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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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as heartless as that is, i can see it happening.

Even if the studios thought about doing something like that, there's no way the cast will go along with that. Honestly I won't be surprised if they stop filming.

Wife and I were having this conversation just yesterday about the various interpretations and how we as human beings will always look for meaning that is beneficial to our individual agenda. The bible is the one book that folks have twisted to hell and back just to justify the persecution and genocide of others. Its sad really that something beautiful used for such carnage. Good intention as it were....

The Bible is the most popular of the religious books so in modern times it has the most "blood" on it's hands, but books like the Torah/Tanakh and the Quran have been used in similar fashion. But you can't blame the books vs the people following them. These books are all a collection of laws and stories written for people from their period of time. If a pastor decides to follow it to the word in modern times or use it to promote something messed up, you're right that they are at fault. But it would help if more people at least acknowledged that all these books were written by people and should be treated as such, no different than we'd treat a book written by Tolkien, Rick Warren, or Bill O'Reilly. Otherwise you have people taking things like Moses slaughtering the Midianites but keeping the virgin women and children for their own/sacrifices to God to heart and carrying that stuff out on others because "if it's in the Bible, it must be ok to imitate".


Let's put it this way: the new Pope is making headlines (AND catching flak) for actually preaching like Jesus would want him to.

The guy seems really genuwine. At first i thought it was all pr, cuz there were all these feel good stories about him, like making a sandwich for one of his guards. But when he denounced trickle down economics it led me to believe he really does care about the downtrodden. Not that the other popes dont, but the culture of child molestation that palpatine and other powers that be seemed to tacitly encourage has me jaded on everything vatican related. I still kinda feel this is a pr pope hoping to make them more relevant in an age of social media.


Speaking of the bible, how do people justify the rampant homophobia? I thought it's a sin? I have never gotten a satisfying answer.
Speaking of the bible, how do people justify the rampant homophobia? I thought it's a sin? I have never gotten a satisfying answer.

Like interracial marriage it's simply an easy target because it's something that is "obvious". While the bible says that a man sleeping with another man is a sin, the bible also says that no one sin is greater than another. The bible also says that divorce ruins the sanctity of marriage, but yet both those who sin and those who get divorced are allowed to marry without the insistent bitching by people who pick and choose what to hate and back it up by twisting words.

There is nothing religious about their homophobia and it's exclusively fueled by their fear/hate/lack of understanding; religion is just their excuse.


Like interracial marriage it's simply an easy target because it's something that is "obvious". While the bible says that a man sleeping with another man is a sin, the bible also says that no one sin is greater than another. The bible also says that divorce ruins the sanctity of marriage, but yet both those who sin and those who get divorced are allowed to marry without the insistent bitching by people who pick and choose what to hate and back it up by twisting words.

There is nothing religious about their homophobia and it's exclusively fueled by their fear/hate/lack of understanding; religion is just their excuse.
Quoted for emphasis.
This is something people fail to realize. There are no shades of gray or varying degrees of sin. They're all the same in the eyes of God/ if you believe the bible. Just think how ridiculous that is.


Speaking of the bible, how do people justify the rampant homophobia? I thought it's a sin? I have never gotten a satisfying answer.

"This plate of food I got from the bible cafeteria looks great, but I don't want to eat the broccoli or peas that's also on the plate, so I'm going to eat everything else and ignore the broccoli and peas."

This is something people fail to realize. There are no shades of gray or varying degrees of sin. They're all the same in the eyes of God/ if you believe the bible. Just think how ridiculous that is.

And it shouldn't be a sin in the first place, but you guys know that already.
Just remember that the Bible was used to justify slavery.

It's not the words so much as how they are used, and that goes for pretty much every philosophy on the planet.

And dang, Creflo Dollar.


Ubisoft Marketing
I can't make threads and I literally can't find anywhere else to post this. Anyone interested in this? Five East African nations are forming a unified currency: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. It should be noted that this is different from the Euro in that in it will have a strong central bank and a unified fiscal policy. It was the lack of a unified fiscal policy that led to most of the problems in Europe.

So....a common currency within ECOWAS, OAU and other African Federations. Cynic in me says it will fail hard. Sadly.


