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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge


I killed a dragon a while ago and it didn't disintegrate or give me a soul. Is that normal?
Were you close to it? I brought one down across a river from me and up on a hill and it didn't disintegrate or give me the soul until I walked over close to it to loot the body.


Can you explain?
I joined the thieves guild pretty early and I have only done the first few guild quests, I have done the main quest up to talking to the graybeards for the first time.

dont know if it affects if you joined the guild that early. :)
basically after a few more steps in the main quest you will be asked to find a character in the riften sewers. You can either ask the guy from the thieves guild about his location (riften marketplace), but he will want you to join the guild before giving out the info, so you are forced to do the ring stealing and planting quest. If you do that and than go to the man in question, he will talk to you and verbally agree to let you in - but he will never open the fucking door to his hideout!
Other option is to ask not the Thieves guild guy, but a bartender in Riften about the hiding man - then everything should work smoothly. Just save before you talk to anyone in Riften about this step and you should be fine at the end.


Were you close to it? I brought one down across a river from me and up on a hill and it didn't disintegrate or give me the soul until I walked over close to it to loot the body.

Yeah I took it down with a sword, was right next to it. Nothing happened, weird.


Other downsides are that doing all that stuff requires constant buffing and eats mana where has light-armor you know... you just sorta wear it. No effort. Do you see what I mean? I'm still not seeing the Mage Armor advantage when I can just wear a bunch of quality light-armor and never have to think about it.

Silly, high level mages don't pay mana for their spells in Skyrim. Clothing is also much cooler looking than all the light armor sets imo, especially on my argonian. The sound of footwraps running across mountains!!

Which reminds me: why if I have muffle boots/footwraps on do I still hear my own footsteps?????


Doesn't matter as much that you're not getting those drops, though, when you can level Smithing to 100 relatively early on and buy ebony materials from vendors, then craft ebony stuff.

It could be a fun added challenge if you leveled stuff like Smithing & Enchanting to 100 early but then didn't actually use them. :p

But that's what I was saying. Mod it so those drops don't show up since their associated skill isn't high enough. And then don't take the easy way out and actually use Smithing to make any of them. Purely grinded them out for the level gains to raise enemy levels.

I may do this for my next character. Speech, Enchanting, Smithing, Pickpocket, Sneak are all pretty easy to level. Hrm...

so what perks do i need to use on enchanting for the 25% spell magicka reduction X 4 equppied pieces to get infinite magicka to work? or was someone just making that up?

We're all dirty rotten liars.

It should just be the basic +20%-+100% Enchant effectiveness perk. Maybe the Skill one too since the Enchants are Fortify Skill ones. Honestly, I've always just picked the perks up without thinking about it (since you'll want the 100 Enchanting perk anyway) so I never checked to see which perks worked on what :/


Other downsides are that doing all that stuff requires constant buffing and eats mana where has light-armor you know... you just sorta wear it. No effort. Do you see what I mean? I'm still not seeing the Mage Armor advantage when I can just wear a bunch of quality light-armor and never have to think about it.

Well, there's a few reasons: robes do not cause any additional stamina drain when sprinting, robes add almost nothing towards encumbrance, and robes do not hinder movement speed whatsoever. It requires 3 perks into Light Armor to remove the movement and encumbrance penalties of wearing light armor.

There's also another issue of making decent armor. To get something comparable to robes like
Arch-mage's Robes
you're going to need to dump perks into Enchanting to get Extra Effect. Not that those perks would be a waste or anything, just that there aren't any unique light armors that are designed for the benefit of spellcasters. Even basic robes have strong magicka regeneration bonuses as a baseline feature.


I killed a dragon a while ago and it didn't disintegrate or give me a soul. Is that normal?

that happened to me twice already, frost dragons both times and on same spots, near labyrinthian. at least they still gave me dragon bones and scales.


It should just be the basic +20%-+100% Enchant effectiveness perk. Maybe the Skill one too since the Enchants are Fortify Skill ones. Honestly, I've always just picked the perks up without thinking about it (since you'll want the 100 Enchanting perk anyway) so I never checked to see which perks worked on what :/

Fortify skill perk affects it but you could probably get to 100% reduced cost or very close with just the five 20% perks from the beginning of the tree. Actually if you're not concerned with multiple schools you can just find/buy gear that gets you to at least 60-70%; I was running around with that in destruction long before I made my own gear.


