorative items. Colored banners add a lot to home appearance.

C'mooooon Mondday update.
Is there a way to increase the frequency of goblin invasions? In my 50 or so hours of playtime, I've gotten exactly one so far. It's starting to drive me nuts (especially since I really want rocket boots to drop)


Unconfirmed Member
Gully State said:
Is there a way to increase the frequency of goblin invasions? In my 50 or so hours of playtime, I've gotten exactly one so far. It's starting to drive me nuts (especially since I really want rocket boots to drop)

Goblin invasion only happen 7 days (or more) since the last invasion.

There's really nothing much you can do, it happens, or it doesn't. It also is dependent on the computer, apparently.

I say this, because for some reason, there's a abnormally high amount of goblin invasions and blood moons on the server. And no, I didn't mod things for that to happen. Even before the server mod, we've always had an abnormal amount of blood moons and goblin invasions.


Just dumb luck maybe, there doesn't seem to be anything in the code that would be dependent on anything like (virtual) frame rate or player counts or anything.
HaRyu said:
Goblin invasion only happen 7 days (or more) since the last invasion.

There's really nothing much you can do, it happens, or it doesn't. It also is dependent on the computer, apparently.

I say this, because for some reason, there's a abnormally high amount of goblin invasions and blood moons on the server. And no, I didn't mod things for that to happen. Even before the server mod, we've always had an abnormal amount of blood moons and goblin invasions.

I get an abnormally high number of Goblin invasions and Blood Moons. It's like, one day it's goblins, then the next is a blood moon. It really is that bad for me. Still no rocket boots though.


HaRyu said:
Goblin invasion only happen 7 days (or more) since the last invasion.

There's really nothing much you can do, it happens, or it doesn't. It also is dependent on the computer, apparently.

I say this, because for some reason, there's a abnormally high amount of goblin invasions and blood moons on the server. And no, I didn't mod things for that to happen. Even before the server mod, we've always had an abnormal amount of blood moons and goblin invasions.

I thought % rate of stuff, mb spawns, and ther stuff was raised for multiplayer.


Unconfirmed Member
Sarcasm said:
I thought % rate of stuff, mb spawns, and ther stuff was raised for multiplayer.

For the Goblin Invasion, and its only the size of the invasion that's affected. Number of players doesn't increase chances, because only one check is performed.

On the other hand, it does increase the chance of a King Slime spawning. Multiple players do not increase the overall chances, but each individual player gets to perform a check.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay guys, in order to prepare for the update, I'm now REQUIRING all players to log in to even be able to do anything.

Everyone who's registered so far is automatically set to Trusted Privileges. For those of you haven't registered yet, as long as you register before the update, your privileges will automatically be set to Trusted.

To recap:

Unregistered: can't do jack
Probation: can only build/dig
Trusted: can build/dig, carry water
VIP: can build/dig, carry water, carry lava, use spikes, use explosives, warp, send whispers


LiquidMetal14 said:
I wanna warp too you animal!

Kindly stated :p

Well I think VIP should be reserved only for the most trusted and awesome players, so people like me and not you sorry :(


Unconfirmed Member
LiquidMetal14 said:
I wanna warp too you animal!

Kindly stated :p

VIP status is usually given when I'm sure you're not a crazy psycho who'll dump lava and bomb crap. :p
I'm also not going to say WHO is getting VIP status, you'll find out yourself if your chat text is a certain color:

Unregistered = White
Probation = Grey
Trusted = Light Blue (looks almost white, I may have to change the color)
VIP = Orange
Ref = Hot Pink
Admins = Purple

Some (a few of you) WILL be getting VIP status either today or tomorrow, since I have to test if the stupid privileges work.


Unconfirmed Member
Oookay... need to clear some things up about registering for the server:



3. To register, type:
 /register [I]username password[/I]
Make your username ALL LOWERCASE

4. To login, type:
 /login [I]username password[/I]

5. If you don't login, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BUILD/DIG.

6. If you register, I'll need to increase your privileges. YOU NEED TO LEAVE AND COME BACK TO THE SERVER FOR THE CHANGES TO TAKE EFFECT.




Unconfirmed Member
Meh, apparently, there was a stupid issue on the server where no one could see the chat text. It's been fixed.

The problem had something to do w/ the length of the Message of the Day, in case anyone was wondering.
Thanks GAF server..I finally picked up rocket boots.. you guys weren't kidding about the abundance of Goblin invasions.

