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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim |OT2| Team Edward's Revenge

My horse is batshit insane! Anytime we run across bandits, when I dismount he goes into a frenzy and tries to kill anything that moves, and he does not stop attacking until the last bastard is dead. For example, yesterday I came across some bandits in a tower with a bridge over a river, as soon as I got off my horse he ran up 3 flights of stairs and kill the archer on top of the first tower. Then he runs across the bridge (almost knocking me off in the process) and killed another bandit shooting arrows at him. Is this normal?

Dunno, but my horse behaves like that. I'm starting to quest without him because I have to leave him like halfway before reaching my destination, lest he becomes a mindless berserk chasing around everything from atronachs to witches. He has the attitude of a honey badger but not its resilience. :(


My horse is batshit insane! Anytime we run across bandits, when I dismount he goes into a frenzy and tries to kill anything that moves, and he does not stop attacking until the last bastard is dead. For example, yesterday I came across some bandits in a tower with a bridge over a river, as soon as I got off my horse he ran up 3 flights of stairs and kill the archer on top of the first tower. Then he runs across the bridge (almost knocking me off in the process) and killed another bandit shooting arrows at him. Is this normal?

I dismounted to stalk a dragon, after the fight engaged my horse came our of nowhere to attack the dragon head on


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I kill every giant and mammoth I come across. Then again, I'm level 35 and have only accepted the fourth main quest (Dragon Rising - visit the watchtowers near Whiterun).


I feel bad killing passive animals, but those giants are dicks.

My dudes an archer, I'm leveling my smithing with hide bracers. I traumatized my daughter when I saw a deer, dismounted stalked and killed it

(I didn't realize she was nearby lol)

Kind of fun role playing the whole hunter deal, can't think of another game where I would even bother


I have run into an annoying glitch. I am at the negotiating table between all the big shots in Skyrim. I am at the point where they are negotiating land rights and after I complete that section the game just stops. Not freezes, the conversation is supposed to continue but it just doesn't. Is anyone else getting this?


I've never run into one of these mythic Bears of Godkilling legend :/ Giants still hit hard as hell but since they're really easy to dart in and out vs, their high damage isn't that big of a deal.

For PC users complaining about Dragon difficulty though, there's mods that increase their Health by 50% and 100% to at least make the fights last longer.
I'm finishing up the Thieves Guild (which started slow, but then got so good) and am thinking of doing the Dark Brotherhood now. But... I'm also intrigued by trying to destroy them, they're murdering assholes after all. Any recommendations?
All right, had a crappy day: now I'm gonna sit down in the couch and play some goddamn Skyrim. I have some double-enchanted armor to create.


In many ways Skyrim takes a bunch of things from Oblivion and makes them actually work. The leveling and crime systems are the big ones, but what I've been enjoying lately is the way all the different AI elements can interact to form interesting emergent situations.

Wandering bands of Stormcloaks and Imperials clashing, getting chased by a bear that gets ambushed by a pack of wolves, and then a Necromancer jumps into the fray. A bandit taking a pot shot at a giant and getting crushed in instant retaliation.

This is the kind of stuff I expected (and we were promised) in Oblivion, but never happened. In the Skyrim demo Todd Howard showed leading up to launch, there was the scene where he attacked the mammoth, the giant pounced and then got mauled by a dragon. I knew that moment was scripted, but hoped it was indicative of the actual game. And it is. I'm still not fast traveling, just using the wagons between cities then riding or running to my goal from there. And I see interesting stuff like that happening on every trip.

Last night I watched as four Stormcloak soldiers fought three ice trolls on the side of a snowy mountain (I managed the fight from afar via arrows so I could loot them all, mwahaha). And while I was walking past a quest trigger (Blood on the Ice) in Windhelm, a dragon showed up and interrupted the scripted dialog, throwing the place into total chaos.

I knew dragons were an unpredictable element in the wild. I just keep forgetting they can enter towns as well. 0_o


ahah jesus, i'll try with the fire.


So I completed the Companions questline, but I still get the "look for work" quests from them, do those ever end? I kinda want to clear the Companions from my questlog completely.


So I completed the Companions questline, but I still get the "look for work" quests from them, do those ever end? I kinda want to clear the Companions from my questlog completely.

Pretty sure all guilds will always have something for you to do. Never-ending game, yo.
So last night I earned the Ebony Blade after doing some Dragonreach quest revolving one of the Jarl's kids. The daedric voice told me that in order to unlock its full potential, I had to betray those close to me. This is where my game got dark for my character.

