Still can't believe that not one of you told me that Blackish was the hotness.
Carne asada es el modo ir 🙌
You need to stop..
Seems D i Z the spokesperson for blackish, maybe I'll check it out.
I'd sell my copy of P5 because I've felt no interest in ever finishing it, but I can't give up that steelbook it's hot as hell.
You gonna show it?
I kinda wish I didn't get it, was hard af to take the disc out of it, felt like I was gonna break it. I don't wanna put it back in it lol
Okay, but not only is it not done, it's basically in the best stage it's been the whole time I've been painting. It looked so fucking bad when I started jesus christ. It's based on Injustice 2 Harley, with some modifications, though if I did another Harley art I'd probably give her a Beetlejuice-inspired suit. And yes, I know it's kinda scary. Working on fixing that.
It's meant to be in the vein of Glenn Fabry's art:
I'm using an airbrush to get there, but you know, it's coming along, I guess.
I'm still about ready to flush this art down the pishadoo.
Guilty Gear in 2017. never change John, never change
I'm still about ready to flush this art down the pishadoo.
I'd sell my copy of P5 because I've felt no interest in ever finishing it, but I can't give up that steelbook it's hot as hell.
I might do another crowd play of Walking Dead tonight. Who'd be down?
This would be at around 8 my time, so about 2 and a half hours from now
I thought it was single-player only.
We're gonna have problems with this kind of talk.
Jane Elliot is a proper ally.
"When she fell and scraped her face, I didn't expect the black girl would be pink underneath..."
Yesssss thank you for the source, watching it now
Thanks Slayven for letting me know Dr. Strange is up on Netflix. I haven't seen it since release. I forgot how fucking incredible the special effects are in this. I don't think I've seen a movie that can compare.
Mañana te dice tal cosa y tal cosa, mi hija..ya tu sabe..
That nigga is consistently trash
Seems like a new thing they're doing.
Which one was palace 5, the bank one? Cause if so that one held the crown for most annoying palace till the 7th one came around. Honestly i would have prefered more palaces that were way shorter than having 8 with like 4 super long ones. My favorite ones so far was the 2nd(cause its short) and the casino one, that one was pretty neatYou right now
No lies detected, there's a lot of stuff you could cut down on in that game. I found Palace 5 to be the worst though.
Okay, but not only is it not done, it's basically in the best stage it's been the whole time I've been painting. It looked so fucking bad when I started jesus christ. It's based on Injustice 2 Harley, with some modifications, though if I did another Harley art I'd probably give her a Beetlejuice-inspired suit. And yes, I know it's kinda scary. Working on fixing that.
It's meant to be in the vein of Glenn Fabry's art:
I'm using an airbrush to get there, but you know, it's coming along, I guess.
I'm still about ready to flush this art down the pishadoo.
Man, I am garbage. I haven't been practicing like I should, but I've been doing too much in these past few months.
I think that says "Tomorrow you say thing and thing, my daughter you know," but that shit doesn't make sense.
Thanks Slayven for letting me know Dr. Strange is up on Netflix. I haven't seen it since release. I forgot how fucking incredible the special effects are in this. I don't think I've seen a movie that can compare.
Man, I am garbage. I haven't been practicing like I should, but I've been doing too much in these past few months.
I think that says "Tomorrow you say thing and thing, my daughter you know," but that shit doesn't make sense.
How does that work?
Jane Elliot is a proper ally.
"When she fell and scraped her face, I didn't expect the black girl would be pink underneath..."
Just to qualify the thing about the school: part of the reason I don't go to the school is because -- I mean I'm mixed-races, so I'm only half-caste -- my daughter, has got white mother, which means she's even lighter than me. Therefore I believe, that most if not all of the people at that school, thinks she's white. If I turn up, yeah, then the children [will see her differently].
Never flush. File it.
Jane Elliot is a proper ally.
"When she fell and scraped her face, I didn't expect the black girl would be pink underneath..."
I'll see y'all later.