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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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Um.. okay.
Got any proof of this?

Pol Pot didnt kill 2 million in a few years due to religion did he?
Did Stalinism kill 6 million due to religion?
300,000 Burundis were killed due to ethnicity between 1993 and 2005
270,000 Bangladeshis were killed due to politics during its separation
300,000 Killed in Sierra Leon Civil War atrocities
300,000 Killed in Darfur in ethnic cleansing since 2003
500,000 Ugandans were killed in Ethnic cleansing in 71-73
Up to 1 Million Rwandans were killed due to Ethnic cleansing in 1994
Maoist regime killed more than 30 million over his rise in China.

Don't tell me these deaths are due to religion. Stop the BS that its only religion that kills. its bigotry or ignorance. pick one


Holy crap dude. Hasn't this argument been had in the other thread? Your stance is irrational at best. Harris saying just "Islam" is correct. The abstract creation of "Extremist Islam" is a subset of it.

So when a Wahhabi terrorist from Egypt does something, the faith of a Sufi from India is responsible for it?

How the heck can you say 'Extremist Islam' is an abstract creation? A faith held by more than a billion people has a hell of a lot of variation within it. I find it absurd that appealing for specificity and precision in an argument is seen as irrational.
ugh more Prophet Muhammad freaks

Didn't South Park or Family Guy depict him without consequence?
South Park did without complaints prior to the Dansish cartoons without complaints from the Super Friends episode

but post Danish cartoons; South Park received threats even when they depicted Mohamed inside a bear costume.


this is amazing. I have tears in my eyes.

Not to make you more teary-eyed but here's a recent picture from in front of the French embassy in Berlin:

800 people reportedly came to the embassy tonight. Lots of love and solidarity from Germany. <3


Nah they "just" raised the threat level to its max value, that means there will be more soldier patrols in the streets and public areas, bags will be checked at the entrance of shops, and parking your car will be forbidden near schools and other sensitive areas, but apart from that things should go on as usual.
Not related to security, but Hollande just decreed a national mourning day tomorrow, meaning all administrations will be closed.

Also, just saw the grand-daughter of Wolinski (one of the victims) on television. She is attending the current manifestation in Paris, saying that even though her family is currently mourning her grand-father she felt important to show her support to the manifestation, and insisted how important the press is. She wasn't crying, and she looked quite resolved and strong. It's probably the most touching reaction I've seen today.


You'd have to be certifiably insane to think you can use barbarism to change the world to fit your way of life. These extremists are completely nuts and completely fucking stupid. The backlash alone should be proof enough of that much.
You can't even be bothered to google for the numerous condemnations of this attack and previous attacks by Muslims and Islamic organizations. Nothing will satisfy you.

Already addressed this pages ago. I don't care much for the tone I get from people today. We are all going through an emotional time, If I offended you or anyone it was not my intent but I try not to attack individual posters and you could try to treat me the same.


Just to add, there was apparently a poll recently where one in eight Germans said they would join a PEGIDA protest if one were to be organised near them...
Polls on things "people would do if..." are garbage. There were PEIGDA protests organised outside Dresden, e.g., in Cologne. 800 showed up. Cologne has 1,000,000 inhabitants. So reality shows polls are bullshit.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Pol Pot didnt kill 2 million in a few years due to religion did he?
Did Stalinism kill 6 million due to religion?
300,000 Burundis were killed due to ethnicity between 1993 and 2005
270,000 Bangladeshis were killed due to politics during its separation
300,000 Killed in Sierra Leon Civil War atrocities
300,000 Killed in Darfur in ethnic cleansing since 2003
500,000 Ugandans were killed in Ethnic cleansing in 71-73
Up to 1 Million Rwandans were killed due to Ethnic cleansing in 1994
Maoist regime killed more than 30 million over his rise in China.

Don't tell me these deaths are due to religion. Stop the BS that its only religion that kills. its bigotry or ignorance. pick one

This fuckin' guy right here...

