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The AWS (abused wife syndrome) ESPN NFL 2005 Xbox league! Last time Sega! LAST TIME!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You were fine the whole game except for that 2nd td pass and thats when I got pissed and it carried over the whole game,Im not mad at you.I think this game is garbage and the stats prove it.


Matrix said:
Would anyone like to take the place of the Texans in the league? I hate this game and dont want to play any longer....I'm dead serious,Im done with this game.

Time for Konex damage control!


No damage control. It's not like it's by force to play in the league :p

And Matrix, you say the stats were unrealistic. Do you think passing 73 times in a game is realistic?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I know its not,but jesus you knew the friggin same play was coming everytime and I still racked up that shit.Also some of your runs I was playing run D and you broke free for 75 yards td runs...whatever dude that game sucks my ass.

"The thing is I just played safe D till you made a mistake (I love INTs :p) and actually did bump n run in the redzone. You won't beat anybody running 2 plays all game, dude..."

Please dont think I was actually trying to win...I never run the same play over and over when I give a shit.I quit playing seriously after that second TD you got on me when I couldnt adjust my D,yes maybe I acted inmature...actually I did,but I had asked you two or three times before to stop doing that and I guess I flipped after it happened again.

You love the game...I'm glad you do.Me I see a piece of shit trying to be sim,but is really NFL blitz 2k5.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Because you still knew it was coming,and doing that shit in the redzone is harder.


But you still got beat pretty badly even with your "money" play lol. If it was a close game, I'd have controlled the ILB more and shut it down but I'm not gonna stress when I'm up 3 scores dude. And I like getting INTs which I don't get playing that position :p


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Konex I got badly beat cause I stopped playing D after you went up 14-0...how did you not see that.I would even line up in FG formation every now and then :|


That game was funny as hell, DumbBs at their best

B. Johnson 8/9 242 26.9 3 0

I didnt even get to play a full first half with him :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:
Then why are you complaining that Griffin had 200 yds on sweep-plays? lol

Anyways, too bad you're quitting but oh well :p

I cant quit if no one takes this sorry ass team.
matrix, don't quit. this games DB's are garbage and even VC knows it because supposedly they are going to boost ALL CB ratings in the next update. no offense koney, but you have 10-15 people saying the CB play in this game is a fucking joke. guess what? it's a joke. that's not an opinion, it's a fact that the CB's are retarded as shit in this game, win or lose.

but, perhaps the roster updates and season 2 will fix the errors of the start. relax matrix, it's a long season, don't quit


Hey, I think the DB play in Madden is a joke but some people disagree. IMO, the ESPN DBs are fine and if it takes 73 fucking attempts for someone to get 500 yards and still lose by 7 TDs, they can go right ahead LOL


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:
Hey, I think the DB play in Madden is a joke but some people disagree. IMO, the ESPN DBs are fine and if it takes 73 fucking attempts for someone to get 500 yards and still lose by 7 TDs, they can go right ahead LOL

The thing is I threw the same exact play over the middle about 98% of the time and I still racked up that shit,even when you doubled,had bump coverage etc and knew it was coming.That shit would never happen in madden,simple as that.

Shit I threw 73 times and you only had 3 ints.


That shit would never happen in madden,simple as that.

You'll never beat anyone decent with that shit. Simple as that....

Shit I threw 73 times and you only had 3 ints.

Shit, you only completed 34 of the 73 while my defense had 3 sacks and 18 pass deflections to go with the 3 INTs.



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I wasnt trying to win it after you went up 14-0 *I was pissed,remember :p *,you're confusing the whole issue Konex :\ I know that kind of playing wont win games,Im saying I still shouldnt have racked up the numbers I had anyway with you knowing the play every damn time...either you're slow ;) which I know you're not or the game is busted..which it is.

That play I kept throwing would have been int'd many times in madden or batted down.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:
Shit, you only completed 34 of the 73 while my defense had 3 sacks and 18 pass deflections to go with the 3 INTs.


One man alone had 26 receptions on my team and over 300 yards...you're spinning this shit beyond belief.


Matrix said:
One man alone had 26 receptions on my team and over 300 yards...you're spinning this shit beyond belief.



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
K,Im going to log on and throw 73 times ;)


Matrix said:
One man alone had 26 receptions on my team and over 300 yards...you're spinning this shit beyond belief.

Cos all you EVER did was throw to him. Andre Johnson is your entire offense. If you're gonna play cheesy like that, why would you not expect outrageous stats? I remember you calling what Bobster did with Ricky cheese (and I agree. Sorry Bobster :p) You think your crap with Johnson isn't cheese?

I didn't even blitz you cos it was a blowout and I let you get your yards as long as I wasn't giving up scores. The REAL reason the stats are crazy is cos you weren't playing a lick of D and I was scoring so fast and giving you all those possessions with our ridiculous 6 minute quarters.

My point is, don't complain about unrealistic stats when you are playing unrealistically....


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You cant get away with that in madden...espn is busted just like your spin control is.

And if you want to go into cheesy,you threw a total of 7 times the whole game and you pulled that hot route zoom shit that led to a td,which in turn made me play like that cause I was pissed.I swear this is a broken record just like espn is a broken game.I threw a hot route slant to the middle which you couldnt stop more than half the time,tell me should it be like that in a football game cause I can pull the same shit against the cpu and rack up just as much....you can call it cheese ..I call it a shit game.

gg Dm,that was one of the oddest games I have ever seen.

edit - you gave me those catchs with Johnson,thats bs.Why did you double him? bump coverage him etc? and I have played you before and you never stop it,I felt like playing a whole game like that against you cause of that zoom shit....you might not know you do it,but it totally fucks someone over.Also I have never seen someone call as many friggin hot routes/audibles on every play on O as you do..its absurd


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cmdr. Solrak said:
Quote of the day there boys. :D

You cant even throw the ball,fits you perfectly :p


you threw a total of 7 times the whole game

Cos I was scoring every other play. Or should I stop at the goaline and not score? You (and everyone else here) have played me enough times to know I'm not a RB whore and I don't cheese it up...

