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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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Well, Islam did have their own Golden Age, and it came way, way earlier than Christianity's, so that bit about being a bit of a mess because it's a younger religion is kind of baseless.

Geopolitics had a lot to do. Having a rather polarizing figure presiding the largest church in the world (ie: the Pope) also played a huge part in eroding Christianity's influence from government and society.

Like I said. They had a strong beginning, but withered after the Mongol Invasion and Crusades which basically put them back to square one. So the 600 years less development time certainly didn't help with their modernisation and they fell far behind Christianity.


Horrible Tragedy, I hope nobody gets hurt anymore.

These threads always remind me of what you can get away with on neogaf. Analyzing and condemning 1.6 billion people...

The reality is that organisations representating the Muslim community might send out a few press releases after this attack but we need massive widespread reform. European society is simply incompatible with Islam as it exists today. A vast majority of any population will always live peacefully but that doesn't change the underlying tensions with the doctrine. Something has to give, either we reform our society, stop insulting the prophet and accept certain demographic realities and the influence of Islam or we don't. You can dress it up anyway you like, in England newspapers are more willing to self censor these images in the name of tolerance and social peace. There are valid arguments for both sides, considering the utilitarian perspectives. It is easier for us to not provoke and adapt as we have not grown up under such dogmatic ideology.
Saw this from another cartoonist on twitter, David Pope.

The video showing the police officer getting executed is brutal.
I feel bad that his family will probably see it one day.

I'm hoping the bullet missed him, it looks like it did but the camera moves away too quick to see if he moved again. If he did play dead then he did some quick thinking that hopefully saved hiss life.


So 'we' should be more cautious not to provoke muslims?

It's not so simple as that. You're talking about the invasion and killing of multiple hundreds of thousands of people over more than a decade that was preceded by shady backroom dealings with dictators and the propping up of defunct and awful monarchies just because we wanted trade relations normalized.

"provoke" is much too simple to describe the myopic and destructive dealings "we" have had with islamic middle east culture.
The reality is that the Muslim community might send out a few press releases after this attack but we need massive widespread reform. European society is simply incompatible with Islam as it exists today. A vast majority of any population will always live peacefully but that doesn't change the underlying problems with the doctrine. Something has to give, either we reform our society, stop insulting the prophet and accept certain demographics realities and the influence of Islam or we don't. You can dress it up anyway you like, in England newspapers are more willing to self censor these images in the name of tolerance and social peace.

The original muslims already exist from 700 AD, the Moderates, the extremists are an offshoot. A bad Apple. Don't blame the fruit itself for a rotten Apple.


do they not have heavy security? i know charlie hebdo has been HEATED for a while now by radical muslims...

we just need to stop drawing mohammed. these people are obviously fucking crazy, and we need to show a little respect as well to their religion..

We should always listen to an argument for respect in calm, rational terms (and that goes for anything, not just religion).

But we should never acknowledge or respect those who try to murder and rape their way to respect through terrorism. They deserve nothing but our judgment and condemnation.

I hope France finds the perpetrators in this case and prosecutes them to the full extent of their laws.

Funky Papa

So 'we' should be more cautious not to provoke muslims?

So we should be more cautious before going all in and maybe devise proper strategies.

Plenty of experts warned America and its allies of massive risks in the event of a careless intervention. And instead of just fucking up in Afganisthan (which was already an extremely hard card to play) we went on to screw it in Iraq, which had fuck all to do with the situation and resulted into a colossal mess multiplier.
From this point on, any high-profile Islamic extremist captured by the West should be subject to public humiliation.

Dress them up like babies and have them spanked on national television. Teach these morons some humility instead of just executing them.
It's not so simple as that. You're talking about the invasion and killing of multiple hundreds of thousands of people over more than a decade that was preceded by shady backroom dealings with dictators and the propping up of defunct and awful monarchies just because we wanted trade relations normalized.

"provoke" is much too simple to describe the myopic and destructive dealings "we" have had with islamic middle east culture.
Indeed. The Islamist aversion to the West is more complicated than simple Quranic rhetoric.


Neo Member
do they not have heavy security? i know charlie hebdo has been HEATED for a while now by radical muslims...

we just need to stop drawing mohammed. these people are obviously fucking crazy, and we need to show a little respect as well to their religion..

We should draw Mohammed in every paper around the world. I think Islam is one of the few, if not only, religion you can't make fun of. I find something/someone you can't make fun of extremely freighting. Why can you openly embarrass the vatican for allowing child molesting but can't say anything negative about someones prophet?


I'm hoping the bullet missed him, it looks like it did but the camera moves away too quick to see if he moved again. If he did play dead then he did some quick thinking that hopefully saved hiss life.

Norwegian news are reporting that they killed the police officer. Hopefully they're wrong, but it doesn't look good unfortunately.
Indeed. The Islamist aversion to the West is more complicated than simple Quranic rhetoric.

the Quranic rhetoric as reason this is happening is only brought up by those not caring about casualties, they want to add their interpretation into the mix to make their point, opportunism
From this point on, any high-profile Islamic extremist captured by the West should be subject to public humiliation.

Dress them up like babies and have them spanked on national television. Teach these morons some humility instead of just executing them.

