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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


The advantage of a grey and grey show is that they can both be right while their conflict is justified. Until Clarke becomes Queen of the Ice Nation and kills them all.


Yeah, Lexa chose her responsibility as the leader of the Grounders over her feelings for Clarke, which is to be expected and in character of someone like her. It isn't her suddenly turning on Clarke and being evil, she went with her people being let go freely instead of risking losing many warriors by charging it. After all, she fell for Clarke yes, but only knew her for a few weeks compared to the years she's implied to have been the Heda for. She wouldn't betray her people over her.

Lexa did betray Clarke, they had an agreement a treaty to fight together and defeat The Mountain Men, Lexa instead secretly negotiated to have her people released and then abandoned Clarke. Had she stuck to the original agreement some of her people would have died fighting the MM but in the end her and Clacke's forces would have prevailed and not all of the MM would have been slaughtered. Of course her betrayal can be justified but that doesn't make it any less a betrayal.

Again, what I find puzzling after whole incident is first why did the Ark team agree to not occupy Mt. Weather? The treaty between Lexa's force and the Ark was broken when she abandoned them and it was the Ark team alone that ended up fighting and capturing the position. They should have immediately occupied the area and if Lexa complained went, "tough luck." Second, how can Lexa still be a leader if her word is essentially worthless?
The City of Light angle is very interesting.. I want to know more.

I'm getting vibes that it's more like The Library in Doctor Who or The Matrix, a virtual world where sure, things are great, but they're not real. Java would go for it because he'd be pain-free and be totally convinced to bring the other Arkers in. Unlike the Matrix, I don't think ALIE needs to populate it, more like wants to.

I do have to wonder how Indra has managed to stay Queen for so long considering she apparently breaks her word quite often.
I don't understand why she's with the Arkers looking for Clarke when she knows she had an agent looking for her this entire time


I'm getting vibes that it's more like The Library in Doctor Who or The Matrix, a virtual world where sure, things are great, but they're not real. Java would go for it because he'd be pain-free and be totally convinced to bring the other Arkers in. Unlike the Matrix, I don't think ALIE needs to populate it, more like wants to.

I don't understand why she's with the Arkers looking for Clarke when she knows she had an agent looking for her this entire time

Indra probably had no idea they had an Agent looking, Indra is not the Queen, Lexa is.
Again, what I find puzzling after whole incident is first why did the Ark team agree to not occupy Mt. Weather? The treaty between Lexa's force and the Ark was broken when she abandoned them and it was the Ark team alone that ended up fighting and capturing the position. They should have immediately occupied the area and if Lexa complained went, "tough luck." Second, how can Lexa still be a leader if her word is essentially worthless?
Lexa said she became the Heda because the spirit of the previous commander chose her after the death of the last commander, meaning that being the Heda involves a rather spiritual ritual being involved with who is chosen. The Heda dies, and a new one is chosen. Presumably for the Grounders, that ideal is followed genuinely and they believe it hence why they are okay with letting someone so young lead them since it's implied Lexa took up the position when she was only a teenager of about 16-17.

So I doubt that any Grounders who have complaints will matter when she is essentially the Chosen One to her people.


I don't understand why she's with the Arkers looking for Clarke when she knows she had an agent looking for her this entire time
If Lexa knew that Indra was looking, she might have sent out multiple agents to find her faster. But I think it is more likely she only sent out the Prince while Indra was acting on her own. It would be a real bad idea to send out the person leading your own clan in your absence on such a mission.

Again, what I find puzzling after whole incident is first why did the Ark team agree to not occupy Mt. Weather? The treaty between Lexa's force and the Ark was broken when she abandoned them and it was the Ark team alone that ended up fighting and capturing the position. They should have immediately occupied the area and if Lexa complained went, "tough luck." Second, how can Lexa still be a leader if her word is essentially worthless?
They might have felt that they weren't actually capable of holding the position, while at the same time venturing out. Or Abby just doesn't have the same bravery as her daughter. Kane certainly doesn't, so he wouldn't occupy it either.

So is this still worth watching? Not out in the UK yet.
Might even be better now than last year.


Lexa said she became the Heda because the spirit of the previous commander chose her after the death of the last commander, meaning that being the Heda involves a rather spiritual ritual being involved with who is chosen. The Heda dies, and a new one is chosen. Presumably for the Grounders, that ideal is followed genuinely and they believe it hence why they are okay with letting someone so young lead them since it's implied Lexa took up the position when she was only a teenager of about 16-17.

That's not exactly I was asking, also while I understand how their leaders are chosen I'm pretty sure they don't decide randomly that a person possess the spirit of the last commander. I would assume it would be because they possess traits of the previous commander such as a pension for ruthlessness or leadership at which point they probably assume that a person possesses these traits because they are the reincarnation of their last commander.

