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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


Nikki Goldwaser ‏@NikkiKnacks 2m2 minutes ago
Jason: "Can Alie overcome Raven's free will?"

Nikki Goldwaser ‏@NikkiKnacks 3m3 minutes ago
Lindsey: "Raven is the only one who can get herself out of a hole." This is true of both her feelings about her disability and the chip.

The 100 Writers Room ‏@The100writers 1m1 minute ago
Cast is joking about what flavor the chips would be. @linzzmorgan: "Mine was barbecue!" @WildpipM: "I'm a salt and vinegar guy." #the100

Jo Garfein ‏@jopinionated 2m2 minutes ago
"What happens if you take TWO City of Light chips?" Ha. No answer :) #The100 #WonderCon

Jo Garfein ‏@jopinionated now3 seconds ago
"I am always the solid friend you can count on." - @clarkinlarkin #The100 #WonderCon #MONTY

Two city of light chips eh? Wonder if that's something we'll actually see.


Nikki Goldwaser ‏@NikkiKnacks 2m2 minutes ago
Eric asks about Emori. Jason: "Murphy is in love. It will manifest in a way he's surprised by."

Guess this confirms she will return probably.


Jo Garfein ‏@jopinionated 19s20 seconds ago
Fan at mic talking about $81k raised for @TrevorProject! It really is incredible. Bravo to all involved. #The100 panel at #WonderCon


The 100 Writers Room ‏@The100writers 13s13 seconds ago
Fan brings up the amazing donations to #TheTrevorProject. @JRothenbergTV: "It's a great silver lining... Everyone should give." #the100


The 100 Writers Room ‏@The100writers 58s58 seconds ago
Favorite scenes? @WildpipM: "I enjoyed when @RichardSHarmon tried to hang me. I lost my voice!" #the100 #WonderCon

The 100 Writers Room ‏@The100writers 32s32 seconds ago
.@JRothenbergTV: "@WildpipM's voice was shot... As it would've been if he was truly hanged!" #the100

Nikki Goldwaser ‏@NikkiKnacks 1m1 minute ago
"The train jumped off the track a bit. I've learned a lot." -@JRothenbergTV

No idea on context to that Jason quote, that's all that was posted.


Jo Garfein ‏@jopinionated 41s42 seconds ago
The amazing @MisElizaJane described the Leskru @TrevorProject charitable endeavor as "kick ass." TRUTH.


The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 27s28 seconds ago
Fave scenes - @linzzmorgan: "No one got to see it, but I loved spitting in @RichardSHarmon's face." #the100

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 28s28 seconds ago
Fave scenes - @MisElizaJane: "The season 2 finale, when we realized Lexa had betrayed us. It was so immersive, so intense." #the100

Jo Garfein &#8207;@jopinionated 38s39 seconds ago
Eliza loved filming S2 finale AND Clexa kiss! "She's a babe!" #The100 #WonderCon @MisElizaJane

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 43s43 seconds ago
.@MisElizaJane: "Also kissing Lexa. First, @DebnamCarey's a babe. And, I had never gotten to do that before." #the100


This one deserves it's own post because it's so true lol

Jo Garfein &#8207;@jopinionated 14s15 seconds ago
"Can I smile next season?" - @MisElizaJane #The100 #WonderCon

Nikki Goldwaser &#8207;@NikkiKnacks 1m1 minute ago
Eliza wants to smile more. "People don't know what my smile looks like."


Regarding the fan base and social media

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 48s49 seconds ago
.@MisElizaJane: "I went from 5000 followers to 300,000 in a short period of time. It's incredible, a powerful platform." #the100

Jo Garfein &#8207;@jopinionated 26s27 seconds ago
"It's incredible, the impact you're having on people." -@MisElizaJane #The100 #WonderCon

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 42s43 seconds ago
.@devbostick: "We are proud to have a very socially conscious fan base. You guys rock." #the100 #wondercon

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 28s28 seconds ago
.@WildpipM: "It made me feel confident to express support for people with mental illness. I don't think it should be taboo." #the100

Jo Garfein &#8207;@jopinionated 3s3 seconds ago
A fan giving kudos to Bob for promoting mental illness organizations. "I don't think it should be taboo." #The100 #WonderCon

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 23s24 seconds ago
.@WildpipM: "Everyone has to deal with their problems. They shouldn't have to do it in silence." #the100


The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 28s28 seconds ago
.@JRothenbergTV: "We didn't have a grand conspiracy to hurt people. For myself, I was really excited about this couple." #the100

Jo Garfein &#8207;@jopinionated 11s11 seconds ago
Fan asks about creative team interacting in forums & on social media. "My exuberance is to blame. We weren't trying to hurt people." #The100

Fan's asking about interacting on social media.
me @ Jason



More Jason

The 100 Writers Room &#8207;@The100writers 5s6 seconds ago
.@JRothenbergTV: "Someone who was crushed by this episode looking back at my tweets, I understand now. I have to learn from this." #the100

Nikki Goldwaser &#8207;@NikkiKnacks 2m2 minutes ago
Jason doesn't want to hurt people. He was excited about the relationship, & apologizes that he made it seem like it would end differently.
Bullshit. He fucking knew. He was pandering to the LGBTQ community and reveling in the praise for weeks and months after the season 2 make out session. He knew how much she meant to us.


