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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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ironcreed said:
No, it really is not the new game honeymoon effect here. All of the little things added up, the attention to detail and the sheer magnitude of all the quality content makes for a rare sort of game. The Elder Scrolls has always had that 'something special' for me, but Skyrim just takes it to the next level in terms of atmosphere and immersion. This game was made with pure love and it is easily Bethesda's masterwork, in my opinion.
I haven't gotten that deep into the game yet, but the care is obvious. I spent 20 hours max in Fallout 3. By that time I was still interested in everything going on and kept hurrying trying to get things moving, but invariably, literally kept falling asleep while playing.

This game is the antithesis of the Fallout 3 experience for me. I'm totally laid back, not pushing for anything and just enjoying the little things. Everything looks designed rather than copy/pasted. I spent 20 minutes catching jumping salmon. I spent 10 minutes looking for oil spots I could set on fire or drop a burning lantern onto in the first dungeon. I'm enjoying just trying out abilities and exploring, and I'm sitting up wide awake at 3 in the morning hoping I can get 3 hours of sleep before work.


Man.. I must've built my character wrong or something. All of the sudden my game got crazy hard. Necromancers 2 shotting me ;_;


FlyinJ said:
Doesn't it fire off on it's own sometimes? Also, can you not be "rested" at all, or just not "well rested"? And is that ever, or only if you use the ability that day?

It never fired off on me randomly yet so Im betting that this doesnt happen.

When you sleep in bed, you get no rest bonuses at all. In fact, it displays the message "Your beast blood prevents you from feeling rested" or something like that.


So I'm doing the first magic guild quest. In Saarthal. 6 pillars that need to be turned around in the right order. Can't find any clues. Help!


Still not nearly done with the stuff in the few cities I've been to, but I wanted to see a couple others, so I went to Markath (really really awesome art style) and Windhelm (perpetual blizzard...awesome...).

Now I've got way too much to do and feel guilty for spoiling it for me.

DoctorWho said:
No, he's heard of them though and knows how long the games can take to play through. He doesn't want them to interfere with his social life but is intrigued by the great reviews the game has been getting.

Just seems like a waste IMO.

I have a freind who's like that. He only plays sports and FPS games and the rare Fable like RPG.

He tried Fallout because it looked awesome and was bored about 2 hours in. "I don't understand where my objective is and when I finally pull up a map I'm like "that's a LOOONG way away and I'm NOT walking through a bunch of boring shit to get there."

He also never left Seyda Neen in Morrowind after I talked it up for months. "When do I get to the next level?" SMH


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
To the people that are already maxing smithing, are you able to make light versions of Daedric and Dragon armor, or is it only heavy?


Ok turns out he's in a orc stronghold and now I have to do a quest to get in :/

What a pain in the ass to find the only 1H maser trainer


I'm having some good fun with the game, but the absolute lack of exploration pay-off is grating. There's no real incentive to really explore areas, since you are barely rewarded. And if you find something, then it's yet another piece of any regular armor set you can find pretty much anywhere else.

Compared to Fallout: New Vegas, Dark Souls or whatever, it's the lack of unique, hand-placed gear that is bad. My OCD forces me to explore every nook and cranny, but my brain gets fatigued when I never get anything out of it.

Oh, and the low armor variation is too bad. And I thought Demon's Souls was so-so...


Archery is amazing when you get some of the skill level 60 perks. Everything in that tree is worth getting. Couldn't be more happy I stuck with it and picked it for my main source of damage.

Couple general questions here. For smithing, I'm at 70 right now, should I still be making iron daggers until 100? or is there another cheap way to get there faster at this point? Also does the magic armor/weapon perk in that tree let you upgrade the nightingale set? or basically anything with a stat bonus on it?


BeeDog said:
I'm having some good fun with the game, but the absolute lack of exploration pay-off is grating. There's no real incentive to really explore areas, since you are barely rewarded. And if you find something, then it's yet another piece of any regular armor set you can find pretty much anywhere else.

What do you do for money normally? You don't find skill up books rewarding? Or new quests that pop up because of items or books you find in dungeons? And there are unique hand placed magical/rare items in dungeons, they're just not common.

I guess I don't suffer from WoW dungeon thinking in Skyrim, where I expect a shiny piece of loot after running through every single dungeon. Half the reason I even explore them is to see whats inside, good or bad. Those extra items are just icing on the cake.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
BeeDog said:
I'm having some good fun with the game, but the absolute lack of exploration pay-off is grating. There's no real incentive to really explore areas, since you are barely rewarded. And if you find something, then it's yet another piece of any regular armor set you can find pretty much anywhere else.

