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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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You can keep trying talk yourself into a universe where I'm a Drake fan, but in the real actual world you paid for that guy from community's album.

The L on your back was originally intended for the Hollywood sign, but it got sent back because it was too fucking big.

No Ls on my back, you seem upset more so that I bought the album more than anything else. It's called a job nigga, get one of those and you too can afford ridiculous things. I still got contacts at the unemployment office, we can get you some "free" stuff; help you get back on your feet. Last thing the black community needs is another statistic. Don't embarrass us nigga anymore than you already have...unless this is some like father like son type shit. You've been trying to make this Bino a "thing" for the last 2 pages nigga, at some point you need to give up.
No Ls on my back

I'm confused, so you didn't buy that album?

you seem upset more so that I bought the album more than anything else. It's called a job nigga, get one of those and you too can afford ridiculous things. I still got contacts at the unemployment office, we can get you some "free" stuff; help you get back on your feet. Last thing the black community needs is another statistic. Don't embarrass us nigga anymore than you already have...unless this is some like father like son type shit.

Don't worry about me, Moris is gonna be alright.

You've been trying to make this Bino a "thing" for the last 2 pages nigga, at some point you need to give up.

That's like OJ telling the Brown family, "Why you trying to make this doulbe murder a thing?" Motherfucka, you did it.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"So what's going on in here?"

"See this cat likes childish gambino and this other guy doesn't."

"That's it?"

"Yeah that's it. Internet stans and unemployment be like that."
I'm confused, so you didn't buy that album?

Buy? No, Amazon credits? Yea. If saving money is an L in your book. Seein as you bought NBA2K14 twice at full price I guess you hold more Ls than Blackberry's financial statements.

Don't worry about me, Moris is gonna be alright.

I'm not, I only led you to water but I'm not forcing you to drink; nobody has time for that. I just hope on the next census when it asks for ethnicity you checkbox "other". We don't need anymore embarrassments.

That's like OJ telling the Brown family, "Why you trying to make this doulbe murder a thing?" Motherfucka, you did it.

Horrible analogy, it's more like saying "Why are you trying to make Benghazi a thing?" No one cares except you, like literally. Like I said my dude, your posts are the very definition of validation through others. You tryin your hardest tho, so I gotta give you them pity props. You pushin this harder than Hollywood pushed Taylor Kitsch. Just staaaahp.
Buy? No, Amazon credits? Yea. If saving money is an L in your book. Seein as you bought NBA2K14 twice at full price I guess you hold more Ls than Blackberry's financial statements.

I didn't pay full price twice, and you could have found that album and it'd be an L.

I'm not, I only led you to water but I'm not forcing you to drink; nobody has time for that. I just hope on the next census when it asks for ethnicity you checkbox "other". We don't need anymore embarrassments.

I don't need help, I'm only trying to help you. Amazon has a pretty big library...it wasn't necessary.

Horrible analogy, it's more like saying "Why are you trying to make Benghazi a thing?" No one cares except you, like literally. Like I said my dude, your posts are the very definition of validation through others. You tryin your hardest tho, so I gotta give you them pity props. You pushin this harder than Hollywood pushed Taylor Kitsch. Just staaaahp.

It's alright enjoy what you enjoy, I'm not pushing anything. Slay is into....what he's into, Beef had his MLP phase and you listen to Gambino. It's all good.
Never did unfortunately.

I didn't pay full price twice, and you could have found that album and it'd be an L.

It's like you said Moris, getting the Gambino album is far below buying NBA2K14 twice in terms of Ls.

And I agree with you, cats who buy NBA2K14 twice are definitely high on the Ls totem pole. Only slightly below being a Wii U owner.

I don't need help, I'm only trying to help you. Amazon has a pretty big library...it wasn't necessary.

It's okay, I have credit for days. It's like your favorite rapper says, "I got money to blow".
Stop focusing on me and focus on getting a job dude. Then you too will be able to shop on Amazon.

