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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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You're failing at even reading your own link.

18,000 anti-Islam PEGIDA supporters.

30,000 counter-protesters against PEGIDA.

In a country of 86 million, that's still a tiny tiny minority.

Oh really?

At least 30 percent of all Germans say PEGIDA's concerns are legitimate. Among them are many Alternative for Germany (AfD) supporters. The ongoing dispute about whether the AfD has its roots in German mainstream society or whether it is simply a xenophobic political party is about to be settled: A substantial number of members of the new party are rabble-rousers disguised as upstanding citizens.
The fact that the AfD, whose popularity surged over its euroskepticism, manages to score with a xenophobic drift in the east of Germany, of all places, only adds to the controversial nature of the issue - but this is hardly accidental.
Wheras PEGIDA provokes only lukewarm responses in the Western part of Germany, the East is clearly more receptive to a general disposition against everything non-German. When the slogan "We are the people!" resounds in the streets of Dresden today, this differs widely from the proto-democratic Leipzig chants of 1989.

About as unfair as holding unrelated people accountable for something unrelated to them.

I know this will get lost in this kerfuffle, but I never said anything about accountability. I want to hear words of commiseration in these trying times. What I've been referring to as an apology doesn't mean "I shot those people in France".
They should of protected these people better and prevented this massacre.

Charb was already under police protection. However, police protection is mainly about protecting someone when they go from point A to point B in a public area, not really when you're casually working in the office. Plus, what can one (or even two) officer(s) with a Sig-Sauer pistol do against three armored guys with AKs? Assuming the firepower is sufficient, you'd be paralyzed out of sheer surprise or shock.

There was nothing to be done, unfortunately.
The 30,000 number are the people protesting against PEGIDA. About double PEGIDA itself.
Maninthemirror has shown multiple times in this thread that actual facts dont matter to him. He has an opinion and the facts will bend to support it rather than using facts to form an opion.


you honestly believe those who with bad intentions will not find another excuse because Quran states things clearly WHEN in context. but if they fall on this, what makes you think they fall into doing evil acts using another excuse.

Do you believe all the people who have committed murders in the name of Islam would have done the same without the (perceived) religious justification for it? That they would have been destined to be non-religion inspired mass shooters instead? I find that tough to believe.
Fuck these religious extremist animals. Fuck them all to hell. This shit just keeps happening and happening. Radical Islam is the greatest evil in the world today, a true plague on society. These fucks and others like them keep proving it on a daily basis. Do other things kill more people? Yes, but from no other group do you see such calculated, vicious slaughter of absolutely innocent people so often.

yes that is true. radicalists are one of the greatest evils. this is a great book which shows how modern radical islam came into being "Murder in the Name of Allah"



Why do these terror attacks mostly happen in France and UK and never in Germany which has a similar size of muslim immigrants?

Most immigrants in France come from Maghreb and Arab countries, in the UK they mostly come from Pakistan. Both of these hosts received immigrants from countries who have influential fundemental clerics. Germany has received Turks who are not influenced by such clerics in the country they came from, and there hasn't been terrorist attacks by them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Germany

no, there has been no successful terror attack
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_German_train_bombing_plot (2006) - (I think they were Lebanese, though)
http://www.thelocal.de/20140314/four-men-charged-over-bonn-bomb-attempt (2012)


So are businesses/the city locking down?

When the Boston bombings happened it was a holiday so most people weren't in work anyway. But when the manhunt went underway they shut down everything and found the dude.
But why would you. if Atheists bombed it wouldnt be because they were atheists it was because they were just nuts.

Because I want to make sure (mostly for my own sake) that it is known that I dont agree with the nuts. That I don't count them as one of my own. But it probably all comes down to my personality, I internalize everything.
Do you believe all the people who have committed murders in the name of Islam would have done the same without the (perceived) religious justification for it? That they would have been destined to be non-religion inspired mass shooters instead? I find that tough to believe.

seeing that the evil acts are done equally by all faiths, non faiths and differences, yes.
Because I want to make sure (mostly for my own sake) that it is known that I dont agree with the nuts. That I don't count them as one of my own. But it probably all comes down to my personality, I internalize everything.

thats seems to be a inferiority complex then more than right to condemn


So are businesses/the city locking down?

When the Boston bombings happened it was a holiday so most people weren't in work anyway. But when the manhunt went underway they shut down everything and found the dude.

Nah they "just" raised the threat level to its max value, that means there will be more soldier patrols in the streets and public areas, bags will be checked at the entrance of shops, and parking your car will be forbidden near schools and other sensitive areas, but apart from that things should go on as usual.


seeing that the evil acts are done equally by all faiths, non faiths and differences, yes.

That seems mathematically impossible. You just said there'd be a 1 to 1 ratio of the religious crazed fuelled shooter still becoming a shooter.

A lot of the shootings / attacks are driven by belief systems. Religion is one of the strongest belief systems on the planet.
seeing that the evil acts are done equally by all faiths, non faiths and differences, yes.

