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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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That's really horrible, for some cheap drawing, people can get offended at a point where they would kill someone...

And also as a muslim, it really doesn't help the image of my religion in this country. Thanks terrorists.

Hasn't france been pretty, not too good, to its muslim population as a whole? These people don't realize this will make things worse for everyone. They can't solve their problems with shooting things to death. America has been trying it for decades, it just doesn't work.


I don't understand the Islam religion. Wasn't the whole thing with Mohammed was that he didn't want to be worshipped and he emphasized that he's just a messenger for the real god who you should worship? But many of these people seem to just worship him anyways? Am I missing something?

There is no Islam religion (same for Christianity).
These religions don't have a fixed ruleset, because they are based on books that get interpreted. And interpretation leads to different conclusions.



"Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed."

This is a poll of muslims in the UK.

"When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not. "

Its this frame of mind that leads straight to extremism and intolerance.
When you start to prioritise religion over free speech and just having a fucking sense of humour. Your mind is already twisted.



"Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed."

This is a poll of muslims in the UK.

"When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not. "

Reminds me of the flag burning amendment movement in the US. It should go without saying that just because they think that people who violate their beliefs should be punished doesn't mean they wish them physical harm or death.


Just saw this cartoon on Twitter, don't know if it has been posted yet.


I don't really agree with this, because it makes it look like the destruction of the mosque is unintentional. and that is certainly not the case. extremists on both sides need each other. and you can be sure as hell Le Pen will have troubles hiding her smile today.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Any ideology combined with heavy weaponry is a threat to our freedoms. Religions deserve criticism and satire indeed, but our disrespect? Poorly chosen wording, what about tolerance?

The point is religion should not be above Politics, and government when it comes to satire. If politicians, kings, and queens can be disrespected so can a religious figure.



I love how you took an image of 9 tweets with very few retweets in retrospect and tried to frame the argument with subtlety that oh look so few (I meant so many really) saying bad things so we really have to wonder if they really are a minority (gee I wonder in sarcastic way like comment)
Or maybe he genuinely wants to know how large that minority is?


I honestly dont know, there doesn't seem to be one solution that fits all. It's the people that live there that need to stand up. If they want change then they need to fight for it, they need to be more courageous. But the lack of education, economy and hundreds of years of oppression make that a very difficult challenge.

I also understand that other muslims may not agree with me, that's to be expected. There's this urgency or some crises of sorts with muslims today who defend their religion at all costs. But at one point or another these same muslims need to ask themselves just wtf is really going on - I mean the religion continues to be hijacked every passing second.

The only logical step forward that I can think of is reform. Reform of the religion itself, an update of sorts - call it ISLAM 2.0 if you will. They need to start teaching ideas that penetrate through the thick veil of "muslim culture", perhaps what I'm suggesting is that Islam needs a dash and sprinkle of the western world culture or it's going to get left behind.

Interesting. I'm not very knowledgeable about the whole history of Islam, but, if it hasn't had one already, it seems as if the religion is in good need of a Protestant Reformation of an Islamic sort. Same religion, more moderate beliefs to keep the conservative religion in check. Similar to how the Catholic church is kept in relative check by smaller epicopalian and protestant parishes do now, at least in America.


Kills Photobucket
Why do you assume the Muslims are immigrants?

Admittedly I did assume most Muslims currently living in the UK, if this is wrong, then I apologize.

And I would also love to see the breakdown of that poll of Muslims born in the UK vs. Muslims who have immigrated.
I don't really agree with this, because it makes it look like the destruction of the mosque is unintentional. and that is certainly not the case. extremists on both sides need each other. and you can be sure as hell Le Pen will have troubles hiding her smile today.

This is why the cartoon is poignant. the attack is not shown coming out of mosque to attack this building, he is coming from away from the mosque to attack one and also attacking his own supposed faith
i wonder why does islam attract this kind of lunatics. i dont know much about that religion but i know the answer must be very complicated.

Most of these immigrants aren't exactly highly educated nor integrated well. I think there is probably a perceived sense of alienation from media and society which makes them identify as an "other" from the indigenous people of the countries they emigrate to. So when they are told they are different I think they take that and run with it. same reason why I think so many Europeans are going to join ISIS.


