not a fan of part time mania?
this Mania is going to suck
All these old-ass part time people who are going to be on the card
Hottest guy in the company gets to be buried by HHH (don't fool yourself, Bryan ain't winning)
Bootista vs Orton in the main event
The New Age Outlaws will still be tag champs, and I seriously don't think they'll drop the titles to the Usos, even though they should.
Bork vs Taker should actually be okay, even though Taker is nearly a one-match-per-year guy and Bork shows up at every third PPV
Is the Butler basically the black version of Doctor Who, mysteriously showing up at all important points of black history?
Speaking of Doctor Who, the old 60's version basically had two kinds of black people: big dumb strong guy, and smart/good person who gets killed to show the situation is serious. It's funny looking at it now.