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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion |OT|


teh_pwn said:
Is there a torch hotkey or something? My mouse wheel is getting a workout.

It must really be a bitch for xbox360 players if there's not one.

360 version has 8-way hotkeys on the D-pad. Too bad we can't hook up a keyboard and do console commands...


holy shit the 360 version looks good. I'm gonna have to get one later on (probably in a year or so).
for now i'm happy with the PC version since i plan on trying my hand at modding after I beat the game.


Okay, stupid noob question of the night:

I just contracted the porphynic hemophilia, where do I get this shit cured at? I really don't want to be a vampire just yet.


Teknopathetic said:
Bloodwake: A simple cure disease potion or spell will do it. Found at just about any potion/alchemy shop or chapel.

Okay, thanks.

I think I just died anyways, but I am going to try this damned quest again, so probably going to contract it again anyways.

Ahh, the joys of Oblivion. :)
I'm having a little bit of trouble with the

I'm supposed to find out who Jearl's house visitor/guest in Bruma was, but I have no idea who to talk to. Everyone gives me the same "Nope, no strangers in town" speech, and there is no "Jearl" option in my line of questions. Where do I go, or who do I talk to for some answers?


Belfast said:
Oh man, the
Painted World is awesome!! Definitely a nice change of pace from dark caves.

Yes... the graphics are awesome. Look closely, and you can see the
paint splotches

are a bitch and a half to kill though.
this doesn't scale very well.

My level one friend seems to destroy everything in one hit while me at level 9 can't do squat =( I hope it gets better =( I have pretty decent weapons/armor too.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Eel O'Brian said:
I'm having a little bit of trouble with the

I'm supposed to find out who Jearl's house visitor/guest in Bruma was, but I have no idea who to talk to. Everyone gives me the same "Nope, no strangers in town" speech, and there is no "Jearl" option in my line of questions. Where do I go, or who do I talk to for some answers?

Speak with a beggar. I paid off one 5 gold and he said there was someone else staying at the house. Entered the house, someone was sleeping in the bed. Killed him/her.


Bloodwake said:
Yes... the graphics are awesome. Look closely, and you can see the
paint splotches

are a bitch and a half to kill though.

Most of the trolls didn't give me trouble except the last two, for some reason. I used the turpentine, of course. I noticed the splotches, as well. It was also cool at the end where the "painting" stopped and the canvas-textured rocks began. Nice touch!
teh_pwn said:

All the other shots are better. And they don't really do the game justice. In person it's much sharper, detailed. The animation, sound effects, and music really complement it well. Oblivion is ahead of its time.

Well, the sunset was pretty looking awesome looking on my tv....but that camera shot, not so much. :p I can't get a decent shot off with this POS camera to save my life. Too blury, too dark, and no detail.

But it's been about 5 days now and I'm still in awe of Oblivion's graphics. The animation of the grass and trees blowing in the wind is so freakin' spot on, it's a little spooky sometimes. I'm constantly stopping in the middle of the woods or swamp or wherever I am just to look around and admiring it all.
Has anyone been having performance problems with 360 version? I've had the first two lockups my machine has had in months playing this thing, and the same zone load times and random lag after casting/attacking keep getting worse and worse, though they started out really really great. The game will just freeze randomly for a few seconds every now and then too, had it happen even in my bag menu.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Son of Godzilla said:
Has anyone been having performance problems with 360 version? I've had the first two lockups my machine has had in months playing this thing, and the same zone load times and random lag after casting/attacking keep getting worse and worse, though they started out really really great. The game will just freeze randomly for a few seconds every now and then too, had it happen even in my bag menu.

I've notice the spell hiccups every once in awhile. I'm pretty sure it's a caching issue. I'd say when you enter a dungeon, shoot off the spells you want to use then rest for an hour. This might put them into memory.

As a sidenote, I've just exhausted my second full charge of my wireless controller playing this game.
teh_pwn said:
Speak with a beggar. I paid off one 5 gold and he said there was someone else staying at the house. Entered the house, someone was sleeping in the bed. Killed him/her.

Do you have to pay off a specific beggar? I paid off a couple, and every time I go back to Jearl's house there's nothing. I hope it hasn't glitched.


FlyinJ said:
As a sidenote, I've just exhausted my second full charge of my wireless controller playing this game.

Still having problems with the scaling? I just encountered my first
, and man that was rough.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Teknopathetic said:
Arena Grand Champion, baby!

For any thief-likes, I cannot express how much poisons rock. I was getting my ass wailed on at Brawler, I started using poisons and I took out the entire thing with ease. If you think you're having problems, just start using poisons more. You don't even have to get a high skill (mine's like 40~ and I saw benefits at 25) to see the benefits.

