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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT| Het Kos Dovahhe

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BadTaste105 said:
Bought the 25k gold house in Solitude, and married a chick. Got to love her having a job and sharing her income with you.
Fuck that! Do any of them actually work the kitchen and not play a liberal hippie? "Bitch I want my leg of lamb roasted, not burnt. You now have an appointment with Mr. Soap-In-a-Sock".


Weird problem I have here.

I have Dragon armor I want to sell, as I don't need it anymore, but no one has the cash to pay for it. Every blacksmith I go to has around 1000 gold or so. Where are the wealthy blacksmiths so I can make some cash off my hard earned work?




will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Game froze on a loading screen, bringing my latest gaming marathon to a close. This game can be exhausting, with all of the talking to everybody to find all of the quests and all. I've been following the Thieve's Guild plot line and things got a little messy at the bee farm, to say the least.
So it says to go upstairs to get the key for the chest, right? It only makes sense to do that, you know. Wouldn't make sense to just try to show up and get to this chest and not have the key. So it turns out the key is on this cowering bitch I'm not supposed to kill. And naturally, Intimidation doesn't work out on this asshole. So I say fine, I'm just gonna go open it because, hell, it's better than straight up telling him I'm gonna kill his ass right? Then this dude comes at me anyways! So I'm like, okay, maybe I can solve this just by beating the hell out of his and running out.

But then Lydia straight up murders his ass on sight! LYDIA! SLOW YA ROLL GIRL! JUST BE COOL!! Fuck! Now this dude is just dead as fuck. And I go downstairs and guess what. Every fucking guard down there has keys on him like fuck all. This shit doesn't even make sense, but okay. Multiple keys for the same chest hidden on people who don't need to have a key on them. I should have thought of that.

So then I go out to the bee hives and use my flames to set this shit on fire, but it doesn't register for each one? I light 2 on fire and it still says 1/3? So I light them all on fire. And I got back to the Thieve's guild and get a fucking earful about how I was only supposed to light 3? Fuck that noise.

So yea, then I went off to do the Maven quest after that. Some complications there. If you are shook by skeevers and spiders, this mission will make you get over those fears quick. But holy fuck,
crazy fucking mage with fireballs!! What the fuck, this dude is NUTS. And I ain't got resist fire shit on me, I actually had to use health potions for once. I died 3 times doing this and Lydia died once and I was like HELL NO. So I did it right the 5th time, sneaking up and hitting this asshole with a dragon shout to stun him first and then I waled on him with my Winterun fire ax and fucking steel sword. Die mother fucker die.

Finally got that mission done and everyone was happy but leaving the meadery the game froze and I called it a night there.

Only one other story to share - when leaving Riften I had my first rando dragon show up on me, but I didn't even realize it! I just saw these dudes running for their lives and I wanted to stop one to ask what the fuck he was running from, but it just gave me like dumb merchant options to choose from since the dude was a merchant. And then I finally put it together and look around to see archer prepping their bows and the fucking dragon shadow moves across the ground like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-this shit is ooooooooonnnn.

Unfortunately this asshole never landed (I guess because it was a crowded forest and no one got it's attention anyways, I could never see it in the sky. Still, kind of a badass little random dragon moment I thought I'd share.


Generic said:
Weird problem I have here.

I have Dragon armor I want to sell, as I don't need it anymore, but no one has the cash to pay for it. Every blacksmith I go to has around 1000 gold or so. Where are the wealthy blacksmiths so I can make some cash off my hard earned work?
I hear their monies scale with your level.
Hmm, I do have question for some of the mages.

I've been trying to play a magic based character, but I swear the only spells I've veound have been available since Whiterun. When do I get something past firebolt? I'm level 26 now... Been all sorts of places and they all sell the damn same spells, if not less!


BadTaste105 said:
Bought the 25k gold house in Solitude, and married a chick. Got to love her having a job and sharing her income with you.

Do you need to complete imperial quest line to get that, or what?


So this is my first time really getting into an elder scrolls game...

I'm sort of lost as to how to get better loot. I travel around finding caves and forts and towers, etc. but they all just have shit rewards. Like the final chest will have 40 gold and an iron dagger. What am I doing wrong?
Just went out and found one of these. (Best Buy.)


I originally picked up the paperback edition after work today, came home, read some of this thread, found out there was a hard cover edition (doh!), hopped in my car, and got this one. Then returned the paperback. It was still a nice guide, but in hardcover? Fuck yeah.

If any of you are looking for one, go to the Best Buy website, and do a search to see if any of the stores in your area have any. I may have just gotten lucky, but it was really easy to find.


Midou said:
Do you need to complete imperial quest line to get that, or what?

Just do a few quests for the Jarl of Solitude and Falk Firebeard, they're both at the Blue Palace, in Solitude.

