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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


snaildog said:
It's funny that you guys say Oblivion's default levelling system adds to the exploration side of the game, because for me and a lot of others it's exactly the opposite. Every cave/fort/ruin that I come across, I know that it'll be filled with random enemies and random treasure at my exact level. I got completely bored with it myself.

Ok go to sleep and level up, then go back and the loot for your new level. easy


siamesedreamer said:
Hey, how important is it to do the five training sessions before you level up?

(For example, am I screwing myself by only do 2 or 3?)
It's not game breaking if you don't, but once you start to max out you major skills it'll be a loong time inbetween leveling. When this time comes you'll probably wish that you took advantage of the missed training sessions.

Actually, depending on how high your major skills are, you should probably just dedicate training sessions to your minor skills. One or two training sessions will save you at least an hour or more of "real world" leveling when it comes to minor skills.
How do you know where to find people to train with? I'm about 25 hours into the game and a level 7 and I've really only hung around Chorrol and Bruma. I've mainly just been training with the first person I find. There's three guys in the Chorrol mages guild that have good magic training, but other than that I've just been training things like mercantile, etc. Do I really need to start branching out to other cities? I haven't even started the main quest.


Hang out with Steve.
siamesedreamer said:
How do you know where to find people to train with? I'm about 25 hours into the game and a level 7 and I've really only hung around Chorrol and Bruma. I've mainly just been training with the first person I find. There's three guys in the Chorrol mages guild that have good magic training, but other than that I've just been training things like mercantile, etc. Do I really need to start branching out to other cities? I haven't even started the main quest.

Also, listen to people as they talk to one another. They'll often talk about trainers in the area.
While I agree that the dungeon-crawling in Oblivion can be rather tedious, I have to say that the game - as a whole - is among the best adventure-games in existence. The world, while illogical ( which game-world wouldn't be to an extent, though? ), is highly immersive. The quests are generally well-constructed and interesting, and the soundtrack is simply incredible. The game has only crashed once on my Xbox 360, and there are no big glitches considering just how big the game-world is.

Oblivion, as a fluid, engaging experience, is much better than Morrowind if you ask me. The simple fact alone that it marks the spot of interest in your map on any given quest adds to the enjoyment of the game. Sometimes a simple solution is better, and Oblivion doesn't require as much memorization and constant quest-log searching as Morrowind did.


As much as I love the game I have to agree that the leveling system is a little messed up. If you choose all Wisdom dependent skills as your major skills, as I did when I selcted battle-mage, it makes it much harder to raise that stat. Unless I go out of my way to not level up my other skills. Its like major skills are nothing more than a trigger for lvl up. There is no advantage to making a any skill major. Maybe if they considered each level = to x2 or 1.5 of a normal skill when adding up stat bonuses.


And the default leveling system gives another reason I like mods that change it. When I make a character now, I go with the major skills that make sense for the type of class I'm designing, and it's not a big deal if I want to use blades or marksman or destruction or whatever as my primary source of damage. But I also agree that in Oblivion, your character at his/her best will wind up being a master of all trades instead of a highly specialized type. I think that's just my powergaming compulsion though - whenever I play an RPG I always want to make my character able to meet any of the significant challenges faced in the game.
SteveMeister said:
Also, listen to people as they talk to one another. They'll often talk about trainers in the area.

Really? I swear just about the only thing I ever hear in those conversations is that the fighter's guild is hiring.


Do The Mario said:
Yeah I remember playing morrowind and stumbling upon a vampire infested cave then having to run of my life.

Good times, but then you had to wait 3 minutes of the game to load after you died :( (on xbox)

Yes but Morrowind didn't put that vampire infested cave as a required route to get from Seyda Neen to Balmora; by contrast, Oscuro's mod puts black bears between the Imperial City and Chorral.

Hmm, random mod idea: create a super-NPC whose mission in life is to hunt down bears and kill them. I'll call him Stephen Colbear. ;) (and yes that's a pun, not a typo)

siamesedreamer said:
Really? I swear just about the only thing I ever hear in those conversations is that the fighter's guild is hiring.

