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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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Gully State said:
How do you hold onto dragon bone and scales early on in the game? I can't afford a house yet and would like to store it safely somewhere so I'm not always encumbered.
I think, dont quote me on this! But what side did you choose at the start? I got a key for a house so I just kept some of my stuff there for abit, then moved it to my house.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, dont blame me if it disappears, also it was only for a bit cause I made the money quick to buy a house.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
EviLore said:
Every merchant once you hit the appropriate level :/

Totally breaks immersion and is annoying. Especially when you have merchants, like the guy in Riverwood, who says stuff like "Nothing like some good iron. Leave that Elven junk to the Elves!", but proceeds to stock his store with Elven and Dwarven equipment if you visit him after level 20 or so.

I really wonder why they do this. Do they think the players enjoy the convenience or something? Having actual unique items on the various merchants in the world would make it a lot more interesting, in my opinion. You'd have actual discoveries, and fun things like that. Oh well...
A question about the Companion Guild quest line.
Is it over after you save the soul of the deceased leader? I'm still getting quests from other members, but it seems to be mostly randomly generated dungeon crawling/animal hunting.


Zefah said:
Totally breaks immersion and is annoying. Especially when you have merchants, like the guy in Riverwood, who says stuff like "Nothing like some good iron. Leave that Elven junk to the Elves!", but proceeds to stock his store with Elven and Dwarven equipment if you visit him after level 20 or so.

I really wonder why they do this. Do they think the players enjoy the convenience or something? Having actual unique items on the various merchants in the world would make it a lot more interesting, in my opinion. You'd have actual discoveries, and fun things like that. Oh well...
They just like giving the modders more work.


bounchfx said:
I found Elven Boots of super stamina..

except the image is of chest armor. and it wears like chest armor. But it says boots... :|

also, why do they go back and forth on the smithing perks? some of the perk trees look like they're built specifically to piss me off. Seriously, branch into a light armor tree, and a heavy armor tree.. don't make me waste more perk points.

i thought the right side of the smithing tree was the heavy armor and the left side was the light? am i wrong?


nicoga3000 said:
Now that I've found some +% to bow damage enchants, it's SO much nicer. Starting out, it wasn't terrible, but there was a period from about level 10-20 where it was maddening. Now level 22 with 63 or so Archery, and things are great.

I need some assistance with a quest.

I ran across a place called Ansilvund. There's this "being" you have to kill in there, but I'm stuck in a room with 4 pillars and a lever. If you get it wrong, you get ARROWED. But here's the problem - I literally have found no hint at what the rotating pillars should be.

I don't want to have the answer given to me, but I was wondering if anyone has done this little adventure yet. If so, could you tell me if I'm supposed to find something lying around, or what? I don't want the answer, nor do I want a specific 'do this do that solution done!', but I mean, I've gone through this place twice now, with no real clue as to what I'm supposed to find.

For help for those who may have been here, there's a stone walkway leading to the gate that unlocks. There's a pressure plate in the center that causes a statue to breath fire on you as you pass it. There's also a sweet column trap that rams you into the ceiling of spikes.

Hopefully somebody has some direction for me!
Is it worth it to get the Sneak perk for 3x bow damage with critical hits? That sounds ridiculous.


Does armour rating (ie. Oakflesh and Stoneflesh) factor into reducing magic damage at all? I'm a level 14 mage with 40+ in Destruction and bumped into an Adept Mage who utterly crushed me repeatedly till I figured out that Ice Form is the best thing ever.


Zefah said:
Totally breaks immersion and is annoying. Especially when you have merchants, like the guy in Riverwood, who says stuff like "Nothing like some good iron. Leave that Elven junk to the Elves!", but proceeds to stock his store with Elven and Dwarven equipment if you visit him after level 20 or so.

I really wonder why they do this. Do they think the players enjoy the convenience or something? Having actual unique items on the various merchants in the world would make it a lot more interesting, in my opinion. You'd have actual discoveries, and fun things like that. Oh well...

I guess people complained that merchants in Oblivion were fairly useless after a while because they didn't level with you and had iron at best.


Saint Nic
sixghost said:
Is it worth it to get the Sneak perk for 3x bow damage with critical hits? That sounds ridiculous.

To be honest, I haven't found need for it. The reason being, you typically only have the chance to get 1-2 sneak shots off when you engage a group. Sure, with some magic and some really creative work, you can probably do something crafty. But like, There was a fort I found. I opened the main door, and there were 3 mages. I was able to sneak shot one, but by the time he was nearing death, the other 2 on the upper floor where there. Not so worth it anymore.

I've recently discovered the joy that is Frost Bow + atronach (sp?). Engage with sneak, pick them off until they are closer(frost enchant will really aid this), summon atronach, finish enemy off. If the enemy is non-humanoid, switch out the frost bow for a soul trap bow for the last hit or two. Trap souls, recharge said frost and soul trap bow, and continue on.

