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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


I've officially powered through all of the available episodes. The City of Light seems like the type of narrative arc that will tank a good show.

It depends on how they'll handle the nuke. Keep it in hands of the evil AI, it will suck. Give control to someone more ruthless, it could work.
Haven't they said they used the nuke to power the city of light?

It would be interesting if it turns out the CoL just another Ark, a place where humanity can survive for now but has no future as at some point life support will run out. Solar panels will degrade, nuclear reactors will run out of fuel and whatever magical computers are running it don't last for centuries either.
The lure of an easy, pain free life in the Matrix would be strong but in the end it would be a dead end.


LOL anyone notice how Patrick Sabongui (Captain Singh on The Flash) plays two completely different characters?

In season 1 he's one of the rebels who commandeers the Exodus ship with Diana, and in season 2 he plays one of the Tondc villagers.
Sorry for the huge space gaps, these might be potential spoilers.

Behind the scenes photo of Lexa's tattoo. That infinity sign can't be good.



Whomever the casting director is for the show must really love Australian actors.
Australian actors are likely cheaper which explains why The CW uses so many of them; and they are usually more schooled in acting compared to American actors. It is why for white males/females you see so many Brits, Canadians, Australians.

Behind the scenes photo of Lexa's tattoo. That infinity sign can't be good.
Can anyone compare that with the
tattoo of trader girl?

LOL anyone notice how Patrick Sabongui (Captain Singh on The Flash) plays two completely different characters?

In season 1 he's one of the rebels who commandeers the Exodus ship with Diana, and in season 2 he plays one of the Tondc villagers.
he is mainly a stuntman I think, so they probably don't look as much at him
Can anyone compare that with the
tattoo of trader girl?

Best photo I could find of it, sorry for the slightly degrading quality.
They're quite different, honestly I'm curious as to what the hell Lexa's back tattoo is supposed to be. I've seen rumors it's apparently the drop ship hitting earth since I think it was said that she got the tattoo after the 100 arrived. But yeah as mentioned above, that infinity sign is included with something to do with ALIE.


Best photo I could find of it, sorry for the slightly degrading quality.
They're quite different, honestly I'm curious as to what the hell Lexa's back tattoo is supposed to be. I've seen rumors it's apparently the drop ship hitting earth since I think it was said that she got the tattoo after the 100 arrived. But yeah as mentioned above, that infinity sign is included with something to do with ALIE.

I don't think that girl is particularly important (I could be wrong, knowing this show) but
Titus, Lexa's advisor, has a tiny infinity symbol amid his head tattoos. And the nuclear backpack with portable ALIE in it or whatever had an infinity symbol on it, of course.

Also, probably worth noting that that back tattoo has looked completely different than any other grounder tat we've seen. Also suspiciously like the Ark falling to Earth, or connected by a data stream of some sort? So who the fuck knows at this point.

Thanks, I only remembered she had one so I was jumping to conclusions. It is quite an intriguing tattoo the one Lexa has. Hopefully it is quite important so she has to stick around.
Related to the above discussion, something that's really obvious that I didn't notice before,
The 100 logo also makes an infinity symbol when the two zeroes crash together.


The article makes a mistake in not mentionning Shatner. If William Shatner live-tweets a scifi show, people pay attention.
Do not make what people perceive to be a CW-type show
I wonder if he sends that to everybody.


The article makes a mistake in not mentionning Shatner. If William Shatner live-tweets a scifi show, people pay attention.

I wonder if he sends that to everybody.

Wait, Shatner likes this show?

I'll bet he will show up on the show at some point.


Wait, Shatner likes this show?
He is friends with Misha Collins, who asked him to tweet about Supernatural. The people from The Tomorrow People asked him to do the same for their show. Which also lead to him watching Star Crossed. He crossed over to The 100 as well. There was only one condition each time, just giving an item for his charity auction. He is one of those people that got suckered into watching all CW shows nowadays.
If you're from the UK and don't want to be spoiled, don't watch E4 commercials. They have a trailer out right now which spoils something pretty big from a future ep.
If you're from the UK and don't want to be spoiled, don't watch E4 commercials. They have a trailer out right now which spoils something pretty big from a future ep.
I'm quoting to add the fact that yeah, seriously be careful because what was being shown is actually huge. I'm a little annoyed actually to get spoiled while casually going through the channels.
Only thing that bugged me is making that bald dude the leader. Majority of Arkadia is a moron.

After everything these idiots - especially the kids - have been through and you make some "new" guy the leader that has the wrong attitude. He's gonna undo everything they've worked for.
It makes perfect sense.

Do you not remember how the grounders threatened to destroy them all en masse, and then tortured one of them within sight of the camp? That's not even counting the ones with "the bald dude" who went through some serious shit.