Edit: Same goes for the other available houses you buy, do a few quests for the Jarl of the town the house resides in and you'll be eligible to buy one.


Doctor_20 said:
So this is my first time really getting into an elder scrolls game...

I'm sort of lost as to how to get better loot. I travel around finding caves and forts and towers, etc. but they all just have shit rewards. Like the final chest will have 40 gold and an iron dagger. What am I doing wrong?

As you level, I think loot gets better. Usually armor sets become more common drops as you level, but you can get some sweet gear from certain quest lines and such too.
Just experienced something really weird related to the companions questline

Aela and Skjor are alive and talking again like nothing they didn't die! I know Skjor definitely died in the storyline of the Companion quests, but I just straight up got Aela the huntress killed. When I got back from retrieving a bow for a quest, both of them were just talking while eating like nothing happened. I'm Happy Aela the huntress is alive cause she just died while I was fucking around, really. Weird.

Think this will cause issues later on in the game?


So i just found a semi game breaking bug, I've activated two words of Slow Time but only one is in my magic listing, no option to activate or anything. I even went back through the places where its meant to be found and they are all already active! FUCK


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm also up to a level 10 now and I feel like I haven't gotten any worthwhile new armor in forevs. I want something cooler look than
armor dammit! My Idris Elba looking character needs to BAWSS UP faster!


I just spent like three hours in the dungeon
for the College of Winterhold primary quest line. Couldn't believe how huge the place was. I think my favorite part of the whole place was the
bedroom with a master-level locked door, but a key you could see through some bars on the desk inside if you were paying attention. Telekinesis and boom, you're in.

About the duder at the end, for anyone who's already done this quest:
did you let that guy walk away? Part of me thinks I ought to blast his ass into dust before I go. He seems alright, I just don't know if I need this guy going back to report to the Synod about what we're up to...


Wow was walking to rebel camp and these two wolfs(?) came and starter attacking me. Once they came up close, a fucking ice dragon came down out of nowhere. I started attacking it when he slammed his tail down twice two shottin me.



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Citizens of Skyrim would get their concerns and demands and wants and needs met way faster if they just collaborated on a Christmas list and nailed it to the gate of their local town for me. Ferreal people, coming up to everyone of you when you clearly need some help ain't easy.


Doctor_20 said:
So this is my first time really getting into an elder scrolls game...

I'm sort of lost as to how to get better loot. I travel around finding caves and forts and towers, etc. but they all just have shit rewards. Like the final chest will have 40 gold and an iron dagger. What am I doing wrong?
Welcome to Bethesda level scaling. Level up some more and you will magically find better stuff.


Why is all the quests I am trying to do freaking hard? I tried animal one, its trolls. THan the find brother and its just mass killing with me not doing the killing.



Midou said:
Do you need to complete imperial quest line to get that, or what?

You need to go to the Blue Palace and complete a few quests first.

Not sure if you have to complete the civil war questline first or not, I didn't attempt to buy a house there until I after I had completed it anyway.
DeSo said:
Sorry if its been asked but can you/will you be able transfer 360 saves to PC?
I did this before and posted on the wiki page on how to do it. You will need to format a usb for the xbox and transfer your save to it. After that it is pretty simple.

I could always write a tool but nothing about it would really be exclusive since modio and a few other tools can do the same thing.

I think this works for PS3 as well. Never tested.
Daedric artifact stuff.

If you haven't yet, do the Boethiah daedric artifact mission. You start it a little ways east/south of Windhelm and it gives a sweet reward called Ebony Mail. Best part about it is that when you crouch (sneak) with it on, your character gets this sweet black aura and looks fucking awesome:


That's not a visual artifact, that's how it's supposed to look.


Has anyone heard of any bugs/glitches that give unlimited magic? I'm not sure what happened, but all of a sudden my magic meter does not drain (PS3 version, about 40 hours of playtime). I tried powering down and reloading, reverting to older saves, and unequipping all items. It's making the game really easy. This is my first problem outside of a hard lockup earlier today.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'm also up to a level 10 now and I feel like I haven't gotten any worthwhile new armor in forevs. I want something cooler look than
armor dammit! My Idris Elba looking character needs to BAWSS UP faster!

I just used steel into my 20s till I got blacksmithing up enough to make dragon scale, now I'm 35 and Ebony is starting to show up in chests.

Is there any cool looking heavy armor sets, something akin to the thief and nightingale sets(looks and stats)? Don't enchant and I like rolling a full set.

Not that I need more help, I'm like a walking tank giants can't even put a dent in me anymore.