Since I've managed to get that rolling alongside my damage bonus gear, it's been relatively smooth sailing, even against the random Blood Dragon.
lol @ maxed out sneak + illusion.

Muffle, Invisibility, sneak attack (1 hit kill), then crouch and invisibility again, no one can see you. Repeat until everyone is dead. I kill entire towns without taking ANY damage.


Neo Member
1H, Heavy armor, and Destruction magic is nothing to laugh at.

I'm a badass axe mage knight out to destroy the empire. It is silly though running around the college in full plate steel while everyone else is in robes.


Is it possible to Sneak effectively in heavy armor?

Whenever I sneak, the enemies seem to hear me from 30 feet away, so I was thinking of picking up the Muffled Noise (50% reduction of noise) and Stealth (harder to detect) perks in Sneak, but I wonder if these two are enough for me to able to sneak and do melee stealth attacks. Anyone tried them out with heavy armor?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What's the lowest you guys think we'll see this game for Black Friday/Christmas? Really hoping I can pick it up at $40 or less.


This game.




lastplayed said:
Is there a way to see how much damage conjured weapons do?

Hover over weapons in your inventory at the bottom of the screen it'll say your current damage and whether or not that weapon adds or takes away damage.

Van Owen

Raxus said:
Enemies no longer scale with you. You may find 'better' gear but the best armor is constructed.

So far the only armor I have encountered that is high end has been an orc helmet and a glass chest. Both of which were not enchanted.

Ah, so the only way to get the dragon tier stuff is to smith? Guess I'll starting dumping some perks into that...


not characteristic of ants at all
nicoga3000 said:
Now that I've found some +% to bow damage enchants, it's SO much nicer. Starting out, it wasn't terrible, but there was a period from about level 10-20 where it was maddening. Now level 22 with 63 or so Archery, and things are great.

I need some assistance with a quest.

I ran across a place called Ansilvund. There's this "being" you have to kill in there, but I'm stuck in a room with 4 pillars and a lever. If you get it wrong, you get ARROWED. But here's the problem - I literally have found no hint at what the rotating pillars should be.

I don't want to have the answer given to me, but I was wondering if anyone has done this little adventure yet. If so, could you tell me if I'm supposed to find something lying around, or what? I don't want the answer, nor do I want a specific 'do this do that solution done!', but I mean, I've gone through this place twice now, with no real clue as to what I'm supposed to find.

For help for those who may have been here, there's a stone walkway leading to the gate that unlocks. There's a pressure plate in the center that causes a statue to breath fire on you as you pass it. There's also a sweet column trap that rams you into the ceiling of spikes.

Hopefully somebody has some direction for me!

The clue is in a book in the room. Read the books. That should help!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This is stupid. I'm on this murder mystery quest except I ALREADY KNOW WHO THE KILLER IS. I FOUND HIS JOURNAL DURING ONE OF MY LOOTING SPREES.

Now I'm doing all this running around for nothing.


Bull on a Donut
OK, so I am having major trouble with a Companion quest and it is pissing me off.

Kodlak gives me the quest to cure him of lycanthropy (Blood's Honor); I go to kill the witches and bring back their heads, but Jorvasskr has been attacked and Kodlak is killed. I suspected this was a bug at first, but then when you talk to the guy Vilkas and he asks: "Where have you been?" If you reply something like, "Doing something for Kodlak." He will say, "Well I hope it was important, because you weren't here to defend him."

Anyone know what causes Kodlak to be killed before the completion of his cure quest? I know most people (from looking online), have finished his cure quest before taking on the Silver Hand once and for all.
markot said:
I think, dont quote me on this! But what side did you choose at the start? I got a key for a house so I just kept some of my stuff there for abit, then moved it to my house.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, dont blame me if it disappears, also it was only for a bit cause I made the money quick to buy a house.
I joined the companions for no reason...5000 gold seems like a lot of money at this point.
nicoga3000 said:
So at first, I thought Alchemy was annoying. Now, after spending a while at a crafting table just selecting random shit, it turns out Alchemy is amazing. It's very simple once you know what's actually going on, and I'm really happy they did this. It's only a guessing game until its not. If you select ingredients that don't work, then while your picking ingredients on your subsequent attempts, it will grey it out letting you know that it's not going to yield anything. And on top of that, the potion list appears on the left.

So after you learn restore health or whatever, you can select two ingredients from those you have under the restore health tab. From there, you can pick a third booster to help. Maybe you want to pick an ingredient with regenerate health, or one with restore magicka or stamina, or increase resistance, etc. I'm definitely a HUGE fan of it now that I get it.