I've heard plenty of conversations along these lines:

"I hear [X] is good at [Y]"
"Yes, and it's good that they'll train others"
Ok, so I don't post in this thread for a day, and the damn thing goes to hell in a handbasket. ;)

Seriously, we've beaten this topic to death, on more than one occasion, in this thread. Some people like the leveling system, some don't. I've gone on record three or four times saying that while it had it's issues, it worked to complete the purpose it was intended for. I felt that it did a good job of offering a challenge thoughout the life of the game, and the difficulty slider worked to make things tougher when needed as well.

Yes, there are issues. Standard bandits, which in other games start to be weak five or ten levels in, continue to be a challenge, and start to drop some stuff that typically they wouldn't have in other game. But this isn't other games, and it's trying to do something different. As others have said, Morrowind was broken the opposite direction, as you could exploit things and build a super-powerful character that made the game too easy. Bethesda got grief for that as well.

Anyway, why beat this dead horse any more. I thought we had regressed 5000 posts or so, but lets continue the march to 10k! :)
On a gameplay note, I finished the Thieve's Guild Questline today, and got the last achievement in the game that I needed. The final quest was cool, and challenging, but seriously bugged for me, with doors that wouldn't open, buttons that wouldn't work, and a very important chair that was nearly impossible to sit in. Still, I got through it, and found it to be a lot of fun.

Next, I'll move on to some of the side quests, and do some more exploring of the map. I have some dungeons I need to visit yet, and plenty of cool quests to finish up. Oblivion is the game that just keeps on giving. :D


Kung Fu Jedi said:
On a gameplay note, I finished the Thieve's Guild Questline today, and got the last achievement in the game that I needed. The final quest was cool, and challenging, but seriously bugged for me, with doors that wouldn't open, buttons that wouldn't work, and a very important chair that was nearly impossible to sit in. Still, I got through it, and found it to be a lot of fun.

Next, I'll move on to some of the side quests, and do some more exploring of the map. I have some dungeons I need to visit yet, and plenty of cool quests to finish up. Oblivion is the game that just keeps on giving. :D
Im on the last Thieves guild mission. How did you sneak past the guard to get into the palace basement? Did you just kill him? I might do that, I plan to kill everyone next anyway.
The random A.I. glitches provide better comedy than the best sitcoms out there, seriously. Oblivion is among the funniest games of all time ( the list includes such classically twisted games as Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas, Morrowind and, say, the Monkey Island -titles ).

I was doing this mission where I have to save a fool-hardy warrior-wannabe from the plane of Oblivion. I find him, and he practically forces me to lead him on to collect the sigil stone from the fortress nearby. I do as I am told, and he ( plus one surviving friend ) follows me. I enter a bridge, and suddenly three daedra knights attack us. My foolish friends attack the daemons with all their strenght, and what do I get to witness? A mass suicide of epic proportions! My friend, whom I originally came to save, jumps into the lava-pit in order to finish off his target ( which he pushed into the pit with a strong blow just seconds beforehand ). Another daedra knight jumps after my friend, since it seems that the monster was attacking him. And what do you know? The friend of this jolly fellow also decides to jump in, since he was attacking the second demon! I get to hear a few seconds worth of painful shrieks, and then everything is quiet. I take a glimpse down and I see their corpses - all lined up beautifully - in the lava.

I have to load since the body is out of my reach ( and I would have to collect a certain ring from it ). A very, very hilarious glitch, make no mistake - but only the first time through. On the fourth attempt, when the A.I. controlled brainiacs do the exact same thing all over again, one is hardly smiling anymore.
indie85 said:
Im on the last Thieves guild mission. How did you sneak past the guard to get into the palace basement? Did you just kill him? I might do that, I plan to kill everyone next anyway.

I actually had no problems sneaking up until I entered the Palace itself. As soon as I entered the Guard's Quarters, all hell broke loose, despite the fact that I was in sneak mode. It was like I had no chance to try to sneak at all. Lucky for me the guards got into a squabble with one another, and bolted from the room while two factions of guards fought one another. It was odd, but I didn't question it. The rest of the way through, I didn't have to fight or kill any of the guards.


