Deified Data
Introducing my new character.
Name: Kali'Reyah of the Red Sands
Race: Khajiit, suthay-raht
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Primary Skill: Unarmed Combat, supplemented by heavy armor, enchanting, and smithing
Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alteration, Alchemy
Kali'Reyah was born barefoot, and so she would remain. The pads of her hind paws tread across the blistering desert sands of northern Elsweyr, the verdant fields of southern Cyrodiil, the volcanic wasteland of Morrowind and its environs. She was born into a tumultuous age - the Empire had fallen, the great Khajiiti Manes consolidated power, established fortified city-states, and left a great swath of Elsweyr in chaos. The Thalmor would come, courting the Manes. Some fell under their sway, some resisted. Those that resisted were crushed, more often than not. The young suthay-raht was born into a world where power was confused with justice. She saw her countrymen become confused, and knew that this could not be her way.
So she travelled. Her's was a world of patchwork people and traditions. She would come to adopt the ways of the Khajiiti Clan Mothers, preserving the stories and myths of her people in a world that was slowly beginning to forget itself. Her travels would necessitate self-defense, and so she improvised. She combined the Khajiiti martial arts styles of Goutfang, Whispering Claw, and Rawlith Khaj into a style all her own - the eponymous Red Sands style, which encourages the user to be as fluid and illusive as the desert sands she called home. In her own words, "Have you ever tried to throttle a sand dune by the neck, Ja? It is stationary and yet it is not. To continue pursuing the impossible is a foolish endeavour." Kali'Reyah would come to spend more time on the caravan roads of Tamriel than she ever did in her home, but her desire to test herself in battle remained. She would find meaning through combat as a clashing of wills. It was not out of cruelty, as she would never initiate an attack. Fighting became a means to inner-peace.
Some would say that her claws were her most deadly weapon, but she would vehemently disagree with such an assertion. "It is not the claws, but the will to use them. It is not the spell, but the knowledge to make it possible. In my travels, I have told many stories and heard infinitely more. Many would scoff at the idea of using a story as a weapon, it is Thjizzrini, foolish. Every action is a story, and every story holds a lesson." Kali'Reyah took this philosophy to heart.
She is now considered renrij, or landless. Adopting the nomadic tendencies of her early ancestors, she treks far and wide in search of that one good story - the one myth to tie them all together. With drum, lute, and flute she gives voice to her stories. With her claws, she gives them form and force. At one time a roving bard, at another a warrior-monk, Kali'Reyah of the Red Sands would eventually find herself crossing the border into Skyrim in search of adventure.
The rest is a story for another day, and perhaps her greatest tale yet.
Name: Kali'Reyah of the Red Sands
Race: Khajiit, suthay-raht
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Primary Skill: Unarmed Combat, supplemented by heavy armor, enchanting, and smithing
Secondary Skills: Restoration, Alteration, Alchemy
Kali'Reyah was born barefoot, and so she would remain. The pads of her hind paws tread across the blistering desert sands of northern Elsweyr, the verdant fields of southern Cyrodiil, the volcanic wasteland of Morrowind and its environs. She was born into a tumultuous age - the Empire had fallen, the great Khajiiti Manes consolidated power, established fortified city-states, and left a great swath of Elsweyr in chaos. The Thalmor would come, courting the Manes. Some fell under their sway, some resisted. Those that resisted were crushed, more often than not. The young suthay-raht was born into a world where power was confused with justice. She saw her countrymen become confused, and knew that this could not be her way.
So she travelled. Her's was a world of patchwork people and traditions. She would come to adopt the ways of the Khajiiti Clan Mothers, preserving the stories and myths of her people in a world that was slowly beginning to forget itself. Her travels would necessitate self-defense, and so she improvised. She combined the Khajiiti martial arts styles of Goutfang, Whispering Claw, and Rawlith Khaj into a style all her own - the eponymous Red Sands style, which encourages the user to be as fluid and illusive as the desert sands she called home. In her own words, "Have you ever tried to throttle a sand dune by the neck, Ja? It is stationary and yet it is not. To continue pursuing the impossible is a foolish endeavour." Kali'Reyah would come to spend more time on the caravan roads of Tamriel than she ever did in her home, but her desire to test herself in battle remained. She would find meaning through combat as a clashing of wills. It was not out of cruelty, as she would never initiate an attack. Fighting became a means to inner-peace.
Some would say that her claws were her most deadly weapon, but she would vehemently disagree with such an assertion. "It is not the claws, but the will to use them. It is not the spell, but the knowledge to make it possible. In my travels, I have told many stories and heard infinitely more. Many would scoff at the idea of using a story as a weapon, it is Thjizzrini, foolish. Every action is a story, and every story holds a lesson." Kali'Reyah took this philosophy to heart.
She is now considered renrij, or landless. Adopting the nomadic tendencies of her early ancestors, she treks far and wide in search of that one good story - the one myth to tie them all together. With drum, lute, and flute she gives voice to her stories. With her claws, she gives them form and force. At one time a roving bard, at another a warrior-monk, Kali'Reyah of the Red Sands would eventually find herself crossing the border into Skyrim in search of adventure.
The rest is a story for another day, and perhaps her greatest tale yet.