No...this is a terrible idea.


Did they capture him or what do you mean with executed. I dont really wanna see it :/

Murdered while on the ground.

As a French journalist rightly pointed out, these aren't executions because there's no recognised law ordering them, they're just cold blooded murders.
It varies from country, but no they never fully recovered from the Mongol Invasion and 200+ years of Christian crusades. Also it's important to note that Islam is 600 years younger than Christianity.. meaning 600 years less for development and modernisation despite their early period being so strong.

One of my politics lecturers had an interesting theory for the prevalence of religiously-motivated violence in the "Islamic world", in that they've never had their own Thirty Years War: a war so terrible it virtually ended religious warfare in Europe and brought about the modern, secular concept of a nation-state (Treaty of Westphalia).


From this point on, any high-profile Islamic extremist captured by the West should be subject to public humiliation.

Dress them up like babies and have them spanked on national television. Teach these morons some humility instead of just executing them.

You realize that this is exactly what terrorists want. They want to pull down our society into their medieval mindset and for us to answer like with like, because that is what they know and that is the language they speak.


Doesn't help.

People don't want to listen.

Theres thousands upon thousands of moderates demonstrating against all kinds of terrorist attacks. Check the Amirox link with video footage of Muslims demonstrating against IS crimes. Theres been several demonstrations against IS here in Denmark too. Check a couple of post backs, several Imams out and condemning the attacks.

It doesn't fucking matter. We're the scapegoat no matter what. Jesus, I don't want to know how Europe is going to be in 10 years.

I don't know if it helps, but I listen, I do care and I do appreciate it. I understand that it must be rought as hell to be a moderate muslim in these conditions. The western public lumps you with the ISIS and whichever terrifying boogieman is on voge, while the more conservative muslims think of you as traitors and heretics. I know, it fucking sucks.

There are lot of good muslims that opposes these imbeciles, both in Europe and abroad. Unfortunately, these muslims doesn't seem to have the same level of political organization, financial backing and visibility than their more radicalized counterparts at the Muslim Brotherhood, Enhada and the likes :/ this ought to change, fast.

I can only give my "moral support" to you, but I frankly don't know what could be done in order to help you guys out. Most theological currents backing a modern interpretation of Islam dried out in the 1932 with the irruption of wahabbism. We should attempt to "resurrect" them, rather than demonize the entirety of the muslim community, I think. Either way, it's going to be a complex and hard process, so best luck to all of you.
15.21 Salman Rushdie, the author who was the subject of a fatwa calling for his assassination issued by Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, has declared he "stands with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire"

I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity. “Respect for religion” has become a code phrase meaning “fear of religion.” Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.



Corinne Rey, a designer known as Coco, has told L’Humanité that she was forced to let the attackers into the Charlie Hebdo building. She said:

"I had gone to pick up my daughter from daycare. Arriving at the door of the newspaper building, two hooded and armed men brutally threatened us.

They wanted to enter, go up. I typed the code. They shot Wolinski, Cabu ... it lasted five minutes ... I had taken refuge under a desk ...

They spoke French perfectly ... claiming to be Al-Qaida."



Murdered while on the ground.

As a French journalist rightly pointed out, these aren't executions because there's no recognised law ordering them, they're just cold blooded murders.

Generally accepted term "execution style murder," meaning the victim is completely incapacitated or otherwise unable to defend him/herself, then killed.

Tied up hostages being shot in the head, for example, would be considered execution style murders.


Like I said. They had a strong beginning, but withered after the Mongol Invasion and Crusades which basically put them back to square one. So the 600 years less development time certainly didn't help with their modernisation and they fell far behind Christianity.

You mean those imperialists who toppled democracies around the world and supported dictators?


Yes! Why would ypu want to provoke anybody in the first place?

And maybe girls shouldn't be wearing those goddamn short skirts in public, no wonder ...

honestly. regardless of how insulted you feel by a drawing, it doesn't give you the slightest justification to end another person's life.
There's possibly some Christians who would feel provoked by someone holding hands with their same-sex partner during a wedding ceremony. Is it their fault if the reverend pulls out an AK and guns them down?

sure, provocateurs should always expect a backlash, but that must be somewhat proportional to the provocation.
Great guys. Many of them were defenders of Kurdish rights in the face of extermination by Arab, Turkish, and Persian Muslims.

Calm down. The Kurds are Muslims too. You are stirring shit up by emphasising the Muslimness of the oppressors but not the oppressed. In fact within Turkey the religious Kurds tend to be more extreme than religious Turks.

Now don't get me started on good old fashion Kurdish terrorism. But no no, I'll let you have your meek Kurdish non-Muslims vs evil Turkish/Arab/Persian Muslims.


This thread is really showing the true faces of alot of posters.



This thread is really showing the true faces of alot of posteres.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge. Most people (including me) are simply ignorant of these kinds of things and so they speak without having the full gravity of knowledge. I'm sorry you've been made to feel so isolated by some posters in this thread though.


Generally accepted term "execution style murder," meaning the victim is completely incapacitated or otherwise unable to defend him/herself, then killed.

Tied up hostages being shot in the head, for example, would be considered execution style murders.

Murder is the key word here and shouldn't be left out.
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