Nikki Goldwaser ‏@NikkiKnacks 2m2 minutes ago
Jason: "Can Alie overcome Raven's free will?"
Nikki Goldwaser ‏@NikkiKnacks 3m3 minutes ago
Lindsey: "Raven is the only one who can get herself out of a hole." This is true of both her feelings about her disability and the chip.
The 100 Writers Room ‏@The100writers 1m1 minute ago
Cast is joking about what flavor the chips would be. @linzzmorgan: "Mine was barbecue!" @WildpipM: "I'm a salt and vinegar guy." #the100
Jo Garfein ‏@jopinionated 2m2 minutes ago
"What happens if you take TWO City of Light chips?" Ha. No answer#The100 #WonderCon
Jo Garfein ‏@jopinionated now3 seconds ago
"I am always the solid friend you can count on." - @clarkinlarkin #The100 #WonderCon #MONTY
Two city of light chips eh? Wonder if that's something we'll actually see.