Lé Blade Runner said:
The random A.I. glitches provide better comedy than the best sitcoms out there, seriously. Oblivion is among the funniest games of all time ( the list includes such classically twisted games as Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas, Morrowind and, say, the Monkey Island -titles ).

I was doing this mission where I have to save a fool-hardy warrior-wannabe from the plane of Oblivion. I find him, and he practically forces me to lead him on to collect the sigil stone from the fortress nearby. I do as I am told, and he ( plus one surviving friend ) follows me. I enter a bridge, and suddenly three daedra knights attack us. My foolish friends attack the daemons with all their strenght, and what do I get to witness? A mass suicide of epic proportions! My friend, whom I originally came to save, jumps into the lava-pit in order to finish off his target ( which he pushed into the pit with a strong blow just seconds beforehand ). Another daedra knight jumps after my friend, since it seems that the monster was attacking him. And what do you know? The friend of this jolly fellow also decides to jump in, since he was attacking the second demon! I get to hear a few seconds worth of painful shrieks, and then everything is quiet. I take a glimpse down and I see their corpses - all lined up beautifully - in the lava.

I have to load since the body is out of my reach ( and I would have to collect a certain ring from it ). A very, very hilarious glitch, make no mistake - but only the first time through. On the fourth attempt, when the A.I. controlled brainiacs do the exact same thing all over again, one is hardly smiling anymore.
I ran into that EXACT glitch, except the bozo didn't chase a daedra into the lava off the bridge, he RAN right off the bridge after pulling out his sword. He said something along the lines of, "Let's slay them!" and jumped off the bridge into the lava. I just stared in disbelief and re-loaded. Idiot. 0_o

A question about the Thieve's Guild. I'm WAY ahead of my required loot sold, at over 900 gold, when all I need is 400. But now no one will buy anything from me. My current fence, and all my past ones, don't have the option show up. I just got promoted and have a TON of loot to sell, but no one wants to buy. Some even give the verbal cue when asked to "do business", but he option isn't there. Can I only fence stolen merchandise during certain windows of opportunity? I've got several thousand gold of stuff (mostly looted from that Collector's mansion, woooo!) in a locker in my house because no one will buy. :(

And KFJ - I was really annoyed with the leveling discussion as well. But it gets us closer to 10,000 posts, so I just ran with it. :)
GhaleonEB said:
A question about the Thieve's Guild. I'm WAY ahead of my required loot sold, at over 900 gold, when all I need is 400. But now no one will buy anything from me. My current fence, and all my past ones, don't have the option show up. I just got promoted and have a TON of loot to sell, but no one wants to buy. Some even give the verbal cue when asked to "do business", but he option isn't there. Can I only fence stolen merchandise during certain windows of opportunity? I've got several thousand gold of stuff (mostly looted from that Collector's mansion, woooo!) in a locker in my house because no one will buy. :(

Yeah, fences need to be in certain locations it seems. There does not seem to be any real rhyme or reason to it, I've talked to the Fence in Anvil right in the middle of dinner with the rest of the court and sold, but the fences in Bruma and Bravil would not give me the option to sell unless it was dark out, or they were at their desginated hang out spots. (Olaf's Tap and Tak in Bruma, and ahh.. I forget the other one for Bravil one of the lodges.) Sometimes you can also catch them on the street, and if its dark out they'll sell to you it seems.

Enjoy, because the very best fence you get seems to be the *most* picky about where he will sell. Spends several hours in this house, (not his), and won't sell, then wanders around town for a couple of hours where he will refuse to sell as well. Its worth it though, with his available gold at 1500, you can get a much better turn around on your loot.

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
I'm on the Vahtacen quest and I'm stuck

I didn't have much trouble with the pillar, but once I get inside, I'm dead ended, I killed a few wraiths, avoided the floor dropping out from under me, stepped on some pressure switch, killed more wraiths, but then I have nowhere to go, I see spots on the map that look like doorways, but they're just walls, and I can't find anymore switches, what did I miss?

oh, and is anyone else getting freezes/crashes when they try to wake people up from bed?

edit - loaded it up again and it worked, I guess some door that was supposed to open just didn't


Okay, Skooma, where can I buy it? I'm doing the most annoying DB quest EVER. I'm supposed to
kill this elf in the capital in a "private place", but the quest determines what that is. I've found, and killed him, three times when no one was watching but that does not count. I need to buy Skooma from someone in Bravil. The hint is the guys's name and that he sells it "late at night". I've done loops in town three nights now, talking to every person (detect life FTW) and can't find the guy.

