mh, where can i buy an house? I need to store weapons/armors etc.
mh, where can i buy an house? I need to store weapons/armors etc.
I don't think the Empire are subjugating anything.
Wish I got more dragon fights D:. I have like, 4 words I need to cash in on. I've been trying not to fast travel as much to make it more likely, but no dice. I've had like, 3 random dragons in about 50 hours.
Wish I got more dragon fights D:. I have like, 4 words I need to cash in on. I've been trying not to fast travel as much to make it more likely, but no dice. I've had like, 3 random dragons in about 50 hours.
It is called the Empire, not the Republic, Confederation, Federation or such... Just sayin'.
I still haven't been able to decide which side i like more. I have a feeling the Thalmor are not that big threat in the end (even if they seem to be currently), they will have civil war or something and everything's fine again.
Yeah yeah, not logical to make such assumption. But i'm an optimist.
How are the StormCloacks xenophobes anyway? I'm through half of the CW quest and they only hate on the Thalmor in fact they haven't even mentioned other races, sure some guys say Ulfric wants only Nords in Skyrim and he ignores the Dunmer in Winterhold but the Altmer there seem happy enough, unless he becomes a racist maniac in a quick turn at the end I ain't seeing it at all, heck they don't even hate the idea of the Empire just the current Empire.
My character is of the imperial race but is fighting for the stormcloaks. doinitwrong?
I just killed a dragon, and it's corpse is just laying there, without the burning of the skin and flesh, and the dragon soul absorbed hoo-ha...
WTF? I'm 34-ish hours into the game and that's the first time that's happened to me, didn't even know it was possible. Or is that a bug?
I just killed a dragon, and it's corpse is just laying there, without the burning of the skin and flesh, and the dragon soul absorbed hoo-ha...
WTF? I'm 34-ish hours into the game and that's the first time that's happened to me, didn't even know it was possible. Or is that a bug?
It is called the Empire, not the Republic, Confederation, Federation or such... Just sayin'.
I still haven't been able to decide which side i like more. I have a feeling the Thalmor are not that big threat in the end (even if they seem to be currently), they will have civil war or something and everything's fine again.
Yeah yeah, not logical to make such assumption. But i'm an optimist.
Also, does every single NPC have some sort property where you can move in once you marry an NPC? Some NPCs certainly have houses, but does, for example, the Dunmer apprentice in the College of Winterhold have a house or such? Or is the room she uses in the apprentice quarters all she has?
They feel subjugated because by prohibiting the Talos' worship the Aldmeri are dictating the way they live their lives, it's not even the act of worshiping Talos itself (which is infuriating enough as it is) but the implications that caused a revolution, doesn't help that Titus Mede II is seen by most as a Thalmor puppet and Nords are kidnapped randomly by Thalmor within Skyrim while the Empire watches urding their obscure revenge plan that no one knows about.But the Nords are part of the Empire - the founding one is even a Nord! They're not subjugating when in fact they are the members of it.
The Stormcloaks think the Empire are in cahoots with the Thalmor when in fact that's not true - especially the more you play the game. Really, the tutorial just wants to give you that anti-Imperial sentiment because the rest of the game isn't.
A bunch of SC supporters are pretty much that.
To be honest Empire =/= only Imperials. Most of them are Nords.
Regarding the Thalmor: We've seen so far that they're a ruthless conglomerate of genocidal elf supremacists. They're elves. Such abominations are a far bigger threat than a bunch of short white people trying to control tall white people.I have a feeling the Thalmor are not that big threat in the end (even if they seem to be currently), they will have civil war or something and everything's fine again.
Yeah yeah, not logical to make such assumption. But i'm an optimist.
They feel subjugated because by prohibiting the Talos' worship the Aldmeri are dictating the way they live their lives, it's not even the act of worshiping Talos itself (which is infuriating enough as it is) but the implications that caused a revolution, doesn't help that Titus Mede II is seen by most as a Thalmor puppet and Nords are kidnapped randomly by Thalmor within Skyrim while the Empire watches urding their obscure revenge plan that no one knows about.
So? just because some stupid people support them doesn't mean their cause is wrong.
Go to magic and look at your Active Effects and you'll see if you have a disease. Then just find a Temple to pray at or take a Cure Disease potion.When I look at my Skills/Perks, my One-Handed has decreased, and is in red. How do I find what's causing this, and rectify it?
Go to magic and look at your Active Effects and you'll see if you have a disease. Then just find a Temple to pray at or take a Cure Disease potion.
At least I assume that'd be the cause.
Wish I got more dragon fights D:. I have like, 4 words I need to cash in on. I've been trying not to fast travel as much to make it more likely, but no dice. I've had like, 3 random dragons in about 50 hours.
