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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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Thanks for the Birthday wishes ya'll and Happy Birthday Aim. You picked a great day to be born :p

And I gotta remember not to whistle on this side of town, cause peeps out here are crazy. My co-workers took me out to lunch, and some young punk accused me of being a Crip when he overheard me whistling on my way back to the car. I was whistling that one song from Kill Bill, cause I had caught it on tv the night before. Dude started walking towards me, telling me to get the fuck out his hood, so I just ducked in my car and drove off cause I'm not trying to reason with any of these nothing to lose motherfuckers.

Happy birthday!

And that story...whistling is serious business.


For real haha. It's dress down Friday, but I don't have anything remotely close to blue on... I thought San Jose was all Soreno/Norteno too.

Good birthday so far though. Pay day and tax returns came in. Hopefully tonight falls in line too.


bitch I'm taking calls.

"But when is white aids day?"

EDIT: holy shit the FAQ is actually awesome:

1. Where did HIV come from?

Sometimes we get so distracted by the history of the disease that we put ourselves and others at risk by bringing up a conversation that will not help us turn the epidemic around in the long run. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

Now, what the hell does this matter in the long run for a disease that is 100% preventable? Absolutely nothing at all. We have to become better at asking the right questions before we sleep with someone, turn the light on before we take the clothes off, make sure we protect ourselves and not put that in the hands of someone who just wants to have sex, and think of our own health first. While the scientists have come to the aforementioned conclusion, you need to reach a better one and protect yourself until you absolutely positively know your partner.

2. Was it created to destroy Black and Brown People?

We're not for certain that it was created to destroy Black and Brown people, but it sure in the hell does like us a lot. So, knowing this, we need to be conscious and careful of who we sleep with, where we meet them, and whether a lifetime of medicine is worth three minutes of sexual gratification. There are no known causes today that people are going around injecting HIV into Black and Brown people. However, unsafe sexual behavior, having a hell of a lot of partners, and not thinking before sexing has shown to increase the numbers within Black and Brown communities.

3. Is it a gay disease?

Really, you want to ask this dumb ass question. The "H" in HIV means human, not gay. This is a disease that is transmitted as a result of four fluids, with sexual transmission being the highest among the four ways of contracting it. Ask Black women who were loyal and faithful to their partners or husbands if it is a gay disease. Ask Black men who devoted themselves to one woman if it is a gay disease (and yes knucklehead, men can contract it from women).

Now it is true that African American men who have sex with men are contracting it at a higher rate than African American/Black heterosexual men, but that doesn't make it a gay disease. For those who keep thinking that stupid S#$%, it is just a matter of time before they fore-go using a condom and make put themselves at risk of contracting it.

Get your head out the sand and use protection each and every time if you are not going to abstain.

4. Why are there two websites?

Unfortunately in the African American/Black community, the crab in the bucket mentality is alive and well within the HIV/AIDS education, prevention, leadership, and treatment circle. Healthy Black Communities, Inc. led the initiative from 2006 until now and due to it being an unapologetic Black organization, there were key leaders within the CDC who controlled the finances along with individuals on the Strategic Leadership Council who subscribed to that mentality which will always keep Black institutions down who worked tirelessly when the organization suffered a hard drive crash to take the reigns and remove it from HBC.

So, while HBC was recovering from a massive hard drive crash where the data and resources to get the original website back up and running was being worked on, the CDC and several key supposedly leaders voted to create another website and we continue to battle for web-space and resources to keep it online and populated.

We're not going anywhere, and trying to hold us down only makes us stronger. We will continue to develop materials and information that is reflective of those on the ground and allow those who tried to tear HBC down take note of how stupid their decision was to try to take the toys and run from the playground.

5. Where do the themes come from?

The truth of the matter is, we rely on soundbytes in the social media stratosphere to give us some guidance and direction on the best theme to use. We develop the website, marketing and promotion materials, as well as t-shirts that fit with the theme.

For 2014, we selected "We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For!" based on the song of those who waited hours in line to vote for Nelson Mandela when he was running for President. The theme was chosen long before his transition, however we have received a warm and welcomed response from our long time supporters. Thanks.

6. How can I tell if I have it?

Look in the damn mirror and ask yourself if you have had unprotected sex with someone you did not know either once or multiple times. On a serious note, it's called testing knucklehead. There is only ONE WAY to know for sure if you "have it" and that is to be tested for HIV infection. You can't rely on symptoms to know, you can either find a free place to test by clicking here OR purchase the HIV Home Test Kit from a pharmacy or store where it is told and test yourself.