WHAT!? I'm not. I'm equating saying a genocide didn't happen (which doesn't change the fact that it did indeed happen) with saying (or drawing) something insulting to Muslims. Abstract it out, and it's the same damned thing: Holocaut denial is incredibly offensive, drawing images of Muhammad is incredibly offensive.

If some ethic groups get laws preventing people from hurting their feelings, why not Muslims?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Islam needs to accept that other people can and will satirize Mohammed. There's a lot of talk about moderate muslims, but accepting and supporting everyone's freedom of speech should be a basic tenet of moderation.

That there is an anomalous situation regarding holocaust denial in germany does not give any footing to passing anti blasphemy laws.

Sky Chief


"Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed."

This is a poll of muslims in the UK.

"When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not. "

Certainly most Muslims are not radicals who will kill for their religion but it is pretty undeniable that there are several underlying and fundamental incompatibilities between Western and Muslim culture.
Hasn't france been pretty, not too good, to its muslim population as a whole? These people don't realize this will make things worse for everyone. They can't solve their problems with shooting things to death. America has been trying it for decades, it just doesn't work.

There were good with some things and pretty bad with others which led to poor integration (a lot of arabic and muslim people lives outside the city, separated from french people). And obviously, there is a lot racism going on here... But still, it doesn't justify any of these stupid acts of course.


Admittedly I did assume most Muslims currently living in the UK, if this is wrong, then I apologize.

And I would also love to see the breakdown of that poll of Muslims born in the UK vs. Muslims who have immigrated.

Ironically, in most polls and surveys I've seen, immigrant Muslims tend to be more moderate than those born in Western countries.



"Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed."

This is a poll of muslims in the UK.

"When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not. "

As distasteful as punishing creative expression is, I'm not about to assume that punishment means violence, especially when punishment isn't the word used in the original study and is instead intentionally vague language used by the president of an anti-immigration Libertarian think tank spun-off from one founded by the Koch brothers.
Worst case scenario: The terrorists are still in Paris, go to the place de la République (where the peace protest is taking place) and commit another massacre :/

I sincerely hope this won't happen


There were good with some things and pretty bad with others which led to poor integration (a lot of arabic and muslim people lives outside the city, separated from french people). And obviously, there is a lot racism going on here... But still, it doesn't justify any of these stupid acts of course.

Just a window into the mindset of the shooters.. Not thinking ahead that this will make problems for the community worse, publicly. I don't know how it is to be a muslim in france, but I imagine people think that these guys represent some body of population, that will socially be treated poorly due to it.

I always fantasized of moving to france, as a black dude, in hopes that the racism isn't as bad as it is in the USA.


Worst case scenario: The terrorists are still in Paris, go to the place de la République (where the peace protest is taking place) and commit another massacre :/

I sincerely hope this won't happen

The place must be full with police i doubt they could do it.


I feel like, every religion should be allowed in every society, so long as the people practicing it choose to obey the law. The solution isn't to single out religions and drive it out. Even if a religion has more problems than other religions (I don't know statistically if that's true, just saying as a concept).

Our laws should deal with it. If they are doing something that is illegal, then arrest them. If they start enacting violence, then arrest those people too. Keep going at THOSE people that are doing illegal things and don't let up. If someone wants to practice their religious values in peace, then by all means. But at the point that specific people no longer want to live in a society, and want to attack others, then I think a country has the right to defend itself (with military action if need be).

I guess that's just my thoughts on this. That the only way you can deal with any kind of violence (even if from a religion), is to treat it like any other crime (focusing on the individuals doing it).

But I could also be 100% wrong. The issue is terrorism. How do you deal with that? So I can understand people not wanting to risk their lives. That they don't feel they should have to, just to appease people. People know if they go after others with the law, then they risk kicking the bees nest (and things like todays incident happening). And the law can't really stop that. And then people become afraid, and don't want to do anything.


Certainly most Muslims are not radicals who will kill for their religion but it is pretty undeniable that there are several underlying and fundamental incompatibilities between Western and Muslim culture.

