Anyone know if sequels are planned for this?
“I really believe in what we’ve done and I’d be excited to tell more stories. We are already telling other stories in the streaming space, we’re doing stuff on HBO Max, we’re doing a Penguin show with Colin [Farrell], which is gonna be super cool. And we’re working on some other stuff, too, but we have started talking about another movie.”
Who was the guy with the very soft yet raspy voice? The current commissioner? That guy's voice was really interesting to me.
Thanks but I don’t mean him actually. I don’t think he was commissioner yet in this story.
Wow, surprisingly boring movie.
No, I did not expect a marvel esque, movie. Far from it.
I knew it was a Fincher-esque noir film with Batman, but by god does Fincher show how he is a master class at these kind of films with how he mastered pacing and execution of dialogues.
Way too much derivative talking in this film.
Batman is OP as fuck without ever explaining why his armor is impervious to any damage whatsoever.
Also, apparently his armor is light enough to carry in a backpack and apparently he can switch out of it into civilian clothes as fast as superman.
Also. He walks around like a tank, sounds like a tank, never hiding is arrival, but somehow halfway through the movie someone remembered Batman is known for being sneaky so they added two whole scenes where he disappears mid conversation.
Which makes no fucking sense because you KEEP ESTABLISHING hes walking around like a tank.
Alfred was the most useless character.
Story was basically ripped from the developers of Walking Dead game's take on The Batman in their game series.
Who the hell cares about Bruce Wayne if he's just a brooding moody emo boy 24/7?
What makes Bruce Wayne loved and known by Gothan is his fake persona, this one had none and still looked upon like a celebrity.
Whatever, it was a GREAT BATMAN movie in terms of atmosphere and mood and tone.
Story could have been cut down by 30 mins tbh.
Also, lol white incels bad. You heard it folks.
- The Dark Knight still did it better.
I'm gonna check this out when it comes out on "home video" but what you're stating here is something I was a bit worried about from the previews. My favorite parts of the Nolan batman movies are basically the Bruce Wayne story moments, as those bits basically provide all the meaning for what's happening. As soon as the suit is on and he starts pounding faces in and the music swells, I check out a little bit. There just isn't anything interesting about people getting beaten up for me (yeah, yeah I'm gettin' old). If Bruce Wayne isn't a strong character then Batman is basically reduced to a goofball in a corny suit.Ehhhhh. It was okay. Social justice catlady was ridiculous throughout. Batman acts like a buffoon on several occasions, but more importantly Bruce Wayne is played as a creepy weirdo, which doesn’t work for me. I applaud Pattinson for refusing to roid up though. I was enjoying it more until the third act, which dragged things down considerably and made the runtime feel undeserved.
You'll probably love this movie if you're in it for character arcs...I'm gonna check this out when it comes out on "home video" but what you're stating here is something I was a bit worried about from the previews. My favorite parts of the Nolan batman movies are basically the Bruce Wayne story moments, as those bits basically provide all the meaning for what's happening. As soon as the suit is on and he starts pounding faces in and the music swells, I check out a little bit. There just isn't anything interesting about people getting beaten up for me (yeah, yeah I'm gettin' old). If Bruce Wayne isn't a strong character then Batman is basically reduced to a goofball in a corny suit.
I kind of like the idea of Reeves doing what he did with his two Apes movies and having a time jump of a couple years between them.Just saw it. Lot to digest but I loved it. Sure there's a few minor negatives but a great starting point and hopefully we get more films in this series.
The one who sounded like Marlon Brando in the Godfather?Who was the guy with the very soft yet raspy voice? The current commissioner? That guy's voice was really interesting to me.
Man, how good is this fucking movie... Took my stepson and a friend of his for this. They were a little confused at some of the plot but I loved it...
It's a combination of Long Halloween, Earth One and Zero Year.
Very well executed, extremely good action, excellent pacing, two great finale crescendos, fun thriller puzzle, great pay off and arc for Batman...
You'll probably love this movie if you're in it for character arcs...
Just got home from seeing this. It was just alright. I can't see how people are saying this is the best batman movie and giving it 10's...
The Dark Knight is still the best.
Bullshit, i loved star wars to death and the last jedi was enough to not even make me check the turd movie.This is a Star Wars thing and we all know it. Their fan base essentially needs to like those films in order to stay sane.
Except Reeves said that wasn’t meant to set up anything. Nice lack of a spoiler tag too.I felt the movie was just made to create excitement for a part 2.
Solid 7 from me.
But in terms of character arc for Batman they actually nailed what the comics expressed that Nolan never was able to show on screen.