But that is beside the point, regardless of whether they worship her as their Queen a leader still has to be competent in order to survive. Thus, routinely going against your word is a sure fire way to get a knife in the back or a rival tribe to slaughter you.


She has to be competent, as it seems she was the one to unify the 12 clans according to The 100 Wikia. So she was chosen as the leader for the Woods Clan by the spiritual thing.
That's not exactly I was asking, also while I understand how their leaders are chosen I'm pretty sure they don't decide randomly that a person possess the spirit of the last commander. I would assume it would be because they possess traits of the previous commander such as a pension for ruthlessness or leadership at which point they probably assume that a person possesses these traits because they are the reincarnation of their last commander.

But that is beside the point, regardless of whether they worship her as their Queen a leader still has to be competent in order to survive. Thus, routinely going against your word is a sure fire way to get a knife in the back or a rival tribe to slaughter you.
I think one of the writers said there is a ritual in which it is discovered. Not sure if it is exactly reincarnation because that implies each death results in about a decade and a half of waiting until the chosen one is old enough to lead. It seems that given Lexa seems to be barely in her twenties that she has been trained from a young age, particularly since she was Anya's second, which I'm guessing means protege. So being ruthless might be a thing for all Grounder kids.

I won't disagree with that it seems very choppy as to why it seems the Grounders are perfectly okay with letting Lexa lead. Plus the whole "previous leader spirit chooses the next" could be complete bullshit in how it is decided.


I think one of the writers said there is a ritual in which it is discovered. Not sure if it is exactly reincarnation because that implies each death results in about a decade and a half of waiting until the chosen one is old enough to lead. It seems that given Lexa seems to be barely in her twenties that she has been trained from a young age, particularly since she was Anya's second, which I'm guessing means protege. So being ruthless might be a thing for all Grounder kids.

I won't disagree with that it seems very choppy as to why it seems the Grounders are perfectly okay with letting Lexa lead. Plus the whole "previous leader spirit chooses the next" could be complete bullshit in how it is decided.
She was 16 when she became the leader of the coalition.
This was after much bloodshed, so she was leading her clan at a younger age.


Loved this episode. Really like getting more on the Grounder politics and stuff like that, so more Lexa and finding out that one guy was a prince was neat. I also enjoyed the developments with Jaha/Murphy and seeing the other group from the Ark with Monty's mom too.


Good episode. I didn't buy Clarke's angry meltdown in the end - I understand that the character would react that way, but I don't think Eliza Taylor sold it beyond the spit. Not a big deal. Jasper's arc this season is tough to watch, but it's picking up momentum. I think it's necessary to portray the toll that recent events take on people, so we'll have to see where they go from here. Hope they stick the landing. The adventures of Murphy and Emori were entertaining.
Yeah, I've never seen here phone in such a delivery ever before in the series. At best it was table read quality.


Pretty good episode. Happy to see Monty reunite with his mum(please don't die) so quick, though I don't trust Pike's story for a second about what happened to Monty's dad. Wonder if Miller's boyfriend also managed to survive.


Having a hard time understanding Octavia. She's really obsessed with Grounder cosplay, has a Grounder boyfriend, and routinely spouts separatist rhetoric but doesn't want to save the life of one of "her people"?

As for Jasper, I'm only half way through the episode but Jesus Christ dude get your shit together.


Really enjoying this season so far. It's crazy what this show was become - it's something you'd never expect from watching the pilot.

Now to just get more of my friends to trust me to watch past the first half of season 1 ><


Really enjoying this season so far. It's crazy what this show was become - it's something you'd never expect from watching the pilot.

Now to just get more of my friends to trust me to watch past the first half of season 1 ><

Yeah this show has gone from BSG, to Lord of the Flies meets Hunger Games, to a sprawling Post Apocalyptic epic.
Having a hard time understanding Octavia. She's really obsessed with Grounder cosplay, has a Grounder boyfriend, and routinely spouts separatist rhetoric but doesn't want to save the life of one of "her people"?

As for Jasper, I'm only half way through the episode but Jesus Christ dude get your shit together.
She's just finding herself as she didn't have a life on the ark being hidden. So her not trusting her people who would float the second child makes sense. And the grounder took her in after awhile because of Lincoln.


Has Lexa ever kept her word to someone? There is a point where a character goes from wily to "why would anyone believe a single word out of her mouth? Ever." And then anyone that deals with her on the up and up feels like an idiot.


Has Lexa ever kept her word to someone? There is a point where a character goes from wily to "why would anyone believe a single word out of her mouth? Ever." And then anyone that deals with her on the up and up feels like an idiot.