I thought hard about what the voice had told me. I didn't think I was close to many people, so this was proving a bit hard. I had figured I would go to Whiterun and see if I can hire a mercenary. The dark elf looked promising, and the 500 gold I paid her seemed to encourage her to trust me. We trekked to the most northern reaches of the map, onto an ice shelf. I told her to wait, planning to unsheathe my sword and strike her down with the oversized katana, until she opened up to me. "I am glad I met you," the mercenary said. I hesitated. I thought of Lydia. I remembered how it was to have someone at my back. I thought it would be cool to have another experience like that. Then I thought of the untapped power of the sword. I had made my decision. In two strikes, the mercenary was dead on the ice. Then a moment of "oh no, what did I do," I tried to cover up my tracks. No one saw me do it, but I knew - and that was enough. I didn't know how to get rid of bodies in Skyrim, so I improvised. I dragged the body into the Arctic waters, swam under the ice shelf, and let the body go. She floated for a bit, then gradually rose up and the iced ceiling of the ice shelfed waters.

A game session later, the murder was still on my mind. The blade was still in my inventory, taunting me. I decided to do one more, thinking that the first merc's death may not have been registered by the game or something. I went to Winterhelm and hired another mercenary and went to the same grounds. Only when I struck him down, the daedric voice congratulated me on making it stronger, but said it needed more. It was just the right amount of feedback that made me decide to go all in and seek the full potential of the sword. After a few other mercenaries murdered and floating beneath the ice shelf, it still was not enough. I needed the ultimate betrayal. I needed to find a person who would be closer to me than any one of the mercenaries. I needed to get married.

Remembering that the Amulet of Mara signifies availability, I began to hit on NPC's, seeing if any of them are interested in marrying me. The blacksmith in Riften, a person who I helped on a firesalt fetch quest, asked if I wanted to marry him. After arranging the marriage at the Temple of Mara, he and I were wed. As the wedding guests were going out of the Temple, one of the female Companions walked up to me and told me she was happy for me. The blacksmith asked me if I wished to stay with him in Riften or go somewhere else. I decided on my penthouse in Markarth. Upon settling in, the blacksmith had told me that he was glad that we had moved and that he was planning to open up a small business in Markarth. He was preparing to make dinner as I stabbed him with the blade. It was then that the blade was complete - but at that moment I no longer wanted it. I was a one-handed thief, I told myself. There was no real reason to pursue the ebony blade. I had killed so many people in cold blood for a sword I never really was going to use. In a moment of a Lady Macbeth-like "out damned spot," I tried to resurrect the blacksmith. It was the first time I had casted that particular spell, so I didn't know what to expect. Once he was back, he asked "why did you do that?" I freaked out. "He knows of my evil," I thought. I redrew the ebony blade and killed him again. Only this time, his remains were a pile of ashes. I couldn't move ashes. I couldn't hide what I did. I dropped the blade onto the floor, collected my prized possessions of the house, and left Markarth forever.



Accidentally fall off a cliff with my horse, get launched off of it when it dies as usual, but flip over, land on my head, and die too.



But it has to end someday though. There can't be an unlimited number of quests.

There is probably a point where the quests become randomly generated on the fly. "Go in this cave and kill this person, come back and get your gold."

But I'm still getting actual side quests from the Companions, just wondering if they stop at some point.


I came across the
big bad resurrecting one of his dragon buddies
and at the same time he blew me off my horse with some BS magic and now Shadowmere is presumably KIA :(

Does anyone know if I can resurrect him with the console? (I'm on PC)


Really Really Exciting Member!
There is probably a point where the quests become randomly generated on the fly. "Go in this cave and kill this person, come back and get your gold."

But I'm still getting actual side quests from the Companions, just wondering if they stop at some point.

I suppose it "ends" after you
take revenge on their leader's death and free his soul of the werewolf spirit.
I think i got a very simple quest after this.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I suppose it "ends" after you
take revenge on their leader's death and free his soul of the werewolf spirit.
I think i got a very simple quest after this.

I don't think it does. You still get quests to get werewolf totems. I've gotten one of them so far. Not sure how many there are, but I'm guessing three.
so ive put about 20 hours in, have done the very minimal amount of the main quest. Started the thieves guild, then got sidetracked by hogwart..err Collee of Winterhold, then got side tracked by smithing, enchanting. I'm now level 17, and I think I'm ready to start digging into the main quest


Still gets me, how ugly the Ebony Helm is. Also for whatever reason the regular Ebony armor has the back of your neck showing.


