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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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The clusterfuck that moron unleashed onto the world is going to haunt us for generations to come. It's crazy how much of today's issues with extremism can be traced not to 9/11 per se, but the senseless invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Going in without a plan and creating a power vacuum in the region was a sure way to destabilize the entire world.
Do people forget the attacks in the late 60s and 70s?
They should be publishing it uncensored now more than ever.
They have safety to worry about. Prudence is sometimes good. This isn't even over.


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I don't see a reason why we need to necessarily lose western culture or ideals as we lose our archaic ties to a religion that in the past was just as extreme and violent as some islamic sects seem to be right now.

I do tend to agree with this. It needs to be done in peace and for folks to put humanity first and not keep pushing their own agendas.


I know you'd really like to make people believe the west should take some blame for this attack but it's not going to happen.

The Islamic extremists are the only ones to blame for this attack.

I 100% agree with you.

When, however, the discussion starts to shift toward trying to blame islam or trying to castigate all muslims for this attack I find it necessary to point out that we share some responsibility in the continued radicalization of these people through our ignorant bigotry. (We and our being "the west" in large)


When North African, and other Muslim groups, are accepted in France it becomes infinitely harder to radicalize them. France has done a piss poor job in making people feel french.

The same can be said for the immigrants though. Why can't they act more French? Immigrants in the USA tend to adopt local customs while keeping their own as well. I get the feeling that the immigrants are just as stubborn as the French when it comes to adopting local customs. I am pretty progressive, but I adamantly believe that if you go to a new country as either a tourist or as a long term resident, the onus is on you to adapt to their customs, not vice versa.


You're missing an important point here, which is that it doesn't take into the account the positions muslims have in Western Europe these days (and I honestly don't know how it compares to the US situation).

My point was that responding to tragedy with "we're good people despite having superficial similarities to the attackers" is precisely the wrong strategy to take in the position that muslims have in Europe and the US at this time. It makes the situation worse for the reasons I described. Denounce the tragedy, as their professional organizations did. When the dust settles a bit, take time for the bigger discussion.

Here's an analogy. Your buddy is short on rent and facing eviction. He's stressed out and smoking and asking you for some cash to help him out until next payday. You care for your friend and want to help him. Launching into a diatribe about how he should get a promotion or quit smoking to save money is the wrong thing to do despite both being true. There's a time and a place and when he's worried about having a roof over his head is the wrong time.


We all know that there will be no protests among Muslims, because people are too occupied with their daily lives and deep down they probably don't have too much sympathy for these cartoonists who have insulted deeply the most important aspect of their entire existence - the prophet and their religion. After all, earthly things pale in comparison to religion. This is just so hopeless and pointless. There will be no answers, just a growing divide and a clash of cultures.


Sky News just aired a lightly censored version of that video.

Gross. Can't believe they aired it.

Spanish networks showed the entire thing, just without the audio. It was quite horrific, as I had tried to avoid watching it online.


Man, all of this over a fucking cartoon. Those offended by the cartoon should understand that criticism of your beliefs is not a bad thing. And The cartoonists drawing Mohammed aren't even idolizing him. This is stupidity.
Criticism of your beliefs is in fact a bad thing when your ideology declares other viewpoints challenging your own to be punishable by death. These people don't operate on the same liberal logic you do because their foundation for morality and understanding differs from your own.
Why? They've changed cars at least once and have kept their identity hidden. They are intent on escaping without being identified. Without guns and a change of clothes they will just blend in.
We will find out soon enough. if they ditched their Aks, they would be in the black car or nearby


I 100% agree with you.

When, however, the discussion starts to shift toward trying to blame islam or trying to castigate all muslims for this attack I find it necessary to point out that we share some responsibility in the continued radicalization of these people through our ignorant bigotry. (We and our being "the west" in large)

If it's not "all muslims", it most certainly ain't "we, the west" either.


We all know that there will be no protests among Muslims, because people are too occupied with their daily lives and deep down they probably don't have too much sympathy for these cartoonists who have insulted deeply the most important aspect of their entire existence. This is just so hopeless and pointless. There will be no answers, just a growing divide and a clash of cultures.

I agree, i just hope this cultural divide won't explode at some point.
And their scope was largely limited before setting that firecracker off by invading Afghanistan and removing the Taliban from power. The Middle East and Afghanistan were simmering and the invasion turned the heat on, bringing it to a boil that ultimately spilt all over the place.

I was actually chatting with someone today about what would have happened if Iraq had not been invaded. I imagine the Arab Spring would likely have toppled Saddam Hussain.


just woke up and read a few headlines, they escaped? thats pretty rare for an attack like this...

Unbelivable...i hope they are caught. And i hope this doesnt have an effect on MORE censorship


If it's not "all muslims", it most certainly ain't "we, the west" either.

Again, you're missing the point. If the conversation insists on slyly trying to paint all of islamic culture as extremist, then we have to have a conversation about our role in that. Also, your terrible analogies continue as you're somehow trying to say that the west doesn't have an influence in islamic culture, which is laughable.


Add to that:

- the role of western cultural biases in the promulgation of ideas that further isolate already radical and isolated peoples.