Bring on


charlemagne said:
Man screw trying to mine hellstone. I get 5 blocks before I die.

Sounds like what you need is:
a) a better pickaxe to mine faster
b) a better weapon to kill the giant skeleton worms

Otherwise I can't think of any reason why it would be hard to mine hellstone. You do have an Obsidian Skull right? Otherwise you shouldn't even be trying.


Unconfirmed Member

Goddamit Retro, abusing your server mod powers again?
(Note: If you've been to the server, you'd know why I linked that)

In other server related news:
Should have a betting pool. One item (and only one item, no stacks, your choice) to the one who can correctly guess what day and hour we get the update. Hour is by ranges, and in Eastern Standard Time. So if you say 8am, then the time between 8am to 8:59am.


.... need... 1.0.6.... to drop... sharks... on new... furniture...

No bet either, I'm seriously considering going back to bed and sleeping until noon-ish when they've released most of the other patches. The Devs are on eastern time (unless they're in one of those wing-nut Indiana counties that went to Central time) so realistically their asses should be awake now and prepping the patch.

I hope. Maybe my self-imposed exile from the game was a mistake.


Reading Retro's posts always makes me feel glad that there's someone who checks/waits for updates as obsessively as I do lol


hide your water-based mammals
charlemagne said:
Man screw trying to mine hellstone. I get 5 blocks before I die.
You obviously need the obsidian skull BUT what I did at first was lang on a solid part of ground and then made a box around me out of stone. I started digging down from there. The only thing you can't avoid are those mages that spawn so you have to eliminate them before they start annoying you but surprisingly, once you dig under a little, hardly anything bothers you. You will spawn some hell bats here and there though. I've made about 400 hellstone bars this way and it was fun and felt like I was having a picnic but in hell. No bothers. Just don't stick yourself out in the open as even a loaded player struggles. Oh and you also may have that long ass snake come by a few times but if you have a muramasa and a potion or two, he's easy.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Retro said:
.... need... 1.0.6.... to drop... sharks... on new... furniture...

No bet either, I'm seriously considering going back to bed and sleeping until noon-ish when they've released most of the other patches. The Devs are on eastern time (unless they're in one of those wing-nut Indiana counties that went to Central time) so realistically their asses should be awake now and prepping the patch.

I hope. Maybe my self-imposed exile from the game was a mistake.
Heh, I hope the patch hits today too as I'm on holiday from tomorrow so no Terraria until the weekend.

I was wondering why I was suddenly unable to do anything on the GAF server, although the server refused to let me login my original username :(


Unconfirmed Member
Stop It said:
Heh, I hope the patch hits today too as I'm on holiday from tomorrow so no Terraria until the weekend.

I was wondering why I was suddenly unable to do anything on the GAF server, although the server refused to let me login my original username :(

You already registered before, but it looks like you registered again with a slightly different username. I seem to be getting a couple of players who keep doing this.

Do you want me to delete the 1st account, or both accounts so you can re-register?



Our (unfinished) little hotel/castle thing.
My friend and I are about 20+hours in, all that's left is hellfire I guess. Oh and King Slime. And neither of us has rocketboots yet. :p I have to say that Skeletron was dissapointingly easy and we're getting a little burned out, but hopefully the new patch will change that. We're kind of contemplating if we should stick with this world for a little while longer or just make a new one as soon as the patch hits. Which is hopefully today.

Sorry the pic is so big, couldn't find how to make it a thumbnail. :(


Unconfirmed Member
Lumine said:
Our (unfinished) little hotel/castle thing.
My friend and I are about 20+hours in, all that's left is hellfire I guess. Oh and King Slime. And neither of us has rocketboots yet. :p I have to say that Skeletron was dissapointingly easy and we're getting a little burned out, but hopefully the new patch will change that. We're kind of contemplating if we should stick with this world for a little while longer or just make a new one as soon as the patch hits. Which is hopefully today.

Skeletron is easy when you have more than one player for two reasons:

1) Skeletron won't despawn as long as one of you is alive. (If everyone dies at the same time, he'll despawn)
2) You can spam heal potions. (Well, this would also apply to single player too)

The potion sickness seems to be the new element that may mess up our strategies in boss fights. Okay, not really strategy... I'm pretty sure most of us just spam the attack button and jump/run around like we're hopped up on lots of caffeine, while also spamming heal. :p
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