I gotta get out of here.


Fuck these extremists. They are anti-humanity. And people are free to offend any religion, they can't do anything about it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Apparently people think only religion is the basis of evil acts in society

No, just that one religion in particular seems to attract a lot of evil these days. Just to be clear, this is not to be taken as a defense of other religions.
Polls on things "people would do if..." are garbage. There were PEIGDA protests organised outside Dresden, e.g., in Cologne. 800 showed up. Cologne has 1,000,000 inhabitants. So reality shows polls are bullshit.

The poll is the poll and the result is the result. The reality might indeed be different (it often is), but people often use poll results to paint a picture or to add to a narrative, so I don't see why we should selectively use polls if they are from reliable sources.


Nork unification denier
Already addressed this pages ago. I don't care much for the tone I get from people today. We are all going through an emotional time, If I offended you or anyone it was not my intent but I try not to attack individual posters and you could try to treat me the same.

If you read that as an attack, that says more about you than me. My post was a literal description of your unwillingness to go to a search engine and search for condemnations of today's attack by Muslims, which are numerous and easily found. I would hope this would engender some self-examination on your part, but apparently not.

Are those in the name of the Buddha?

Pol Pot didnt kill 2 million in a few years due to religion did he?
Did Stalinism kill 6 million due to religion?
300,000 Burundis were killed due to ethnicity between 1993 and 2005
270,000 Bangladeshis were killed due to politics during its separation
300,000 Killed in Sierra Leon Civil War atrocities
300,000 Killed in Darfur in ethnic cleansing since 2003
500,000 Ugandans were killed in Ethnic cleansing in 71-73
Up to 1 Million Rwandans were killed due to Ethnic cleansing in 1994
Maoist regime killed more than 30 million over his rise in China.

Don't tell me these deaths are due to religion. Stop the BS that its only religion that kills. its bigotry or ignorance. pick one

Is anybody saying this, though?


seeing that the evil acts are done equally by all faiths, non faiths and differences, yes.
Oh, it's you again! Jesus, we all know you don't really believe that.
What's next? These terrorists just want to go home and don't believe the agenda of their leaders like you said in the ISIS attack?


Apparently people think only religion is the basis of evil acts in society

No, but saying that it isn't one of them is just plain ignorant. People can be evil, but if they have the help of a god to offload their responsibility for performing certain actions, it allows them to break down some mental barriers that could* otherwise override their bloodlust.
"Murder is bad."
"But God said I have to do it."
"Well, I guess this instance of murder is ok then."

*as in, people can just be evil on their own. Not arguing that.
Who said I'm blaming the police?
You literally posted they should have protected people better. How is that not blaming the police? What is even your point? The cops that got shot and killed should have done more? Or are you just on the fuck all cops tip right now and cant understand time, place, and tact?
So when a Wahhabi terrorist from Egypt does something, the faith of a Sufi from India is responsible for it?

How the heck can you say 'Extremist Islam' is an abstract creation? A faith held by more than a billion people has a hell of a lot of variation within it. I find it absurd that appealing for specificity and precision in an argument is seen as irrational.

How is it not an abstract creation? If I can derive both "kill" and "don't kill" from the same set of rules, one of them being "extremist" is a superfluous description. They are equivalent positions to be had if you take the totality of islamic texts as set rules. Now of course that makes the texts and philosophy completely useless (proving both a point and its negation makes the set of rules meaningless), but that is a whole other thing.


You'd have to be certifiably insane to think you can use barbarism to change the world to fit your way of life. These extremists are completely nuts and completely fucking stupid. The backlash alone should be proof enough of that much.

How many "nuts" does Islam have? Or any other religion that is used to violently attack anyone outside of that relgion/sect.