Compared to Fallout: New Vegas, Dark Souls or whatever, it's the lack of unique, hand-placed gear that is bad. My OCD forces me to explore every nook and cranny, but my brain gets fatigued when I never get anything out of it.

Oh, and the low armor variation is too bad. And I thought Demon's Souls was so-so...

I'm not finding this at all. Every single "off the path" dungeon/keep/etc I have explored has had one or more unique items in it. Not to mention all the potions/scrolls/gold/skill books/etc you get.

If anything, I'm finding it more rewarding than FO3 and Oblivion, and on par if not better than New Vegas.


Gold Member
The amount of content and detail given to random dungeons and side quests is freakin staggering. I'm 18 hours in and I'm still working the Companions storyline and just doing miscellaneous quests around the first city. Haven't even really sniffed the main story. Uncovered less than 25% of the map. And most of the stuff feels really fleshed out, not just some crap filler. This game is a serious achievement, Bethesda should be really proud.


I think the dungeon loot complaints are justified...I just have a different mind set when Im playing. For me, seeing that little "Cleared" message on the map when I beat a dungeon is a good enough payoff for me.

If Im feeling nuts, I might just clear every single dungeon in the game.


I just had an epic dragon fight just now. I was in the College of Winterhold courtyard, selling some stuff, when out of nowhere a dragon lands in the middle of the courtyard. A few mage's came out and together we destroyed the dragon. Afterwards, everyone was shocked that dragon's were real.

I Love Skyrim!


FlyinJ said:
Doesn't it fire off on it's own sometimes? Also, can you not be "rested" at all, or just not "well rested"? And is that ever, or only if you use the ability that day?

I'm 90% sure it doesn't go off on it's own. It's never done it to me, anyway. It gives you the ability "beast blood" which gives you the 100% resistance to disease, but prevents any resting bonuses, and that's all the time, not just on days you've been in beast form. You can read more here


KingK said:
I'm 90% sure it doesn't go off on it's own. It's never done it to me, anyway. It gives you the ability "beast blood" which gives you the 100% resistance to disease, but prevents any resting bonuses, and that's all the time, not just on days you've been in beast form. You can read more here

Is it possible that it only goes off
during a full moon?
love this game. LOVE IT!

I hit Lv.11 and have only explored around the Whiterun section and met the Greybeards.

Doing pretty well. Only had one scare, but it was a BIG one.

There's a cave to the north-west of Whiterun (at least I think that's where it is), not that far from a Whiterun outpost. Ran into some creatures I've never seen before, haven't seen since... and they all gave me a decent challenge.

Story time! :D
For those that don't want potential enemy spoilers (again, this was fairly early in my game- about 6 levels in), you might want to stop here.


I find this cave. I'm thinking it will be a bandit settlement or something and I'm on a roll exploring the area to the north & north-west of Whiterun. I don't plan to go far, since I need to inform the Jarl of the dragon attacks, but I figure a little experience and treasure here and there won't hurt.

Not long into the cave I see a figure in the dark that is moving differently from your usual bandit or skeleton.
Can't remember their names, but I'm instantly assaulted by these ugly goblin-like enemies. Some of them have some crazy armor that looks like it's been crafted by mud-crab shells or something. All of their weapons are pretty bizarre looking. They gave me and my hard-ass Nord woman companion (the one you can get in a brawl with in one of the Whiterun taverns) a hell of a time. They were strong and super-aggressive.
Anyway, so we push through, find some nice treasure, and get deeper down into the cave, fighting off small clusters of these freaky bastards. We run into a nest of some nasty insect creatures- like some kind of ant/beetle/spider hybrids that shoot venom and face-lunge at you. They rock the shit out of us. I retreat to a thin hallway and fight off the insects one by one, preventing them from surrounding me. I had like 32 minor-healing potions. After fighting them I had 5 left. It was a heroic stand.
Unfortunately, my tough-as-nails Nordic she-warrior was not as lucky.
I see my companion face-down in the muck, having been completely overwhelmed by these dark-dwelling horrors... dead. I say a few parting words, take her amazing armor, and move on with a heavy heart. I'm convinced her sacrifice probably allowed me to retreat into the narrow hallway so I could make my desperate stand (my mountainous Nord character, Vayuld the Berserk, has never run from a battle!!!!)