This is nonsense. The west is not to blame for this at all. No religion is free from satire and mocking. That isn't a western culture bias. That is life. Everyone, of all religions needs to expect and not lose their mind to see their religious figures mocked.

There is NO ONE at blame except for the extremists themselves.
Seems like the outlet is basically the french version of Fox News but with their agendas often presented as satire. This is textbook fear mongering.

But this is exactly the thing thats necessary to determine how far freedom of speech goes.
You should be able to say anything, no matter how stupid it is.
I hope moderates are able to stand behind these values without giving in to these anti muslim agendas themselfs.

Charlie Hebdo are left-leaning and anarchists. They make fun of all religions and all political figures (socialists included). They're anything but neo-cons like Fox News.
Just thinking back makes this attack so much worse because of what it represents.

I remember my dad buying me MAD magazines and watching satirical shows. They played such a part in my upbringing.

I still love them, I rember always admiring the European publications. When I was over there I made sure to purchase a few in my travels, I know for sure I bought a El jueves in Spain and private eye in the UK. Really great work.

Funky Papa

Do people forget the attacks in the late 60s and 70s?


But only a fool would deny that the power vacuum that followed the invasion of Iraq and Afganisthan allowed AQ to strenght itself and IS to fluorish. Islamic terrorism was nowhere as virulent in the 90's as it is now, and much of that is directly related to our actions there. We are talking about organizations that moved from being terrorist groups to actual armies capable of defying entire nations and holding territories for themselves.

The petard was there and we lit it without any caution.
just woke up and read a few headlines, they escaped? thats pretty rare for an attack like this...

Unbelivable...i hope they are caught. And i hope this doesnt have an effect on MORE censorship

Sounds like it was over fairly quickly, before the police could mobilize a proper response team.

From what I've put together, the two first responders were overwhelmed.


I 100% agree with you.

When, however, the discussion starts to shift toward trying to blame islam or trying to castigate all muslims for this attack I find it necessary to point out that we share some responsibility in the continued radicalization of these people through our ignorant bigotry. (We and our being "the west" in large)

Does Charlie Hedbo also share that responsibility? Are they to blame for what many muslims would've deemed bigoted and intolerent cartoons?

No one should be blaming all muslims or condemning islam for this, but let's not pretend islam didn't factor in some way into these murderes actions and beliefs. Yes, there's a ton of other factors too, but religion plays a massive part in the lives of these extremists and they are vocally adamant about reassuring us that they are doing all this in the name of their religion.

By all means say they have the wrong interpretation or what have you but don't trivialize how big a role religious belief plays into these acts of violence


Criticism of your beliefs is in fact a bad thing when your ideology declares other viewpoints challenging your own to be punishable by death. These people don't operate on the same liberal logic you do because their foundation for morality and understanding differs from your own.
This is absolutely true.

This news is horrific.

An old friend of mine, a former Muslim, wrote simply on Twitter: "How can there be unity between a culture that believes in freedom of speech and a culture that believes in Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers?"


This is nonsense. The west is not to blame for this at all. No religion is free from satire and mocking. That isn't a western culture bias. That is life. Everyone, of all religions needs to expect and not lose their mind to see their religious figures mocked.

I think the west shares some of the blame for further isolation of a people who desperately need acceptance rather than blame.

I don't think the west is at all to blame for 12 people being shot in France. That blame lies solely at the feet of the gunmen and the group of vile gangsters they hail from.


do they not have heavy security? i know charlie hebdo has been HEATED for a while now by radical muslims...

we just need to stop drawing mohammed. these people are obviously fucking crazy, and we need to show a little respect as well to their religion..


stolen from reddit, one last's week cartoon drawn by someone who died today :


"Still no terrorist attack in France", and the terrorist says "Wait, we have until the end of january to present our wishes"


But only a fool would deny that the power vacuum that followed the invasion of Iraq and Afganithan allowed AQ to strenght itself and IS to fluorish. Islamic terrorism was nowhere as virulent in the 90's as it is now, and much of that is directly related to our actions there.

The petard was there and we lit it without any caution.
Is it really worse? Im pretty sure there were more attacks back then in the days of black September and the like. Highjackings happened all the time.

I just think its silly to point to one incident as the cause or the cause above all other. It seems to be pushing a political opinion over any attempt to really dig into the history.

This problem predates it and there really isn't a starting point.


Ugh, terrible news. Very sorry France. Condolences to all.

And their scope was largely limited before setting that firecracker off by invading Afghanistan and removing the Taliban from power. The Middle East and Afghanistan were simmering and the invasion turned the heat on, bringing it to a boil that ultimately spilt all over the place.

That I did not did. Don't put words in my mouth.


Hijacking planes and flying them into building and collapsing them is a limited scope? It so odd and infuriating at times how some Europeans seems to think that the shit really hit the fan with the invasion Afghanistan rather 9/11 where these fuckers basically drew a line in the sand and dared us to cross after flinging shit all over us.


What is a moderate Muslim? Simply not being violent?
I'm asking seriously because coming from the south of France (not living there anymore) I could see people getting fed up with Muslims in a general kind of way for a perceived behavior (notably towards women) even though these people weren't hurting anyone.