She just has to keep her word against the people that support her.


Yeah, but at some point she will have to ally herself with an outside power. And I cannot by now believe anyone with sound mind would want to.

There are only three known groups in this area. Mount Weather is gone, so it is just her clans and the Sky Crew. But those are in the minority.
Has Lexa ever kept her word to someone? There is a point where a character goes from wily to "why would anyone believe a single word out of her mouth? Ever." And then anyone that deals with her on the up and up feels like an idiot.

Everything she's done has been for the 'greater good' to protect her own people. She's got bigger fish to fry than Clarke and a handful (in comparison to the number of her own people) people who she just met.

(Preview spoilers)
She wants the arkers to become part of her 'people' and be part of the coalition, which is a win-win situation for both sides. The arkers get the protection of the grounders, whilst Lexa gets Clarke a bunch of warriors who have technology much more advanced than her own or her enemies.
Whether or not Clarke and the arkers will trust her after the end of season 2 remains to be seen, however I'm pretty sure Clarke, in time, will understand why Lexa had to make the decision she did. I don't think how Lexa has acted previously will be a major deal in terms of trusting her. I'm pretty sure most of the major people from the ark will understand why she made the decision she did.


The problem with Lexa's betrayal in season two is it didn't make any goddamn sense. The point of her war against Mount Weather should have been to destroy them, a constant threat. Rescuing her people was an added benefit.


The problem with Lexa's betrayal in season two is it didn't make any goddamn sense. The point of her war against Mount Weather should have been to destroy them, a constant threat. Rescuing her people was an added benefit.
She did rescue her people and she got a truce out of it.
The problem with Lexa's betrayal in season two is it didn't make any goddamn sense. The point of her war against Mount Weather should have been to destroy them, a constant threat. Rescuing her people was an added benefit.

Eh? If Mount Weather had the arkers, they had no need for the grounders. She got her truce and her people back, problem solved.


Eh? If Mount Weather had the arkers, they had no need for the grounders. She got her truce and her people back, problem solved.
Except then there would still be this power that was a danger to her. She already seemingly lost more people in the war then she got back from them, hell allowing her camp to be bombed alone cost more people. What was the point of the war if not to destroy Mount Weather and remove them and the Reapers from the field?
The problem with Lexa's betrayal in season two is it didn't make any goddamn sense. The point of her war against Mount Weather should have been to destroy them, a constant threat. Rescuing her people was an added benefit.
I always believed that along with getting her people back, Mount Weather promised Lexa that they would not bother her people if they kept to themselves. Lexa would likely take a clean, if dishonorable victory that enabled her army and the prisoners to return home over attacking and risk losing a lot of her warriors. Lexa's feelings for Clarke or even any type of honor she might have did not take away the fact her people come first.


So I started watching the pilot episode after having heard of this thread but damn it is so f***** cheesy.... every lines, every situation... also why send 100 kids down on Earth so they can access to 2 months of food but no doctor or anything among the group... don't know if I should continue watching this


So I started watching the pilot episode after having heard of this thread but damn it is so f***** cheesy.... every lines, every situation... also why send 100 kids down on Earth so they can access to 2 months of food but no doctor or anything among the group... don't know if I should continue watching this

Continue. Give it 5 episodes. It needs that time to settle.


So I started watching the pilot episode after having heard of this thread but damn it is so f***** cheesy.... every lines, every situation... also why send 100 kids down on Earth so they can access to 2 months of food but no doctor or anything among the group... don't know if I should continue watching this

Give it time, also the whole point of sending them down is that they expect them to die. Why waste someone as valuable as a doctor if you don't think they will survive?


Continue. Give it 5 episodes. It needs that time to settle.

Aight, I will try.

Give it time, also the whole point of sending them down is that they expect them to die. Why waste someone as valuable as a doctor if you don't think they will survive?

Well, if they expect them to die, why send them? Even if they are ''criminals'' they still are the future of the population remaining (for like 4 months tho).

Im sad at the end of the pilot that
that dude died by a javelin, I wanted him to get with the mean girl... I just don't want f- love triangle again


Well, if they expect them to die, why send them? Even if they are ''criminals'' they still are the future of the population remaining (for like 4 months tho).
To see if the ground is radioactive. If they die, they know they can't go back. And they aren't the future, they're on death row.


Lexa mentions that Polis is the grounder capital in 2x15. TonDC was just the one that's closest to Mt Weather and the original landing site for the dropship, I think.
Interesting. I forgot that reference. I wonder which city Polis is. It can't be too far from Washington DC but it is has to be bigger.
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