You know what would have been nice? Only having one of the crafting options available to you; choosing one locks out the other two. Have recipe/plans/designs drop for NPCs to do the combines for you on the two trees you're locked out of. I find it strange there's dialogue options ABOUT NPCs doing things for you but they're all "lol do it yourself scrub."

Pretty sure there would still be system gaming possibilities but at least it'd be rougher to utilize.


Well, there's a few reasons: robes do not cause any additional stamina drain when sprinting, robes add almost nothing towards encumbrance, and robes do not hinder movement speed whatsoever. It requires 3 perks into Light Armor to remove the movement and encumbrance penalties of wearing light armor.

There's also another issue of making decent armor. To get something comparable to robes like
Arch-mage's Robes
you're going to need to dump perks into Enchanting to get Extra Effect. Not that those perks would be a waste or anything, just that there aren't any unique light armors that are designed for the benefit of spellcasters. Even basic robes have strong magicka regeneration bonuses as a baseline feature.

Good points. Also, it appears that Ebonyflesh with all three Mage Armor perks gives about 300 damage resistance and unless I'm mistaken that's A LOT higher than you would ever get with a full set of good light-armor, correct?


Well, there's a few reasons: robes do not cause any additional stamina drain when sprinting, robes add almost nothing towards encumbrance, and robes do not hinder movement speed whatsoever. It requires 3 perks into Light Armor to remove the movement and encumbrance penalties of wearing light armor.

There's also another issue of making decent armor. To get something comparable to robes like
Arch-mage's Robes
you're going to need to dump perks into Enchanting to get Extra Effect. Not that those perks would be a waste or anything, just that there aren't any unique light armors that are designed for the benefit of spellcasters. Even basic robes have strong magicka regeneration bonuses as a baseline feature.

Yep, all true. Also regular clothing can be enchanted, so you're not too limited there either. You'll also need to dump points into Smithing to bring that armor rating up with most of those light armors to be comparable to Ebony Flesh x3.

It's too bad there's no more Spell Efficiency buff when you wear clothing.


So who else here went 50 hours without knowing you could manually spend the dragon souls on shouts? I kept killing them thinking certain souls went to certain shouts and when I found the right shout it would automatically unlock.


Auwch, that's just weird. Hope it resolves itself. :/

Just came across this:

So true.

To add to this, the other thing archery has made me realize in Skyrim is how poorly the physical geometry lines up with the visual geometry. So many times I've edged around a corner, lined up a perfect shot with my entire bow clear of the corner, and the arrow smacks something and falls to the ground at my feet, altering everyone that I'm there and trying to kill them.


Zzzzzz at the über-long dungeons for the College quests. Can't wait until Labyrinthian is over, but so far, the dungeon's a ton better than the one that preceded it (the Dwemer ruin).


setgs fjumpheight 900000 is pretty funny, but we need a mod that allows actually moving while jumping as currently it resembles levitation more than anything. 900000 takes you from 0 to the throat of the world height in under 2 seconds and the engine handles it without any issues, pretty nice

e: even something crazy like 20,000,000 works fine


Good points. Also, it appears that Ebonyflesh with all three Mage Armor perks gives about 300 damage resistance and unless I'm mistaken that's A LOT higher than you would ever get with a full set of good light-armor, correct?

Oh no, you can actually hit the armor cap with light armor depending on how you go about things (which is 567). What I'd say it mostly comes down to is whether or not you're willing to make a perk investment into Light Armor and Enchanting (and possibly Smithing) for the additional melee damage reduction and convenience of not recasting the buff spell. It's a significant perk investment to make. As a mage I find that there are already too many places I'd like to invest those perks into.


Forgot to ask,

To improve a shout, you need the next word (as in find it) to upgrade? I have 2 Dragon souls in reserve atm


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
You other archers should play with crosshairs off, like me. It's really fun... I spent some time practicing on the dummies to get everything dialed in. It's definitely a little weird, but once you figure out how physics work in Bethesda-land it's not too bad.