All in all I pretty much despise religions in general although I admire faith if that makes sense.

That's the theme of many of the increasingly popular right wing parties and protests.

Sky News currently has Maajid Nawaz on from the Quilliam Foundation - he's kind of echoing that, saying moderate attitudes in Islam are still problematic - with themes like blasphemy needing reform as it breeds the mindset which can lead to stuff like this.

We are gradually desensitised, especially after controversies like beheading videos floating around on Facebook.

It's not about us, it's about respect for the victims and their loved ones. Even if 100% of viewers are desensitised to it, it still shouldn't be aired.


I find it necessary to point out that we share some responsibility in the continued radicalization of these people through our ignorant bigotry. (We and our being "the west" in large)
Lol it's our fault wackos are killing people over cartoons now? Just wow


The Birthday Skeleton
This is so awful. Animals, barbarian people. This is not making all the muslims guilty though. But I totally agree with this:

I didn't. I'm saying that there's occasions to be loud, and this is one of them.

Make those deluded criminals unworthy of carrying any motive resembling Islam. if there's silence, the message won't be heard enough. Again, that's how I feel. I don't have any particular faith and I wouldn't compare nutcases like that to life-respecting muslims that just follow their faith like any free human being.

All i'm saying is be loud and show them No prophet needed avenge from a petty cartoon. Censor them with a goodwill gesture, that's all I can say. This message rather than for the french society, would go for the perpetrators of the act. "You are no muslim, you're hiding behind a faith to commit crimes and disrespecting all we stand for, and the prophet stood for"

Extremists on both sides are very loud and use these kind of events for their PR. This is not about proving that not all the Muslims are guilty, this is about making it sure that extremists on both sides are not winning this war. Because it is a war in the end. Surely, it fair to not do anything because one is not guilty for the actions of some lunatics, but one must look at the big picture though and think if anything good is resulting from non action. And I include also the main parties from European countries in this discussion (who chose to avoid discussing on the subject, leaving only the extremist voice to be heard), not just the Muslims in Europe. If they only voices heard are the terrorists and right wing parties, both of them win. Unfortunately I see a strong reaction against extremism mostly on one side (at the large public level - protests and so, not the parties, again.).


You are forgetting that the Islamic world actually did have a ~300 year golden age period where science and progression flourished. At this time they were way ahead of the Christian world on most fronts. It was primarily the Mongol Invasion and the Crusades that crushed most of their intellectual elite and halted Muslim enlightenment which gradually withered and gave root to extreme and fundamentalist forces.

700 or 800 years hasn't been a long enough time to recover from the sack of Baghdad?


Man, it's gonna be extremely difficult for the government of France to find these guys I think. They probably switched a couple of cars by now, ditched their shit and just blended in again.


You have to choose you're fights, I guess.

You have certainly chosen your fight: people concerned about the long term impact on racial/religious relations of this terrible tragedy are the enemy (judging from your post history).
do they not have heavy security? i know charlie hebdo has been HEATED for a while now by radical muslims...

we just need to stop drawing mohammed. these people are obviously fucking crazy, and we need to show a little respect as well to their religion..

There were two guards inside and the reports say they were the first to be shot.


We all know that there will be no protests among Muslims, because people are too occupied with their daily lives and deep down they probably don't have too much sympathy for these cartoonists who have insulted deeply the most important aspect of their entire existence - the prophet and their religion. After all, earthly things pale in comparison to religion. This is just so hopeless and pointless. There will be no answers, just a growing divide and a clash of cultures.

Why do people keep saying this? Muslims have been protesting across the world since the start of the ISIS uprising against Islamic extremism.

Look, I'm against religion. I mean, not the idea that people can believe whatever they want, but the fact that most religion is a corrupting influence that has far reaching negative implications in the political and social sphere and it's almost impossible to disconnect the way the two interact these days. If people could actually just believe what they want in the comfort of their own home, none of this shit would be a problem. Issue is, most of the time these big faiths don't keep their mouths shut.

But the reality is we can't keep saying "all Muslims don't like that" or "most Muslims won't do this." It's simply not true.


I think the west shares some of the blame for further isolation of a people who desperately need acceptance rather than blame.
Acceptance of what though in particular? Not showing and mocking the prophet Mohammad? Mocking of religion and anything "sacred" is very much at a core of western humor. I don't see how that could ever be expected to change.
That's the theme of many of the increasingly popular right wing parties and protests.

Sky News currently has Maajid Nawaz on from the Quilliam Foundation - he's kind of echoing that, saying moderate Islam themes are still problematic - with themes like blasphemy needing reform as it breeds the mindset which can lead to stuff like this.

It's not about us, it's about respect for the victims and their loved ones. Even if 100% of viewers are desensitised to it, it still shouldn't be aired.

its not only the theme of increasingly popular right wing parties, its also in UK and US and increasingly online. you dont even have to look for the same ultra nationalistic theme "talk" cross streams across right wing, left wing and faux centrists, its everywhere.



Great guys. Many of them were defenders of Kurdish rights in the face of extermination by Arab, Turkish, and Persian Muslims.
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