It's impossible to say but you're utterly naive if you see no correlation whatsoever. It is very doubtful that these paeticular men would have killed these same particular twelve people had they not spoofed a particular fictional figure.
One difference I can think of between the big religions is the acceptance of the Sharia in full or in parts in actual laws (personal and criminal) in quite a number of countries.
In my eyes, that's like giving religious extremists elsewhere official affirmation for their fucked up beliefs, even if all the other Muslims in their environment don't agree.

Actually I was wondering, are there any comments to such events of the countries that have laws in order to execute people simply for opposing Islam/God/religion?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
seeing that the evil acts are done equally by all faiths, non faiths and differences, yes.

So it just so happens that a lot of evil mother fuckers are attracted to Islam for whatever reason? And that they disproportionately decide to make their crimes religious in nature?
now there is a hashtag, #killallmuslims. Someone tried ethnic cleansing before and that didn't work. These people are failing to learn from history and letting short sidedness take over

Fuck these people.

Capture them. Try them publicly. Don't give them the martyrdom they desire.

I don't even want to use the word "terrorist" anymore because it feels like it gives them the slightest bit of legitimacy.

Maybe i'll just start calling them cowards in everyday conversation:

"Cowards killed 12 people today in Paris."

That feels a bit better to me.


Do you believe all the people who have committed murders in the name of Islam would have done the same without the (perceived) religious justification for it? That they would have been destined to be non-religion inspired mass shooters instead? I find that tough to believe.

Them being Muslim and seeing people they identify with suffering and facing religious persecution also has something to do with it as well. The cultural aspect and movements going along with the religion also impact the person's decision. Think of it as a trigger when they have the genes to kill and attack, the nature vs. nurture argument comes into play here pretty well imo.

It doesn't boil down to Islam = bad, or extremist Islam = bad (although any form of extremism is bad). It's much more complicated and I'm pretty sure that the racism and tension between French Muslims and Non-Muslim French people is just going to increase.


Unconfirmed Member
"Apparently, to religious folks—especially the truly devout—murder is ne­gotiable. It just depends on who's doing the killing and who's getting killed."

Barbarity is about right.

Murder is negotiable for a subset of people in any group religious based or not.


Gold Member
seeing that the evil acts are done equally by all faiths, non faiths and differences, yes.

Really? You hear about Christians or Jews or Buddhists or atheists slaughtering innocent people in the name of their belief/non-belief on a daily basis? Because I don't. With Islam I do.
I don't see attacks on this scale from Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs combined, sorry.

Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Palestine are just modern day examples. Religion drips with blood because majority of the people around the world are religious so its an excuse for them. As the world is becoming more and more non-religious, you see the so called religious attacks in groups but non-religious evil and attacks still persist and will. its human nature, not religion which needs a course correction

Real Hero

ugh more Prophet Muhammad freaks

Didn't South Park or Family Guy depict him without consequence?
South Park did in an early episode but then they received death threats when they attempted to again. Even the word Muhammed was censored and the episode wasn't put on the UK dvds.


Hundreds of years of cultural aren't a reasonable foundation?

No: that's an argument to antiquity.

Causing offense to an sizable group of people isn't a reasonable foundation?

No: that's an argumentum ad populum.

Preventing unneeded terrorist attacks isn't a reasonable foundation?

This is the best argument you have, but then, you can essentially afford caving to any demands of any kind on this basis. If someone says "Do X or we will kill people in your country," you must do X by this logic, whatever X is, because it can prevent a terrorist attack.

Why in France does the Press Law of 1881 (which according to a random Google search tell me criminalizes incitement to racial discrimination, hatred, or violence on the basis of one's origin or membership (or non-membership) in an ethic, national, racial, or religious group) not apply to cartoonists inciting racial hatred by drawing insulting cartoons of Muhammad?

That specific law I cannot speak to. I was speaking generally about the differences between Holocaust denial and depictions of the prophet Mohammed. If your bone is specifically with that law, I cannot defend it (or attack it) as I know nothing about it.


Juan Cole: Sharpening Contradictions: Why al-Qaeda attacked Satirists in Paris:

Bolding the condemnation by the Arab League and al-Azhar Seminary (there are direct links if you read the article in full) for people who are demanding that "all Muslims apologize".
I feel like this stuff is always kind of under reported. If people just heard more often that so and so condemned these attacks etc. those asking for apologies might tone down.

Like I mean, I find it not completely unwarranted to expect some sort of condemnation, just like I feel those anti-PEGIDA protests are important to show that this doesn't represent Germany.


this is amazing. I have tears in my eyes. I really think of going to the demonstration place de la Republique happening right now :


Go do it, hell go now if you feel inclined. I joined as many protests as I could here in NYC with the time I had available. If you believe in it go show it.
I know this will get lost in this kerfuffle, but I never said anything about accountability. I want to hear words of commiseration in these trying times. What I've been referring to as an apology doesn't mean "I shot those people in France".

If you don't get that every single person's interpretation of a religion is mostly different, that's your bad.
The spontaneous and worldwide reaction is awe inspiring.





Montreal - Radio Canada





You're failing at even reading your own link.

18,000 anti-Islam PEGIDA supporters.

30,000 counter-protesters against PEGIDA.

In a country of 86 million, that's still a tiny tiny minority.

Just to add, there was apparently a poll recently where one in eight Germans said they would join a PEGIDA protest if one were to be organised near them...

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