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Terror attack kills 12 at Paris newspaper - 4 wounded, gunmen identified

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I was in Paris last week (nearby where this happened, actually) and the police and army presence was massive. Can't imagine what it's like now.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It was just written in the Quran that after 1400 years to start massacring people including other Muslims.

Wait... are you trying to say that this whole "death to infidels" thing is relatively new for Islam?


The poll is the poll and the result is the result. The reality might indeed be different (it often is), but people often use poll results to paint a picture or to add to a narrative, so I don't see why we should selectively use polls if they are from reliable sources.
Because "reliable" only means the results are statistically sound, not that they are based on stupid and/or biased questions. One poll reported once 20% of Germans "could think of" voting for right-wing AfD. In the end, they didn't even make the 5% threshold needed to get into parliament. Polls like this contain zero useful information.


Yeah you know that has nothing to do with context of what is going on in the world currently. It has nothing to do with the rising tensions between west and Muslims and the effects of what happened in the past half century or so.

It was just written in the Quran that after 1400 years to start massacring people including other Muslims.

For fucks sake, it seems everyone is missing the point.

yeah, to see so many people in a place that tends to be progressive like gaf buying into "clash of cultures" horseshit is very disheartening.

yeah, there is more terrorism perpetrated by muslims right now than by christians. Y'all think the last 100 years might have something to do with that perhaps?
Pol Pot didnt kill 2 million in a few years due to religion did he?
Did Stalinism kill 6 million due to religion?
300,000 Burundis were killed due to ethnicity between 1993 and 2005
270,000 Bangladeshis were killed due to politics during its separation
300,000 Killed in Sierra Leon Civil War atrocities
300,000 Killed in Darfur in ethnic cleansing since 2003
500,000 Ugandans were killed in Ethnic cleansing in 71-73
Up to 1 Million Rwandans were killed due to Ethnic cleansing in 1994
Maoist regime killed more than 30 million over his rise in China.

Don't tell me these deaths are due to religion. Stop the BS that its only religion that kills. its bigotry or ignorance. pick one

I don't see what your point is. Nobody has made the ridiculous argument that religion is the source of all pain or conflict.


How is it not an abstract creation? If I can derive both "kill" and "don't kill" from the same set of rules, one of them being "extremist" is a superfluous description.
Not by the defintion of extremist as being someone who takes extreme actions. But fine, if you have a semantic issue with 'extremist' than don't use it. But the basic point remains that a Sufi or a Shia or Ahmadi or etc. shouldn't be painted with the same brush due to the actions of some Wahhabi/Salafi. But that's exactly what happens when people refuse to be precise at all when speaking about 'Islam'.
And at the same time one in eight isn't even close to the percentage in Dresden - 18.000 with a population of 530.000 in Dresden alone.
The march in Cologne (4th biggest city in Germany) is said to be the last - 250 people showed up (out of a pop of over > 1 mill.).

I happen to live right across the train station and unless 200 were hiding inside, even that miniscule number is too high.
It's just a fad that gives some frustrated chumps a way to express their general anger(I love the german term Wutbürger) just like the Hartz IV marches.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, to see so many people in a place that tends to be progressive like gaf buying into "clash of cultures" horseshit is very disheartening.

yeah, there is more terrorism perpetrated by muslims right now than by christians. Y'all think the last 100 years might have something to do with that perhaps?

I think I need some clarification, because I don't see how the whole clash of cultures thing is horseshit at all. It's manifesting right before our eyes in the present.


Reading the thread you would know the blame is the religion itself rather than the men, the argument being the religion itself tells these men to commit evil and the argument being if men were not religious, evil acts wouldnt occur

People do evil things for all sorts of reasons, and a persons religion is one of them, whether you like it or not. Would the Jonestown residents have all killed themselves without their religion? Maybe, but it's highly doubtful.


now there is a hashtag, #killallmuslims. Someone tried ethnic cleansing before and that didn't work. These people are failing to learn from history and letting short sidedness take over

One side of ego is now battling another. One side takes images too seriously, so they kill journalists drawing their favorite O.G., and now you have people who have an image that all people of that theology are all murdering warriors.

Sure, radical Islam is probably the most profound example today of crazies being crazy, but what does doing something like this really accomplish? You attempt to control people with one's own ego: one's own image on what should or ought to be, with violence. The problem with that is unless you're beguiled and conditioned into the falsehoods of these extremists, their actions look nothing more than an affront, like some kind of shit brained anger. They do very little in convincing people to their ideals unless they have poor critical thinking skills or who have already drunk the kool-aid. It's sad.

Reading the thread you would know the blame is the religion itself rather than the men, the argument being the religion itself tells these men to commit evil and the argument being if men were not religious, evil acts wouldnt occur

There are no such thing and good and evil, objectively. The issue here is actions that don't match the humanity we tend to know of science, of the world as it is, instead of the conjured up human game. While what you say has some truth - it takes wonky conditioning to make someone commit an illogical action onto the world and particularly people, and this can involve no religion at all to do - religion is the central pillar that does this the most often. I would hope you understand that. It is specifically religion that commits the most accounts of this falsehood of human conditioning. You can find weird, illogical dogmas even in secular societies, like with one's attitude towards money, but it is specifically religion that promotes the idea that most people are born on probation, that they have to prove themselves, and in failing to do this, they're somehow a "less than" and not "worthy". That's one of the core problems in the image of theology, and today's actions only remind me of the great words of Jiddu Krishnamurti, which greatly highlight the problem a lot more to me.