And you still (unfortunately) have the crosshair for sneaking shots, because the eye is always there anyway... so it won't screw you over on ninja missions (though I kind of wish I could play w/o the eye, since bows feel very OP).

I have the crosshair on for my mage and melee characters, but not my archer... very fun.

Does anyone other than my brother play in third-person? Looks rubbish like that imo

I play a lot in TPV... just not in direct combat. And a lot more since I learned you can zoom in/out the camera while on foot or on the horse.


With Breton you started with 25% magic resistance of the bat, so you're able to get it to its max (I think it caps at 85%) more easily than others can. With the 3x Magic Resistance perk, you'd have a meaty and permanent 55% magic resistance.

And if you're going Mage I'd definitely recommend playing with the Conjuration tree. Not only is it just fun (and extremely useful) soul trapping enemies with Bound Weapons and such, but also summoning and resurrecting various creatures/people. And later on Conjuration gets hugely powerful.

I'm doing Battlemage and Conuration seems like a good choice for my "cast a lot of duration spells then charge into melee" playstyle. I plan on taking that at least up to adept. Still don't know if I'll try to perk up in Alteration to get to Atronach. High level Alteration doesn't seem terribly useful for my guy, though using Ebonyflesh as a supplement to reach max armor would probably cost less perks than investing in Smithing given my previous investment into Alteration. So many choices!
lol... hilarious glitch with a dog near Rifken. At least, I think it was Rifken.

There is a mine and a collection of little buildings/houses right outside the city. There's a big shaggy dog that just roams around outside by the buildings.

So I go into one of the buildings to talk/explore, come out, and the dog falls from the sky right in front of me. It's dead when it hits the ground.

I instantly look up to see if there's a dragon or something, but there's nothing.

Laughed my ass off... then felt bad for the dog.
No one around had any kind of reaction. :p


I play a lot in TPV... just not in direct combat. And a lot more since I learned you can zoom in/out the camera while on foot or on the horse.

How do you zoom in third person?

I switch freely between camera modes, 3rd person is better for sneaking because you can see around corners, and can also more easily study the ground for traps.

First person is better for combat purposes, though.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
How do you zoom in third person?

I switch freely between camera modes, 3rd person is better for sneaking because you can see around corners, and can also more easily study the ground for traps.

First person is better for combat purposes, though.

Whatever button you have set for camera switch (I think default is R3) you just hold it down, and then you can use forward/back on the left stick to zoom in or out. Also, you can have camera set independently on the horse, which is nice.

Everyone keeps telling me I look like shit, wtf lol

Go into your magic list, and down to the last category (active effects, I think) and your illness will be listed in there. It's probably rockjoint, which significantly lowers you melee damage.


Man, the thieves guild armor is the best looking armor in the game. Gives off a big witcher vibe. It's too bad that the enchantments are useless to my character.


Lydia creeps me out. The first time I told her it was time for us to part ways, I didn't think much of it until days later I found her sitting in my home.

She was kinda creepy at first but when I go to my house in Whiterun and find my wife Sylgja and Lydia standing together in my bedroom, Im all FUCK YEA!
Same thing happened to me once. However, I already killed a dragon in the same area before and got its soul. Maybe we are allowed only one dragon soul per area.

This. It's not a glitch, people, it's just how the game prevents you from getting infinite souls from weak random spawns. You have to keep exploring if you want all the souls. If you kill a dragon and fail to get its soul, it's because you've already killed too many randoms in or around that area.

Lydia creeps me out. The first time I told her it was time for us to part ways, I didn't think much of it until days later I found her sitting in my home.

And the way she sits in that chair in your room all day, drinking mead and watching you sleep. She has her own room but, in my game, she never uses it. She just sits in my room all day.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
To add to this, the other thing archery has made me realize in Skyrim is how poorly the physical geometry lines up with the visual geometry. So many times I've edged around a corner, lined up a perfect shot with my entire bow clear of the corner, and the arrow smacks something and falls to the ground at my feet, altering everyone that I'm there and trying to kill them.
Yes to the image and to this. It's so dumb and I'm pretty sure Oblivion doesn't have the weird arc(?) I'm glad that ranged isn't my focus.