This is more than just a simple mistake, man. He intentionally pandered to the LGBTQ community for ratings and publicity and then shat all over the fans who helped him become so successful.

I meant as in maybe he knows he fucked up and won't do it again? If he does something like it again then yeah go crazy at him.
I meant as in maybe he knows he fucked up and won't do it again? If he does something like it again then yeah go crazy at him.

He won't do it again not because he actually cares, but because he doesn't want the same kind of backlash he's been getting. It's not the kind of compassion the fans deserve.

mu cephei

Not much seemed to happen in s02e04 and I was a little concerned. But have just watched s02e05 which was horribly nerve-wracking throughout and then Christ Almighty :D


Not sure how serious I can take the claims that Jason is some sinister villain of a man that he would intentionally use up the trust of a community and then knowingly destroy their hopes and dreams. I get being upset and he could have handled the falling out much better much earlier but the prolonged drama and shade at him is just, ehhh. I just can't wait for the show to come back on and we get some new stuff to chew on.
So, some 3x09 speculation, spoiler tagged because I'm getting this from interviews and the scene shown at WonderCon.

So...Ontari wins the Conclave. We know that much. But, she will undoubtedly wipe out Arkadia. The episode is titled "Stealing Fire", which we can assume refers to the "spirit of the Commander", aka, the AI that gets implanted in their neck.

So Clarke, believing with everything she has that Lexa is in that AI, will do anything to prevent Ontari from getting it. Because if she doesn't, not only does she lose Lexa, but her legacy of peace will be shattered. Everything that they had fought for will be lost.

Titus helps her; he made a promise to Lexa to "never attempt to hurt Clarke". If Ontari gets the AI, Clarke's toast. So he helps her steal it, even though it goes against tradition.

Where they take it...I don't know. Clarke can't become Commander, because she doesn't have the black blood, but perhaps a lifetime in space has changed her in ways that make her compatible? It's a stretch, but I think it could be possible. Eliza has said in a recent interview that it can't happen, but I've got this gut feeling that she's just trying to steer us in a different direction. Her answer was very non-committal in a lot of ways. Alternatively, Titus dies, Clarke becomes Flamekeeper because she's the only other one who has seen how this shit works, and somehow she manages to stage a coup against Ontari and gives the AI to someone else.
This week's American Dad had sort of a parody of The 100, with a group calling themselves The 200 but really the episode had nothing at all to do with the 100 other than a post apocalyptic setting. Pretty mediocre episode too compared to previous specials / one offs.


Trevor Project broke $100k yesterday

So awesome! I've heard rumbling that cast/crew donated but left it all anonymous.

The 100 returns today with a new episode:

- Promo for this week's episode.

Tonight is going to be so sad :(

So when do we think
Lincoln is dying? Seems inevitable with the way Ricky has been more or less not been sugar-coating his words about Jason.

Tonight is my guess.
Another response from ADC:

Alycia Debnam-Carey on Leaving Lexa and ‘The 100’ for ‘Fear the Walking Dead’

Debnam-Carey, for her part, says she understands fans’ call to action—though she admits their impassioned reactions to her character’s death caught her off guard.

“A social and cultural issue exposed itself with that episode,” she says. “I don’t think anyone [on the show] really quite expected that reaction. So when it did have such a strong and passionate backfire response, no one was really ready for it.

“With any sort of minority, issues of ostracization or misrepresentation are clearly rampant,” the actress continues. “It’s just so deeply rooted in our culture and there are so many levels that it trickles down from. It becomes an issue of diversity and equality and race and gender. In a parallel sense as well, there’s the issue of black characters being killed off first. I know that’s been a topic of conversation over the last couple of years. So these are huge-scale cultural and social barriers that we’ve established—and I guess now it’s time to start breaking them down.”

Though Debnam-Carey says it is “horrible to think people were obviously very truly affected by [Lexa’s death], negatively,” she’s proud of the way many fans have channeled their energies into raising $100,000 (and counting) for the Trevor Project, a suicide prevention service for LGBT youth.

“I can’t even fathom that. That’s incredible,” she says. “Just to think that it had such an impact on people. It’s kind of an honor. It became a positive thing, which is really the most important thing about it all.”
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