Looks like I'm buying a house. Where do I go to do that as I haven't even talked to one person who's selling.You can get some places that function as a house.. and apparently a couple of shacks count (alchemist and meeko's) but it's pretty easy to get tthe 5k gold to get your first house with.
Looks like I'm buying a house. Where do I go to do that as I haven't even talked to one person who's selling.
So, curious- I've carried every book since I started the game. Is there a spot to put them in for safekeeping or do I have to buy a house?
CHEEZMO;32958892 said:Do any of the main quests/Imperial quests need you to go to Markarth?
Looks like I'm buying a house. Where do I go to do that as I haven't even talked to one person who's selling.
I know exactly who you're talking about. I haven't gone back to Dragonsreach much so I forgot. Gonna do that ASAP. I'm guessing I need lots of bookshelves.You can buy one once you complete "Dragon Rising", the first time you kill a dragon. The Jarl's assistant sells them.
Don't buy the house in Whiterun. Get the house in Markath. It has tons of bookspace.
I know exactly who you're talking about. I haven't gone back to Dragonsreach much so I forgot. Gonna do that ASAP. I'm guessing I need lots of bookshelves.
Thank you Darkman as well.
FML I haven't been there yet. I guess I can walk there and just buy the house as it would be added to my fast travel locations after that. I just don't want to go fully exploring regions I have no business in yet. Kinda letting the game flow as it may.
You can take a caravan straight to it (50-200 gold I think) so that you can do the exploration at your own pace.
You can take a caravan straight to it (50-200 gold I think) so that you can do the exploration at your own pace.
That sword is nice!You can take a caravan straight to it (50-200 gold I think) so that you can do the exploration at your own pace.
Holy crap, what sword is that and how do i get it?
You get it through a Daedric quest, and it's not that good stats-wise.
You get it through a Daedric quest, and it's not that good stats-wise.
You know what's pretty? The blood-red hue of my sword Parasite as it drains health with every swing and absorbs a soul when the enemy dies.But it's so pretty : (
Stupid question number 3, from where do I take a caravan? Anyone near a chariot basically?
Holy crap, what sword is that and how do i get it?
I can't be the only one who laughs every time I go to sell something to Eorlund and he says, "Gods be praised," in the most desperate 'thank god someone actually wants to buy my shit' tone of voice I've ever heard...
Can I?
MrBig said:Don't buy the house in Whiterun. Get the house in Markath. It has tons of bookspace.
Talk to the steward and he will give you some work, and then you'll do some quests for the Jarl.
So, I just equipped thewooden mask and travelled back in time to before the Labyrinthian was a ruin - I hope the reward for having all 8 of those masks is worth it?
It'd be nice if people could spoiler-tag stuff.
You have to be at least level 20 before you can buy the Markarth house however
So, I just equipped the wooden mask and travelled back in time to before the Labyrinthian was a ruin - I hope the reward for having all 8 of those masks is worth it?
CHEEZMO;32959229 said:Asking again, because the answer determines if I restart with a new character or not.
Hey guys, I just did something really cool in this game. It's not really spoilerish at all as it hardly references any details, but rather reveals some enticing information in the hope of giving Skyrim players more to enjoy - does anyone know a forum where I can take this information without getting antsy people all upset? Cheers.
Just use spoiler tags man. It's really not that hard.
I would callpretty spoilerific, myself. I sure as hell haven't done that quest line yet.travelling through time
Haha, my edit was facetious but ultimately light-hearted. It's as spoilerific nowadays in this thread as mentioning werewolves (which I still haven't encountered / had the chance to turn into) or any of the other cool things in the game.
Why can't you go there? Are you doing the Civil War quest with the Forsworn? Finishing it returns the town to normal.So go directly to jail. You don't lose any of your items.
Anyone else have a mountain of potions in their inv constantly that are more or less worthless? I should drop all of it, but maybe, maybe I'll need that 30% conjuring potion someday. (I haven't ever used conjuring.)
Quick question about Thieves Guild and General Thievery, spoiler tags because not sure if it's spoiler-y:
I finished all the quests guild apparently, just need the 24 gems for the crown,but aside from seemingly unlimited quests by Vex and that other guy, am I done? I was really enjoying it.
Well, they're unlimited but. Unsure if you meant you did these or not.doing 5 of the quests in Windhelm, Whiterun, Markath, and Solitude will get you 4 more quests to truly finish off the Thieves Guild questline
Are you penalized if you kill for the thieves guild quests?
I'm on the bee one, I was told not too but there is like 2 dozen mercenaries. So far I have left a swath of carnage..fuck this shit if it is the case
DB here I come
Are you penalized if you kill for the thieves guild quests?
I'm on the bee one, I was told not too but there is like 2 dozen mercenaries. So far I have left a swath of carnage..fuck this shit if it is the case
DB here I come
CHEEZMO;32960147 said:I've already done that quest. The game is bugged so they initiate the quest-specific arrest dialogue whenever they see me. If I say I'll go with them the conversation loops back on itself. I leave the convo and they attack me.
So do I have to go there or not? Because I don't want to waste all this time for nothing. I've already had to stop doung the Dark Brotherhood stuff because the first proper contract is in Markarth,
Sorry for being curt, but y'know.