Anyone know?


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
GhaleonEB said:
Okay, Skooma, where can I buy it? I'm doing the most annoying DB quest EVER. I'm supposed to
kill this elf in the capital in a "private place", but the quest determines what that is. I've found, and killed him, three times when no one was watching but that does not count. I need to buy Skooma from someone in Bravil. The hint is the guys's name and that he sells it "late at night". I've done loops in town three nights now, talking to every person (detect life FTW) and can't find the guy.

Anyone know?

I think there's actually a place called 'Skooma Den' in Bravil that you can enter. But I didn't actually have to do that to do that quest, you need to talk to few more people around town about him and they'll tell you where he hangs out. Once you find that out, you have some more options open to you.


Servizio said:
I think there's actually a place called 'Skooma Den' in Bravil that you can enter. But I didn't actually have to do that to do that quest, you need to talk to few more people around town about him and they'll tell you where he hangs out. Once you find that out, you have some more options open to you.
You know, I think I remember something about that now - someone must have mentioned it a long time ago. I'll ask around, thanks.
GhaleonEB said:
I ran into that EXACT glitch, except the bozo didn't chase a daedra into the lava off the bridge, he RAN right off the bridge after pulling out his sword. He said something along the lines of, "Let's slay them!" and jumped off the bridge into the lava. I just stared in disbelief and re-loaded. Idiot. 0_o

Disbelief first, laughter second, I agree. :)

I recently joined the Thieves Guild, but haven't even completed the first mission ( where I have to loot stuff and sell it to a fence ). My sneaking-skills just aren't up to it yet, and every time I try to pickpocket, I get caught.

Any good strategies for stealing? :)

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Lé Blade Runner said:
Disbelief first, laughter second, I agree. :)

I recently joined the Thieves Guild, but haven't even completed the first mission ( where I have to loot stuff and sell it to a fence ). My sneaking-skills just aren't up to it yet, and every time I try to pickpocket, I get caught.

Any good strategies for stealing? :)

Mages guilds at night time FTW!!!

IMO the best place for a fledgling thief to start.
Do The Mario said:
Mages guilds at night time FTW!!!

IMO the best place for a fledgling thief to start.

I'd agree. There can be a lot of stuff laying around worth some decent cash in the Mage's Guilds, plus security is pretty low. No roaming guards like in the castles. Pick the locks on the display cases, and you'll generally find some decent stuff too.


formerly "chigiri"
So Thieves Guild...
I'm at the part where an emissary of Gray Fox is supposed to contact me when I'm in a city, preferably in the Imperial City if I want them to find me quick. I have fenced around 1800 gold, 600 being the requirement. My map marker points to the Smith in Anvil Castle, my latest fence.

Where is the best place to be for this person to contact me? I've waited for days around various parts for someone to approach me but no..


GAF's Pleasant Genius
After getting my butt kicked by a single mountain lion (while not having had problems beating two of them in that basement to save those pink-nosed friends of that lady ;), but I was Level 10 at that time) I am wondering... "how am I doing ?", "am I leveling my character up properly or badly placing skill increases when I level up ?", "have I obtained good enough attributes increases for my level by practicing my skills enough before leveling ?".
I would like to present you a summary of my character and ask you all what you think.