“When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”

This is a rather weak publication to use in support of your point. Japanese nationalism leading to WWII is responsible for military aggression, not Zen Buddhism, your point is pretty narrow.

Furthermore, Zen Buddhism is nothing more than philosophy, not a religion. It has no dogma, only techniques to break the illusion of ego. Or at least that's my understanding and playing with it.


Pol Pot didnt kill 2 million in a few years due to religion did he?
Did Stalinism kill 6 million due to religion?
300,000 Burundis were killed due to ethnicity between 1993 and 2005
270,000 Bangladeshis were killed due to politics during its separation
300,000 Killed in Sierra Leon Civil War atrocities
300,000 Killed in Darfur in ethnic cleansing since 2003
500,000 Ugandans were killed in Ethnic cleansing in 71-73
Up to 1 Million Rwandans were killed due to Ethnic cleansing in 1994
Maoist regime killed more than 30 million over his rise in China.

Don't tell me these deaths are due to religion. Stop the BS that its only religion that kills. its bigotry or ignorance. pick one

You've listed a lot of horrible acts that occurred due to tribal and ethnic frictions, but essentially I would consider tribalism to be as equally pernicious as religion, or ideologies which are as aggressively prosecuted as Stalin's particular brand of communism. They're all the same thing - people killing over cultural identities and ideas.

In Western Europe, the United States and elsewhere - the idea of doing that is completely alien. And please, don't point out the Iraq war or something as a counter argument - I count myself among the tens of millions against that profiteering adventure from the very beginning.

The point is: cultural revolutions happened on our shores hundreds of years ago and we rose above this. Conflict became pertinent for existential reasons, for the preservation of power or the projection of it. Every major advance in the moral and ethical codes of Western culture has been to the furtherance of personal liberty. I pointed out examples earlier: the Western Schism, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Code, the Atlantic Charter, countless more! It is only backwards ideologies and religious extremists that seek to regress us.

We have the occasional Brevik or Unabomber but you have to be culturally tone deaf and some kind of history revisionist to suggest that more recent atrocities in Western countries have not all borne similar motivation. This is a problem, and people denying it are part of the problem.

The symbolism of the pen in the protests in London is beautiful btw.


I don't know how you can even address this problem. People say education and prosperity, but these are people already living in France. The seem unable to accept the modern liberal world.

I'm not really a fan of increased surveillance and domestic spying on people but I really am at a loss for what else you can do.
The spontaneous and worldwide reaction is awe inspiring.





Montreal - Radio Canada






Has Europe ever united around one event like this before? This is amazing!
People do evil things for all sorts of reasons, and a persons religion is one of them, whether you like it or not. Would the Jonestown residents have all killed themselves without their religion? Maybe, but it's highly doubtful.

as I asked the other poster. do you think the attackers today were "following their faith" or "distorting their faith". one choice
Not by the defintion of extremist as being someone who takes extreme actions. But fine, if you have a semantic issue with 'extremist' than don't use it. But the basic point remains that a Sufi or a Shia or Ahmadi or etc. shouldn't be painted with the same brush due to the actions of some Wahhabi/Salafi. But that's exactly what happens when people refuse to be precise at all when speaking about 'Islam'.
You arrive at the same problem with all of the above as the one with "extremism". Superfluous descriptions. Islam is an incomplete and inconsistent philosophy and therefore all its interpretations are equal.
You arrive at the same problem with all of the above as the one with "extremism". Superfluous descriptions. Islam is an incomplete and inconsistent philosophy and therefore all its interpretations are equal.

thats not what Quran says. it says clearly only those will commit acts of evil using religion who are evil. should i qoute that verse again?
Because "reliable" only means the results are statistically sound, not that they are based on stupid and/or biased questions. One poll reported once 20% of Germans "could think of" voting for right-wing AfD. In the end, they didn't even make the 5% threshold needed to get into parliament. Polls like this contain zero useful information.

And yet people are still using the polls conducted in ME countries to try and paint a picture that more Muslims than we'd like to believe are extremist or have the potential to be extremists.

If we're to go down the path of saying that polls don't contain any useful information, then surely those poll are just as useless as this one due to the fact that the majority of Muslims aren't engaged in extremist actions, even though the poll might suggest otherwise.


You can actually hear one of the gunmen speak french to the other after the police man is shot.

Scary. I'm thinking that they may be french citizens who have been over to Syria prior to this, seeing as they seem highly capable.


I don't know how you can even address this problem. People say education and prosperity, but these are people already living in France. The seem unable to accept the modern liberal world.

I'm not really a fan of increased surveillance and domestic spying on people but I really am at a loss for what else you can do.

Islamic schools which promote this extremist ideology should be monitored or banned. We need to find a way to assimilate these people into the local culture as well.

El Topo

I'm not really a fan of increased surveillance and domestic spying on people but I really am at a loss for what else you can do.

You can do nothing to guarantee absolute security. Terrorist attacks of such kind, performed by very few with (regular) weapons, will not be quelled by increased surveillance and spying.


If we're to go down the path of saying that polls don't contain any useful information, then surely those poll are just as useless as this one due to the fact that the majority of Muslims aren't engaged in extremist actions, even though the poll might suggest otherwise.
That's not what I said. Read my first sentence.
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