It's alright enjoy what you enjoy, I'm not pushing anything. Slay is into....what he's into, Beef had his MLP phase and you listen to Gambino. It's all good.

We all know this "ninja", we were waitin on you to catch up. Like I said, the only one who cared was you lol.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
im not trying to blow no spots cause I been seeing it everywhere for the last few weeks on gaf..... but when did the n word become gaf appropriate?
Everyone's Ls are known (Wii U/Vita ownership, turning down women for Brute Force, Lasers purchases ect) it only dragged on cause you were fighting yours. It had to be documented. Let it settle, come to peace with it.

im not trying to blow no spots cause I been seeing it everywhere for the last few weeks on gaf..... but when did the n word become gaf appropriate?

It's not. You pretty much take a risk everytime you post it. Some places are riskier than others.


Never did unfortunately.

It's like you said Moris, getting the Gambino album is far below buying NBA2K14 twice in terms of Ls.

And I agree with you, cats who buy NBA2K14 twice are definitely high on the Ls totem pole. Only slightly below being a Wii U owner.

It's okay, I have credit for days. It's like your favorite rapper says, "I got money to blow".
Stop focusing on me and focus on getting a job dude. Then you too will be able to shop on Amazon.

We all know this nigga, we were waitin on you to catch up. Like I said, the only one who cared was you lol.

Here comes a new challenger

VJC where you at, you gon' let Angelus talk about your girl like that?


Everyone's Ls are known (Wii U/Vita ownership, turning down women for Brute Force, Lasers purchases ect) it only dragged on cause you were fighting yours. It had to be documented. Let it settle, come to peace with it.

It's not. You pretty much take a risk everytime you post it. Some places are riskier than others.

Biggest L ever.
Yo, Imm0rtal..

I wonder how much Mario 3D World would have sold on PS4 as a launch title?

This is starting to get annoying.

Super Mario 3D world would simply not exist in its current form on the PS4, no, it wouldn't have "better graphics" or whatever, it simply would not exist, period.

In the impossible scenario of Nintendo going third party, they would focus on NSMB entries maybe, lots of wiisports and party games, the stuff that sells.

In a third party scenario they would be constrained, they would have to pay license fees to either MS or Sony, so they would be even more forced to be "safe" and they won't do any experimental stuff anymore, they wouldn't have the freedom they have now to make the games they want at the pace they consider right with both the hardware and software in mind. Most of the talent would probably flee as well. That's why they'll rather go under than run their IPs to the ground by going third party.

So no, you will never see a (good) Mario game on your Playstation, either buy the Nintendo console or stop with the stealth port begging.

Too easy. Crying about me "port begging" now.
All that over some dude from Community.

No big thing, I was totally joking. If Moris took it personally which I hope he didn't/doubt he did then I definitely apologize. Definitely wasn't being serious and my aim definitely wasn't to be an ass.

Everyone's Ls are known (Wii U/Vita ownership, turning down women for Brute Force, Lasers purchases ect) it only dragged on cause you were fighting yours. It had to be documented. Let it settle, come to peace with it.

The only one fighting was you, you tried to make it this big thing. Like OMG you got Bino's album, this is huge! Like I said my dude...you were GOPin' like crazy screamin out Benghazi. Why? Like I had already said I ordered the album and you just kept going and no one was caring. I was tryin to figure out what your end goal was lol. Like were you expecting a 5 page discussion on it like Wii U?

I might have to start callin you Benghazi; cause this was definitely reminiscent of Fox News trying to make it a thing while the rest of the world kinda accepted it for what it was and moved on to more relevant/important things.
No big thing, I was totally joking. If Moris took it personally which I hope he didn't/doubt he did then I definitely apologize. Definitely wasn't being serious and my aim definitely wasn't to be an ass.

I wouldn't poke fun if I couldn't take a joke myself. That being said...

