Tokubetsu said:For those with pc version, can you change the FOV? In-game or ini editing?
Yeah, both. Better via .ini so that you don't accidentally disable achievements for using the console.
Tokubetsu said:For those with pc version, can you change the FOV? In-game or ini editing?
oh lord :lolsyllogism said:
syllogism said:
I expected no one to give a shit cause it's a chicken.Dresden said:You killed their fucking chicken, what'd you expect?
Gvaz said:It's a fucking chicken. After I killed it some townsperson went over to it and was all like....Poor Jacob, you died so young~ or the equivalent emotion of it through animations.
syllogism said:
You should go to a farmer's lot and test this theory out.Gvaz said:I expected no one to give a shit cause it's a chicken.
syllogism said:
blahblah...blah said:Wait, it's still possible to yield during combat by sheathing weapons?
WoodenLung said:I killed a chicken and got arrested, feels bad man.
Zeliard said:NP, actually had the same issue myself. Had to remember that basically the same thing happened with Fallout 3 and I think also Oblivion. Don't remember if I had to for New Vegas. It's very rare that games do this so it can be annoying to troubleshoot, but once you know it's endemic to Bethesda games it becomes less of an issue. Still annoying, of course.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
syllogism said:
What if I just wear your face as a mask and accept the game from the deliveryman with pleasure.Piercedveil said:Clicking F5 over and over makes it ship faster..
SpeedingUptoStop said:What if I just wear your face as a mask and accept the game from the deliveryman with pleasure.
SpeedingUptoStop said:What if I just wear your face as a mask and accept the game from the deliveryman with pleasure.
Piercedveil said:I like my idea better.
WoodenLung said:
what sense is there in making us wait three more hours
DoctorZ said:I wish there was at least a sub menu for equipment so I can see if I have gloves, shoes, etc on. You have to just make sure you got one of each type the way it is now. I like the streamlined menu for a controller, but sometimes I forget to put on a helmet or something since its first person.
I Big JG I said:how did you get caught?
SRTtoZ said:LOL! They do my local news in NY, why on earth would he say that? Was he trying to say something else? haha.
Zefah said:Equipment isn't broken down by type? That sounds like a mess.
Also, there's no easy way to check what you have equipped? Can you at least compare an item to your current equipment?
syllogism said:
Zefah said:Equipment isn't broken down by type? That sounds like a mess.
Also, there's no easy way to check what you have equipped? Can you at least compare an item to your current equipment?
Tom Penny said:Such and unrealistic game.
BlazingDarkness said:Equipment is broken down into types, there's individual sub menu for weapon, apparel, food, misc etc
The only way to check what you currently have equipped is just to jump into the menus and anything that's equipped will be marked
And yes, selecting an item will compare it automatically with you're currently equipped equivalent, displaying a green + or red - and the amount.
Gvaz said:What do Spell Tomes do? Do they help you learn spells or are they like scrolls where it's instantly cast when you use them?
Blackface said:Surprised the dragon's didn't tip you off.
DoctorZ said:yeah I forgot there are submenus for type.
But the compare +/- is sort of useless for comparing different types of equipment.
I would like a straight up compare, hit a button and it brings up selected items stats and next to it shows your equipped item's stats of the same type.
Gvaz said:What do Spell Tomes do? Do they help you learn spells or are they like scrolls where it's instantly cast when you use them?