Hey guys, I'm looking for a new game, and wondering if it should be Skyrim. There's only one problem... I hated Oblivion. let me tell you why I hated Oblivion, and you call tell me if I would hate Skyrim too:
- I hate first person melee combat, in basically every game that has had it, and Oblivion was par for the course. (Dark + Demon's Souls are more my style personally.. I know I'm not going to get that level of awesome in Skyrim.. but is it any better than Oblivion?)
Better than oblivion, but that's still not saying much. Good enough to gloss over.
- Trying to avoid the melee combat, I made a pure mage, but my attacking spells ended up being just 3 different colors of the same boring spell; a projectile that goes straight forward like an arrow.
Magic itself has been much improved, and the effects can't even be compared they are so much better
- Dungeons with nothing to do in them except engage in aforementioned boring combat with one enemy at a time, until the whole thing is cleared out. Then you go back to the surface and engage in aforementioned boring combat with one enemy at a time.
There are both large and small dungeons. About a third of the dungeons are large, with a related quest in a beautiful setting with a varied enemy structure. The next third are large-medium dungeons with no "quests" or dialogue, but tell a story through set pieces or journals/literature/puzzles (these are by far my favorite and the most enthralling part of the game). The other third are small bandit caves that can be easily cleared - are boring.
Enemy interaction is much improved. They will gang up on you, use more magic, and the game will generally just throw more at you as the engine improvements allow for more, better AI
- If I stole something or killed someone in some remote corner of the world, suddenly everyone knows about it.. huge immersion breaker. There were also other weird immersion breaking things like this, but I forget now what they were.
Bounties are first separated by the Holds that the act was committed in, and then a bounty is only given if you were observed by an NPC.
- The last boss was immune to all magic. Like wtf was that? My pure mage literally had no way to damage him, except through summons. Oh, except his hit point regeneration outraced my summon damage. In the end I could only kill him by dropping the difficulty level down, even after reading online to see if there was anything I could do. wtf.
The scaling system is better but it is still present. I personally never had to drop the difficulty. In fact I eventual raised it after becoming too powerful. I have discovered no immunities.
What I liked about Oblivion:
- Huge open and beautiful world, making the game feel very immersive.
Oblivion was nothing compared to Skyrim in terms of immersion.
- Do whatever you want in your own way kind of feel.
More freedom than ever. No character restrictions, free to collect things before starting quests, and can explore for hours without a single quest being initiated.
- general western RPG style setting.
The setting is darker and much more defined, more akin to Morrowind.
- create a character however you want.