But in the end what can you do to prevent these Terrorist atrocities from happening? This attack sounds like a homegrown terrorist act which IMO is even worse. There will probably be a backlash against Muslims for this.
If you read that as an attack, that says more about you than me. My post was a literal description of your unwillingness to go to a search engine and search for condemnations of today's attack by Muslims, which are numerous and easily found. I would hope this would engender some self-examination on your part, but apparently not.

I said earlier that that's exactly what i'm doing. And I'm sharing them with my friends. People can learn to be better if you treat them with courtesy and respect.


I'm so fucking gutted right now, haven't been able to work at all today. Getting a flashback to the Breivik attacks, I was in France at that moment and wanted to be back in Norway doing those rose marches. Today I'm in Norway and want to be back in Paris :(

Je suis Charlie


No, just that one religion in particular seems to attract a lot of evil these days. Just to be clear, this is not to be taken as a defense of other religions.

Yeah you know that has nothing to do with context of what is going on in the world currently. It has nothing to do with the rising tensions between west and Muslims and the effects of what happened in the past half century or so.

It was just written in the Quran that after 1400 years to start massacring people including other Muslims.

For fucks sake, it seems everyone is missing the point.


Here in France, those cartoonists are legends, this is so sad, I hope these bastards will be caught soon. I've never seen my people like this, hundreds of people standing in silence or singing our national anthem, this is so powerful.



Apparently people think only religion is the basis of evil acts in society

No. But some religious group do create conditions to foster that kind of extreme behaviour.
It happens with Islam, it happens with Buddhism, it happens to virtually all religions.
Why should we not point out that fact?

Just because the large majority of the people whom practice said religion does not behave the same way, we can not deny or ignore that religion is, yes, the basic reason behind that and other attacks.


Just to add, there was apparently a poll recently where one in eight Germans said they would join a PEGIDA protest if one were to be organised near them...

And at the same time one in eight isn't even close to the percentage in Dresden - 18.000 with a population of 530.000 in Dresden alone.
The march in Cologne (4th biggest city in Germany) is said to be the last - 250 people showed up (out of a pop of over > 1 mill.).


Just to add, there was apparently a poll recently where one in eight Germans said they would join a PEGIDA protest if one were to be organised near them...
well, in every other city in which they tried to organize a protest that is not Dresden they failed completely, to my knowledge. But to be fair, there was a pretty large violent anti-Islamic protest organized by hooligans and right-wing organizations in Cologne before the whole Pegida thing took off
Pol Pot didnt kill 2 million in a few years due to religion did he?
Did Stalinism kill 6 million due to religion?
300,000 Burundis were killed due to ethnicity between 1993 and 2005
270,000 Bangladeshis were killed due to politics during its separation
300,000 Killed in Sierra Leon Civil War atrocities
300,000 Killed in Darfur in ethnic cleansing since 2003
500,000 Ugandans were killed in Ethnic cleansing in 71-73
Up to 1 Million Rwandans were killed due to Ethnic cleansing in 1994
Maoist regime killed more than 30 million over his rise in China.

Don't tell me these deaths are due to religion. Stop the BS that its only religion that kills. its bigotry or ignorance. pick one

All you've done is outline that people murder for lots of reasons. You've proved nothing
No, just that one religion in particular seems to attract a lot of evil these days. Just to be clear, this is not to be taken as a defense of other religions.

yes the minority of 1.6 billion is a lot of evil but the majority of 1.6 not being evil is insignificant. did I get that right? You have 1.6 Billion most go about their daily lives, Christians and Jews are not as devout as Muslims nowadays as they fall away from religion and go into casual worship, the only reason the number from 1.6 is showcased is because what you hear and see from the media creating the boogeyman but that is secondary, the primary reason being of the 1.6 billion who are practicing, the minority practicing are radicalists borne out of no reformations and clerics influencing them who rise out of supressed regimes



That says the freedom of opinion remains... Which isn't true in my opinion in Europe. PC won. Once Europe gave asylum to Rushdie and it was unbelievable that you could be hunted for your opinion like this. Now only a few people dare to speak out like Rushdie in public
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