If you do test positive, it is time to take things very serious in regards to your health and livelihood. We need your Black ass to live a long time and not do stupid stuff like not take medicine because you heard it can kill you. While the rate of infection for African Americans/Blacks is decreasing, you still need to protect yourself and get tested regularly if you're getting your groove on regularly.

7. Do condoms really work?

No, they just sell them in the store for sheer decoration. Of course they work. Have you ever seen a brother run in a store or gas station to buy a Magnum, wanna know why? Cause he knows they work! Every seen a sister try to sashay in a pharmacy and say she is buying condoms for her son or promiscuous girlfriend? She is really buying them for herself cause she knows they work.

Everybody is having sex and nobody wants to admit it. Get real! Sex is fun, good, enjoyable, and something we need to lead healthy lives. The immaculate conception era is gone, sex is happening and we need to quit pretending like it is a bad thing. Get your heard out your ass, go buy you some condoms and keep them in a safe, dry place - not your waller or purse where the packaging can be pierced and use them when you need them.

We have no time to use religious rhetoric when brothers and sisters are dying and contracting HIV at alarming rates. Ain't nobody got time for that!

There are studies which have shown latex condoms to be highly effective in preventing HIV transmission when used consistently and correctly. These studies looked at those not living with HIV who were considered to be at high risk of contracting HIV because they were involved in sexual relationships with HIV+ individuals. The studies found that even with a lot of damn sex, 98% - 100% of those who used latex condoms correctly and consistently did not become infected.

8. Can I get it from a toilet seat?

Sit your ass down and see. NO! NO! NO! you cannot get HIV from a toilet seat. Since HIV is a human disease and you can only contract it from another human, ow in the hell did a toilet enter into the conversation. Don't believe every damn email someone sends to you.

Oh and for the record, you CANNOT get HIV from a doorknob, a fork, or a handshake, for that matter. The only known ways of contracting HIV are from unprotected sex, intravenous drug use, exposure to blood or bodily fluids from an infected person, from mother to child in pregnancy, and through blood transfusions if the blood came from an HIV infected person. Did you see toilet anywhere in that? Again, it is HIV not TIV (i.e. H - human versus T - toilet).

9. What can I do to help stop it?

Use your influence, sphere of contacts, and the various platforms you have access to and educate people about the basics of HIV/AIDS, go and get tested to know your status so that you can tell others about the testing process, get involved in your local area and don't sit back and wait for others to do the work you can do, and if you're living with HIV, you need to make sure you know your treatment options and seek out the best thing you need to do to stay alive. Your family and friends deserve to have you as healthy as you can be when you come around them and they come around you. Nobody wants a bump on the damn log; life is too short and living with HIV can make it even shorter if you don't take care of yourself.

10. What treatment options do I have?

First, you need to make sure your doctor orders the proper tests so you can gain a better understanding of how HIV is affecting your body (i.e. immune system). Two of the most important tests will be a CD4 count and a viral load test. You may also take a drug resistance test to determine the best medication options for you.

Once these tests have been done, your doctor will review them, look at your physical exam, and individual needs to prescribe a treatment that is right for you. There are anti-retroviral drugs used to help control HIV in the body and prevent it from getting out of control. These drugs beat the hell out of HIV and help keep it from multiplying in your body. There are six different classes of HIV drugs with each one of them fighting HIV in different ways. The primary difference between the classes are the stages of HIV replication (when HIV is making copies of itself) that the drugs target. Some of the drugs have been known to open up a good can of whoop-ass against HIV and helped brothers and sisters live long and healthy lives.




NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
How do people not see these signs?

edit: and happy birthday to all you cornball brothers

edit2: you still ain't shit
Thread crystallizes when people say "I didn't see this coming he was so nice." Even after the person spews casual hatred and signs. They know. They just want to distance themselves from culpability.


Thread crystallizes when people say "I didn't see this coming he was so nice." Even after the person spews casual hatred and signs. They know. They just want to distance themselves from culpability.

Personal threads are always like a good meth lab, the longer they cook. The bigger the explosion.