Race: Imperial
Level: 14

Blade: Long Silver Sword (7 Damage)
Shield: Steel Shield
Main Armor: Steel Armor (Heavy)
Head Armor: Iron Helm
Leg Armor: Iron Leg Armor
Boots: Steel Boots (yeah, properly these are not "boots")

Health: 197
Magicka: 170
Energy: 223

Strength: 56
Intelligence: 60
Willpower: 56
Agility: 46
Speed: 40
Endurance: 65
Personality: 50
Luck: 51

(Major Skills)
Armorer: 41
Blade: 50
Block: 39
Heavy Armor: 64
Conjuration: 59
Destruction: 46
Mysticism: 33

(Minor Skills)
Athletics: 41
Blunt: 15
Hand-to-Hand: 14
Alchemy: 15
Alteration: 7
Illusion: 9
Restoration: 31
Acrobatics: 40
Light Armor: 13
Marksman: 5
Mercantile: 15
Security: 22
Sneak: 19
Speechcraft: 30

Thanks guys and gals :).


Did they fix the item cloning bug for the 360 version? 'Cause my younger brother is so pissed about that. Mumma always did say "cheaters never prosper" and now he's stuck with high level enemies because of his alchemy skills (cloned hundreds of foods, made hundreds of potions, etc.) without any real offensive power. :lol

I seem to remember much better equipment than iron and steel being available at level 14. The blades armor and weapons are certainly better, and free if you get a little ways into the main quest. And are you coming across any enchanted stuff? Anything that pumps up your strength would help.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Confidence Man said:

I seem to remember much better equipment than iron and steel being available at level 14. The blades armor and weapons are certainly better, and free if you get a little ways into the main quest. And are you coming across any enchanted stuff? Anything that pumps up your strength would help.

I cannot seem to make much gold so purchasing it is a bit out of the question (selling gets me enough to buy some things, but nowhere near the amount you would need for a nice enchanted weapon/armor) plus I need to raise my Armorer skill quite a bit still (my current Armorer skill is only 41) if I want to be able to repair my enchanted items...
chigiri said:
So Thieves Guild...
I'm at the part where an emissary of Gray Fox is supposed to contact me when I'm in a city, preferably in the Imperial City if I want them to find me quick. I have fenced around 1800 gold, 600 being the requirement. My map marker points to the Smith in Anvil Castle, my latest fence.

Where is the best place to be for this person to contact me? I've waited for days around various parts for someone to approach me but no..

I found that if I went to the Imperial City Market District, and waited for a day they would show up. It seemed the best place to wait for me, as I couldn't trigger the messengers in any of the other districts.
Panajev2001a said:
I cannot seem to make much gold so purchasing it is a bit out of the question (selling gets me enough to buy some things, but nowhere near the amount you would need for a nice enchanted weapon/armor) plus I need to raise my Armorer skill quite a bit still (my current Armorer skill is only 41) if I want to be able to repair my enchanted items...

For the record, I never bought any magic items, weapons, or armor. I just used the stuff that I found or was given to me on quests and such. I ended up spending my early money on spells and getting my items repaired until my repair skill got better.

By level 14 you should be starting to make enough cash to build up a good savings. You should be finding items that are worth decent amount of money. A few tips to think about:

First, get rid of any items in your inventory that you are not using, and are taking up a lot of weight. For instance, potions can add up fast, and some are not all that useful early on. Sell 'em or store 'em in a house or something. It'll free up weight that you can use to carry other items that are worth a lot more money.

Secondly, when dealing with the merchants, make sure you bump up the percentage that you are asking from them for the items. If you leave it unchanged, they may be only paying you 35% of the value, when you could be getting 50% or more.

Third, take as much stuff as you can back to be sold off. Every gold piece counts early on. Eventually, carrying a bunch of 2 or 3 gold piece items around isn't worth it, but when you're just scraping by, every gold piece counts.

Finally, use your skills that can maximize your cash flow. Alchemy for instance, can be used to make potions that can be sold off for cash. Fight in the Arena or do Guild Quests for good money and items, etc. You get the drift.
Panajev2001a said:
I cannot seem to make much gold so purchasing it is a bit out of the question (selling gets me enough to buy some things, but nowhere near the amount you would need for a nice enchanted weapon/armor) plus I need to raise my Armorer skill quite a bit still (my current Armorer skill is only 41) if I want to be able to repair my enchanted items...