I swear some of you have blinders on.

Obviously the plan to go attack the grounders outside the camp is going to go south, but Kane is far too weak to be a decent leader. He's way too eager to please (the grounders) and seemed oblivious to the resentment toward the grounders that a lot of his people had. Pike on the other hand manipulated that expertly.


- EW: Why defining Clarke’s sexuality marked a 'turning point' for The 100.
To him, writing Clarke as bisexual didn’t come from wanting to appeal to LGBT fans, to push certain viewers’ buttons, or to deliver a message about civil rights. The decision — and the later identification of other characters, like Nathan Miller (Jarod Joseph), as gay — was simply world-building, and solely within the world of The 100.

“Sexual orientation fits in the same place that gender identity and racial identity fits within the world of our show,” he tells EW. “The characters in the show are not concerned with those things. They are only concerned with whether they are going to live and die. … Nobody ever classifies anybody, as in, ‘She’s a woman leader,’ or, ‘He’s a gay soldier.’ It’s just not in our show’s vocabulary.”
- EW: The 100: Bob Morley talks Bellamy's character growth, season 3 arc.
Clearly, Bellamy’s story this season has plenty to do with Pike and the Arkers. What else can you tell us about the rest of season 3?

There’s the issue of sustainability and there not being enough food. That’s going to be a major issue for everyone on the ground. Though that’s not being touched on that much, it is what drives Pike … Alie’s obviously one to watch out for, she plays a huge role. Season 3 gets quite sci-fi, and even I and the rest of the cast would have to really read and reread the scripts to make sure we’re all following what’s happening with the artificial intelligence world. Luckily for me, Bellamy was pretty in the dark about that whole thing, so I could play dumb quite easily. … Watching Bellamy kind of get a bit left behind [the high-tech world] is fun. His story was always kind of low-tech.


- EW: The 100 showrunner takes a look back at the series' trajectory—and what he knows about its ending.
Looking ahead, you’ve talked a bit about how you have an idea for the ending of the show. Can you elaborate on what this means? Do you have a final line in mind, or a final scene, or even a final list of characters who are going to die by the end?

All of the above. I have a good idea of where I think the story should end. I don’t think this is the kind of show that goes forever and stays interesting. Now, other choices may come into play, and maybe I’ll come up with something that feels like, “Wow, this needs three whole more seasons to play out!” … There will certainly be other considerations beyond my pay grade that go into that decision-making, but for me, as a storyteller, I like things that have a definitive end.

I remember when Lost got the approval from the powers that be to end their show after season 6. It must have been creatively liberating to be on that writing staff, knowing that they were writing for a specific end point. … It’s all about sticking the landing, you know? We build every season as if it’s its own movie. All of our stories are about trying to build toward that finale, toward that ending.
When you’re writing and outlining a season, then, do you always start with the ending?

It’s funny, the first season, when I came onto the show, I had never done this before. I had never been on a television writing staff, so I was learning on the job. I don’t think I came in to season 1 with an ending. I did know that we were going to go to Mount Weather at the end of the season, [but] I didn’t know what we were going to find there. I didn’t know that we were going to bring the Ark down. That was another writer, Bruce Miller, who had that idea in the middle of the season, which I thought was incredible. At first I was like, “Are you crazy, we spent millions of dollars on those Ark sets!” But then, I figured out a way that we would still live on those Ark sets, just on the ground.

Season 2, I knew the ending. I knew I was thematically trying to tell a story about, you know, at what point does the good guy become the bad guy? I was trying to push Clarke [played by Eliza Taylor] over that line. She was going to be broken and not going to be able to return with her people. I knew that going in.


I loved season two but this season has been very disappointing.

Some other people have pointed it out but the writing for Bellamy is just terrible.
10 people planning to attack an army of 300 people that is their to protect them is just absurd.
That they would simply hand over the chancellorship to Pike was also stupid.


The only reason he didn’t end up dying was because [actor] Devon Bostick was so phenomenal that I was afraid to lose such a talented actor so soon, and so I wimped out on the choice.
Good that he knows this.
I loved season two but this season has been very disappointing.

Some other people have pointed it out but the writing for Bellamy is just terrible.
10 people planning to attack an army of 300 people that is their to protect them is just absurd.
That they would simply hand over the chancellorship to Pike was also stupid.

Thats also the part this season that I'm slightly worried about, the Pike/Bellamy stuff felt too rushed. However, people of the ark putting their trust in Bell shouldn't be surprising, the surprising part was how easily Bell was converted to Pike's way of thinking.

That's only one part of one episode though, the rest of the season has been great so far imo.


Goddamnit Bellamy. Didn't you see what happened to Finn last season?

I like Bellamy better than Finn too so this is bumming me out.
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