NBtoaster said:My steam download was 5800mb?
additional languages I guess, but mine is 4310.
NBtoaster said:My steam download was 5800mb?
Timber said:Yeah that doesn't sound right at all.
Clear cache?
Awesome, thanks for the info. From 11 hours to 3, whoo!cyberheater said:I'm using vpnsecure.me
It cost me $2 for a 2 day trail. I looked long and hard for a free one but there was non that I found that worked properly or they required your credit card details and you had to terminate the account at the end of the trail or they billed you.
vpnsecure.me offer allows you a single payment via paypal. Seemed reasonable to me.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=32576459&postcount=6192Blackface said:Can someone explain this steam/Australian VPN thing to me? (I know how a VPN works). Also, does anyone know where I can access an Australian VPN without paying?
Plasma said:http://i.imgur.com/G1DEv.jpg[IMG]
Just turned up in the mail, Steam won't let me play it yet though ):[/QUOTE]
haha which one would that beBungieware said:The VPN I'm using has six "Australia Skyrim" servers. Smart guys.
Pixel Pete said:haha wtf? You'd be happy to pay $90USD for skyrim? because our dollar is at parity with the USD, and yet we pay 50% on top of the US price...
Ikuu said:When does it unlock in Australia?
NBtoaster said:In 2 hours.
Bungieware said:VPNsecure.me
$2 for a 2 day trial.
not unusual for scandinavians to pay $110.cyberheater said:Amazing as in, I can't believe you guys pay that much for games. What a rip.
TheVampire said:I think the graphics look good on 360.
Better than Oblivion.
But then I also am a little high right now.
Yeah, cause Morrowind was like, hardcore, a niche game totally not intended for mass market.Imp the Dimp said:Watching Giantbomb play Morrowind fills my heart with joy. Modded Morrowind might as well be the best RPG in existence (sorry Baldur's Gate 2). Then again, it pains me to know Bethesda'll never deliver an experience close to this ever again if they keep casualizing and simplifying their games.
Doesn't really say that much as there could be directx 9 and 10 implementations of the same stuff in there.cyberheater said:A comparison of file sizes I came across while waiting for Steam to do it's thing.
Interesting to see the difference in texture and mesh sizes.
spekkeh said:Doesn't really say that much as there could be directx 9 and 10 implementations of the same stuff in there.
spekkeh said:Anyone know when the review embargo ends? I thought it would be today.
Interesting, especially 10mb more shaders.cyberheater said:A comparison of file sizes I came across while waiting for Steam to do it's thing.
Interesting to see the difference in texture and mesh sizes.
I hope so for PC gamers too. Textures can be a bit muddy when you get really close to them, but they look fine and sharp on the 'usual' distance.cyberheater said:Could be. But I hope we get a texture bump for PC users.
Should be at 5 AM PST.spekkeh said:Anyone know when the review embargo ends? I thought it would be today.
Dmax3901 said:Or three. "approximately 2 hours" may mean 2+ hours.
Fjordson said:Should be at 5 AM PST.
Andiie said:The music seems a bit out a place at times, I'm tempted to just switch it off and leave the other sounds on if it's at all possible as I loved the sound of the ambient noises while running around outside.
I will be playing the game come launch but I expect the inevitable high res texture mod to really improve things. It was the same for every Bethesda title released in the last five years. It will look fine on the consoles with a small resolution and a big distance between screen and player but on the PC you'll notice the low res textures no matter the resolution of the screen.cyberheater said:Could be. But I hope we get a texture bump for PC users.
Neo 007 said:Just cleared a Dungeon..quest related.
Great little storyline in itself.My first one..made me smile.
It all points towards being many steps above Oblivion in all areas so far.
Oh yeah..PS3 version here..rock-solid from putting the disc in the console.
kurtrussell said:Disclaimer:This is not an attempt at trolling.
I was wondering if any GAFfers in this thread could explain what all the fuss is about? I've seen demos, and gameplay videos and chatted to friends who are getting very excited about the release, but at the end of the day, this is just another tolkein-esque dungeons and dragons style RPG isn't it?
What am I missing here?