The only one fighting was you, you tried to make it this big thing. Like OMG you got Bino's album, this is huge! Like I said my dude...you were GOPin' like crazy screamin out Benghazi. Why? Like I had already said I ordered the album and you just kept going and no one was caring. I was tryin to figure out what your end goal was lol. Like were you expecting a 5 page discussion on it like Wii U?

I might have to start callin you Benghazi; cause this was definitely reminiscent of Fox News trying to make it a thing while the rest of the world kinda accepted it for what it was and moved on to more relevant/important things.

Trying to paint yourself as calm and collected when you were literally trying to will Drake fandom into me, comparing having heard of a shitty artist like Kyle to supporting one like Donald.

As for my expectation or endgame? it's just an L, people take Ls. Take yours.
Trying to paint yourself as calm and collected when you were literally trying to will Drake fandom into me, comparing having heard of a shitty artist like Kyle to supporting one like Donald.

Says the person trying to paint Casey Anthony as my BFF off of two infrequent encounters. Come on son staaaahp.
I concede that I exaggerated, like I said "The replacement of 'BFF' with 'infrequent associate' doesn't change my statement tho."

Yea I exaggerated how much you like Drake, but it doesn't change the statement though. You've gone on record a few times to state you like some of his songs. You can't really "hate" someone but like their ish at the same time my dude.
Yea I exaggerated how much you like Drake, but it doesn't change the statement though. You've gone on record a few times to state you like some of his songs. You can't really "hate" someone but like their ish at the same time my dude.

There are lots of artists that I only like a handful of songs from or couple acting performance from and my overall opinion of them is bad.

Even if I don't hate drake but really dislike him. Drake > poop > Gambino




Gambino is improving a lot between albums/mixtapes. I think a lot of people wrote him off before/after Camp, but his Royalty mixtape and this new album (thanks boutdown), is showing he's at least trying to be more serious about his rhyming.


bitch I'm taking calls.
You guys may not realize it, but it is true that minorities have much better opportunities on finding jobs these days. White guilt is a real thing, we as men can't escape it wherever we go. Even though most of the white population doesn't give a rats ass about whether someone is black, yellow or somewhere in between, we keep being punished and set aside by radical feminists and other terribly frustrated people with no self respect. Positive discrimination is just as bad as normal discrimination. You can't argue about that. Every upside has just as many downsides when it comes to these kind of rules.

Also, it is a bad thing that women aren't treated as equals anymore, but instead are put on a pedestal. Laws are still incredibly kind when it is the women who committed a crime, and almost every divorce these days ends in favor of the woman. My father deals a lot with these cases with his job, and in his experience women have it so much easier with the law than men, in all aspects of life.

And it doesn't end here. Last week, the EU (or rather, a small group of undemocraticly chosen woman and men) agreed that 40% of people working in the top of businesses have to be women. This really annoys me. The Glass Ceiling is bullshit. I did all kinds of research on it, and terms like 'Old Boys Network', the foundation of the Glass Ceiling theory, are not real anymore. And now, with this new law, any women aiming for a top job in their company will have 20 or 30 times as much a chance as men.

And there is so much more. For example, if you look at dating nowadays, it is clear that most women end up riding the cock carrousel, and a lot of young men end up depressed and alone. I have seen some statistics saying that 20% of the men get 80% the sex of women. Let that sink in for a moment (I'll look for the source if you don't believe me). I'm definitely not a misogynist or racist (I was raised with the belief that everyone is equal), and I may sound kind of harsh or bitter, but In all honesty, the situation is really fucked up. We should be having gender equality in all areas of life, not legislation that promotes the chances of any minority over the 'majority' (white men).

Dude just went ahead and confirmed what we already knew about people who say shit like this.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Dude got more issues than amazing spiderman.
Too many young men end up depressed and alone because women are riding the cock carousel.

We need an affirmative action dating service for young white men to make things right.
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