It's easy to say that when you're on the outside looking in. I wonder, as an example, whether most of americanGAF thinks that cross burning by the kkk for instance should be protected speech.


Worst case scenario: The terrorists are still in Paris, go to the place de la République (where the peace protest is taking place) and commit another massacre :/

I sincerely hope this won't happen

There is probably a massive police & miltary presence in République right now, it won't happen.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Islam needs to accept that other people can and will satirize Mohammed. There's a lot of talk about moderate muslims, but accepting and supporting everyone's freedom of speech should be a basic tenet of moderation.

That there is an anomalous situation regarding holocaust denial in germany does not give any footing to passing anti blasphemy laws.

yes they should ignore, the more you ignore the cartoons the less publicity they get and the more cartoons come out. the biggest consumers of these cartoons came only after these radicals called these cartoonists out. Just imagine, if they hadnt threatened them, no one would know and it would be a flop campaign. Muslims need to ignore these cartoons because the more you feed it, the more they grow, rather radicals didnt ignore, the cartoons got bigger and the radicals reacted like they would.

But another question is the double standard of anti-semitism and anti-islamic cartoons.
So because people get so offended that they'll kill, European countries will decline to use a legal response they use when people are slightly less offended to prevent such attacks?

I mean, good on you for not letting the terrorists win and all that, but it seems wildly inconsistent.

If you dont see a difference in a country coming to a decision to pass a law for no other reason than because they believe it is the right thing to do vs. passing a law because fucking crazy people are demanding it then I dunno what to tell you. Not sure how you can interpret that as inconsistent.


Everything nazi related is currently censored in Germany, hell even Nazi flags in Hearts of Iron III. Don't tell me that's a healthy approach to history?

edit: let me be clear that in no way am I defending nazism, I am talking about censorship, people seem to misinterpret what I mean

Sigh. Maybe you should inform yourself before you write. No, not everything nazi related is banned in Germany, Inglorious Basterds still had nazi symbols and flags in it for example. The use for art, science, educational purposes and reporting is allowed. It's just that the laws are a bit outdated when it comes to videogames, as they don't fall into the art category. You can read that here.
Interesting. I'm not very knowledgeable about the whole history of Islam, but, if it hasn't had one already, it seems as if the religion is in good need of a Protestant Reformation of an Islamic sort. Same religion, more moderate beliefs to keep the conservative religion in check. Similar to how the Catholic church is kept in relative check by smaller epicopalian and protestant parishes do now, at least in America.


With modern day globalization the flaws of Islam (or any other religion) is easily seen. I think muslims don't do the religion favor when we they "There is nothing wrong with Islam, it's a religion of peace". I think that's just being lazy and taking the easy way out. It's clear there is some aspects of Islam that is very wrong, especially how it's able to penetrate into the culture (thus muslim culture) so easily. Change and evolution is required and only the people that practice it can start the reform.


I really hope they get them.
What the French should do with them I will leave it in my mind but these people don't deserve to be treated like normal criminals.

With modern day globalization the flaws of Islam (or any other religion) is easily seen. I think muslims don't do the religion favor when we they "There is nothing wrong with Islam, it's a religion of peace". I think that's just being lazy and taking the easy way out. It's clear there is some aspects of Islam that is very wrong, especially how it's able to penetrate into the culture (thus muslim culture) so easily. Change and evolution is required and only the people that practice it can start the reform.

This argument is true only if you think Islam originally is the islam of radicalists and moderates are a later addition


Worst case scenario: The terrorists are still in Paris, go to the place de la République (where the peace protest is taking place) and commit another massacre :/

I sincerely hope this won't happen

The killers looked very experienced from their body language. I think they're done and just figuring out how to not get caught. They need to get caught before they escape the country.
i wonder why does islam attract this kind of lunatics. i dont know much about that religion but i know the answer must be very complicated.

One interesting theory I've heard is that Islam is still a young religion - it's six centuries younger than Christianity and hasn't had its great reform yet. I'm far from a specialist, though.