Would appreciate more info on this. I'm a pure thief-type and am afraid to touch the arena, any good poison recipes and vital ingredients? I haven't really touched alchemy yet.


I'm surprised my 360 hasn't crashed yet. Not once since I've had the game. In fact, I've let it stay on sometimes when I turn around and make posts here whenever I get frustrated
Teknopathetic said:
Bloodwake: A simple cure disease potion or spell will do it. Found at just about any potion/alchemy shop or chapel.

You sure about that? I'm quite certain I used a cure disease and I ended up getting it. I had to go back and reload and visit a chruch.

I COULD be mistaken and have loaded an earlier save and not used the potion(I know I did at some point though), but I don't remember doing that.
"Would appreciate more info on this. I'm a pure thief-type and am afraid to touch the arena, any good poison recipes and vital ingredients? I haven't really touched alchemy yet."

Just pick up as much food and pick as many plants (they're everywhere), you won't be able to make much outside of some restore fatigue/attribute potions until you get to Apprentice, then all ingredients begin to show 2 effects. Most ingredients are also fairly cheap in the alchemy store, so don't be afraid to buy some of the harder to find stuff.

"You sure about that? I'm quite certain I used a cure disease and I ended up getting it. I had to go back and reload and visit a chruch.

I COULD be mistaken and have loaded an earlier save and not used the potion(I know I did at some point though), but I don't remember doing that."

I'm fairly sure and others have mentioned the same remedy earlier. A cure disease spell/potion will do it.
Bloodwake said:
Yes... the graphics are awesome. Look closely, and you can see the
paint splotches

are a bitch and a half to kill though.

How do I get to this paint quest....I can't find it for the life of me


0G M3mbeR
Just got kicked out of the mages guild. Holy crap what a lame ass quest they give you to get back in. And I thought Wind Wakers Triforce quest was bad :-|

Anybody know the best places to look for the ingrediants?


WHOAguitarninja said:
How do I get to this paint quest....I can't find it for the life of me

All I did was talk to people in Cheydinhal. Eventually, the subject of the wife who lost her painter husband came up and that started the quest. From there, you go to the painter's house and talk to the wife, who'll give you a key to his study.
This is extremely frustrating. I can't progress any further in the main quest without completing this part, and I've done everything I can think of. If I have to lose five hours of playtime because of an "event trigger" glitch, I'm going to be pissed beyond belief.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Anyone know how frenzy works? I had an old spell of frenzy, and it worked great. I just made a new one, and it won't work on anything. It's a shootable frenzy that's supposed to frenzy anything up to level 24 for 30 second. I hit anything with it, and nothing happens. Before, they'd go nuts and start attacking other monsters.


What blows: picking up Morrowind today at GameStop and realizing that it isn't backwards compatible.

Hopefully Oblivion does well enough to kick Microsoft in the ass and tell them to MAKE IT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE, DOUCHES.
Teknopathetic said:
I'm fairly sure and others have mentioned the same remedy earlier. A cure disease spell/potion will do it.

I must've just reloaded a save after using the potion then, or something.

Does the game give you any indicator that you've contracted it aside from from the quick message up top? Can you go into any menu's and see if you have it? I couldn't find any way to see if I still had it, but I may have overlooked something.
I give up. I'm going to sleep. If I can't figure out a way to trigger the event without having to play five hours worth of the same quest over again, then screw this game.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
After playing Oblivion, I don't think I would ever want to go back and play Morrowind. Morrowind seems so archaic in comparison.

But that's just me.

Yeah, I plan on playing Oblivion more before I get started... however, it still pisses me off that I bought it and it won't play on my 360. I have to dig my Xbox out of the closet.
Well I went to Gamestop yesterday and traded in PDZ and DOA4 for it (best deal ever!) and so far I'm having a really fun time with it. Everything is so overwhelming! So far I'm to the part where
you've just reached the gatehouse and opened the oblivion gate
. I'm curious though: Will I have to get used to lots of micro-management later on, or can I pretty much go through the whole game just hacking and slashing and changing my equipment every now and then?


Ok... so I got the game (360) and here are my impressions: (skip to my question at the bottom if uninterested)

These graphics are astounding, really make you feel like you are in the game... same for the sound. The best thing about this game so far is the story, the dialouge, etc. I feel so engaged in whats going on. The controls are good, my main beef is the trial and error, I have died alot... but that may be because I have yet to be able to buy tons of potions.

Question: It took me 2:15 to get past the first oblivion gate (like thats how long i played the game, including the way beginning).