I think i know why Skyrim includes so much additional landmass.
The map.
I think the map was originally going to be fully rotateable which would be a good reason to have Red Mountain and the White-Gold Tower (the map does render large buildings as well as ground) on the map. You could see them. In the retail product the map is not fully rotateable so the extra areas are "waste" really.


REALLY enjoying dual wielding. Dumped some perks into the abilities and you turn into a flurry of death. Not much seems to survive when you hold both buttons down at the same time and your guy goes through the sequence of about 10 quick slashes. I'm using not so great 1 handers as well. Fun times.

I was also in a town when a Dragon attacked, and some random peasant was all "I got money on the big one."



This. It's not a glitch, people, it's just how the game prevents you from getting infinite souls from weak random spawns. You have to keep exploring if you want all the souls. If you kill a dragon and fail to get its soul, it's because you've already killed too many randoms in or around that area.

Is it? I've killed like 10 Dragons in Winterhold + College area and gotten a soul each and every time. I'm turning that deserted town into a Dragon graveyard, one encounter at a time. So far the only bugged corpse I got was a Dragon corpse that gave me a soul and then vanished without letting me loot it (landed on the roof of the College and I sniped it from below).

That said, I've yet to actually not get a soul from a kill so ... :/
I think i know why Skyrim includes so much additional landmass.
The map.
I think the map was originally going to be fully rotateable which would be a good reason to have Red Mountain and the White-Gold Tower (the map does render large buildings as well as ground) on the map. You could see them. In the retail product the map is not fully rotateable so the extra areas are "waste" really.

You can actually see Red Mountain from inside Skyrim: at least, I think it's Red Mountain. From Windhelm, head towards the Sea of Ghosts, and keep going North. You'll hit the barrier eventually, but if you look to your east, you'll see an arm of Morrowind stretching out and behind that the landmass of Vvardenfell, including Red Mountain.


As for dual wielding, my character is using it but it's been pretty boring, at least for me. I just prefer the sword-n-shield play if I have to melee.

But having two daggers just looks so right for thieves.


To add to this, the other thing archery has made me realize in Skyrim is how poorly the physical geometry lines up with the visual geometry. So many times I've edged around a corner, lined up a perfect shot with my entire bow clear of the corner, and the arrow smacks something and falls to the ground at my feet, altering everyone that I'm there and trying to kill them.

Yeah, the collision boxes are way too simple in certain areas. Like for example in dungeons, where you're on a corner and next to some door frame, you can see the enemy between the wall and the door frame (so you don't need to expose your body), but when you try to kill them you just hit an invisible wall. Those collision boxes are also polygons that have to be calculated so they can't go very detailed with them, but sometimes it feels like some are quite too simple.
Zzzzzz at the über-long dungeons for the College quests. Can't wait until Labyrinthian is over, but so far, the dungeon's a ton better than the one that preceded it (the Dwemer ruin).

I just did the Dwemer ruin myself; HOLY SHIT it's seemingly endless!

Most annoying enemies thus far too.

Turned it off when I arrived at the Labyrinthian because I just wasn't in the mood, lol.
Is it? I've killed like 10 Dragons in Winterhold + College area and gotten a soul each and every time. I'm turning that deserted town into a Dragon graveyard, one encounter at a time. So far the only bugged corpse I got was a Dragon corpse that gave me a soul and then vanished without letting me loot it (landed on the roof of the College and I sniped it from below).

That said, I've yet to actually not get a soul from a kill so ... :/

Trust me, it's not a glitch. Some areas give more souls than others, but eventually they will run out. Give it time.

As for dual wielding, my character is using it but it's been pretty boring, at least for me. I just prefer the sword-n-shield play if I have to melee.

But having two daggers just looks so right for thieves.
How does dual-wielding work in this game, Dresden? I haven't tried it yet. I've heard it could potentially double melee damage, but how is that so? Do your weapons strike faster when you're dual-wielding? In my experience, they swing just as fast.


not characteristic of ants at all
I hate the girl that chills in your house at Solitude. Whenever I enter she always says, " can I help you? " like she fucking owns the place
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