that was great, thanks for the laughs!
Looks like he's wearing daedric to be honest. If you go with heavy armor you have dwarven, ebony, or daedric all of which look great.
i did the mission in Ivarstead where you have to bring 10 bear hides to the women who's getting sick of bears scratching up and ruining her trees.
a minute later a bear attacked the town and killer her.
That's Skyrim justice for you.
Man, the dragons really don't like Riverwood in my game. This is the third time one has attacked, and I think half the town's named NPCs are dead.
i entered a cave from the backdoor, fought my way in for a bit and then tracked back. later i discovered the main entrance, and now when i open the map, it says "cleared" on it.
is this cave bugged now?
Actually, Dwarven armour looks like shit to me. All gold and blocky and shit.
Daedric ftw! (I've yet to get any Daedric armour though)
If u aint using Marcurio as a follower, you lost.
I agree. Also, I really liked the journal in Morrowind. It was like the ones some people have in dungeons.
Hey guys, what does "Save before entering if you want to be able to reroll the loot you'll find." mean? What is 'rerolling'?
i assume you just triggered the "cleared" flag by entering from the end. i don't think it will be bugged or anything.
So, I was playing with Lydia as my companion but then began the Companion questline which made me use another guy as a companion. Lydia said she'd go wait for me in my home, but I haven't yet bought a home. Where did she go?
Who can I sell my jewelry to? I have so many necklaces and rings to get rid of.
Back to the Jarl's place.
73 hours in. I must reroll. Magic-sneaky stuff gets old.
Can companions die? I haven't used one yet.
Can companions die? I haven't used one yet.
Lost my first housecarl...A dragon priest zapped her to death, then resurrected her to fight against me.
Curious about this as well.
Can companions die? I haven't used one yet.
The journal is a huge step down from the previous games. Oblivion at least kept a log of what you've already done in a quest.
At the very least give me a bit more information on each misc quest.
SERIOUSLY, "bring this back to ______________" and yet you can't track it on the map? A world with hundreds of NPCs and I'm supposed to remember who that bitch is?
i've started this game, i'm at the first big city (whitesomething). when do i get a companion? I saw a mercenary but i don't know how it works with them, i pay them and they stay with me forever or what?
then some advices for a mage? Like which abilities are the best etc.
Really wish the graphics werent so washed out and rough around the edges on PS3.