I continue on until I start hearing this loud mechanical/steam sound. Wat?
I come out of a twisting tunnel system to see a room with a high cave ceiling and machine equipment (pistons, gears, steam-pipes) all over. I'm quickly rushed by one of those goblin things, but this guy has different armor on and he's just hacking away at me.
As I'm fighting back, I see beyond my attacker's shoulder, in the darkness in the background, something HUGE moving in our direction.

My health is diminishing... and then I notice what appears to be some hulking machine come into the light.

For the first time in his battle-worn existence, Vayuld the Berserk runs for his life.
And boy did he/I run. For whatever reason, the sight of this... thing... was pants-wetting enough to inspire instant retreat. A few more hits and I will die in the same god-forsaken cave that my brave companion did. A tragic, cautionary tale for any future would-be adventurers.
I can see the goblin-thing's name (more detailed than the lackeys before him) still on the screen, I can hear it behind me. It was pursuing me with a mad bloodlust.

I don't fail taking any twist or turn. Fortunately, I make my way out of the cave flawlessly... and I hit the moonlight covered countryside running hard towards the outpost. I don't even look back.

Somewhere in that bizarre cavern a pissed off goblin-creature warlord and a massive mechanical monstrosity await my return, ready to finish the job.

...and I will return. One day.
I have the game as a rental and it goes back today. My wife was watching me play last night and I lamented to her that in the 15 hours I'd played I had only killed 2 dragons, both of which were scripted fight. I had killed more giants than dragons at the point.

I'm saying all this while trekking across snowy mountains and then WUMP!! A f*cking dragon lands directly in front of me, bellowing his hatred at me.

I stand up in my chair and yell, "YESSS!" and slay this morherf*cking dragon in front of my wife. Such a great moment!


Little tip for mages, when you wear a 'hooded robe' like the arch-mage one, you can wear a circlet.

Just found that randomly by mistake.


FlyinJ said:
I'm not finding this at all. Every single "off the path" dungeon/keep/etc I have explored has had one or more unique items in it. Not to mention all the potions/scrolls/gold/skill books/etc you get.

If anything, I'm finding it more rewarding than FO3 and Oblivion, and on par if not better than New Vegas.

Can't say I agree at all. I'm an OCD hoarder of stuff, and checking my chests in my Skyrim home, I barely have any uniquely-named items in it (maybe 2, 3 tops, and I have played around 20 hours). Too many containers in the game world are filled with shit, pure and simple, and I think Bethesda's lame loot-scaling is to blame.

Personally, I'm finding New Vegas tons more rewarding when it comes to loot. And this is coming from someone that found all unique loot in that game (aside from faction-specific loot).


Am I screwing myself over?

I'm level 7 (almost 8) and I'm focussing on being a thief/assassin/archery type. But for the last couple hours I've just been sneaking around cities and stealing stuff. So my sneak skill is around 45 but my archery and one-handed skills are both in the mid 20's.

What's the best way to raise those skills fast without spending money on a trainer?


Is there way to increase permanent carry capacity? I see some perks to remove weight for heavy armor and such, but is there any other way?


So followers can permanently die in this game? I've only been using Lydia, and she's bitten it many times, but then gets right back up as if nothing happened. Don't know what I'd do if she bit it forever. Who would haul around my excess loot and give me sass when I asked her to trade items??


Mindman said:
Is there way to increase permanent carry capacity? I see some perks to remove weight for heavy armor and such, but is there any other way?

Increase your stamina upon level up, or find and activate the Steed Guardian Stone.


Mindman said:
Is there way to increase permanent carry capacity? I see some perks to remove weight for heavy armor and such, but is there any other way?

your carrying capacity increases if you level up your stamina.


Neo Member
mileS said:
Archery is amazing when you get some of the skill level 60 perks. Everything in that tree is worth getting. Couldn't be more happy I stuck with it and picked it for my main source of damage.

Couple general questions here. For smithing, I'm at 70 right now, should I still be making iron daggers until 100? or is there another cheap way to get there faster at this point? Also does the magic armor/weapon perk in that tree let you upgrade the nightingale set? or basically anything with a stat bonus on it?

Do those perks stack with conjuration perks for bound weapons if you get a Bound Bow? Any idea where to find that spell? I have a serious hankering to go all Arcane Archer.


Dresden said:
God, enemy mages are owning me so hard.

yeah, i'm having the same problem as a warrior. think i may have to start working on the enchanting tree even though i didn't really want to. i'm sinking perks into one-handed, smithing, blocking, and archery at the moment. i am thinking of heavy armor for obvious reasons, alchemy for potions since i drink a lot of health potions or enchanting for armor buffs/defense. can't make up my mind. afraid i will end up spreading my perks too thin.