This is certainly true in some regards (They don't "believe" they are just they are fighting a great injustice whether they are short sighted of not) but there's just so much crap the people are going to take take while the Empire sits back licking their wounds and buying the Jarls (Balgruf moans about the white-gold concordant but he was seemingly happy with the arcs of gold he received for being quiet) so it was just an inevitable consequence, if anything, the Empire is guilty of keeping their plans for themselves leaving the Nords in the dark while the situation gets increasingly out of hand.Their cause is flawed because it relies so much on ideology without backbone - i.e. a bunch of reformists who wanted to cause violence because they believe they are just. They're not looking at the big picture and they are overlooking the flaws of their charismatic leader.
SomeRandomGuy@GFAQS said:It's a difficult choice to make, but basically what it comes down to is this:
If you would rather the Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmoor rule Tamriel and enslave the non-elven population, side with the Stormcloaks.
If you would rather the Empire keep the peace and (hopefully) bide their time until they are strong enough to counter-attack and possibly defeat the Aldmeri, side with the Imperials.
Explanation- The Empire lost a rather long and bloody war with the newly formed Aldmeri Dominion, or the Thalmoor after not having a "proper" heir to the throne after the death of Martin Septim in the Oblivion Crisis. The high elves and the bosmer banded together and produced their current ruling party, the Thalmoor, which seeks to return Tamriel to Elven rule. Thus ensued the great war, which the Empire lost, but not totally, enabling them to keep sovereignity, if they banned the worship of Talos, whom the elves do not recognize as a god, probably due to him once being a human (had he been an elf, I doubt the Thalmoor would have cared so much). Now, the Thalmoor weren't stupid, and they knew that banning Talos worship, and having permission to enforce it themselves, would cause a great rift in the population of Skyrim, by far the most troublesome region of the Empire. Should Skyrim destroy itself with a civil war, the Thalmoor will much more easily be able to crush the empire entirely.
Ulfric Stormcloak is playing right into the hands of the Thalmoor. Instead of going underground with Talos worship, which in this case would have been the logical action to take, he instead chose to challenge the high king for sovereignity of Skyrim, so that he could himself oppose the Thalmoor, with Skyrim behind him. To do this however, would require breaking ties with the rest of the Empire, which would leave both the empire and Skyrim incapable of dealing with the power of the Aldmeri Dominion, and, separated, both would fall. Ulfric's intentions might be noble, but he is definitely going about things in a way that will acheive nothing but the destruction and enslavement of his beloved Nord peoples by the Thalmoor. Ulfric also happens to be a rampant racist, and would probably turn out to be just as much of a tyrant as the Thalmoor, should he somehow pull off the impossible and defeat both the empire and the Thalmoor. This makes Ulfric and the Stormcloaks simply not a viable choice if the player cares at all about the future of the non-elven races, and the Empire itself.
The Empire, while viewed as siding with the Thalmoor is actually taking the only viable choice in a tough situation. Should the Empire win, they may be able to bide their time and rebuild their power until they are able to challenge and end the threat of the Thalmoor. That cannot happen until the Stormcloaks are defeated however, and the longer the civil war goes on, the worse things will turn out for Skyrim and the empire as a whole. Regardless of whether or not you like the empire, they are unequivocally correct; and should you hate the Thalmoor, you should side with the Empire, as you are only furthering their goals when siding with the Stormcloaks.
As it is, regardless of who wins the civil war, it will already likely take generations to heal the emotional wounds dealt to the people of skyrim this conflict has brought; but shoud the Stormcloaks win the aftermath would be even worse, with the Thalmoor taking over and enslaving the Nords and all other non-elves who reside in the region, and who knows how many hundreds of years it may take to overthrow them?
The Talos worship ban is only done as a word though - only the Thalmor themselves capture them but the Imperials never actually try to catch Talos worshipers. It's only a temporary sacrifice they must do in order to maintain stability and to recuperate. Also, even some NPCs say the Stormcloaks are also doing their own kidnappings.
Their cause is flawed because it relies so much on ideology without backbone - i.e. a bunch of reformists who wanted to cause violence because they believe they are just. They're not looking at the big picture and they are overlooking the flaws of their charismatic leader.
This is certainly true in some regards (They don't "believe" they are just they are fighting a great injustice whether they are short sighted of not) but there's just so much crap the people are going to take take while the Empire sits back licking their wounds and buying the Jarls (Balgruf moans about the white-gold concordant but he was seemingly happy with the arcs of gold he received for being quiet) so it was just an inevitable consequence, if anything, the Empire is guilty of keeping their plans for themselves leaving the Nords in the dark while the situation gets increasingly out of hand.
I was pretty split about the StormCloak's/Empire decision too. Then I stumbled upon this neat interpretation on GameFAQ's and was blown away. (Hard to believe anyone there has a brain.)
I wish I could play through the game Unarmed. It seems good at the beginning, but once the enemies scale up, and your damage cap is a lousy 61, it becomes tedious/impossible.