Doesn't have to be weapons/armor. You should probably be finding some rings or amulets that boost skills and attributes at your level that will give you a bit of an edge. Also, you can get ahead of the levelling curve by holding off on actually levelling up and just letting your skills develop while doing quests for guilds (they reward you with non-scaled items, some real good stuff).

Definitely you should try and get through Kvatch and get to the point where you have access to Blades armor and weapons. It's free and quite a bit better than what you've got.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Confidence Man said:
Doesn't have to be weapons/armor. You should probably be finding some rings or amulets that boost skills and attributes at your level that will give you a bit of an edge. Also, you can get ahead of the levelling curve by holding off on actually levelling up and just letting your skills develop while doing quests for guilds (they reward you with non-scaled items, some real good stuff).

Definitely you should try and get through Kvatch and get to the point where you have access to Blades armor and weapons. It's free and quite a bit better than what you've got.

I am near Kvatch, near Anvil to be precise, infact I just did the local Mages Guild quest
regarding the Witch/Necromancer lady that killed merchants on the Gold road to Kvatch

I had been holding off leveling up and raising skills, but I decided perhaps wrongfully to let it level up a bit to boost my attributes too.

I'll post a list of the Quests I have completed later so to give an idea of where I am at.

Secondly, when dealing with the merchants, make sure you bump up the percentage that you are asking from them for the items. If you leave it unchanged, they may be only paying you 35% of the value, when you could be getting 50% or more.

I do and I cast on them Voice of the Emperor while dressing with a special robe that gives me enhanced Speechcraft and Personality boost (I think it affects my Mercantile skill, but I am not sure).

I definetely am ready for something more powerful than my trusty Skeleton now that I am near 60 in Conjuration though.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I found I only needed to clear out one or two dungeons and pile all the phat loot at the door to really make a lot of money. You'll figure out ways to carry a lot of stuff too and from parts of dungeons and to towns--clothes of strength, feather spells.

You also might consider an item or spell that ups your mercantile. I haven't tried that yet, but it seems like it'd be a good idea, especially considering how utterly slow it levels.

I'd also carry around a ton of hammers and just repair every single bit of eq you run across. It took awhile but I finally got mine up to 50 by doing that.
Servizio said:
I'd also carry around a ton of hammers and just repair every single bit of eq you run across. It took awhile but I finally got mine up to 50 by doing that.

Yeah, I fix everything I loot just to get my skill in repair improved. It does level up very slowly, but worth it in the long run. It's also a skill that's worth investing in training for since it levels so slowly, but pays off in the long run.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Yeah, I fix everything I loot just to get my skill in repair improved. It does level up very slowly, but worth it in the long run. It's also a skill that's worth investing in training for since it levels so slowly, but pays off in the long run.
For Armorer leveling, I just used one of the crowns after finishing the Collector questline.
After he died on the throne, I just took the fake crown from him
. You can repair that over and over infinitely and it'll never be "fixed", so you just buy a bunch or hammers and go to town.

Not sure if that's an option for you however...
raYne said:
For Armorer leveling, I just used one of the crowns after finishing the Collector questline.
After he died on the throne, I just took the fake crown from him
. You can repair that over and over infinitely and it'll never be "fixed", so you just buy a bunch or hammers and go to town.

Not sure if that's an option for you however...

That would have been a nice option, but I've already completed that quest, and I don't think I ever saw a
fake crown anywhere.
I've been leveling it up fairly well through training and as I said, fixing every item I pick up before I sell it off.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
raYne said:
For Armorer leveling, I just used one of the crowns after finishing the Collector questline.
After he died on the throne, I just took the fake crown from him
. You can repair that over and over infinitely and it'll never be "fixed", so you just buy a bunch or hammers and go to town.

Not sure if that's an option for you however...

I didn't know about this either, but I never had trouble leveling up Armorer, it just took a while. Just repair everything you can get your hands on and it'll level up in no time.

I tell ya what takes FOREVER to level up: Restoration. My goodness, I run around casting a 1hp heal on myself pretty much constantly when travelling and I'm still only at 78 or so in skill level. Other magic skills that I leveled up in a similar fashion leveled much more quickly.

btw - Steve, give us an eta for the epic dungeon! I'm so excited I'm liable to pee myself a little when it becomes available for download!


