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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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How about the fact that those fucking retards are misinterpreting said source material ? Hate the assholes that committed this, not some religion you have no comprehension or knowledge of, and as such all the people following said religion.

Like it or not they were "avenging" the same shared prophet, and this is why the moderate muslim people need to VOICE IT. as we say in spanish "el que calla otorga", which would translate roughly to "silence gives consent".


"12 people were killed in an attack over satire"
"I hope muslims will be okay"
As I said, look at the responses in this thread. Most are reasonable concern and information, however there are lots and lots of posts agressive not only against the terrorists but all muslims. The situation at hand is terrible should be the focus, but it is a legit concern to worry what this will do to the people and what they will do to muslims.
Dutch satire pic just went up, good.


The caption is 'immortal'.
I'm not blaming a whole group of people, I'm blaming an ideology that a whole group of people willfully decide to follow, that happens to also be followed by a whole lot of fucking psychotic people who use it to commit crimes against humanity.

I'm sick of seeing this shit happen. I hate the fact that I am desensitized to this shit with ISIS, Al-Qaida, the Taliban, the African branches, etc. all committing these heinous acts for the greater glory of their stupid fucking god and their stupid fucking religion. I cannot wrap my head around why you would willingly associate yourself with the same source material that breeds these monsters. My patience for trying to be understanding of the ideology is at an end, and if I were a family member of one of the victims that lost their lives today, I would actively campaign against Islam as a religion and as an ideology in order to prevent more loss of life because some fuckhead decided that he has to take it upon himself to dole out God's judgement upon the infidels.

And my feelings on this are not limited in any way to Islam. I fully condemn what people do in the name of fucked up ideologies of any kind, but I am focus on the ideology relevant in this thread and responsible for these horrible events today.
Sharing the same religion does not mean sharing exactly the same beliefs. And some people can't see the difference between regular muslims and islamists.
Indeed, but that's not the point here. And whatever you say they won't change opinion. This kind of comments become seriously tiring, it derails the discussion as much as the opinions you try to fight.


Like it or not they were "avenging" the same shared prophet, and this is why the moderate muslim people need to VOICE IT. as we say in spanish "el que calla otorga", which would translate roughly to "silence gives consent".

And I'm sure you're gathering statistical data that shows that moderate Muslims are not protesting or voicing their disdain towards said terrorists.


I just hope they catch these fuckers soon.

And I hope we can work towards a situation where radicalization can be stopped. Everybody is a victim of this problem now.


France population will not take it lightly, as they should. And I agree when people say it's a wake up call. Something has to be done, terrorists can't win.
And I'm sure you're gathering statistical data that shows that moderate Muslims are not protesting or voicing their disdain towards said terrorists.

Not yet, I'm simply saying this is what I hope that happens. I hope for human mobs walking on the streets calling these murderers for what they are, murderers hiding behind myopic interpretations of their faith.
I think terrorist sympathizers breed active terrorists. How many of them have convinced these few to commit such acts?
Both types of people are awful and dont belong on the planet, let alone in a civilized society.

To be clear,

Refusing to paint an entire group with the same brush is being a terrorist sympathiser?

The actions and beliefs of a few represent those of everyone in that group?
How about the fact that those fucking retards are misinterpreting said source material ? Hate the assholes that committed this, not some religion you have no comprehension or knowledge of, and as such all the people following said religion.

Have you read the Quran? It's honestly not hard to see why Islamic extremism is so prevalent once you've read the book. The book has such an us vs them mentality to it in regards to non-believers. Hadith's also don't help in this matter.


I just hope they catch these fuckers soon.

And I hope we can work towards a situation where radicalization can be stopped. Everybody is a victim of this problem now.

Stopping radicalization entirely is impossible I think. I also hope they catch these guys soon.

I saw that video of the cop getting shot and that was terrifying.


France population will not take it lightly, as they should. And I agree when people say it's a wake up call. Something has to be done, terrorists can't win.

People can't give into fear. It's what these nutters want. They want more people to be isolated from the public, so they can warp and change their views to suit them


If it were ex-IS fighters I predict there will be laws pretty soon which ban people from returning to Europe if there's enough proof they spent time in Syria.

Funky Papa

Spanish media group PRISA has rushed its employees outside after a suspicious package was found at their offices in Madrid.

I bet it's a false alarm, but better safe than sorry.


Speak up louder. As of now, the extremists are louder than the moderates.

Doesn't help when the media gives the extremists a megaphone to drown out the moderates. If Islam were as violent a religion as some people believe, you'd expect to not even be able to cross the street in even the smallest of towns without being gunned down by members of on of the most popular religions on the planet. The violent minority is trying to frame the religion to fit their twisted interpretation, and we're helping them do it.


Fucking horrendous :(

It is going to get tough for Muslims in Europe for some time now, specially with Streisand effect in motion regarding the satirical material.


