I don't think I'm getting the well rested bonus. I've rested for many hours at my house in Whiterun and the "you're feeling well rested" message doesn't pop up.
do you have the lovers stone?
I don't think I'm getting the well rested bonus. I've rested for many hours at my house in Whiterun and the "you're feeling well rested" message doesn't pop up.
what? i want a dog to follow me.
Ok where's the fucking cat people? I can't find the khajiit camp outside Whiterun anymore! I have no dinero left after purchasingthat fucking shitholemy beautiful house and I need to sell some jewels and trinkets that Warmaiden won't take from me.
kitty kitty kitty kittty...
Ok where's the fucking cat people? I can't find the khajiit camp outside Whiterun anymore! I have no dinero left after purchasingthat fucking shitholemy beautiful house and I need to sell some jewels and trinkets that Warmaiden won't take from me.
kitty kitty kitty kittty...
Ok where's the fucking cat people? I can't find the khajiit camp outside Whiterun anymore! I have no dinero left after purchasingthat fucking shitholemy beautiful house and I need to sell some jewels and trinkets that Warmaiden won't take from me.
kitty kitty kitty kittty...
do you have the lovers stone?
Oh, that may be it. Yes, I take it that it gets rid of the well rested bonus?
If so, then thanks for solving that dilemma!
They move around, so it'll be a while before their little trade group comes back to Whiterun.
Fuuu, I didn't know that. Thanks, I guess it's waiting time for me. Time to piss off a giant again.Anyway, the Khajiit caravan is constantly moving so ... rest a lot until it spawns, I guess?
the general store should buy 'em from you, iirc.
I guess it should, but in a strange turn of events, it seems IDoes the General Store not take them? Or is it an issue of his low money cap.
yep, you can't get a rested bonus when you have the lovers stone. had the same problem a few days ago.
So I just got my hands on the Black Star. Im still confused on the whole soul gem thing, so how do I fill this thing? Do I have to cast a soul trap on a person? And once the Black Star is filled to I need to enchant my weapon with the Black Star?
Summary of the last three evenings:
I start the game, thinking, "okay, let's get to the College of Winterhold tonight." I begin to make my way there out of Windhelm and I notice a cave, or another sort of landmark on my map and I go toward it and go through it (if it's a dungeon). Suddenly I'm all the way on the other side of the map. It's fine if that happens once, but that has now happened three nights in a row and I'm still no closer to the College! (._. )
It's kinda inside Winterhold lol
Dunno about Skyrim since I haven't soul trapped anything, but in Oblivion you only had to soul trap something right before killing it to charge your stone. Then you use it to recharge your weapon.
Holy shit being an assassin is awesome. 30X damage? Yes please.
Holy shit being an assassin is awesome. 30X damage? Yes please.
OK so I recharge my weapon with the Black Star then. My Alteration is TERRIBLE. I hope that doesn't effect my soul trapping abilities.
The best are either the Lord or the Atronach, imo.
And this daedric mace from the one mission is badass.
Holy shit being an assassin is awesome. 30X damage? Yes please.
It's a real pity my companions keep triggering enemies. Anytime I see a good backstab opportunity I have to get my companion to stand down.
Dead Thralls are fun. I ventured into some cave for a quest and there was an "adventurer" crying about the spiders inside and about to run out like a sissy. So I killed him and then resurrected him as a permanent zombie so he could tag along.
Awesomely, at some point while walking around he picked up this axe that was laying there and is now using it (he was previously barehanded since he dropped his earlier weap when I killed him).
Did followers ever pick up items on their own in F3/NV to use? Don't remember that happening. It's pretty neat.
Shame some stuff can't be res'd, though, like Master Vampires.
Has anyone got a version of this wallpaper without the writing?
Yeah, followers in the last two Fallouts did this. In some cases people thought it was a bug, because they'd get into a fight in an area they knew contained a unique weapon and wouldn't be able to find it. Later on they'd look in their follower's inventory and find the follower had immediately scooped it up and had been running around with it.
the Forbidden Legend quest is rad man, definitely make it a priority
Why can't I kill people without getting caught?
Trying to kill Lurbuk for DB quests and even thought I'm hidden I still get caught right as he dies
Should I bother doing the thievesguild quest line if I haven't done a lick of sneak and have no points in it and so far only have heavy armor? I imagine I must do a lot of sneaky thievery style missions.
Is Lover's Stone the best stone?
By the way, don't take Atronach if you're a heavy Conjuration user (the perk or the stone). Summons are bugged and will check against the player's magic absorption.
Is it the atronach perk or magic resistance? But yeah, it's pretty annoying as a summoner. At least those failed spells don't eat up mana.
Alright, need help on the same place as before.
I'm fighting Jyrik Gauldurson on the 'Under Saathal' quest. He's sitting in this room with a giant sphere behind him and when I get close he wakes up.
Now, the problem is... I can't seem to be able to hurt him with anything. I've tried enchanted weapons, normal weapons, magic, and nothing hurts him.
The first time I tried it, for some reason the teacher from the College quest came by (from where?) and helped me, and that time I believe I could hurt him. Now, not at all.
What am I supposed to do? Is this a bug or what? With this game you never know![]()
So what difficulty are you guys playing on? I spent the first 20hrs or so playing on master (not realising it) and wondering why the fuck it was so goddam hard. So I bumped it down to adept.
But Im thinking now that its getting a little easy. Tempted to go up to expert but it feels like if I do that Im suddenly negating all the work Ive done levelling up skills and abilities etc. Kinda stupid I know but it feels like Im dropping myself down a few levels by bumping up the difficulty.
Are you using a silent weapon like a dagger?