A) Is that ok?

B) If not do I suck at this game or is it normal that I had to keep reloading the save?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
KarishBHR said:
Ok... so I got the game (360) and here are my impressions: (skip to my question at the bottom if uninterested)

These graphics are astounding, really make you feel like you are in the game... same for the sound. The best thing about this game so far is the story, the dialouge, etc. I feel so engaged in whats going on. The controls are good, my main beef is the trial and error, I have died alot... but that may be because I have yet to be able to buy tons of potions.

Question: It took me 2:15 to get past the first oblivion gate (like thats how long i played the game, including the way beginning).

A) Is that ok?

B) If not do I suck at this game or is it normal that I had to keep reloading the save?

i'm 22 hours in and i still haven't closed the first gate :lol


Yeah I'm pretty far in myself and I doubt I even will close the first gate until I feel like it :p

Anyone know if there's a way to conjure more than one creature? I have some pretty awesome conjure spells but it sucks that I can only have one out at a time :(


DopeyFish said:
i'm 22 hours in and i still haven't closed the first gate :lol

Woa... what the **** have you been doing? How can you play this game without closing the gates!

Also... now that Im done with the first gate, the soldiers want me to join them. Should I just go or should I do something else first (is there a town I can goto or something in between?)


KarishBHR said:
Woa... what the **** have you been doing? How can you play this game without closing the gates!

Also... now that Im done with the first gate, the soldiers want me to join them. Should I just go or should I do something else first (is there a town I can goto or something in between?)

You realize there's millions of things to do in this game and closing the gates is only one of them right? You can go to any of the towns anytime you want. This isn't really a linear rpg...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i've been doing sidequests

and i know when i close that gate i'm going to be obligated to close a lot more... and plus the nice orc lady that is a billionaire outside loves me :)


KarishBHR said:
Woa... what the **** have you been doing? How can you play this game without closing the gates!

Also... now that Im done with the first gate, the soldiers want me to join them. Should I just go or should I do something else first (is there a town I can goto or something in between?)

Dude.. it's Elder Scrolls. Do whatever you want. That's the beauty of it. You can join the soldiers, or you can totally blow them off and do whatever.
KarishBHR said:
Woa... what the **** have you been doing? How can you play this game without closing the gates!

Also... now that Im done with the first gate, the soldiers want me to join them. Should I just go or should I do something else first (is there a town I can goto or something in between?)

Side quests. I'm almost to 40 hours and I've barely passed the first oblivion gate. Go join a guild or go exploring around town, alow yourself to get sidetracked. That's the best part. I've spent the last 20 or so hours working my way up in the arcane university (among other things) and exploring the begginings of alchemy.

Hell...just get on a horse and go exploring. After I beat this through as a mage I'm going to replay it probably but I doub't i'll touch the main quest.

There is SO MUCH to do in this game that it's just uncanny. If you stay totally focused on the main quest though you're gonna miss what really makes the game great.

So does this game never end? Like... I thought the main objective was closing the gates

Well...you can feasible hit a point where you've run out of things to do....but you won't do that just by following the main quest. Think of it as several games in one. There is the main quest, which the plot focuses on, and then there are several small quests each with their own plots and subplots. There is nothing really WRONG with focusing on the main quest, which is what you seem to be doing, but there are a million other things you can do as well.

And while I don't know for sure, to answer your question, I'm guessing the game doesn't "end" after you beat the main quest.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
KarishBHR said:
So does this game never end? Like... I thought the main objective was closing the gates

the gates are part of the main quest

but you get much cooler stuff when you explore :)


Yeah, how can you play this game by only closing the gates?!

I'm probably around 31 hours in myself and I haven't done anything involving the main quest since delivering the amulet to Jauffre!
Is there something like a telescope in this game I could use to see what's on the other side of a valley or a lake? Or just to look at the gorgeous environments?


Belfast said:
Yeah, how can you play this game by only closing the gates?!

I'm probably around 31 hours in myself and I haven't done anything involving the main quest since delivering the amulet to Jauffre!

Ok... like, how did you know you didnt need to goto the gates... I was just following what they said you know?

Ill try this looser approach tomorrow

Seth C

Belfast said:
Yeah, how can you play this game by only closing the gates?!

I'm probably around 31 hours in myself and I haven't done anything involving the main quest since delivering the amulet to Jauffre!

I'm 30 hours in and still have the amulet...haha.


Damn.. just finished an 8 1/2hr marathon with the Fiancee's brother. He's a JRPG fan but absolutely fell for this game.. just had to keep going.
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