France population will not take it lightly, as they should. And I agree when people say it's a wake up call. Something has to be done, terrorists can't win.

I agree, at some point the majority of european citizens will turn on muslims if they don't start to call out these acts on a huge basis. Hearing that islamic states like Saudi Arabia and Qatar financing ISIS won't help either.


Alright so there seems to be some confusion for some people in this thread that islam, in some way, encourages these atrocities more so than other crazed ideologies. While there are verses in the Koran that could be interpreted in such a way as to justify stupid and barbaric shit like this, there are also verses in the Bible (Both the old, and new testament) that can and have been used to justify vile shit.

The problem, then, lies not with the source material, but the interpretation of that material by those who have undue influence over the followers. Islam isn't any more violent or extreme than the other Abrahamic religions, this is a regional political problem that can be solved through integration and acceptance, not further radicalization by cultural segregation or castigation.


I find it in poor taste that you enter this thread with nothing but concern trolling about what hypothetically might happen to muslims maybe in the future, when there are 12 people dead for drawing and publishing satirical cartoons. Doesn't that seem worrisome to you?

I already stated in an earlier post in the thread that this is a monstrous ideology and my thoughts are with the families of those murdered by these cunts. I don't understand why you'd take issue with anything else in my post. Free speech needs to be protected. The fact that these cartoonists were killed for upholding the values of secularism and free speech only strengthens my opinion that this ideology is the most dangerous military threat europe has faced in my lifetime. Don't tar all muslims with this extreme twisting of islam.

Lets not pretend that one of the aims of the attackers isn't to instil fear in french people against their muslims neighbours. Otherwise your sticking your head in the sand. They want segregation and division. The vast majority of muslims abhor these attacks and to prevent young muslims from becoming drawn to this horrible ideology we need to foster solidarity and community. To understand is not to condone. My primary thoughts are with the victims and the values that france has held so dear for so long but we must keep our muslim brothers and sisters on our side and stand with them, just as we stand with all of france. Concern troliing? Christ give that shit a break will you, lets try to keep the discussion civil.
Spanish media group PRISA has rushed its employees outside after a suspicious package was found at their offices in Madrid.

I bet it's a false alarm, but better safe than sorry.
Prisa isn't satire though. They do el País, no?

El jueves would be the spanish equivalent right?


The RAID (special forces) has reportedly been deployed in the Seine-Saint-Denis area: http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-fr...2-en-direct-Charlie-Hebdo-Paris-fusillade.php
Some more details in this page:
* Terrorists apparently had the wrong adress, and first went to the wrong building before getting redirected to the correct one (shows that they probably are not that well organized)
* Charb was being protected by a policeman, because of the previous events. This policeman couldn't do anything, and was shot first.



I see your point, but whenever a far right demonstration takes place, the locals usually react with significant counterdemonstrations of their own that help to galvanize anti-nazi support and show the rest of the world that the entire town is not made of scum. See: Pegida and Germany.

It can be argued that Muslims are not doing enough on that front. Moderate voices need to be louder and more confrontational in order to be heard.

i agree with this sentiment.

of course it shouldn't be necessary for muslims who don't condone terrorism to speak up and distance themselves because they shouldn't be lumped together with fanatic muslim subgroups.
Sure, in a perfect world they shouldn't. But i don't think we live in a perfect world, seeing as there's people who just gun others down because of caricatures.

I think it's a false sense of pride saying "i shouldn't have to distance myself from this, it should be obvious to anyone that not all muslims are the same".
However, if 99% of muslims (those who don't condone these gruesome acts), stay silent because they feel like they shouldn't need to speak up, the only ones receiving any media attention will be the extreme 1%.
Sometimes, even if it was the other kid who started it, and you feel like you have nothing to apologize for, it's best to just shake hands and apologize. It doesn't imply admission of being at fault.


Have you read the Quran? It's honestly not hard to see why Islamic extremism is so prevalent once you've read the book. The book has such an us vs them mentality to it in regards to non-believers. Hadith's also don't help in this matter.

Considering that there's 1.6 billion Muslim in the world, I'm sure that if they were hell bent on killing everyone, you'd have much much much more atrocities like the one committed today.

Regardless, what happened is horrible. Fuck this world we're living in.
Have you read the Quran? It's honestly not hard to see why Islamic extremism is so prevalent once you've read the book. The book has such an us vs them mentality to it in regards to non-believers. Hadith's also don't help in this matter.
Have you read any other religious text besides the Quran? It's no different in this regard. The very first commandment in the Old Testament is "No other gods should be worshiped"


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Have you read the Quran? It's honestly not hard to see why Islamic extremism is so prevalent once you've read the book. The book has such an us vs them mentality to it in regards to non-believers. Hadith's also don't help in this matter.

And then you add in that its "holy" on top of that.
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