I threw a hot route slant to the middle which you couldnt stop more than half the time

And I blew you out because?

you can call it cheese ..I call it a shit game.

How about calling it shit gaming? That's not what a sim league is about, dude. The funny thing is you couldn't even keep the game close doing your so-called "money play"....

you gave me those catchs with Johnson,thats bs.Why did you double him?

Maybe I did on one or two plays but I don't auto-double. I was experimenting many things and I found the best way to stop it in man 2 man coverage (which I was playing most of the game) was to manually control the ILB and bat it down. I'm definitely NOT gonna bother with that when I have a stupidly huge lead..

and I have played you before and you never stop it,

Maybe it's cos I don't need to. When last did you beat me?

Also I have never seen someone call as many friggin hot routes/audibles on every play on O as you do..its absurd

Not as absurd as passing 73 times



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cloudy said:
"Cos I was scoring every other other play. Or should I stop at the goaline and not score? You (and everyone else here) have played me enough times to know I'm not a RB whore and I don't cheese it up..."

You were a running back whore that game,7 throws show that you were.

"And I blew you out because?"

Because I stopped playing at 14-0 cause of what you did,if you cant beat a team that's not playing D then you suck,which you dont.

H"ow about calling it shit gaming. That's not what a sim league is about, dude. The funny thing is you couldn't even keep the game close doing your so-called "money play"...."

Ummm one wouldnt have a close game when one quits playing proper D cause he gets pissed...like I said I acted inmature,but I told you before in one of my older posts if you did that hot route zoom thing to me just once in a league game I would get really pissed.

"Maybe I did on one or two plays but I don't auto-double. I was experimenting many things and I found the best way to stop it in man 2 man coverage was to manually control the ILB. I'm definitely NOT gonna bother with that when I have a stupidly huge lead."

Half the time you would have atleast two men all over Johnson and he would still pull passes in.

"Maybe it's cos I don't need to. When last did you beat me?"

When you played with the Lions,last week.All the other games we have played were Texans/Bronco's and you never blew me out like that,cause I was trying.

"Not as absurd as passing 73 times"

See I did that one game,you do that every game....big difference.

Replies are in the quote....ughh.


I like to hot route and there is no "cheese" in doing so plus I really don't see how that affects the other guy's D cos I play defense as well and I've never not been able to adjust my play but hey, maybe I'm spinning again :p

I know you complained about this before and I tried to wait a few seconds to snap the ball. Are you saying that's why I won? And if you're using something you know I wasn't doing on purpose to justify the lame-ass game you played today, that's cool I guess. Notice how most of the other games we've had have been close. The cheap tricks might get you stats but not the W :D


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hold up..I never once said that you didnt beat me fairly this game,I said you only did it once to me and I flipped out cause it happend to put you up 14-0.You fail to realize since you audible sooooo much and hot route so much,you tend to zoom out and then quick snap leaving people no time to adjust their D coverage or audible themselves.You were better this game then all the other games in not doing it to me as much,but when it happens to you in a league game and its a td and your team is the Texans..you tend to lose your cool pretty fast.

I didnt say your hot routing/audible was cheese,I said the amount you do it is absurd,big difference.

I'm not taking anything away from your victory,you beat me.I think 7 of those points were a crock of poop and I guess I have a short fuse,its just I play a lot of people here and you're the only one that does it.....even Malley has seen it.


Alright then, I won't audible at all when I play you again. In fact, I challenge you to a Broncos/Jags game later today....if you haven't snapped your ESPN disc >_<


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I dont want you to change your game against me,I just want you to stop zooming out,its not fair to the D...Im not even sure how you're doing it :\ I just notice you calling and switching plays when it happens.

Ps- My espn game is sitting in the trash right now,maybe after I get some sleep,I will wake up and dust it off for one final game before I throw it out :p


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
didnt say your hot routing/audible was cheese,I said the amount you do it is absurd,big difference.

I agree with this. Konex in the NFL it is rare to see a QB change the route and you do it about every play. There might be a handful of teams that do it 1 out of every 3 downs (Rams, Colts, and last years Redskins). When I play a random person in Madden, I look to see how offen then Audible or Hot Route and if it is more then 10% I will avoid them, it just isn't realistic.


He was winning his most recent game, when he lost his connection. Despite the score, the person who disconnects gets the loss. I believe their game will be replayed.


Gunstar77 said:
I agree with this. Konex in the NFL it is rare to see a QB change the route and you do it about every play. There might be a handful of teams that do it 1 out of every 3 downs (Rams, Colts, and last years Redskins). When I play a random person in Madden, I look to see how offen then Audible or Hot Route and if it is more then 10% I will avoid them, it just isn't realistic.

Honestly, half the time I'm not even changing anything. I just like trying to confuse my opponent lol. I do move WRs often to see what kind of D I'm about to pass into but I guess it's a bad habit I picked up somehow. But hey, the Colts are my #2 team :D

Why do the standings say DM is 4-2? Shouldn't he be 5-1?

It says 4-1 and the standings are only through Week 5 :)
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