Saint Nic
Just took a video of me being a badass archer against a Frost Dragon on Master. I had the help of some random companion I picked up, but holy wow that was awesome. I think it was a scripted encounter, because there was a shout to be learned right there. Trying to get it uploaded to youtube. Fraps bottlenecks the framerate :(


I'm really confused on how the rewards for guild quests scale. Like people are saying the Nightingale armor from the Thieves Guild will scale depending on your level? like If you're a lower level the stats with be in line with that but if you wait to finish then the gear will be much stronger? Is it your light armor level or your normal level?

It's to late for me to wait for the armor but I know I get a bow from this. Some people are saying if you wait until you get 100 skill level in archery then the bow will be one of the best in the game. Gah this shit is confusing and I can't find any solid information on it.
Considering investing some points into the dual-wielding skills in the one-handed tree. Is dual-wield melee fighter a good build? Or should I stick to sword + shield?


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
mileS said:
I'm really confused on how the rewards for guild quests scale. Like people are saying the Nightingale armor from the Thieves Guild will scale depending on your level? like If you're a lower level the stats with be in line with that but if you wait to finish then the gear will be much stronger? Is it your light armor level or your normal level?

It's to late for me to wait for the armor but I know I get a bow from this. Some people are saying if you wait until you get 100 skill level in archery then the bow will be one of the best in the game. Gah this shit is confusing and I can't find any solid information on it.

Saw on a wiki page that the max the gloves scale to is 25%, did that part of the at lvl 32-33 and they were at that for me.


Skullkid said:
Has anyone heard of any bugs/glitches that give unlimited magic? I'm not sure what happened, but all of a sudden my magic meter does not drain (PS3 version, about 40 hours of playtime). I tried powering down and reloading, reverting to older saves, and unequipping all items. It's making the game really easy. This is my first problem outside of a hard lockup earlier today.

LOL - just Googled it. I guess this is the +100 Fortify Magic bonus you get after completing a quest at the mage guild. Not a glitch at all.

All this talk of bugs/glitches, deleting save files, etc. has me on edge.
28 hours, level 19, and only visited 2 cities so far. I've done fuck all of them main quest as well. I had to stop playing just to find out what time it is, because I literally had no idea. It could have been anything from 10pm to 6am.


Skullkid said:
LOL - just Googled it. I guess this is the +100 Fortify Magic bonus you get after completing a quest at the mage guild. Not a glitch at all.

All this talk of bugs/glitches, deleting save files, etc. has me on edge.

Yeah, that happened to me too. I was mad confused at first, because it actually breaks one of the rules of magicka regeneration while you have that buff (magicka regenerating while you have a spell held ready to activate).

krameriffic said:
Daedric artifact stuff.

If you haven't yet, do the Boethiah daedric artifact mission. You start it a little ways east/south of Windhelm and it gives a sweet reward called Ebony Mail. Best part about it is that when you crouch (sneak) with it on, your character gets this sweet black aura and looks fucking awesome:


That's not a visual artifact, that's how it's supposed to look.

How do I start that quest line? I found the
Shrine of Boethiah place with the pillar of sacrifice; do I have to drag a companion up there and sacrifice them? I couldn't find any clues so I moved on to my next destination.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Okay so...

First of all, this might have been posted in this thread already and I missed it, but from the PC modding thread:
To make TES Skyrim gameplay smoother and to use more memory for it, modify skyrim.ini with these:

Thanks to Alexander Blade
Thanks to the Walrus for pointing it out. Really had an immediately noticeable impact for me. Skyrim.ini is in Documents/My Games/Skyrim.

Second, got my 360 controller working. The adapter definitely had that "ha ha I am from hong kong" feel, and I had to manually select Xbox 360 Wireless Controller Adapter from the list of Microsoft drivers, but then it worked flawlessly. This will probably seem silly to those of you who have been doing it for years, but playing a game like this with this level of graphical quality with a wirelss controller as good as the 360 pad feels kind of surreal. It's like I'm cheating my Xbox or something. My Philips pad with the emulator worked fine, but you can really feel immediately that this is what the game was designed to play on.

Sidenote: is pulling the battery the only way to disconnect the controller?

Upgraded Blaze and Frostedge to flawless. Headed out to get some Bandit bounty and try them out. Holy shit, setting people on fire by stabbing them is incredibly satisfying. How does recharging these things work exactly?

As soon as I was about to enter the camp I heard that familiar sound in the sky... time to give these new blades a workout against a proper foe.

I'd like to know the answer to mileS' question too... I kind of wanted that armor to last me, if I get it at level 15 will it become useless?


DangerousDave said:
I'm level 17 and I already have the full house in Whiterun and 18.000 gold, and a lot of equipment that I didn't sell yet. I've never stole anything, and is all the loot of selling the magic weapons and magic equipment.

What I could do with all this money?

How are you making so much money? I'm level 15 and have less than 1000g right now. :(
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