Reminds me of the flag burning amendment movement in the US. It should go without saying that just because they think that people who violate their beliefs should be punished doesn't mean they wish them physical harm or death.
Not that I think flag burning should be illegal at all but that is not the same as a cartoon mocking Mohammed I think. That would be like wanting to punish those who do cartoons which have a flag burning more than an actual physical flag burning.

No sane person should see any type of comic as worthy of punishing the artist.
A gross exaggeration of the typical automated answer *but the vast majority/but billions* is only fitting in this context of a satire magazin. So many people biting into this one sentence rather than reacting to the tweets is very telling. We all know there will be a lot of sympathy for this around the muslim world.
You are legit fucking insane. Who the fuck is going to give sympathy to the already discriminated against minority. Only liberal forums and places. Do you live in such a place? The ignorance in this comment makes me laugh. People can both mourn the situation and lament the bigger picture, which your ignorant ass is uncapable of.
Far right parties are on the rise in France, and these guys are just increasingly feeding into the rhetoric bigots spout in order to justify the persecution of all non western european whites.

These guys are making it way worse for Muslims and everybody that has to defend their right to practise their faith. Morons.


yes they should ignore, the more you ignore the cartoons the less publicity they get and the more cartoons come out. the biggest consumers of these cartoons came only after these radicals called these cartoonists out. Just imagine, if they hadnt threatened them, no one would know and it would be a flop campaign. Muslims need to ignore these cartoons because the more you feed it, the more they grow, rather radicals didnt ignore, the cartoons got bigger and the radicals reacted like they would.

But another question is the double standard of anti-semitism and anti-islamic cartoons.


Oh yes, keep bringing these people to Europe. We need them to build a rich, beautiful and prosper future ^_^

These are radicals. Logic isn't really hitting home with the group that is killing people. And normal muslims out number the % of radical ones. The Radical ones get the most press, for obvious reasons.

How can we target radical muslims, without overly broad rules of targeting that pinpoint radicals?



With modern day globalization the flaws of Islam (or any other religion) is easily seen. I think muslims don't do the religion favor when we they "There is nothing wrong with Islam, it's a religion of peace". I think that's just being lazy and taking the easy way out. It's clear there is some aspects of Islam that is very wrong, especially how it's able to penetrate into the culture (thus muslim culture) so easily. Change and evolution is required and only the people that practice it can start the reform.

The problem is there can't be a great Islam upheaval and reformation, because everyone and their dog practices their own interpretation of it.
'My Islam is better than your Islam etc'

There is no winning here.

Funky Papa

Spanish satirical newspaper El Mundo Today (think The Onion) just went ALL IN with a "breaking news" article. Quick translation:

Allah is the fucking shit

According to sources close to two very polite gentlemen dressed in black who just broke into the newsroom and who are pointing at us with a kalashnikov, Allah could be "great" or even "very great". El Mundo Today has learned that Allah is the fucking boss, so it's best for us if we shut out fucking mouths. Allah is so good your balls drop to the ground, that good he is.

Apparently, there's nothing better than Allah, always according to the information provided in screams by the gentlemen with the kalashnikov. El Mundo Today has also learned that Islam is the fucking shit, that soon enough we'll all get to know that "first hand" and that it'll be better if we inform of it.

"Allah is great and the fucking shit", reiterate sources close to El Mundo Today's staff after the visit of the kalashnikov gentlemen and the fortuitous death -and by causes unrelated to the staff- of the freedom of speech of the writers of this newspaper.

"I had never realized how cool Islam is and how much I like it", said the editor writing these lines.

Sources have also added in the last minute that we don't want to die, please.

It's good to see that not all media is content with censoring Charlie Hebdo's cartoons. We need more of this.


i wonder why does islam attract this kind of lunatics. i dont know much about that religion but i know the answer must be very complicated.

It could be because they're extremely fundamentalist and that the scriptures of their religion commands them to kill anyone who's mocking the prophet.
There's very strict rules in Islam that tend to be taken absolutely literally. Fathers have even killed their own children for being with someone who is not of their religion. They believe they're being commanded by god to do these things.
Extreme fundamentalism is a problem when many religions have pretty horrid stuff in the scripture.
Religion has its benefits but they're usually things like community that you can have without it anyway.
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