Side note is I think porn is making me racist.
Well personally someone getting that jealous about sex usually involves unrequited feelings. He probably tried to holla and got shut down. Now he sees every cat that's in her parlour breaking her off as an open handed slap to his proverbial manhood. The day he got shutdown was a soul shattering moment of his exestintial existence. For her it was 1430 on a Wednesday.

Side note is I think porn is making me racist.

¿que pasa?
Well personally someone getting that jealous about sex usually involves unrequited feelings. He probably tried to holla and got shut down. Now he sees every cat that's in her parlour breaking her off as an open handed slap to his proverbial manhood. The day he got shutdown was a soul shattering moment of his exestintial existence. For her it was 1430 on a Wednesday.

"I am electromagnetically flying my ass out of here and over to Canada to get with Rob."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The thing that's truly scary is that the guy is a psyche major that is writing his thesis right now. He is literally trained to notice these issues.

Or maybe it's all a rouse and his behavior is part of his thesis?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The thing that's truly scary is that the guy is a psyche major that is writing his thesis right now. He is literally trained to notice these issues.

Or maybe it's all a rouse and his behavior is part of his thesis?

There are so many bad psych subject matter experts out there that I can't help but laugh at the field as a whole. The good ones are an amazing minority, but the rest are utterly laughable.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Oh yeah - update. This new doctor didn't see any muscle tears at all (lol), ignored my locked elbow, saw my ac joint tear as 'nothing that requires immediate attention since i've dealt with it for so long', and gave me a steroid shot for the road. Leaving for a month to do dumb shit in Cali. Have 16 hours to pack rofl.

Got another job offer while in the fucking doctor's office too. The fucks I give about reenlisting


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh yeah - update. This new doctor didn't see any muscle tears at all (lol), ignored my locked elbow, saw my ac joint tear as 'nothing that requires immediate attention since i've dealt with it for so long', and gave me a steroid shot for the road. Leaving for a month to do dumb shit in Cali. Have 16 hours to pack rofl.

Got another job offer while in the fucking doctor's office too. The fucks I give about reenlisting

Bail like you see a pregnant ex-girlfriend running for you.


Psych is a tricky thing. 1) You're trying to observe the activity of the brain, which we don't fully understand, and 2) you're using a (not-fully-understood, potentially faulty) brain to do it.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Psych is a tricky thing. 1) You're trying to observe the activity of the brain, which we don't fully understand, and 2) you're using a (not-fully-understood, potentially faulty) brain to do it.

Observing the activity of the brain is... not really what most are doing/attempting to do.Noting patterns, establishing baselines, gauging reactions and the reasoning behind each along with the accompanying rationale is something that many just love to gloss over instead of starting with immediately. Its half my job to do shit like that. I've worked with behavioral science consultant teams.

A lot of people run with shit that has fuck-all to do with the actual problem that needs to be solved or provide necessary analysis to a situation.


Observing the activity of the brain is... not really what most are doing/attempting to do.Noting patterns, establishing baselines, gauging reactions and the reasoning behind each along with the accompanying rationale is something that many just love to gloss over instead of starting with immediately. Its half my job to do shit like that. I've worked with behavioral science consultant teams.

A lot of people run with shit that has fuck-all to do with the actual problem that needs to be solved or provide necessary analysis to a situation.

You're right, I should have been more clear. I was basically saying it's really hard to observe biases and predispositions 100% correctly when you are probably biased and predisposed yourself.


I'm on episode 22 but this Attack on Titan show/anime is....really...something else. I think this is the first time since DBZ days I've been in this interested in an anime.

BHZ Mayor

Been watching a lot of japanese interracial. And every movie some black dudes hood genjustu the woman into having sex with them by being ignorant. And it is the same 5 guys that have black men in Japanese porn on lock. And one of them is always in a wave cap.

Think i seen that dude.

Anyone else ever try to figure when an amatuer porn was made by what is on the tv/radio in the background? Or am I just cazy

So this is the type of shit you been doing on your time off huh?


Unconfirmed Member
Side note is I think porn is making me racist.


Funniest thing about porn to me is that how people within the industry think it will become accepted/part of mainstream society/culture one day, and when that never happens they blame society for being so prudish about sex.

When in reality it's because the porn industry is so systemically racist and sexist that it's beyond salvation.

The way the porn industry works on a fundamental level is by judging people based on their looks, race, body type and gender and then exploiting them and those traits solely for the benefit and pleasure of the viewer. It's pretty much the embodiment of everything we've tried to move away from in society for centuries.

