ahem I've been lurking here for quite some time, figured I should start posting here since nycgaf is dead all the time.
Favorite musical genre -
Your profession/major/career interest -
computer science, i question my life choices everyday but I'm already too deep in this bitch.
Your religious affiliation -
Hobbies -
...video games? I'm a lame, what can i say ¯\_(ツ
KFC, Popeye's, Churches, or Bojangles? -
the fuck is churches and bojangles? Popeyes all the way
Marvel or DC? -
Favorite superhero? -
Howard the Duck, I'm going to level with you here, i don't even know what he does besides being a detective but the idea of a duck just living in the city living like the rest of us makes me happy.
Anime or Nah? -
Anime is life
Favorite sport and team? -
if stereotypes were true I'd be a die hard baseball fan since I'm Dominican, but it bores me to tears, along with every other sport.
What's your favorite Disney movie? -
Toy Story, whole trilogy tbh
What's your favorite video game and genre?
Super Smash Bros 4, and favorite genre is RPGs