Awesome shots, Blue Ninja.
Saige said:
Could you elaborate on this? I havent heard much about it but do you mean that there is actually stuff built into quests to encourage you to just not fast travel to places, or that you would simply miss out on things already put into the world that are not part of the quest by fast travelling.
Well, that last point certainly is part of it. This is putting it simply, but on your way to do stuff, you'll often run into more stuff naturally while traveling.
But it's also how things are laid out. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but I recall a lot of quests in Oblivion where you'd be sent to some place super far off from where you currently were. Personally, I found myself wanting to fast travel because of it. You were just being ping-ponged around the map.
This doesn't feel like that. Where people send you makes more sense, you feel like you can get a lot done without ever using fast travel.