You can also eat ingredients to learn their first slot ability, and doing so will also gain you a tiny bit of Alchemy skill. It's useful to learn common ingredients like that at first (as long as it doesn't sound like something that will do something nasty to you, like Blood Crown Mushroom :p) so you have a good base to work from. You can also find an alchemy book that talks about Skyrim specific ingredients if you look around (I think there's a copy in Arcadia's shop in Whiterun) that will give you an idea of certain items effects.

Gully State said:
I joined the companions for no reason...5000 gold seems like a lot of money at this point.

There's a chick who wants a Mammoth Tusk in Whiterun, go into the companions hall and to your left is a small office, go inside and close the door, go into sneak mode, steal the Tusk off the desk, turn in tusk for monies. Also, once you've joined the companions, most of the stuff in the hall becomes stuff you can just take (It's not marked "Steal X Item") so loot the place as you please for more monies. This won't get you there, but it should give you a good seed to start out with. Don't forget the food! ;)

I love poisons, I pack a lot of Frostbite Spider Venom and other poisons on my Orc to coat his weapons during difficult fights. Took down two Giants with a combination sneak poisoned arrow/poisoned magical mace duel-wielding barrage (with careful boosting of stats via potions before and a LOT of healing potion quaffing during, along with a hail of arrows from Lydia). Found a bunch of Mammoth Cheese bowls and loot in their camp and on their person that more than made up for the potions and poisons I expended killing them and hey, I get to boast that I killed two giants!


Skirn said:
Is it possible to Sneak effectively in heavy armor?

Whenever I sneak, the enemies seem to hear me from 30 feet away, so I was thinking of picking up the Muffled Noise (50% reduction of noise) and Stealth (harder to detect) perks in Sneak, but I wonder if these two are enough for me to able to sneak and do melee stealth attacks. Anyone tried them out with heavy armor?

There's also an enchantment you can put on your boots that reduces noise.


K2Valor said:
Anyone else get the Ghostblade? I'm an archer so I can't/won't use it, but it looks damn cool.

I got it yesterday, it's not the most powerful weapon I have but I use it just because it looks so damn cool.

brentech said:
Interesting. I'm using the bow and 2h weapons. Havent tried melds on a dragon though. What kind of strategy do you use once it's on the ground? Circle strafe it?

I wait for it to land then just rush it and attack it's head/sides. I've downed about 7 so far without dying using this method. Sometimes you get soldiers/giants helping and you can stand back and let fly with arrows, but if you have been leveling your One-handed skills and you have a decent weapon(crafted superior) you should destroy it.


Ugh, I love this game, but I die too damn easy. I get two shotted by bears, frost wraiths and sabre cats.

Perhaps I should be putting some points into light armour perks.

It also makes me sad that my roommate can just tank everything since he is rolling an orc with heavy armour and enchanting.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I need some help guys, I'm very much lost on where to go now that Ive talked to the thief's guild in the Raggon.
I left out the door closest to the raggon right, so I'm in the Ratways and I'm stuck at this part where some old man is behind the door say "Go Away!" "Don't Make me come out there and hurt you!" and all this bs. I had no idea what to do. There's creepy people down here like the deaf lady and some dude ho won't stop ranting about shit and a chef who tried to kill me. I've killed them all gaf, there are no other rooms down here, I have no idea where to go next. Unfortunately, my game save file has autosaved over pre-death versions of this room so even if I wanted to try again without killing those people, I can't. I've done everything, Ive hit this guy with fucking arrows throw the slot in his got damn door, he won't open this fucking thing, help!!


So I know I'm LTTP on this, but have there been reported issues with the xbox 360 version just flat out not working? This game is constantly getting stuck on the scripted events for me, and very early in the game.

In fact, I can't get past the first twenty minutes of this games. The first time I popped the disc in I managed to get my equipment for the first time and meet up with a couple other soldiers only to have the game freeze. Upon restart and loading the auto save, the character who unbinds me didn't load. Reload the game and he populates but does nothing. In the wagon at the start of the game one of the two actors that speak to you will just not pick up on the next line and the cart trip ends with no one leaving for the chopping block. I've restarted at least six dozen times with varying results, but never getting past the very beginning scripted events.

I've ran this game without any updates. I then updated the game and the problems persist. What the hell?

Joe Molotov

Anbokr said:
OK, so I am having major trouble with a Companion quest and it is pissing me off.

Kodlak gives me the quest to cure him of lycanthropy (Blood's Honor); I go to kill the witches and bring back their heads, but Jorvasskr has been attacked and Kodlak is killed. I suspected this was a bug at first, but then when you talk to the guy Vilkas and he asks: "Where have you been?" If you reply something like, "Doing something for Kodlak." He will say, "Well I hope it was important, because you weren't here to defend him."

Anyone know what causes Kodlak to be killed before the completion of his cure quest? I know most people (from looking online), have finished his cure quest before taking on the Silver Hand once and for all.