Panajev2001a said:
I cannot seem to make much gold so purchasing it is a bit out of the question (selling gets me enough to buy some things, but nowhere near the amount you would need for a nice enchanted weapon/armor) plus I need to raise my Armorer skill quite a bit still (my current Armorer skill is only 41) if I want to be able to repair my enchanted items...
I was in this same dilemma for a while. What I did was carry around a primary and secondary weapon - one enchanted, one not. For minor enemies or battles where I didn't need the extra damage an enchated weapon could do, I used a regular sword. When really tough creatures came up (i.e. - mountain lion) I used the enchanted weapon. I had to wear mostly un-enchated armor just to get enough stuff to repair. Once over that 50 mark on Armorer - and you are very close - I used whatever was best.

For gold, have you closed any Oblivion gates, or done many random dungeons/ruins? Often the best weapons are found there, and lesser ones can be sold for max gold at merchants. In particular, mages and necromancer's staffs are pretty commonplace in both those places. I like them because they only weigh 10 pounds, but are usually quite valuable. Head off to some ruins or caves carrying as little as possible, and you'll come back loaded. Also, my best sword is one I enchanted with the
Sigil Stone
from an Oblivion gate.
For anyone who is early on in the game, I'd recommend picking up a Soul Trap spell, and learning how to use it to captures souls in Soul Gems fairly quickly. It makes recharging magic items and creating new ones much easier and should save you some cash on paying the recharge guys at the Mage's Guilds.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Kung Fu Jedi said:
For anyone who is early on in the game, I'd recommend picking up a Soul Trap spell, and learning how to use it to captures souls in Soul Gems fairly quickly. It makes recharging magic items and creating new ones much easier and should save you some cash on paying the recharge guys at the Mage's Guilds.

Azura's Star please.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
For anyone who is early on in the game, I'd recommend picking up a Soul Trap spell, and learning how to use it to captures souls in Soul Gems fairly quickly. It makes recharging magic items and creating new ones much easier and should save you some cash on paying the recharge guys at the Mage's Guilds.
Even better, soul trap the creatures you summon. Raise your Cunjuration (sp?) skill and recharge your weapons at the same time. :D

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
GhaleonEB said:
Even better, soul trap the creatures you summon. Raise your Cunjuration (sp?) skill and recharge your weapons at the same time. :D

This works great, especially to use up all those lower soul gems you have. The problem I've ran into is a lack of Grand soul gems. My Conjuration skill isn't high enough to summon the couple of things that trap as "grand" souls, so my Azura's Star isn't working for me as well as it could be.
GhaleonEB said:
Even better, soul trap the creatures you summon. Raise your Cunjuration (sp?) skill and recharge your weapons at the same time. :D

Yeah, good advice. Works great, and a fast way to fill up those Soul Gems.


chigiri said:
So Thieves Guild...
I'm at the part where an emissary of Gray Fox is supposed to contact me when I'm in a city, preferably in the Imperial City if I want them to find me quick. I have fenced around 1800 gold, 600 being the requirement. My map marker points to the Smith in Anvil Castle, my latest fence.

Where is the best place to be for this person to contact me? I've waited for days around various parts for someone to approach me but no..
Try waiting by the waterfront district of the Imperial city.


Big Nate said:
This works great, especially to use up all those lower soul gems you have. The problem I've ran into is a lack of Grand soul gems. My Conjuration skill isn't high enough to summon the couple of things that trap as "grand" souls, so my Azura's Star isn't working for me as well as it could be.
Yeah, I find it works best for all those common and lesser soul gems I find. I can rarely find enemies small enough to fill them up, and rely on conjured creatures to fill them. Grand soul gems can usually be filled up with creatures I encounter.

And your what? On second thought, don't answer that. I'll figure it out. :lol


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
So I'm playing this game too now and man do I have trouble in the beginning of the main quest line when you have to find the count in the castle of that destroyed city. I'm only level 4 or so and don't have any particular great items :(

My problem is that I don't really get any more powerful as I advance in levels with my character (woodelven agent born under the sign of the thief).
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