So basically there's more than a few reasons that are contributing to why you feel that way. Porn by nature is sort of designed to profit off of the subconscious(or not) racism and sexism in our society


So this is the type of shit you been doing on your time off huh?
Not like I have a Wii U like JC, RIP.


Funniest thing about porn to me is that how people within the industry think it will become accepted/part of mainstream society/culture one day, and when that never happens they blame society for being so prudish about sex.

When in reality it's because the porn industry is so systemically racist and sexist that it's beyond salvation.

The way the porn industry works on a fundamental level is by judging people based on their looks, race, body type and gender and then exploiting them and those traits solely for the benefit and pleasure of the viewer. It's pretty much the embodiment of everything we've tried to move away from in society for centuries.

So basically there's more than a few reasons that are contributing to why you feel that way. Porn by nature is sort of designed to profit off of the subconscious(or not) racism and sexism in our society

Yeah it is racist and a whole lot of "Ists" as fuck. Got a little weight on you and you 30, you are now a MILF.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

Funniest thing about porn to me is that how people within the industry think it will become accepted/part of mainstream society/culture one day, and when that never happens they blame society for being so prudish about sex.

When in reality it's because the porn industry is so systemically racist and sexist that it's beyond salvation.

The way the porn industry works on a fundamental level is by judging people based on their looks, race, body type and gender and then exploiting them and those traits solely for the benefit and pleasure of the viewer. It's pretty much the embodiment of everything we've tried to move away from in society for centuries.

So basically there's more than a few reasons that are contributing to why you feel that way. Porn by nature is sort of designed to profit off of the subconscious(or not) racism and sexism in our society
Porn is a perfect reflection of its market at any given time. I don't think there's ever been any real denial about that.

The sex industry as a whole is not the same as porn though.





Unconfirmed Member
Is a step up or down if a porn star moves to doing cam shows only?

I remember someone on neogaf having sort of a tier ranking of porn genres/acts

The funniest/saddest to me was how low interracial was because it's true. Having sex with a black dude on camera a career ending move
Unfortunately in the African American/Black community, the crab in the bucket mentality is alive and well within the HIV/AIDS education, prevention, leadership, and treatment circle.

Okay, which one a yall wrote this?

Also, this is a wonderful FAQ. Thank you, Jackben, for showing this.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, by Lila Abu-Lughod
I've read this Mumei. Kinda helped me understand and push forward the idea of a 'third gender' when talking to my interpreter friend about how to deal with the sex barrier in some areas. its really, really hard to explain the role and concept of the western world's female at times but that helped me quite a bit. Its a solid read.
Is a step up or down if a porn star moves to doing cam shows only?

Means that they're smart enough to turn their stage name into a brand. Its almost the equivalent of a professional athlete seeking out a shoe deal or something.
I remember someone on neogaf having sort of a tier ranking of porn genres/acts

The funniest/saddest to me was how low interracial was because it's true. Having sex with a black dude on camera a career ending move

And to the same crowd that most porn is largely aimed at, having sex with a black guy makes you the worst kind of person. They can forgive all the orgies but sleeping with Tyrone is just going too far.


Been watching a lot of japanese interracial. And every movie some black dudes hood genjustu the woman into having sex with them by being ignorant. And it is the same 5 guys that have black men in Japanese porn on lock. And one of them is always in a wave cap.

Japanese porn made by someone, for someone. And I mean you know the problems Japanese porn has. I saw one interracial that was basically borderline elevator rape. What needs to happen is the FMEF (Free Mufasa Expeditionary Force) needs to offer them some counter material.


Japanese porn made by someone, for someone. And I mean you know the problems Japanese porn has. I saw one interracial that was basically borderline elevator rape. What needs to happen is the FMEF (Free Mufasa Expeditionary Force) needs to offer them some counter material.

Elly Akira has been in worse.


Gundam build fighter is some old silly shit. I like the primse but I can't fuck with someone that has to call on someone else to fight for him.

Cowboy Bebop, AOT and now Space Dandy. Thats about the extent of my anime fandom.

If you like space opera like battlestar Galactica you should give battleship Yamato 2199 a try

Ignore the goofy titles it's actually pretty decent sci fi drama for an anime

Edit: I also like champloo more than bebop. There's no Ed in samurai champloo so it automatically wins
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