Did you kill all the of witches? That was an optional part of the quest and that's what I did, and he was dead when I came back. Maybe if you don't take the time to kill all the witches, you get back before he gets killed, I dunno. I'm not sure what other people's experience is. However, you can still complete his cure quest even after he's dead. Yes, it's true. Just keep following the questline.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I need some help guys, I'm very much lost on where to go now that Ive talked to the thief's guild in the Raggon.
I left out the door closest to the raggon right, so I'm in the Ratways and I'm stuck at this part where some old man is behind the door say "Go Away!" "Don't Make me come out there and hurt you!" and all this bs. I had no idea what to do. There's creepy people down here like the deaf lady and some dude ho won't stop ranting about shit and a chef who tried to kill me. I've killed them all gaf, there are no other rooms down here, I have no idea where to go next. Unfortunately, my game save file has autosaved over pre-death versions of this room so even if I wanted to try again without killing those people, I can't. I've done everything, Ive hit this guy with fucking arrows throw the slot in his got damn door, he won't open this fucking thing, help!!
Yeah it's definitely a bug everyone's getting. You're going to have to download the BSA Unpacker for and find the "Skyrim-voicesextra.bsa" file it's located in the Data folder of the Skyrim directory. Anyways use the BSA Unpacker app to extract those files and start the game up. I had some trouble unpacking the files due to permission issues so I extracted to desktop then copied them to the data folder. It should enable his audio.


The wait for UMvC3 is driving me nuts, should I just sit down and play Skyrim til I pass out from my body no longer being able to function to make the wait easier?
Anbokr said:
OK, so I am having major trouble with a Companion quest and it is pissing me off.

Kodlak gives me the quest to cure him of lycanthropy (Blood's Honor); I go to kill the witches and bring back their heads, but Jorvasskr has been attacked and Kodlak is killed. I suspected this was a bug at first, but then when you talk to the guy Vilkas and he asks: "Where have you been?" If you reply something like, "Doing something for Kodlak." He will say, "Well I hope it was important, because you weren't here to defend him."

Anyone know what causes Kodlak to be killed before the completion of his cure quest? I know most people (from looking online), have finished his cure quest before taking on the Silver Hand once and for all.
I don't think you can prevent Kodlak's death, it's part of the quest line. The witch's head plays a part in the next quest.


Bull on a Donut
Joe Molotov said:
Did you kill all the of witches? That was an optional part of the quest and that's what I did, and he was dead when I came back. Maybe if you don't take the time to kill all the witches, you get back before he gets killed, I dunno. I'm not sure what other people's experience is. However, you can still complete his cure quest even after he's dead. Yes, it's true. Just keep following the questline.

I killed all the witches, but then I reloaded and tried just killing one--same result. Some guy said he reloaded his game 8 hours before and got the same result as well. Somehow I think this is part of Bethesda's "radiant story" or something, where each game will randomly turn out differently in certain parts of the game--like this quest. Glad I can still finish the quest; I was about to ragequit skyrim lol.


Huh? I totally forgot about this forum... So, yeah. Hi, I guess... How's Skyrim for everyone?

You know, in second thought, I'll check with you guys later... Maybe in a few weeks? Okay, bye.

/equips Iron Horned Helmet



Worships the porcelain goddess
When going 1h weapon/magic, it is possible to block at all? Seems rather silly that you can't even deflect blows with one hand unless I'm missing something.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Went into Riften and now I've got quests breaking everywhere. Seriously sucks, might have lost two hours of progress.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Man, I want to marry the head of the college. You can't, probably because she's way too busy for it, but she's way more interesting than some of the other choices. I think I'm going to have a run through checking out all the potential wives and pick one out now.

scy said:
Shelved my Stealthy Archer character to give Magic a try. Dear lord this is awesome~
I'm going pure mage next time. Probably focus on conjure/illusion. Shit will be CRAZY.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Blah pretty tired and I can't figure out how to get out of the Ratways. Done for the night, hopefully somebody can help with what I described above.

mug said:
Yeah it's definitely a bug everyone's getting. You're going to have to download the BSA Unpacker for and find the "Skyrim-voicesextra.bsa" file it's located in the Data folder of the Skyrim directory. Anyways use the BSA Unpacker app to extract those files and start the game up. I had some trouble unpacking the files due to permission issues so I extracted to desktop then copied them to the data folder. It should enable his audio.


I'm on 360. -_-


Raxus said:
I need advice. I am putting LOTS of points into enchanting and I was wondering, as a mage, is it worth it to abandon robes and just go with enchanted light armor? I know it is a pain in the ass to fight anything in robes.

If I do go with enchanted light armor then do the magicka regen and spell reduction buffs stack for each piece of armor?
Help, anyone?
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