Fiancee was just doing stuff when she got a courier message.. it's an inheritance letter saying Severio Pelagia (the Whiterun Jarl's assistant) has died and left some money.

Till this day we don't know why he died, when he died, or why he put her in his will.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, I'm seriously pissed that the first Thieve's Guild mission has you screwing over some innocent shmuck. This game really wants you to be an asshole, but I just can't do it. I'll try and dig up some dirt on this guy, but so far who seems way too nice to dick over.

I really want to join the thieve's guild, but I was hoping they had some sort of targeted ethics. You know, only stealing from the rich and from assholes and stuff. :-\


Okay, I'm seriously pissed that the first Thieve's Guild mission has you screwing over some innocent shmuck. This game really wants you to be an asshole, but I just can't do it. I'll try and dig up some dirt on this guy, but so far who seems way too nice to dick over.

I really want to join the thieve's guild, but I was hoping they had some sort of targeted ethics. You know, only stealing from the rich and from assholes and stuff. :-\

... they're thieves.


Does anyone know where Illia goes after you dismiss her? I was doing a companion quest that made me take someone else and now i can't find Illia back at her tower.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Fiancee was just doing stuff when she got a courier message.. it's an inheritance letter saying Severio Pelagia (the Whiterun Jarl's assistant) has died and left some money.

Till this day we don't know why he died, when he died, or why he put her in his will.

Sometimes, if you do a quest for someone, they put you into their will. Also, if you help one of their "enemies" and they die, the enemy sends you some money. It's weird.

I really want to join the thieve's guild, but I was hoping they had some sort of targeted ethics. You know, only stealing from the rich and from assholes and stuff. :-\

That was Oblivion Thieves guild, to some extent. Skyrim Thieves Guild is back to being steal from any and everyone.

Does anyone know where Illia goes after you dismiss her? I was doing a companion quest that made me take someone else and now i can't find Illia back at her tower.

She should be back at the base of the tower, only when I did it, I couldn't get her to rejoin me. Made me mad.


Could Bethesda make NPC's that you have to follow for quests walk any slower? Dude on Waking Nightmare takes his sweet ass time omg.
Could Bethesda make NPC's that you have to follow for quests walk any slower? Dude on Waking Nightmare takes his sweet ass time omg.
The waters of skyrim are enchanted with muscle relaxers.

It's annoying because on that same quest I ran ahead in the first part and the dude glitched into the wall somewhere (I can hear him lol).


:lol Fucking Orcs sent a bunch of hired thugs to threaten / kill me because I stole some Snowberries from their stronghold. Dicks.


Man. Leveling enchanting is a pain. I thought the most annoying part would be filling soul gems, but no, the most annoying part is selling the stuff I make to the merchants who only have enough gold to buy a couple each.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Could Bethesda make NPC's that you have to follow for quests walk any slower? Dude on Waking Nightmare takes his sweet ass time omg.
"Wait" one hour and then go to where they are on the map, unless you'd like to hear whatever random crap they say as you walk along.

Man. Leveling enchanting is a pain. I thought the most annoying part would be filling soul gems, but no, the most annoying part is selling the stuff I make to the merchants who only have enough gold to buy a couple each.
This is why I believe in fun, not "earning" myself nothing but tedium. If there is nothing dynamic, nothing being challenged but my own patience, I'll just use console commands. A "sense of reward" is pointless to me if it is found behind grinding 500 throwaway enemies or 500 days of waiting for merchants to restock.


Sometimes, if you do a quest for someone, they put you into their will. Also, if you help one of their "enemies" and they die, the enemy sends you some money. It's weird.

That was Oblivion Thieves guild, to some extent. Skyrim Thieves Guild is back to being steal from any and everyone.

She should be back at the base of the tower, only when I did it, I couldn't get her to rejoin me. Made me mad.

I'll try the base again before going back to the previous save before i left her. I hate bugs like that :p I went through the entire tower looking for her once already, she has my favorite helmet.
Got myself full set of Ebony armor, bought the ingots,m can't be arsed to search for a mine now. Lvl 30, tearing everything apart with my warrior.

Next points go into Speech, I'm getting tired of shopkeepers having 1k gold, and me getting lousy prices for each epic item I drag out of a tomb.

Also - managed to get Fortify Smithing on an item! Does the quality of armor matter when enchanting it? Or I can just create my epic Leather smithing set?
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