Alot of the bible, especially the old testament was written with that time frame in mind. It's basically a period piece if you will. One of the few things that can still hold up today are the parables since those analogies can easily be applied and modified for modern times. The beliefs of some of the things written such as master/slave,marriage and the linear way that churches are suppose to run were most likely written by people with an agenda or people who only are going off of what they themselves expect.

It's the grey area of all ancient text

also Idk about yall but I like my preachers to fly away like jets


Just remember that the Bible was used to justify slavery.

It's not the words so much as how they are used, and that goes for pretty much every philosophy on the planet.

And dang, Creflo Dollar.

And were still slaves cause most of us cant move pass this. We maybe the most judgmental race when it comes to stuff said/misread in the bible.


But if it's a sin in the first place it's still a bunch of bullshit, isn't it?
Well yea, its bull. God wouldnt have created us to have a certain disposition for who to love and expect us to quell our desires by reading a book or exorcizing some demon out of us. But im not a believer anyways. I'd much rather walk by sight, not by faith. I think that if God exists then he didnt give me eyes to not fucking use them.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The worst part about certain hardcore religious sects today is their denial of modern medicine in favor of prayer.
Happy birthday faceless. I didnt realize the void in your face required food. I figured you required salt from racial discord threads for sustenance.

I think he's saying her role in the movement is understated. A lot of people think she was just a woman who was too tired to give up her seat and nothing more.

That's exactly what he was saying. That there's a belief that she was just a woman too tired to move that ended up being a galvanizing figure on accident. There absolutely is that belief and it's absolutely untrue.
People should just regard it like you would IRL, roll your eyes, ignore and carry on conversations with other people. The massive quoting of such douchebaggery means it gets to later pages.
But if it's a sin in the first place it's still a bunch of bullshit, isn't it?

Yes because it suggests that god made a mistake....if you point that out, I hope you have score cards to rate the mental gymnastics.

Me personally? I'm not religious, but I always found it strange/sad/pathetic/funny that I have a better understanding of the religion than most people who consider themselves religious/christian/whatever denomination or name they use despite all reading from the same fucking book.
Wife and I were having this conversation just yesterday about the various interpretations and how we as human beings will always look for meaning that is beneficial to our individual agenda. The bible is the one book that folks have twisted to hell and back just to justify the persecution and genocide of others. Its sad really that something beautiful used for such carnage. Good intention as it were....

indeed. Man created god with good intentions, back then people had no sense and would eat shit that could kill them etc... but that stuff has been used to cause wars, justify slavery, persecution of gays, etc...


Ubisoft Marketing
Yes because it suggests that god made a mistake....if you point that out, I hope you have score cards to rate the mental gymnastics.

Me personally? I'm not religious, but I always found it strange/sad/pathetic/funny that I have a better understanding of the religion than most people who consider themselves religious/christian/whatever denomination or name they use despite all reading from the same fucking book.

I'll put it this way....when people try and quote the Old Testament as the be all and end all in a religious argument, i remind them that there is a NEW Testament that pretty much revises all the "hard line" stances taken in the former. And so on.

That's usually as far as i'm prepared to go with such conversation.


They lose when they stop thinking and start letting a preacher or a priest or a philosophy dictate reality to them. I mean, it's one thing to learn and be instructed, but the golden rule has nothing at all to do with the blind faith that some require.
I'll put it this way....when people try and quote the Old Testament as the be all and end all in a religious argument, i remind them that there is a NEW Testament that pretty much revises all the "hard line" stances taken in the former. And so on.

That's usually as far as i'm prepared to go with such conversation.

I try to veer away from religious discussions as much as humanly possible. The retconning of the bible isn't really something I can argue about mostly because I don't have the energy. I've had a few people use the new testament to counter any statements I make but in the same breath quote the old testament to further their argument on why they don't like X or believe in Y. And it's like yea, how can one even have a rational discussion like that? So I just nod my head, agree, throw in a few "good points" and maybe an "amen" if I'm being snarky and let them take that W. I'm not going to convince them anymore than they'll convince me.
What are they saying about Walker?

Wall of Shame:

So what about the driver? Anyone talking about him? How about if you took out Paul Walker's name out of the whole thread, you think people here would be empathizing with 2 people who knowingly and recklessly let this accident occur the way it did? We're lucky no innocent bystanders were hurt.