But actually, you guys are giving way too much credit on the civil war. It barely has any impact in the main quest and even after changing a lot of things it felt like nothing happened in the game.![]()
True, but averting their eyes and trying to cut short a revolution with violence seems pretty "unprofessional" coming from the Empire, if anything they put themselves in the situation.FYI the Stormcloaks are backed up by the Thalmor too.
Like I said, it's a sacrifice they must make until they can strike back. A lot of Stormcloaks forget that Skyrim isn't yet controlled by Thalmor because of the Empire. Should the Empire fall, Skyrim will, and no, the High Rock comparison won't work because Redguards aren't stupid "warrior race we hate magic!" people unlike the Nord.
Can't you make some crazy enchanted gauntlets to bash people with though? And then adding the heavy weapons perk that gives you bonus damage to wielding heavy gauntlets in attacks, I would assume it would be pretty easy to get your damage well above 61.
Or am I wrong on that and there's a cap on all unarmed damage regardless of that?
Game needs more NPC's, much more, if you think about it, not many people in this world, I hate when I think like this while gaming.
61 is a pretty nice base damage to work with if you add the Heavy Armor perk + get the Unarmed bonus enchant.I wish I could play through the game Unarmed. It seems good at the beginning, but once the enemies scale up, and your damage cap is a lousy 61, it becomes tedious/impossible.
Are you sure your math is correct about this? Doesn't the armor rating of Daedra armor get really high with smithing (100 smithing, smithing gear + smithing potion)?Nope that perk adds Base armor value, which even for Daedric gauntlets is only 18. So the max is 14 unarmed x 2 enchantments =28 + 18 Daedric gauntlets = 46 damage MAX
If you play Khajit your Claws racial gives you an unarmed Bonus of 15, bringing the max damage possible to 61.
The Stormcloaks are not backed by the Thalmor. The Thalmor are backing the Civil War, but they do not want a decisive victory on either side.
And if the Stormcloaks win, that far from guarantees a Thalmor victory in the end. Hammerfell fought off the Thalmor. The Argonians in the Black Marsh are not allied with the Thalmor or Imperials.
Independence is perfectly viable.
Game needs more NPC's, much more, if you think about it, not many people in this world, I hate when I think like this while gaming.
But the problem is that Redguards and Argonians are BOTH warriors and mages, and are quite open-minded. So far, the game implies that provincial Nords are pretty warrior-race guys who hate magic.
61 is a pretty nice base damage to work with if you add the Heavy Armor perk + get the Unarmed bonus enchant.
Are you sure your math is correct about this? Doesn't the armor rating of Daedra armor get really high with smithing (100 smithing, smithing gear + smithing potion)?
Magic is useless when you can run up things and it hit with the sharp side of your axe.
Btw, I really think that Ulfric is a lot more mulch-dimensional than a lot of people give him credit for... Especially when you get involved with his war and deal with listening into his conversations. And it gets even more interesting when you start completing the main quest and start learning a bit of his backstory even more.
He may appear to be your run of the mill boy king-killing, racist... But trust me, there's a lot more to him than that.
Magic is useless when you can run up things and it hit with the sharp side of your axe.
<-- Proud sword and board Nord with no magic ability whatsoever.
The Stormcloaks are not backed by the Thalmor. The Thalmor are backing the Civil War, but they do not want a decisive victory on either side.
And if the Stormcloaks win, that far from guarantees a Thalmor victory in the end. Hammerfell fought off the Thalmor. The Argonians in the Black Marsh are not allied with the Thalmor or Imperials.
Independence is perfectly viable.
Nope that perk adds Base armor value, which even for Daedric gauntlets is only 18. So the max is 14 unarmed x 2 enchantments =28 + 18 Daedric gauntlets = 46 damage MAX
If you play Khajit your Claws racial gives you an unarmed Bonus of 15, bringing the max damage possible to 61.
Except that the Nords will never be as badass as Argonians, and they aren't the most talented warriors in the realm ala the Redguards, either. Black Marsh and Hammerfell are inhospitable lands where invading forces would find it difficult to maintain itself as they marched, unlike Skyrim.
Mage guild spoilers:
Just defeated Morokei. Fun fight. And holy carp his staff is awesome. And his mask. But why is his mask light armor? It's so obviously a mage mask...
I wish I could play through the game Unarmed. It seems good at the beginning, but once the enemies scale up, and your damage cap is a lousy 61, it becomes tedious/impossible.
The Stormcloaks are not backed by the Thalmor. The Thalmor are backing the Civil War, but they do not want a decisive victory on either side.
And if the Stormcloaks win, that far from guarantees a Thalmor victory in the end. Hammerfell fought off the Thalmor. The Argonians in the Black Marsh are not allied with the Thalmor or Imperials.
Independence is perfectly viable.