Neo Member
Papercuts said:
To the people that are already maxing smithing, are you able to make light versions of Daedric and Dragon armor, or is it only heavy?

You can make a light version of the Dragon armour - not sure about Daedric.


zmoney said:
Am I screwing myself over?

I'm level 7 (almost 8) and I'm focussing on being a thief/assassin/archery type. But for the last couple hours I've just been sneaking around cities and stealing stuff. So my sneak skill is around 45 but my archery and one-handed skills are both in the mid 20's.

What's the best way to raise those skills fast without spending money on a trainer?

Activate the warrior stone and get into a lot of combat using your bow and knife/sword.


Hey finally started to play it.

I am playing it under bootcamp on an 2011 macbook pro. Game set settings to Ultra automatically. with 8x aa etc. Even tho i lowered some of the settings like no AA it still shutters weirdly. If i switch to 3rd person mode it plays more smooth but in first person view it is kinda weird.

And to be honest it is a little bit underwhelming especially right after Dark Souls. I wish it had better combat ;_;


jorgeton said:
So followers can permanently die in this game? I've only been using Lydia, and she's bitten it many times, but then gets right back up as if nothing happened. Don't know what I'd do if she bit it forever. Who would haul around my excess loot and give me sass when I asked her to trade items??

She can die forever, she did for me.


Mindman said:
Is there way to increase permanent carry capacity? I see some perks to remove weight for heavy armor and such, but is there any other way?

There's a perk in one of the thief skills to increase your capacity by 100.
EviLore said:
Games designed for this sort of fast travel are not designed to take distances between locations into account for quests. Not using fast travel in Oblivion/Fallout 3/Skyrim is just busy work, unlike in games such as Morrowind or Risen.

You never had to go very far in Morrowind. Every town that was connected to each other by fast travel systems so it made walking everywhere easy. Oh and Boots of Blinding Speed made going anywhere easy <__<.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm level eight and I haven't selected a single perk. My objective was to go in as a Nord Sword/Magic wielder, but I don't want to make a permanent decision yet.

Also casting a fireball and trying to aim it while using a sword is a pain in the ass. The not as accurate 360 controller on the PC probably makes it worse.


jorgeton said:
So followers can permanently die in this game? I've only been using Lydia, and she's bitten it many times, but then gets right back up as if nothing happened. Don't know what I'd do if she bit it forever. Who would haul around my excess loot and give me sass when I asked her to trade items??

Lidya permanently died on me once. I was in some Dewmer ruins dungeon, at the end it had really fast Falmer boss and a giant powerful Dewmer robot. The fight lasted a while, and I had assumed Lidya was just kneeling down like she does when she gets hurt a lot, but I could not find her body anywhere. Got out of the dungeon and fast traveled to my house in Whiterun and she wasn't there.

Luckily I had saved right before that boss fight.


war of titties grampa
zmoney said:
Am I screwing myself over?

I'm level 7 (almost 8) and I'm focussing on being a thief/assassin/archery type. But for the last couple hours I've just been sneaking around cities and stealing stuff. So my sneak skill is around 45 but my archery and one-handed skills are both in the mid 20's.

What's the best way to raise those skills fast without spending money on a trainer?

Pretty sure the only way to lvl skills is to do the actions. So if you're not gonna pay a trainer youll have to keep bashing people with your one handed and with your bow.


KingK said:
Lidya permanently died on me once. I was in some Dewmer ruins dungeon, at the end it had really fast Falmer boss and a giant powerful Dewmer robot. The fight lasted a while, and I had assumed Lidya was just kneeling down like she does when she gets hurt a lot, but I could not find her body anywhere. Got out of the dungeon and fast traveled to my house in Whiterun and she wasn't there.

Luckily I had saved right before that boss fight.
What level were you for that boss and robot? They are kicking my ass, and I'm barely damaging them.
KingK said:
Lidya permanently died on me once. I was in some Dewmer ruins dungeon, at the end it had really fast Falmer boss and a giant powerful Dewmer robot. The fight lasted a while, and I had assumed Lidya was just kneeling down like she does when she gets hurt a lot, but I could not find her body anywhere. Got out of the dungeon and fast traveled to my house in Whiterun and she wasn't there.

Luckily I had saved right before that boss fight.

lol.... sounds like the place I described in my story above! ^ :D
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