No, there would be some pretty nasty comments going around, except this time some guy whose movies you like is involved, so of course it's totally different.

But yeah sure let's just keep circlejerking about how Walker was the Jesus of the new millennium and not at all complicit in letting his friend drive the way he must have done to end up in this kind of crash.

Edit: Also, this isn't your grandma's birthday party. This is the thread where we can discuss how and why Walker died, I can say whatever the fuck I want in it, positive or not. This is a discussion forum. If I want to read 500000 meaningless "RIP" I can just go on Facebook.

Munin I agree 100% with you and I always dread browsing the internet the day after someone "famous" dies but this thread probably isn't the best place to air your grievances.

I've always wanted to start a thread like "let's talk about how the general populace deals with the death of a famous person" cuz I just don't get it but WHATEV.

WARNING Controversial opinion time:

It sucks. It really does. I hate it for Paul, his family.. his friends... his coworkers and those that depended on his name and face to make a living for themselves and their families however I just in no way shape or form was ever a fan really for what the fast and furious movies stood for. Are they good entertainment? Sure, but it's also naive to not look at the huge negative impact they've had. I'm not one to believe that video games... or violent media has an effect on molding ones behavior... but this movie DEFINITELY had an impact on the car scene, street racing and consequently.... many hundreds if not thousands of deaths in the wake of its release. Was this Paul's fault or is he directly responsible? No. From everything I'm reading he seemed like a genuinely good guy. Worth this major out pour of support? Probably not anymore than anyone else that passes away on a given day.... but that's the internet for you.

A little background. I am heavily into cars. I own a 750 HP Camaro SS that I used to heavily street race back in the day. When you are involved in the car scene of modifying, meeting, racing.... you see your fair share of dumb shit but nothing was like the influx of cars and owners that happened in 2001-2003 after the first and second fast and furious movies. After those movies came out, street racing went from a few guys meeting up in an old industrial complex away from anyone and everyone we could hurt aside from ourselves, to seeing tricked out "ricers" driving some cheap honda with a fart can exhaust every Friday and Saturday night racing 100+ mph through traffic putting families and everyone else at risk on the highways. This trend was pretty much directly related to the Japanese car scene that was becoming so popular in California, and that was glamorized and pushed forth by the Fast and Furious series. My cousin who is a cop just north of where I am, said that street racing related deaths in and around Atlanta rose something insane like 900% in the few years following that movies release, and ironically it was most always the younger crowd in a foreign car.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
ill never understand people that have a lack of empathy for someone. if you dont feel anything for the person, then why do they have to say anything at all? why not just keep to themselves rather than making attempts at being some sort of social crusader?


Ubisoft Marketing
I try to veer away from religious discussions as much as humanly possible. The retconning of the bible isn't really something I can argue about mostly because I don't have the energy. I've had a few people use the new testament to counter any statements I make but in the same breath quote the old testament to further their argument on why they don't like X or believe in Y. And it's like yea, how can one even have a rational discussion like that? So I just nod my head, agree, throw in a few "good points" and maybe an "amen" if I'm being snarky and let them take that W. I'm not going to convince them anymore than they'll convince me.

I hear ya. I've always viewed religion as something that i can still question AND follow as i see fit. Some people have beyond blind faith, and do nothing to help themselves. Frustrating.


ill never understand people that have a lack of empathy for someone. if you dont feel anything for the person, then why do they have to say anything at all? why not just keep to themselves rather than making attempts at being some sort of social crusader?

Now I feel bad about laughing at this too soon joke on Black Guy who tips.
I hear ya. I've always viewed religion as something that i can still question AND follow as i see fit. Some people have beyond blind faith, and do nothing to help themselves. Frustrating.

Yea I have no issues with religion, but I have major issues with many of it's followers (I really wish more people could separate the two). It's like they refuse to even entertain the notion that there might be some stuff in the bible that should have never been mentioned in any capacity and there is other stuff in there that were written by the people of it's time. Specifically as a means of control and had very little to do with god.
Upon seeing our strange reaction to celebrity deaths you can either:
a) roll your eyes, ignore the thread and move on
b) spit on a grave and use it as a platform to show your moral and logical superiority.


Ubisoft Marketing
KFC need to jump on that idea. Fried chicken flying overhead for delivery? Would be straight up brawling in the streets.
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