You're 100% correct here about TDK but you're going to get pushback as people don't remember how in 2008 many (including people here) were claiming that the movie was better than THE GODFATHER.Dark knight is a crime drama film. Hence the word film. This is a comic film.
Take heath ledger out of dark knight and its a average crime drama with very little comic roots to batmans arc. If you take away riddler, you still would have a detective film with a full character arc. In terms of being more faithful to source material and showing it on screen through how batman gets to the iconic batman we all grew up on from the animated series, older batman. This movie delves more into the younger in-experienced batman. Nolan literally did all of the whole figuring shit out in Batman begins. And batman felt and looked like he was already in his crusader prime years.
Nolan's take is still great as an overall theater batman with series clean writing, witty dialogue.
Nolan's movies were ashamed of the source material, that's why.
You're 100% correct here about TDK but you're going to get pushback as people don't remember how in 2008 many (including people here) were claiming that the movie was better than THE GODFATHER.
Nah I was fed up with the Nolan movies 14 years ago when people were pretending TDK was better than The Godfather and vote bombing the IMDB rankings to make that a reality in their minds.This attitude of let’s slag Nolan off because there’s a new Batman now us so incredibly tiresome.
The Batman is an interesting take on the crusader i understand they wanted to avoid this but i felt it needed to tell an earlier story to see how this Batman came to be
That was not my point at all, just saying i would like to watch a 'prequel' one day, because that story on this Batman universe would be worth watchingWe found the 1 person on Earth who doesn't know Batman's origin.
That was not my point at all, just saying i would like to watch a 'prequel' one day, because that story on this Batman universe would be worth watching
All of the test screenings they did were only 3 hours. There were two different cuts though. One had some kind of Mr Freeze hint at the end, but it didn’t have Barry Keoghan in it. The second one didn’t have the Freeze hint and added Keoghan’s scene.apparently there was a 4 hour cut of it...i'd watch that!
Sorry, but this is garbage. They’re not ashamed of the source material at all. How can you say that about a first film that uses Ra’s Al Ghul, for crying out loud? Or a second that captures The Joker better than anything else?
Nolan loved Batman… it’s why he went to WB in the first place to ask to make a Batman film. His movies are a fantastic encapsulation of who and what Batman is… even if the third one goes off the rails a bit. Just because Nolan injected a level of realism into the story, it doesn’t mean he didn’t respect, admire, and draw directly from the source material.
Batman Begins & The Dark Knight remain the best Batman films, and TDK is still the best superhero film of all time.
This attitude of let’s slag Nolan off because there’s a new Batman now us so incredibly tiresome.
That has nothing to do with the actual movies themselves. Who cares about IMDB rankings either way. I haven't looked at those in well over a decade I think because they simply don't matter for squat. Why would you let someone else's opinions of something color your own? Seems like it will cause you to miss out on a lot of things. The Godfather is one of my favorite movies. So is TDK actually. They coexist fine, and it doesn't bother me if someone thinks TDK is better, or The Godfather is better (I'd have to pick The Godfather between the two for sure, but often times I'd rather rewatch TDK). There are people who hate my absolute favorite things. And vice versa. Why would I sit around and let that bother me?Nah I was fed up with the Nolan movies 14 years ago when people were pretending TDK was better than The Godfather and vote bombing the IMDB rankings to make that a reality in their minds.
The Dark Knight is still my favorite, but this is easily my #2.I'm going to assume the Nolan Batman films are still king? I was planning on watching it today but changed my mind due to the packed screenings. I usually watch movies with few or no people in the cinema, it's more pleasant that way.
I'm going to assume the Nolan Batman films are still king? I was planning on watching it today but changed my mind due to the packed screenings. I usually watch movies with few or no people in the cinema, it's more pleasant that way.
Nah I was fed up with the Nolan movies 14 years ago when people were pretending TDK was better than The Godfather and vote bombing the IMDB rankings to make that a reality in their minds.
The new Spider-Man had even better reviews and I though it was complete dog shit. 2 hours nonstop shitty quips & banter, awful plot, and fan service.
Still looking forward to this. I like the vibe from the trailers and Pattinson is a great actor.
Probably because it is forced SJW nonsense.*EDIT*
I've noticed some people online get triggered over a single line from Selina about white people, pretty funny.
You bought a ticket don’t lie.Saw it today, a friend gave me a ticket. The movie is to LONG. There is at least an hour that can be cut out of the movie. They want to be real, except when Batman is being shot at. Social media has made batman villains the most dower people in existence. I liked it when they were interesting, nothing is interesting about the villain.
I did not, a guy in my Sunday school class called me because his brother couldn't make it.You bought a ticket don’t lie.