OK, I'm gonna have my PS3 fixed tomorrow and it will be ready friday the latest. Pfew, I was scared I would be unable to play the game for a long time after the BD drive died on me yesterday after exiting from Skyrim, lol.
Anyway, I'm 50 hours into this game and I've just finnished the "first city" (forgot the name) quests ( minus the Companions, which I didn't join yet), plus the first town you get into when you start the game and the College of Winterhold. And I only retreaved the Horn-of-whatever to the Greybeards and didn't adavnce that storyline more yet.
50 fucking hours and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what this game has to offer. At this pace it will take me 300 hours to finnish the game, lol.
Soo good, and I didn't even like the other ES games, notrdo I care for it's Lore. But the Norse setting is just too good and it really feels like Bethesda is in the right path. And the dungeons are improved a ton. They're actually interesting this time for the most part.
I'm having a blast. I just hope Skyrim doesn't kill my next BD drive, lol.
Yeah there's definitely not. Wolves can be a nuisance but I can turn around and 1 shot them even at level 11.
Now bears, those things are motherfuckers.
They're thougher than dragons. It takes me something like 8 fireballs to kill a fucking bear. I kill a normal dragon with like 5 or so.