Thanks for the quick review, I don't know how I screwed up that AS title. I'm glad you liked it. I left a ton of CDs at my friend's place, and I wanted to finish the mix quickly, so I had to just cram all my favorite tracks in there, instead of really sticking to a theme. The electronic jazzy stuff is my favorite, and ideally I would have had the mix 100% like that, but I'm proud of the stuff I've got. Here, I'll give you the same respect and review it.
Eminem's CD
Going into it I had only heard songs from ATB and Alexisonfire, so it should be interesting. I may not like harder stuff a ton, but I'm here to prove my manliness.
1. ATB - IntenCity (5:26) - I'm a total sucker for ATB. It always makes me happy, and this is a cool track. Screw the haters!
2. The Rapture - Killing (3:37) - I like the beat, but the vocals are really grating. Didn't like it that much
3. Dredg - The Canyon Behind Her (6:40) - I really liked this song. Excellent mix of the light/hard, and great soothing vocals.
4. 30 Seconds to Mars - Oblivion (3:28) - This is how I like a lot of the louder stuff I listen to. Melodic, without being too heavy. I'll have to check out more of their stuff.
5. Oceansize - Amputee (5:32) - Keeping the vibe (can you use that when talking about rock?) from the same track, it's a pretty rocking track...without being death metal of course
It's one of my favourite songs on the mix. Great song, I'm listening to this tomorrow at the gym.
6. Onesidezero - Sleep Through This (4:11) - I kept waiting for it to explode, and it never really did. Now of course that's a good thing when I'm reviewing your mix. I'm not a very good reviewer, as you can tell by now, so I'll just say that I liked it.
7. The Fire Theft - Carry You (4:14) - This song was great. I really liked the vocals, I wasn't sure if it was a dude or a dudette, so I'll just call them vocals. Probably my favorite track
8. Symphony X - Accolade II (7:53) - Holy shit, it's a real-life Castlevania tune. Please tell me these dudes are a Castlevania cover band, because that's exactly what it sounds like. Castlevania cords (I am obviously an expert) with Hall and Oates vocals, and trust me, that's a good thing.
9. ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead - How Near How Far (4:00) - I love the background guitars...(Don't shoot me if that's the bass!) The guy's got a great voice
10. Alexisonfire - Happiness By The Kilowatt (5:11) - Oddly enough, I'm an Alexisonfire fan, so this is obviously going to be a favorite track of mine. You even managed to include a softer song of theirs, which gets you automatic points. Yeah, this is one of their best songs..I'm not going to say anything else, because it's just that good.
11. The Cooper Temple Clause - Been Training Dogs (3:13) - It's not my cup of tea, but I like parts of it.
12. Atreyu - Ain't Love Grand (3:43) - I think it's funny that when some metal dudes sing really loud, it sounds like they're going to barf (Rolling stone, hire me baby) But seriously, I dug it. Sounds a bit like a "The Used" track, of whom I'm a big fan of. I much preferred the vocals that didn't sound like he was about to spit out a baby, but the good music made up for those parts.
13. Sonata Arctica - San Sebastian (4:46) - Baby this track makes me want to paint a picture of a lady riding a polar bear on my van and fucking rock out. If this CD is a work out CD, then this is the cardio track. I tried to listen to the lyrics, but then a giant metalhead unicorn flew past me and stole my thoughts.
14. Trivium - Falling to Grey (5:37) - The intro got me pumped up...and even when he started yelling at me, I was still rocking because it rocked so hard. Much like the track two back, it had an interesting mix of "dude yelling" and "dude singing", but I liked this one quite a bit more.
15. Devildriver - The Mountain (4:05) - Mommy, I'm scared. If I was a big wrestler, I'd consider using this as my intro music. Judging by the lyrics, he's obviously pissed, and the mountain is going to fucking rock them. The mountain might be a tumor or something. This wasn't one of my favorite tracks, but please don't tell the band that.
16. Fear Before the March of Flames - On The Bright Side, She Could Could Choke (3:03) - I was prepared to hide under the covers before this track, but it's actually pretty good. I'm going to use the "hoarse throat/singer" card one more time, because it really fits this song. Shit, I don't think I know how to review rock songs like these. I liked it, but I'm still not a fan of the dude screaming his balls of, what can I say?
17. At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul (3:04) - SLATAH OF THE SOULLLL SLAUGHTER OF THE SOUL. Just a note: the band that lives next door to me plays their music most weeknights at 2 am, and it sounds just like this. If you ever think I'm being too harsh, it's probably because the song reminds me of those fuckers
18. Underoath - When The Sun Sleeps (5:33) - I like this song a lot. It's kinda funny listening to the yeller in this one, because he really does sound like a witch. The singer is good, as is the rocking sounds, but I'm still not on board with the "WARGHHHHHH" dude. I wonder if gay men have the same problem finding out who will be the bitch and who's the butch that metal bands have in deciding who will sing hard, and who will sing soft.
FINAL JUDGEMENT!: I liked this mix a lot more than I thought I would, knowing that there was a bunch of metal in it. Some great songs, and almost everything was listenable and entertaining. The softer stuff was of course my favorite, but I'm learning to like the other parts, despite all my jokes about the "VRAGHHHHHHH" stuff. Thanks.